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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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65195845 No.65195845 [Reply] [Original]

Does your country have chuubas?

>> No.65195909

whose the argentinian chuuba and what is their feelings on the falklands war?

>> No.65195971

I wonder what Indian chuubas are like

>> No.65195981
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>Does your country have chuubas?
Yes. Ike Eveland and Poko Rakun to name a few
>Do they primarily speak Swedish?
Fuck no it's too niche compared to english. It's okay though swedish people are annoying anyway. would rather have a swedish chuuba with an american audience.

>> No.65195992

im pretty sure belgium, ukraine and all of south america have chuubas
and im not talking about 2views

>> No.65196051

I'm pretty sure there are a bunch of honorary hohols.

>> No.65196097

didnt wactor have a handful? and werent they all extreme menhera?
Emma from prism kinda sounds Indian but idk if she is or not. I know Niji used to have an indian branch then erased them

>> No.65196104

There are no vtubers from Mongolia?

>> No.65196320

if you trace a few chinese chuubas family lines back far enough you'll probably find mongolian

>> No.65196340

>didnt wactor have a handful?
i dont recall any argentinian, just a paraguayan and a spaniard
most of wactor "main" talents were foreigners trying to pander to spanish speakers without even understanding the language

>> No.65196418
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>I know Niji used to have an indian branch then erased them
Damn, shame this girl retired. She has a crazy cool design.

>> No.65196444

Argentinian chuubas are too busy performing 3D concerts with holographic projection tech to spend time thinking about a 40 year old war.

>> No.65196502

depends. if you count by nationality and such, then yes. however, by current residence, no. SquChan

>> No.65196732

Damn, who's the Japanese one?

>> No.65196813


>> No.65196824

Anyer Melfisa or something like that

>> No.65196982

Hina Misora- Paraguayan, now living in Argentina
Luna Rurine- lives in Spain
Himea D'Almaria- lives in Argentina
Sezia Haruma- lives in Mexico
Yumi Nekomiya- lives in Spain
Neon Kuroyuri- lives in Colombia
Anya Okumura- lives in Chile

>> No.65197385

at first glance this map is missing a lot of countries
>New Zealand
Layna Lazar

>> No.65197462
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Swefags got a few chuubas

>> No.65197488

Nimu Spacecat

>> No.65197823

sadly only the green lady from EIEN and that drumsy girl
I want cute scot girls

>> No.65198008

how about Welsh girls, theres Eira

>> No.65198084

I like welsh girls, but that's a different country, anon

>> No.65198093

I thought Anny was Russian

>> No.65198114
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>> No.65198180
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>> No.65198329

I laugh every time that Poko gets jumpscared by Swedish in her chat

>> No.65198754

genuinely surprised at the lack of romanian chuubas, even a 2view could live like royalty there

>> No.65198817

unfortunately, yes

>> No.65198851

There was one, once....

>> No.65199127

I'm pretty sure there are chuubas for every country if you look hard enough, I feel like this image was made at random since there's countries with chuubas from big companies not included here and some others that nobody knows who they are even referring to

>> No.65199262
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swedish jumpscare

>> No.65199326

outside africa and micro/island states, I think there's always at least 1 male 1view

>> No.65199400
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there was a rose dragon girl, but she was annoying and forced herself in drama

you haven't looked far, have you?

>> No.65199464

>Persian Chuuba

>> No.65199566

There are many Colombian chubbas, dont know how you missed them...

>> No.65199598


>> No.65199780

Yes, quite a few actually, one even collabed with Pippa, I don't really watch anyone from here though

>> No.65200541

ewwwww LEECH

>> No.65200716

Charzu is half Mongolian, but she's American born and raised so doesn't really count.

>> No.65200741


>> No.65200785

Hungary, Romania and Croatia technically have chuubas.

>> No.65201258
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momote is argentinian
don't remember her ever expressing an opinion on the falklands, though

>> No.65201318

who are they?

