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65185670 No.65185670 [Reply] [Original]

For the love of god, could fuwamoco PLEASE collab with someone other then mori? it’s been half a year and mori is literally the only EN girl they have done a one on one collab with

>> No.65185706

>>65185670 (me)
Calli is the only EN girl they’ve collabed with *outside of advent

>> No.65185721


>> No.65185778

You dont get to choose their friends newfag

>> No.65185801


>> No.65185820

They popped into a Fauna stream once.
I would love more Fauna and perhaps Moom collabs but honestly they work fine as a standalone channel, I'd be fine with them dialing down the Advent collabs even

>> No.65185841

maybe mori was the only one who was kind to them and actually didn't cringe at their antics

>> No.65185862

Mori loves a good cross pollination campaign. She's all work. Mori's Japanese underground rapper moneymaking senses tell her that if she leeches on the dogs as they are the #1 Advent, become their shadow as the light shines on them, she'll be famous too some day

>> No.65185865

Look at that Sunday schedule. Myth would NEVER.

>> No.65185913

I never said I don’t want them to be friends, I never even said that I don’t want them to collab with calli, I said I want them to collab with someone else because it’s been 5 months and calli is literally the only girl they’ve collabed with outside of advent. I wouldn’t mind these collabs if they at least did them with someone else every once in a while

>> No.65185929

Mori is their favorite because
>work ethic

>> No.65185945 [DELETED] 

>come back from work on christmas eve in time to watch fuwamoco
>watch fuwamoco on christmas morning
>visit my family
>come back in time to watch fuwamoco again

>> No.65185965

>only EN girl they have done a one on one
Outside of advent.
Also who cares. They have dropped in for a solo chat with Mumei and Fauna and they clearly like Mori. A few more group collabs like lasts nights amogus and I am sure sooner or later they will do something with somebody else. Good on Mori for making such an effort with advent desu

>> No.65185988

These are very old women, they don't have anything else going for them, so of course they can devote themselves to schedules like these. That's why Cover hired them. Predictable, old women, with no upcoming "life" developments to hinder them from streaming

>> No.65186007

Lmao don’t pretend like mori is doing this to be nice, she is trying to leech off of them because her numbers have fallen off like fucking crazy

>> No.65186039

>5 months
thats distracting me because im old and time is killing me literally but regardless collabs serve a different purpose than solo streams
you're going to have to accept that they want to do songs with her and perform them with good chemistry during 3D lives.
I realised that with the first collab

>> No.65186063
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Mori is a numberfag and needs them to keep her channel alive. Pls underdtando.

>> No.65186092

I fail to see how this disputes my point at all, they could still collab with calli and also other EN girls too, idk why you’re acting like they need to enter a committed exclusive relationship with calli

>> No.65186108

Biboo and FWMC like Mori a lot that's a good enough reason to not assume the worst for me.

>> No.65186182

For some reason, Mori’s teacher voice during these collabs actually makes her sound like she’s playing along with the twins’ kayfabe instead of being condescending.
You’re not wrong, OP. It would be cool if FWMC collabed with more people outside Advent besides Mori. But Mori’s also way less annoying when she’s with FWMC, so I guess the current status quo isn’t the worst thing in the world.

>> No.65186194

your fault with your choice of title
end of the day, I've had to watch Mori.
You need to do your cringe reps.

>> No.65186223

Mori just likes hanging out and giving tips to the newer members. In the early days she even talked about this when she was a teacher. The only part of the job she liked was seeing her students improve. For fucks sake not everything has a malicious underlying meaning.

>> No.65186244

Maybe, but everything else surrounding the situation makes it pretty clear that calli is doing it for views, such as her constant clickbaiting, open VC spam, collab spam, FOTM spam, etc

>> No.65186313

Lmao good one, but you’re not fooling anyone deadbrap, it is blatantly obvious that mori is doing this for views, she has become a massive numberfag. If she did this purely out of kindness, then why the hell isn’t she talking to the new homos at all?

>> No.65186349

>for views
thats another way of saying trying to satisfy the audience.
ye we get it, Mori has many yabs but the point of Hololive is the interactions

>> No.65186377

And this is another way of coping

>> No.65186396

Mori has more collabs with advent than all of hololive minus her combined. Spent an entire month collabing/doing openvc. Avoids advent overlap like the plague ever since it destroyed her in August. And she prefers to collab with the number doogs. She makes it VERY EASY to assume the worst. Especially ever since she got buttblasted in her chat because Gura was overlapping her with the same game and started her stream early ahead of everyone during baldur's gate (and tried it again but was stopped during the sports festival).

>> No.65186401

>asking dogs not to stay loyal to the person who fed them when they were puppies.
You don’t know either the nature of dogs or the craftiness of the reaper.

>> No.65186428

I agree with this. she seems not to get phased by them. maybe to other holoen mems need to learn to be more accepting of people commiting to their characters.

>> No.65186438

im giving you benefit of the doubt thinking you're just a newfag, collabing with a holomem you don't like doesn't prevent collabs with holos you do.

