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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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65278321 No.65278321 [Reply] [Original]

>completely avoided any interaction for yet another year

>> No.65278412

>wins 12000 from horse racing
Is this in a videogame or real? It doesn't seem likely they'd both win a bunch of money at the horse races, so it seems distressingly like these girls are being paid by the yakuza to encourage hikineets to bet their money on gambling. SAD!

>> No.65278501


>> No.65279621

one of the reasons why i avoid their content, these two just feel like the fakest holos out there
i wouldn't be surprised if they were conceited cunts irl.

>> No.65279743

Members not interacting at all isn't that normal in hololive?

>> No.65279793

>promoting gambling
JP really is different.

>> No.65280601

No, it isn't.

>> No.65280648

aside from pekomiko history, pekora hasnt had so many collabs with holomems. suisei or aqua hasnt either. miko marine and subaru have had many.

>> No.65281009

One is the lucky rabbit and the other is a miko blessed by God, don't compare them with random plebes

>> No.65281109

It isn't. In fact, it's always been one of their main appeals.
Yeah but Pekora has more collabs now than she used to.

>> No.65281238

You're right, the yakuza would give them the names of the winning horses beforehand to make it seem like it's easy to win so depressed nousagi will lose all his money and kys himself.

>> No.65281659

Koyori lost half million so idk about that

>> No.65281832

Is this really the content we should show children who watch Hololive? Degenerate gambling?

>> No.65282012

Koyori is disliked by the yakuza so they never gave her the horse codes.

>> No.65282215

Japan is a cringe country where 125 million citizens and 25 million "temporary residents/stinky gaijin" live in cramped conditions even with birthrates declining because no one wants to start a family because society actively works against that being a viable or intelligent life goal, out of spit. The people bully each other even well into adulthood, as physical confrontation is so heavily discouraged as to be thought of as purely a foreign phenomenon. When the government tried to import foreign people of japanese descent, they only ended up with 1/16th japanese brazilians who proceeded to work shitty construction jobs due to being too retarded to get real jobs. Their women are straight up horrible, 30yo hags whose entire personality is "going to disneyland" and want a foreign boyfriend so they can take cute pictures together but don't want to let him smash because then they'd have to put out (but he still has to pay for everyone).

Nevertheless they are a based country which invented anime, disdain whores, have legalized prostitution, gambling is normalized, and Abe's deified ghost watches over them as the Kami of Ichi man-nen. NIPPON BANZAI, MY YAMATO DAMASHI BURNS IN MY SOUL.

>> No.65282897

Like complete no interaction at all ever? That's pretty much only a Pekora and Miko thing I think. With that said, there are plenty of members who rarely interact with each other.
>pekora hasnt had so many collabs with holomems
This is only something someone stuck in 2020 mentally would say. Pekora has been collabing with more and more Holos every year, and more frequently too, so that isn't remotely true.

>> No.65286060

I think Watame and Kanata are also basically like Peko Miko for some reason. Don't know what happened.

>> No.65286566

Regulated degenerate gambling. The "regulated" is the big deal as kids can not randomly enter these horse races.
The problem with twitch is they advertise Stakes/other unregulated gambling sites that specifically allows children

>> No.65287539

Sexual assault survivor avoids her rapist. Shocking.

>> No.65293931


>> No.65295750

not sure if you are serious or not, but pekomiko used to be each other's classic collab partner, they had a rivalry dynamic and even released a song together

>> No.65298990

I miss pekomiko, bros

>> No.65299382

EOP here
do they really not interact with each other?
like not even at big events and stuff?

>> No.65299491

yes, complete ghosting

>> No.65300640

shippers always ruin everything they get involved with

>> No.65300798

Migo did some things to pekora …

>> No.65306444

Peko probably. Miko feels pretty genuine though

>> No.65307334

Miko probably, Peko honestly just feels like she's along for the ride having fun.

>> No.65307652

>$6k and $12k from horse racing
fucking how? luck or did they just bet a ton cause they have the cash?

>> No.65307709

>having enough cash to gamble and lose $3,500 and not care

>> No.65307766

Gambling is part of Japanese culture.