>> No.65201378

Oh you know, only half the industry

>> No.65201394

like half of nijisanji en

>> No.65201398

Literally like half of EN chuubas.

>> No.65201805
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Amaki Chiyo is a nice piranha girl, she has been collabing with several EN small corpos. Her solo streams are mostly in spanish.
She is a jewcorp simp

>> No.65202054
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how come there's no North Korean chuubas?

>> No.65202159

Untapped Greenland market

>> No.65202234


>> No.65202661

Don't forget she's also a huge LEECH.
the biggest leechtuber in the ES sphere

>> No.65203204

Dont you mean Nigerian

>> No.65204769

it's interesting how many south african vtubers there are

>> No.65205089

Yeah a few Indies but nobody really watches them here.
+Squchan if that counts
( There is also a Japanese chuuba who is trying to learn Hungarian and streams her reps. pretty cool ngl)

>> No.65205171

I like Hungary and all but why would a Jap learn Hungarian on purpose

>> No.65205280

I'm not sure by central america, but every single country in South America has a decent number of chuubas, for their population.

t. South american

>> No.65205480

Layna Lazar = New Zealand
Annie = Ukraine
Tenma = Romania
Reimu = Colombia
RPR = Croatia
Murmaider = Greece

Just a few off the top of my head.

>> No.65205481

surely there are more kiwi chuubas, I still remember that blonde ASMR girl from Prism that graduated

>> No.65205732


>> No.65205769

She studied here for 1 year and fell in love with the country.
>Deepl for reps
She will never make it :/

>> No.65207511
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Peru has Nyaruchuu
Chile had spic Ina until she graduated
Paraguay has Meica/Hina Misora

>> No.65207761

>no chapin chuuba
pain, I guess it's for the best

>> No.65208906

Isn't that one Niji girl Colombian?

>> No.65208982

>pakistan and iran
lol wut?

>> No.65209061
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>he doesnt know

>> No.65209179

Cadê a chuuba brazuca? Não que eu vá assistir, mas agora fiquei curioso.

>> No.65209304

rent free

>> No.65209527

Kiara doesnt count, she just speaks the same language

>> No.65209644

I just noticed that I can't pinpoint Indonesia location without looking it up.

>> No.65209714

Tenma is Romanian wtf?

>> No.65209758

rrat from the hambone

>> No.65209800

Meeta Osita from V&U has equatorial ancestry but is an American latina so idk if it counts or not

>> No.65209809


>> No.65209856

Wtf Equadorian....

>> No.65209880

Any chuubas from tiny countries like Monaco or Vatican City?

>> No.65209929


>> No.65209994

Pretty ordinary by 2view standards actually

>> No.65210214

I will never forgive Nijisanji for killing her branch in the way that they did.

>> No.65210225

Monaco - maybe, there's quite a few crazy rich people living over there due to it being a tax haven, Vatican city - extremely unlikely - only actual high-ranking catholic clergy lives there constantly, other inhabitants are tourists and pilgrims

>> No.65210298 [SPOILER] 

how the fuck are we still in such a deep shit economic hole but they can do that? I'm honestly interested, what do they use?
and how do we convince Yagoo to pick some of them up? and maybe using whatever they use for some low cost shows

>> No.65210317

Wait, I thought Poko was a flip. Is she an immigrant like Millie and Mysta or am I completely retarded?

>> No.65210407

She is half Filipino, Swedish father

>> No.65210469

Other meme microcountries that could host vtubers are Andorra, San Marino and Luxembourg. There's most likely at least one Luxembourgish chuuba in fact

>> No.65210578

Church needs it's own official chuuba to connect with the youth

>> No.65211756

Good to see Palestinian chuuba streaming from Gaza.

>> No.65211987

>no North Korea chuubas
it's kim jungover...

>> No.65211993

chuubas from andorra maybe
thats the easy way to avoid taxes if you are a spanish streamer

>> No.65212070

Are there really any? Are they safe?