>> No.65186458

I have not seen a single member act any way but positively towards fuwamoco, this is massive cope, they’ve done group collabs with other girls before and everyone fucking adored them

>> No.65186492

I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming you are just a coping deadbrap because it is so blatantly obvious that mori is doing this for views that you’d either have to be retarded or explicitly in denial to not realize this

>> No.65186537

Her one on one collab with FuwaMoco was a ton of fun, of their best ones. The group halloween collab was a fucking disaster, but as long as she's not calling more people, I'm ok with her. She seems to genuinely like FWMC a lot.

>> No.65186574
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you're not going to find mori lewds in my folder.
im a numberfag, doing things for the views is based

>> No.65186585

Actually dogs don’t listen to what you say. They just read your mood and tell whether you’re a good person or not, with unerring instincts.

>> No.65186600

>council debuts
>Mori immediately spams collabs with the most popular member.
>Tempiss debuts
>Mori immediately spams collabs with the 2 most popular members and outright ignores the rest of them. Acts like they don't exist when they fuck off.
>Advent debuts
>Mori immediately spams collabs with all of them, mostly with the most popular members. Only EN to have collabs with them.
There's a pattern here. But I can't figure out what it is.

>> No.65186631

That a simple collab announcement can create such malding,
sasuga, my reaper.

>> No.65186687

Everyone likes Calliope Mori.
She’s the mainstay of EN branch.

>> No.65186742

>>council debuts
>>Mori immediately spams collabs with the most popular member.
Mori collabed once with kronii though?

>> No.65186761

The deadbrap defense force has arrived

>> No.65186767

Or IRyS for double-sided misunderstanding.

>> No.65186827

Ask yourself. Why were all these vesper and magni collabs hosted on her channel?
Why are all these advent collabs hosted in her channel?
Why did she barely acknowledge vesper and magni leaving if she had their backs?
What happened to bonebros 4 life?

>> No.65186865

>giving tips to the newer members
surely that worked out nicely last time that happened

>> No.65186872

I just really hate mori and wish she would stay away from my dog wives because it means i cant watch them

>> No.65186908

Calli stopped doing solo streams so thats prob why

>> No.65186949

Ok so we both agree that mori is doing this solely for views because of her dying channel

>> No.65187002
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>and giving tips to the newer members
>Remember to tell them "unfortunately idol culture is a thing" that'll really own the haters

>> No.65187006

its christmas eve faggot stop being a bitch

>> No.65187047

I accept your concession

>> No.65187060

Imagine Gura having this schedule. Her head would explode into a trillion little pieces.

>> No.65187073

You've said that earlier today and you were seething about something else

>> No.65187077

You shouldn't be expecting these "people" to actually celebrate christmas

>> No.65187116

>failed streamer giving tips
I hope the advice is, do the opposite of what i did

>> No.65187121

This is my first time in the site today retard, you and everyone else on this site cannot stop blaming boogiemen for everything

>> No.65187138

maybe have a less stupid catchphrase

>> No.65187156

What is this cope? How long does it take you retards to make a post on this board? All day? Because if not, I could post here and still celebrate the holiday

>> No.65187169

fwmc and mori
>weeb hags
>music career as a side gig
>related lore
>milky connection
>work ethic

>> No.65187209

It’s not a catchphrase because it wasn’t me retard, stop blaming everything on the boogieman

>> No.65187267

Same but with kiara

>> No.65187317

>Dogs know who’s the alpha.
Accept reality.

>> No.65187339

I’m over the Mori collabs too but you got enough streams that you can skip if it really bothers you.

>> No.65187380

She's literally younger than the median age of EN members. Which is fucking hilarious when you consider she looks way older than members that are 3-5 years older than her.

>> No.65187423

It’s not about that, I want to see collabs with other girls, and yet they are only collabing with calli, it’s been nearly half a year and there are no fuwamoco 1-on-1 collabs outside of advent for people to watch who don’t like mori… which is funny considering fuwamoco actively appeals to the same audience that does not like mori

>> No.65187428
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Why is Mori defending herself in this thread.
Bitch spend your breaks better.

>> No.65187517

i assumed anyone posting here ten years ago must be fucking ancient

>> No.65187572

The 18 y/o rule has historically never been respected. I wouldn't be surprised if over half the board is currently underage.

>> No.65187608

>The more you try to bully Mori, the more FWMC become hostile towards the enemy of their master.

>> No.65187613

You know Mori is assertive getting what she wants. It’s probably because she’s the only senpai asking to collab and the twins are shy to ask senpai

>> No.65187649

respect their collab choices, please

>> No.65187670

Yeah I’m pretty sure it was actually

>> No.65187765

fwmc and kiara
>literally everything
>same experiences at everything, nearly complete overlap at life
>easier to list their differences than their similarities
>don't collab

>> No.65187829

They're proving to be quite the challenge to whittle down, but she'll get the twins to join a male collab eventually

>> No.65187860

Kiara is 3 years older than her. Let that sink in.