>> No.65307936

>disdain whores
Japan fucking loves whores, what universe are you living in?

>> No.65308189

>have legalized prostitution
That's not true, it's illegal.
They just get around it through loopholes like in tobita shinchi where they call them "restaurants" and spin it as your waitress falling in love with you so the sex isn't paid.
Soaplands are similar, sex is given through loopholes like massage parlors.
They do do a lot more degen stuff there though which is based af, such as "blowjob bars" and other shops tailored to specific fetishes.

>> No.65308904

It's kind of sad and scary to see Peko almost completely refusing to mention Miko's name.

>> No.65309646

>Clipwatchers genuinely believe this

>> No.65309798

the duality of unicorns

>> No.65313079


>> No.65313184

If funny virtual rabbit can gamble & win, so can I!!
off to the races!!

>> No.65313328

Miko raped Pekora on Christmas Eve of 2020.

>> No.65313388
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>> No.65313391

let this thread not distract you from the fact that Selen got a cover she paid 15k dollars for pulled off her channel by management without an explanation.

>> No.65313720

This rrat has existed for years now. If she did talk about miko, proof would have been posted by now

>> No.65313784


>> No.65316566

Based, the leeching pink whore will never be able to approach Pekora ever again.

>> No.65316604

Pekora is genuine unlike the pink leech who can't stop leeching off other Holomembers to hide her absolute irrelevancy.

>> No.65316639

>25 million "temporary residents/stinky gaijin" live in cramped conditions

dont make shit up from the beginning, trannygger. just go dilate for a change.

>> No.65317007

>Pekora tries to leech Miko's SC6 content
>Pekora tries to leech the Minecraft diamond debt arc because Miko broke her solo MC CCV number
>Pekora tried to leech Suisei during the RUST arc and through Twitter interactions
>Pekora copies the business partner schtick from MiComet with Marine
>Pekora copies the Shiraken Christmas party idea this year
>She also tried to ride of Miko's GTA success early on
Yeah real genuine content creator you have there noufagi. There's probably even more I'm forgetting. Bitch is so creatively bankrupt these days her and her whore friend just rip off Miko every chance they get. Both her and Marine avoid Miko because they know that they are both pale comparisons to her with how funny and creative she is. Jealous inferiority complex bitches.

>> No.65317061
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>> No.65317188

They did interact bts but faggot take shipping too seriously and they got tired of it. Just like every suisei and miko stream she always remind them they just a business partner.

>> No.65318049

Yet now Pekora's also accepting Marine's "marriage" and the push for them as a couple? Bet you're also one of those gullible enough to believe Miko's excuse that "their schedules just don't match" when she got compelled to address it after the survey she did that showed there were still a number of pekomiko shippers.

>> No.65318086


Most Holo members avoid Pekora, but don't hate her. However, most Holo members don't avoid Miko.

>> No.65320318

People tend to forget about their rust interaction
at 3:23:15 miko asks who wants to share a house in rust season 3 with her, and pekora immediately agrees but then micomet tells her that she will betray them
after that their interaction is a lot less

>> No.65320345


>> No.65320817

These are extremely basic people with no understanding of politics or society, they have no concept that they might be doing harm

>> No.65321432

Yes, but an even bigger part of Japanese culture is collectively sticking your head in the sand and pretending things which are obviously true are neither obvious nor true because otherwise you may cause someone to feel some vague discomfort. Pachinko isn't real gambling because you win physical prize which you then sell for cash, rather than winning cash directly also see >>65308189

>> No.65321640

>with her
Not with Miko alone but WITH miComet. Pekora wouldn't even have answered if it's just miko alone.

>> No.65321747

Does this tranny really believe being an political nigger or an internet ideologue is clever or something? kek

>> No.65322082

Except horse racing has the best chances of wins and it’s not their first time betting. Pekora especially is a habitual gambler though not to the point of having a problem

>> No.65323376

Agree about all but the birthurate thing.
Most if the developped nation birthrate are dropping for some reason its just that they use immigration to patch the hole and korea and japan dont.

>> No.65324575
File: 1.04 MB, 3009x2497, kwap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65324644

Pekomiko is real, it's in your heart.

>> No.65325108