>> No.65212136

No, Idol corp is hunting them down

>> No.65212226

Yes, last I checked they are all Twitchers and/or garbage

>> No.65212249

a catholic chuba who works 6 days a week and does bible "readalongs", confession both collabs and latin karaoke
she will get hate 24/7 from the twitter mob and leddit but clippers will love her whenever she says something controversial or out-of-context

>> No.65212815

rrat based on her leaked IP address, may just be a VPN

>> No.65212871

Unless The Pope authorized a nun to become a chuuba then no.

>> No.65212881

If there is one, they're probably from the West Bank.
Good fucking riddance.

>> No.65212933

Skip that. One day, the Pope himself will be a VTuber.

>> No.65213003

>West Bank
Even that's not safe anymore.
>Good fucking riddance
How would you like it if Israel constantly bombed your homeland? It's Christmas Eve, have some compassion.

>> No.65213118

But Nijisanji's branch is gone

>> No.65213274
File: 8 KB, 204x204, Mairi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Laos is grey
Mairi-chan, not like this...

>> No.65213470

update your wrong map OP
you got more than enough info in this thread

>> No.65213586

too many streams going on, ill do it later

>> No.65213706

deserved to be banned

>> No.65213840

Anon who said that needs to stop watching Ghost.

>> No.65213873

forever forgotten

>> No.65215069

Vatican City doesn't have any permanent residents, everyone there is a duel-citizen of another country. I guess there's a very slight chance some daughter of a Swiss Guard commander could be a vtuber, but really they'd just be a Swiss or Italian vtuber.

>> No.65216064

>tfw no mongolian chuuba streaming throat-singing ASMR

>> No.65217218

Anon, as a person whose homeland does get bombed (albeit not by Isreal), I do have compassion for war-torn countries. And I do hope Palestinians over in the West Bank build a prosperous country without all the settlements and other Israeli bullshit. But I just can't find it in me to feel compassionate about retards who straight up voted HAMAS into power and then proceeded to commit terrorism in a bordering state after years of shit and missile flinging over the border.

Merry Christmas

>> No.65220153

is South Africa one white or black?

>> No.65220799


>> No.65221081
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Her name is Kitanya, shes an Afrikaner and very cute, give her a shot

>> No.65223936


>> No.65224038

Theyre all on Twitch

>> No.65227344

Indies yeah, but most corpo chuubas are on youtube

>> No.65229158

Germany? You have Mocca and Inis too.

Batata com pepino is the most known one, you also have a cunny lewdtuber MarinTheCatto
For someone that streams in english but is brazilian you have Abi in v4mirai.

>> No.65231321

Airi from V-Dere is German as well

>> No.65235195

rude, shitskin-kun

>> No.65235716

Well the italian army has a pngtuber, so maybe, eventually


>> No.65235813

I am not sure what you mean, but Panko and Kiara are both european, streaming on twitch, and corpo.
Or am I missing something here

>> No.65235830

Layna was born in the US, which as far as I know is where Camila lives
And while Anny grew up in Ukraine, she lives in Japan and has for years

So you sort of have to pick one, heritage or location
And if you pick heritage then damn-near the entire map gets filled from Americans

>> No.65236396

Nah, she is eternally seething about Russians though.

>> No.65240803


>> No.65241072

layna has lived in new zealand for 10 years and is a citizen

>> No.65242180

Japan has chubas? Name 1

>> No.65243188

check FUWAMOCO CH newfaggot

>> No.65243782

Yeah Taiwan is still a Japanese colony

>> No.65245407

>Burmese tacticool chuuba
>monthly handcam stream is assembling FGC-9 in the middle of fucking nowhere

>> No.65245901

She's carrying on the good fight against the Military.

>> No.65246015
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Yes, she's even a mama and papa for others.

>> No.65248224


>> No.65248293

No. Singaporean women, much like their cunts, lack the depth and capacity to give pleasure.