>> No.65187887

>same experiences at everything, nearly complete overlap at life
i hope that is not true

>> No.65187932

>p-please stop collabing with Mori, validate my retarded schizo idea of her

>> No.65187933

>Even I still remember the moment when Kiara bursted into laughter when hearing FWMC were still sharing their bunk beds.
Dogs never forget.

>> No.65187990

this is the one EN collab I have been waiting for.

>> No.65187994

I can't be bothered going to actually check but I think earlier today he was going schizo about IRyS

>> No.65188029

Pink Leech gotta leech

>> No.65188035

>there are no fuwamoco 1-on-1 collabs outside of advent

>> No.65188041

Nobody else in the company can tolerate them and Mori only does it for the eyeballs
When they're in big collabs and they start talking everyone fucking ignores them because they act like teletubbies instead of real human beings

>> No.65188071

Did people forgot that she did the same with Lui too? Mori is a good senpai and a good girl.
In fact she should kiss Lui.

>> No.65188078

Alcohol will do that to you

>> No.65188092

>hololive english
>0 collabs for english viewers to watch

>> No.65188109

OP said multiple times that him wanting fuwamoco to collab with other ENs doesn't mean he wants the Mori collabs to stop. You're the schizo for immediately white knighting.

>> No.65188117

>0 collabs for english viewers to watch
>Advent collabs every week

>> No.65188128

Biggest difference is probably that FWMC has less recorded menhara episodes and weird dramas during their early idol career, maybe due to having each other since, at the very least, very early (jury is out on them actually being sisters, but if they aren't, they have been living like sisters for nearly 2 decades so it's irrelevant)
Aside from that, same beginnings, same failings, same comeback attempts, same backup plans, several of the same hobbies, similar social circles, etc.

>> No.65188133

>Mori just likes hanging out and giving tips to the newer members.
And this is why management banned Mori from interacting with advent during their training so she couldn't ruin them like she did with Kronii >>65187002
That girl could have been first army for HoloEN if she embraced GCDCT, instead she's slumming it in the basement with Mori now.

>> No.65188145


>> No.65188164

What is this cope? If anything, my “schizo” (schizo in quotes because it’s pretty damn obvious) idea is supported by mori collabing with them all the time because i think she’s a massive leech who is only collabing with fuwamoco for views

>> No.65188170

Entire thread is crying about Mori collabs though, presumably including OP.

>> No.65188187

>new IP
>gay nigger

>> No.65188200

I am talking about outside of advent dipshit, do i need to repeat everything in this thread any time I respond to someone?

>> No.65188223

That's probably because Mori's literally one of the only EN girls that's probably down to collab with no excuses as to why not.
I imagine they could just message her, and she'd say something like, "sure dude" fairly quickly.

>> No.65188229

People are going to notice her shenanigans after what happened with vesper and magni.

>> No.65188235
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>last week of the year
>fucking pack their schedule as much as they can
Vulgar display of bauer.

>> No.65188244

I am op, if you actually read the thread, you would see that i explicitly said I don’t really care if they collab with mori, it is annoying solelt because mori is the only en girl outside of advent they collab with, I really wouldn’t care about these collabs if they would just collab with other people as well

>> No.65188251

Probably this is the case, sadly.
Mori is the type of girl who tries to bring the oddball girl into a party out of compassion.
She’s Catholic.

>> No.65188255

I was going to post this since no one here watches streams or think JPs dont count

>> No.65188275

>unstoppable kayfabe breaking force meets unbreakable kayfabe wall
We now have complete evidence that the wall wins. Bau bau motherfucker.

>> No.65188287

Now this is a textbook example of a schizo rrat, there is literally no reason to believe this other then the fact that it supports your narrative, bijou has collabed with half of holoEN, some of them multiple times

>> No.65188322

Your idea is unsupported by facts therefore it is a complete fabrication of your schizo mind.
We have multiple girls opinions of Mori, people who actually work and know her, those things are real instead. Hope this helps you to understand how to distinguish truth from false.

>> No.65188327

Yeah probably. The best advice usually comes from people who made a million mistakes

>> No.65188361

I want to see FWMC collab with different senpai too so does that make me a schizo as well?

>> No.65188384
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>Mori cares about her coworkers, she's not doing this for the noombers

>> No.65188386

What's crazy is people don't realize that next year they're going to work even harder than they did this year.

>> No.65188406

they literally are, though. Unless they're literally a married couple that's been fucking larping for over a decade and doctored childhood photos.

>> No.65188426
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>EN was one of those million mistakes I made.

>> No.65188448

Yes, stop changing IP nigger.
Here let me make you a scheme:
- Normal person: "I want FWMC to collab with EN senpais more, maybe X or Y"
- Schizo with pink brainrot: "For the love of god, could fuwamoco PLEASE collab with someone other then mori? it’s been half a year and mori is literally the only EN girl they have done a one on one collab with"

>> No.65188452 [DELETED] 
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>> No.65188469

this is cope, people ignore them when they are talking to each other. When the girls actively speak to the other members, everyone thinks they are adorable and talks with them no problem.

>> No.65188470

>Now this is a textbook example of a schizo rrat
I mean yeah pretty much. I just make shit up all the time.

>> No.65188493

>Bonebros 4 life
>Last 1 on 1 collab: right before the rager

>> No.65188526

>Stop changing IP

Stop being paranoid

>> No.65188533

Mori’s a fucking papist? Man, they really do make them different up in Dallas. That said, my closest Catholic friend is a priest in training who’s thinking of joining the Jesuits, so I probably have a very different view of fisheaters than the reality.

>> No.65188587

it's supported by a fuck ton of evidence, such as mori's constant clickbaiting with softcore porn, her starting collabs early to syphon viewers from the others, her exclusively playing FOTM games, her spamming collabs to the point where she does more collabs then solo streams, spamming open VC even when she does do "solo" streams... it is blatantly obvious to anyone that is not in denial that she does this for the views. If she was doing it out of the kindness of her heart, why did she completely ignore the last two homo generations?

>> No.65188593

>oloEN if she embraced GCDCT
funny because if anything CGDCT is literally killing EN's reach outside of the weebshpehere in the west and can't attract Western sponsors that aren't some game company

>> No.65188604

It's not something you'd be allowed to discuss in depth on this thread, but basically they didn't present as sisters early into their careers and some things about their parents that don't actually match, but if they're not biological sisters, they're still basically "blood brothers" and have been for so long that they might as well be siblings, you could scoure the entire yakuza and wouldn't find a set of two closer people who aren't fucking each other

>> No.65188614

Yes, let the yab machine who joined as a joke and is the least interested in vtubing/the culture beyond pushing her own career give advice to new members. That seems like a great idea

>> No.65188669

Schizo nijitard

>> No.65188676

Imagine saying that when Mori is now the runt of EN in terms.of ccv and fuwamoco is printing money.

>> No.65188677

and surely you will post the evidence of this right? surely this isn't something you just made up because it fits your narrative... right?

>> No.65188679

Okey than I'll drop it
>who aren't fucking each other
Do you honestly beleb?

>> No.65188692

When will you get that the other ENs outside of Advent, Mori and Kiara are just too lazy?

>> No.65188714

>clickbaiting with softcore porn
And you swallowed every single one of them?

>> No.65188737
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Remember when Mori made a big stink out of Russia, whom she couldn't even communicate and had talked to maybe twice for clout, got her own ass fired?
At least she didn't do that shit again for the homos.

>> No.65188740

bijou has collabed with almost everyone already, quit coping

>> No.65188771

>Gura hasn't been streaming a lot because of issues
>Mori's fault
Lmao, Gura is having issues from health problems to burn-outs.

Again schizoshit
Like imagine saying Mori spams FOTM when she was one of the few that streamed RE4 or that absolute shitwreck that was FF16, stream killer. Fucking schizo

>> No.65188798

>on calli's channel

>> No.65188816

Mori is their oshi.

>> No.65188819

unrelated but mori was one of aki and makoto's inspirations
You will never be a true fan of theirs like I am, silly bandwagoners.

>> No.65188841

You forgot the most damning evidence. All these collabs are always on her channel.

>> No.65188865


>> No.65188891

>streams the porn game
>shows porn on stream ""by accident"" several times
>other holos say they won't play it since they'd get fired for that shit
Mori, you're a FOTM spamming cloutchaser to a downright agreement-with-management level. This is known. Playing shit views game aside from that (and aside from P3, ONLY new, still popular ones), doesn't change that.

>> No.65188905


>> No.65188937

To be honest I’m coming to this board to see seething comments of Mori haters.
It’s quite entertaining. Probably more than the stream itself.

>> No.65188938

>musci career before Mori
>vtubing career before Mori
Inspiration at whaet?

>> No.65188961

That's a good thing.

>> No.65188960

keep seething. these hardworking dogs only look up to the other hard working girl in EN.

>> No.65188962

>things that change that, doesn't change that because I SAY SO

>> No.65188974

It's not a Mori thread without a deadbeat telling an egregious lie that takes all of 5 seconds to contradict.

>> No.65188991

>she doesn't spam fotm games
>only two examples were new releases... I.E FOTM games

you cannot make this shit up

>> No.65189046

glowing two hard, pink wuman
ie. Mococo, known vt shitposter, defending her senpai

>> No.65189062

>literally killing EN's reach outside of the weebshpehere in the west
I actually prefer that. Is a big enough market to make good money, and doesnt come with the pressure to conform to western norms.

>> No.65189110

>only look up to the other hard working girl in EN.
At least give orange woman some credit.

>> No.65189116

>uhhh there is a set limit of examples to not be considered FOTM spam by my retarded schizo opinion
Not how it works schizo, sorry.

>> No.65189126

>spending Christmas Eve seething over a Mori collab
>usual excuses that always make the other girls seem dumber in order to validate their Mori corruption accusations
You lost, 2023 was Mori’s strongest year.
Her numbers are trending up, she’s getting more big collabs and all her co-workers love and respect her.