>> No.65248473

>tfw no Sassanid princess chuuba

>> No.65249576

iran is not a country you think it is
they're quite liberal compared to other muslim countries, plus they're persians and not arabs
wester kike media is trying to dehumanize them, and unfortunally alot of us are falling for it

>> No.65249941

Majority are white with some blacks. I do know one Indian as well.

>> No.65250025

I'm going to have to call bullshit.

>> No.65250064

She will be soon.

>> No.65250146

let me guess, you think every woman in iran is forced to wear burka and not allowed to go outside without a man?

>> No.65250188

Seriously, if there's one I want a link, I'm really curious now

>> No.65250250

It's not called Sharia Suggestions.

>> No.65250518

you know, it's not that hard to do some research on your own, and you shouldn't believe anything american media is telling you >>65249576

>> No.65250586

I don't care about any country that's not America.

>> No.65250732

may I introduce you to Bimten?

>> No.65250898

>turkish chuuba
Well, where's the link?

>> No.65251004

So? Every ruskie you can find speaking literally any english is a coin-clip between daytime fantasies of deepthroating Putin or existential guilt and unbound libertard seethe

>> No.65251078

The tech has been around for years, you can just rent it. It's not more widely used because it doesn't scale well to larger performances (both in terms of fitting people in the "screen" area and getting good viewing angles for the audience). They used it at some big Miku concerts and it looked sort of shitty unless you were in exactly the right part of the audience.

>> No.65251115

Based on this interaction she seems like a bitch. I hope Putin kills her family.

>> No.65251148

Based as fuck

>> No.65251891

You're just thinking of Hololive, which are almost all based in JP, US, ID or Canada (roughly in that order), with a couple of exceptions like Kiara and Bae.
Outside of Hololive there's people all over.

>> No.65255780

Are you telling me all the Egyptian themed vtubers aren't from Egypt?

>> No.65255900

Who froze the oceans and flooded those countries, what a hellscape of a world.

>> No.65256323

>He doesn't know about the NK streamer

>> No.65256592

Ina you faggot.

>> No.65256783

Post the Irish chuuba

>> No.65256927
File: 77 KB, 1280x720, 954B03C7-740B-47F1-91BD-35F2D8862DC3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isnt Moriko Albanian?

>> No.65257415

>Talking about Argentina
>Immediatly thinks about a war from 40 years ago
Talk about being obsessed Bongsis.

>> No.65259724


>> No.65260192

The only one of note is part of VShojo and the less said about her the better.
I'd love for a well spoken bong Holo but it'll never happen because she'd be shitposted into oblivion for reasons I don't fully get, but we're pretty hated these days. Which is weird because the anons angriest with us are from a nation that beat us hundreds of years ago, so why the rent-free?
Anon, the UK actually won that war as unbelievable as it sounds. I guess we still got it as long as third world nations are concerned.

>> No.65260494

As a fellow Bong I don't really find a "well spoken" accent sexy, but I don find the constant generic American accents boring. I want some Texan chick with a southern belle accent. That's make my dick diamonds and I'd simp for her immediately.

>> No.65260584

Bleh. I'm too drunk for this, the spelling errors are atrocious. the point stands, we need more southern state chuubas.

>> No.65264268

>The only one of note is part of VShojo
And I can think of several more, depending on what you mean by "of note".
But you won't find them in Holo because Cover doesn't hire Europeans. Kiara is the only exception, probably because she lived in Japan at the time.

>> No.65264380
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I like my tea drinking British chuuba

>> No.65265299
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>> No.65265382

Small tiny country,A impossibility there is any in Costa Rica

>> No.65267110

most countries have at least a few noname indies

>> No.65267274

Wait wasn't their a thicc peruana chuuba?

>> No.65270186

yes, but i don't know if they still count, we have Shylily, but she moved to the netherlands, and Chibidoki, but she moved to the US

>> No.65270675

I see, thank you anon

>> No.65270869

Try Aura
I stopped watching her when she sold out but when I did watch her it was breay