>> No.65189180

tbf, Mori is clearly doing the same

>> No.65189214

She’s even started appearing in mainstream media in Japan.
The reaper keeps winning. So do FWMC.

>> No.65189252
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Deadbeats saying RE4 and FF16 are "debuff games" will never stop being fumny. FF16 wasn't a "debuff game" for Ina and Kiara. In fact, Kiara overlapped Mori doing "the biggest sponsorship stream in hololive history" (+ announcement) playing it and had more viewers than her. Fucking hilarious.

>> No.65189304

RE4 was an actual debuff game because of shitty perms and age restriction reasons

>> No.65189308

Not going to engage with you egg, i don't hate Kiara.

>> No.65189309

When they talk to the group there's a big awkward silence or they just flat out ignore them
Did you see the Minecraft collab where they tried to say goodbye 3 times and nobody replied so they just left

>> No.65189338

>Numbers are trending up
Lower ccv than Bae and Kiara in November despite doing nothing but collabs on her channel.
Lowest numbers during sports festival. ID girls beat her.

>> No.65189365

why do you want to add something so ptovably wrong? are you falseflagging?

>> No.65189397

>believing this
>while nearly all of Advents biggest moments, and the highlights of every advent collab are someone interacting with Fuwamoco
Not hard to tell who in this thread only watches Mori, or at least never watches Advent read; is Mori, posting on vt

>> No.65189438

>Did you see the Minecraft collab where they tried to say goodbye 3 times and nobody replied so they just left
Stop trying to make me cry.
I’m a 4chan poster, and I have my own feelings too.

>> No.65189459

Outside of Advent and Mori, everyone avoids them

>> No.65189514

you're not helping the schizo accusations by claiming you're arguing with the holo you're shitting on

>> No.65189685
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The monkey's paw curls

>> No.65189748
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>> No.65189836

Whats that supposed to prove?

>> No.65189898

Just a joke don't take it seriously

>> No.65189907

>knows people are talking about streams

I prefer to believe it's Mori herself posting some of this shit (and by her own admission, coming to mongolian basket forums to seethe is something she does). It's less sad than thinking she has a real whiteknight who's just on-the-clock saying all this shit, clearly doesn't watch anyone else, and is so obsessed that that he even writes like Mori

>> No.65189909

Just post the Milky Queen collabs with them.

>> No.65189911

>If either fuwamoco or Kiara leech off Gura and release an original with her like Mori did they will beat her in the only metric she has left

>> No.65190003

I don't see "music views" or "stream views" there. A view is a view, and no one else in EN comes close

>> No.65190013

Maybe about some legally distinct twins clout chasing and then FWM in return getting clout chased? I didn't post it so idk.

>> No.65190053

Sure, any day now

>> No.65190086

no man, acting like you're arguing with the talent is peak sad, it's twitter level of unwarranted self-importance

>> No.65190129

>Takamori original at 400k after 10 days
>outside of Takamorifags, not even KFP cares about it
Collab songs are dead as a concept in EN

>> No.65190309

it's this nigger again

>> No.65190318

Not that anon but Mori is the only EN that has a history of starting shit with randos in chat/on social media.

>> No.65190344
File: 12 KB, 225x225, ywgi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's definitely shitposting, Mori. But I guess you were never good at it.

>> No.65190359

>Kiara's latest 1 on 1 song cover sits at 1.5m
I think it's just the Mori debuff.

>> No.65190397

>1 earlier result
>it's not even related to Mori

>> No.65190466

fwmc are gonna go to japan so they are already preparing for the irl japanese life where mori could matter.

>> No.65190740
File: 225 KB, 851x673, e5355c6d0cfcf085d4fd606ae70a4c20dbf63469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meeting Mori irl
Remember how that went for Gura? Hasn't had a 1 on 1 collabed with her since. Only done company mandated shill streams.

>> No.65190799

everyone has met mori IRL retard
you also fucked up by not posting the version with Gura's dead body in a bag

>> No.65190844

I hate Mori as much as anyone here but lets be honest, outside of advent she is probably the easiest to get a collab with.

>> No.65190953

The real problem is the excessive Advent collabs. That shit is how they stay in their own ghetto for the rest of their career. They collab so rarely and waste all those slots on Advent.

>> No.65190972

gura.... ill never forgive mori for what she did to you...

>> No.65190991

Faggots are always looking for a nefarious reason for everything when it’s usually that simple.

>> No.65191022
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>one on one
You mean two on one

>> No.65191069

Mori has met all of EN (minus Advent) and like half of JP/ID irl. Sounds like a Gura problem

>> No.65191438

CGDCT is a major reason why HoloEN is so popular and even the talents that believe in HoloPro unity would likely agree with that. At this point no one believes that having weekly Tempus collabs would help the EN branch but they still want to occasionally collab with Tempus because they don't want fans getting to far into the unicorn delusion. Most of the EN talents really would prefer if Hololive was general entertainment and there is a reason they look up to Mori.

>> No.65191583

Funny thing is anyone who have watched streams here should know thats how EN is. Apart from Kiara, Mori and maybe Fauna all the rest just use the "Im too shy to approach other people" card. Its also the reason why the first ones to collab with new talents are always the ID branch since they are more easy to setup stuff with.

>> No.65191636

Mori organized the twin gameshow collab stream herself for FWMC to stream on their channel. They've talked multiple times about how Mori helped them out and made them feel welcome offstream.

>> No.65191708

anon, why do you act like people here are interested in any kevel of intellectually honest or information

>> No.65192049

Try the archives

>> No.65192118

>SEA containment thread so that the rest of the board can enjoy Christmas and streams
Thanks OP!

>> No.65192247

Kiara also does for JPs, coupled with "I'm fucking tired of reaching out to ENs"

>> No.65192273

I came back to HoloEN because of Advent, but I’m pretty much just an adventfag. But I didn’t suddenly start hating the girls I discovered while I was away, so it’s not like I’m going to suddenly watch Promise over the people I’ve been watching for the past year.
Ironically, I have watched more Fauna since coming back than I ever did before Advent, and her collabs with Biboo definitely had to do with it. But otherwise, Promise is still only at the “only if no one else I like is on” stage because Advent hasn’t given me a reason to become a regular to the other members’ streams again.
I enjoyed the among us collab last night. Hopefully they’ll do more stuff like that.

>> No.65192300 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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Collab with deez

>> No.65192586

You think that was bad, Mori's going to get Biboo and FWMC killed in a drunk driving accident when they finally meet up next summer. The shenanigans/rager was just a warm up to how sick in the head she is and diamond dogs are too clueless to not know about this snafu in hololive history with all their love and collabs with her and will gladly get in a car with an intoxicated Mori as she drives everywhere recklessly. Mori will survive it of course, as most drunks do, she'll then make a song about da hataz dunkin' on her as she clings to life recovering in the hospital and finish it with a huge sole survivor comeback concert and not suffer any consequences at all.

>> No.65192680

I only partially agree, I want them to do more one on one collabs with other girls, but then again, seems obvious that mori is the one reaching out and i'm all for mori's reincarnation into a kind hag idol

>> No.65192706

It’s almost like she organized it because she knew it would be a good way to promote herself, it’s sort of a no brainer idea, mori just wanted to do it before fuwamoco got the idea for themselves so she could be involved in it

>> No.65192753

Also… why does streaming on their channel equate to mori being selfless? No one watches mori’s channel, that is the issue she is trying to solve, the best way to leech is to be involved in collabs on other channels that people actually watch

>> No.65192765

Mori isn't old. She just looks old.

>> No.65192784

this is decent bait

>> No.65192792

Mori is doing it for views, not because she is nice, she had completely ignored all of tempiss after realizing they were not going to be the next luxium

>> No.65192838

It’s not bait, that’s just what happened, mori wanted to be involved to promote herself, you’re a dipshit if you think she set that up as a favor to them

>> No.65192872


>> No.65192904


>> No.65193093

>The myth of 'consensual collabs'
>FWMC: "I consent."
>Mori: "I consent."
>Isn't there someone you forgot to ask (Anonymous schizo on /vt/)?

>> No.65193158

Mutual leeching is fine. Thats how you built a box.

>> No.65193352
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>you’re a dipshit if you think she set that up as a favor to them
incredibly wild and out of touch sentence. Good schizo larp got me to respond

>> No.65193398

I don't really get why people have issues with Mori. I get not liking her content considering she's pretty awkward on stream, and her recent releases like Sneaking are well... like that. Is it a grudge from the Connor yabs awhile back that unicorns carried over?

Regardless, her personality seems fine as far as I can tell, and I respect the work ethic. I'm a ruffian that has never liked Mori's content, but I'm cool with collabs since it seems like FWMC enjoys them too. They seem like friends.

>> No.65193413

>For fucks sake not everything has a malicious underlying meaning
Its probably as simple as they think they cant initiate collabs with senpai as new (>1yr) kouhai, and mori seems to be the only one taking initiative. Note that there have been several mixed gen collabs that other members have put up, but those were probably an open recruitment in corp discords. Probably wait till after the holidays when people are settling in after their seasonal holidays or their college classes start back again.

>> No.65193609

>I don't really get why people have issues with Mori. I get not liking her content considering she's pretty awkward on stream, and her recent releases like Sneaking are well... like that. Is it a grudge from the Connor yabs awhile back that unicorns carried over?
Its as simple as she had "yabs" that made her a target of this board often enough like two years ago and now some schizos just permanently have a hate boner. Worse is that "drama" hasn't happened in years so they're just really frustrated about it too now

>> No.65193625
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Having Mori onstream is a proven debuff.
See Kobo and Irys.

>> No.65193641

Only if they learn from them

>> No.65193714

Ok so you are a dipshit, thanks for clarifying

>> No.65193769

Music views don’t count, you are comparing the views between 2 minute songs and 2 hour livestreams, are you retards going around saying that kiara is the second most popular member?

>> No.65193811

They like her too

>> No.65193898

Music views are views. Going "it doesn't count" is not an argument, it's just cope

>> No.65193960

And how old is that?

>> No.65193980

Comparing music views to stream views is retarded, aside from the crazy difference in length between the two mediums, music views make literally 0 money, this is a well known fact in the music industry, those 10 million views are worth somewhere between jack and shit

>> No.65194073

It is way different, a view for fuwamoco requires someone investing 2 hours at least to watch a stream, while a view for mori requires a deadbrap investing two minutes into a song, plus there’s the fact that this graphic implies that kiara is the third most popular one, which she pretty openly admits is not true, she is not secretive about the fact that she is a runt

>> No.65194087

>I don't really get why people have issues with Mori
Because she got trolled into having a public meltdown, implied she does drugs, participated in the thankfully failed attempt to turn Holo EN into Nijisanji EN, squandered Kiara's friendship(at least she felt severe remorse for that one), rented an airbnb for Myth to stay at and then let her idiot sister throw a degenerate party at it, and dragged Gura to said degenerate party which was so sketchy she locked herself in a room to escape it.

>> No.65194096


>> No.65194155

Anon that's the best part. Kiara just has to release one or two more DO U's and she'll pass Mori in this retarded metric they're clinging to. They're setting themselves up for failure like they did with other metrics.

>> No.65194216

>dragged Gura to said degenerate party which was so sketchy she locked herself in a room to escape it
lol, lmao even at believe that's what happened.

>> No.65194280

What's funny is that this is such a teenage white girl cope. It's the kind of thing that Mori herself would throw in the playgound (and has, before).

>> No.65194342

What other metrics? Mori is still the most superchatted EN last time I checked

>> No.65194355

you've been posting this DO U thing in global too anon, do you have a problem

>> No.65194375

>dragged Gura
>locked herself in a room
Chumbud cope is truly amazing. Didn't Mori say something to the effect of "oh she might be down stairs finding her own fun" when asked about her?

>> No.65194418

second, first are fwmc for this year (but first year is always an outlier)

>> No.65194433

They should just collab with Bijou and Kiara. Four goddesses.

>> No.65194450

She wasn't this year. Fuwamoco passed her 2023 total in 5 months. Tick tock.

>> No.65194456


>> No.65194469

Fuwamoco are morally upright. You do good to them and they do good in return. Mori embraced them as sisters, meanwhile gura ghosted them. That's why FWMC love mori, but ignore gura when she tries to leech them.

>> No.65194493

>Most of the EN talents really would prefer if Hololive was general entertainment and there is a reason they look up to Mori.
And they could easily request of transfer to Nijisanji if they wanted that.
While Hololive might have started being general entertainment and doing collabs with males no problem, they built their empire off GCDCT. They would be nothing without pandering to them.

>> No.65194501

I don't chech nimbershittery of my own volition but wasn't that not the case... a while ago? Remember seeing the opposite posted in Global, except for specifc events.

>> No.65194502

Gura had so much fun at the house party that she stopped interacting with Mori outside of collabs where they have to be together. No hard feelings there, clearly.

>> No.65194540

>doubles down on being a white girl
I accept that you're Mori.

>> No.65194565

what horrible thing did Ina or SNOT members do to her?

>> No.65194568
File: 486 KB, 1210x748, SCs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh huh. Any day now

>> No.65194649

Was meant for >>65194342

>> No.65194654

something something correlation and causation

>> No.65194676

Kiara is actually going to pass her very soon. Look at Mori's sc income in november and december.

>> No.65194818

Nothing, S and O still talk to her. Same with Ame and Kiara from Myth (T and Ina just don't talk)

>> No.65194849

I don't know but they didn't drag her to a house party. Mori's sister even got the house's location doxed which I'm sure Gura really appreciated.

>> No.65194869

Deadbeats have transitioned to gift memberships. It’s not uncommon to see 50 packs being dropped every time someone raids her.

>> No.65194892

That's not what happened. Please use words correctly.

>> No.65194966

If anyone ever needed proof that deadbeats don't watch Kiara...

>> No.65194967

I’m pretty sure Gura and Mori interact behind the scenes. Mori implied that the chumbuds are the reason they don’t publicly interact.
Considering how some of you act I can see why.

>> No.65194973

Mori and Kiara are the only myths that actually love hololive, get fuckwd

>> No.65195015

>Only CCV matters
>Only SCs matter
>Only bla bla bla [insert single metric] matters
Doesn't Mori also sell albums and have a separate store for her own merch? Why are you ignoring everything else here?

>> No.65195025

What has that to do with watching Kiara or not? You’re not making sense.

>> No.65195041

Nobody tell him how many Kiara gets.

>> No.65195052

The mental image you guys have of Mori lmao, schizophrenia is scary

>> No.65195083

Anon said packs there buddy. As in multiple 50s

>> No.65195086

Anything that doesn’t confirm their views don’t count.

>> No.65195096

I remember trying to explain just how connected and well known a lot of the popular EN and JP vtubers are, and how the top talents of these companies all know each other and probably talk to each other behind the scenes. Made one reference to sivlervale and Ame as an example, and got a free vacation for it
2023 /vt/ gives 0 fucks about logic and history, they just love retarded ass drama

>> No.65195147

>Mori's sister even got the house's location doxed
she did not, local schizos had to extensively cross reference related accounts for anything identifiable (and what they found was an airbnb that was rented for another month)
but propagating false information is name of the game when you dislike somebody, right anon

>> No.65195275

>deadbeats still in denial

>> No.65195299

>very soon
>almost a $200k difference
What is "very soon" to you?

>> No.65195349

If you were at the start of ENvtubing it's easy to trace the lines of actual connections.
For example, there's Milky Queen and Fuwacoco, Reine and Miori (And Reine and Mori for the matter, indirectly), Ollie and Bae, Bae and Ririsya, Fuwacoco and various small corpos, mostly Prism Project, etc etc.

This is harder to do in JP because it was like, over half a decade ago and Japanese is a hard barrier for outsiders.

>> No.65195388

I saw the so called doxx as it was happening, you can keep responding to muddy the waters but my opinion will stay as it is, anonchama
sorry if that annoys you

>> No.65195465
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>Gura publicly interacts with Kiara, Ame and some of Promise

>> No.65195537

I saw the "so called "so called doxx"" as it was happening "too", and it didn't take much for people to have the address anon, posts and threads here just got instant deleted.

>> No.65195632
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>> No.65195712

considering she had no problem collabing/interacting with Mori in Outlast or during concert/con appearances doesn't help your theory much

>> No.65195750

There's also Pomu and Elira, along with the infamous "Elira Clique", Ame and Silvervale, Millie and basically all of HoloID, Gura and Sykkuno, who is himself tethered to Alban and Sonny , and so forth and so on. Shits much less a spider's web and more just an open field

>> No.65195765

>If I can’t see it it doesn’t exist

>> No.65195813


>> No.65195835

>it exists because I say it does despite complete lack of evidence

>> No.65195935

Cover knows CGDCT is popular with most Hololive fans but they are still big on unity. They encourage collabs with Holostars and they are still releasing group merch. The Hololive Island event in a few months will include Holostars so they are trying to find a balance.

>> No.65196039

>They encourage collabs with Holostars
you're right about everything but this. They stopped encouraging collabs with Advent. Literally all of those girls seem allergic to the homos

>> No.65196186

That Magni discord leak also had us expose that Tachibana Music (worked on NijiEN music, had a splat with Futacuchi Mana) was working with HoloStars at the time. Futacuchi herself is big friends (like hangs out in karaoke friends) with Nana Asteria from Prism Project, and Both are also friends with Ririsya.

But the strangest yet is Anya played Amogus with moneybird (and other vtubers) offstream a year ago. In fact she's very strange that she can feature various seiyuus in he 3D debut and no way in hell you can predict what kind of connections she makes. So even someone who is seemingly "isolated" like Anya does know other people, she just happens to be super tight lipped.

>> No.65196203

That's what you guys cling to? The one collab in 2 years that wasn't cover mandated where she barely acknowledges Mori?

>> No.65196645
File: 298 KB, 512x512, 1703405211473959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori fucks up monumentally
>biggest "dumb bitch" moment to date by her own admission
>she and gura stop interacting publicly, no mentions by anyone of them interacting privately either
>barely acknowledge each other at all even when they happen to be in the same collab

The logical conclusion:
>They probably had some sot of falling out, either small or large. Not really worth discussing in depth.
The deadbeat copius maximus:
>This entire fucking thread.

>> No.65196698

I think mori was directly involved with advent hiring process. Bibo did a game about her, shiori was a close friend, maybe fuwamoco got interview by her

>> No.65197024

>Shiori was a close friend
When was that discovered?

>> No.65197119

Fuwacoco has ties with Milky Queen. None of the VODs are purged so you can still see those if you cared to look. Most Ruffians, especially the ones who seethe at Mori don't know this. Travelers, however...

>> No.65197181

I mean if you wana talk about ties, their ties with Kiara go way back.

>> No.65197238

It's almost as if gaijin idol fans have a very tiny community that it's impossible to NOT bump each other at least once.

>> No.65197263

Fag Mori is one of the only ENs that still fucking streams what choice do they have.

>> No.65197322

Why complain about the Cali collab? The schedule is already packed and I need sleep

>> No.65197378

Outlast was this year?

>> No.65197420
File: 181 KB, 293x319, angrygweh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dislike Mori personally, and dislike how she never acknowledged the girls when they actually needed it though, I don't know what your point about Travelers is. Just that they probably know about each other?
From what Fuwamoco has said about their many, many auditions, it doesn't sound like Mori was involved in any of them, including the most recent.

>> No.65197454

>>biggest "dumb bitch" moment to date by her own admission
that's another lie, btw.
the dumb bitch moment Mori talked in multiple interviews was the lean reply

>> No.65197494

Bijou does the same shit with Mori and I've had enough of it. Skipped every single one. They should just play games together off stream or something. The audience who Bijou and FWMC appeal to are not the audience who likes Whori.

>> No.65197557

>implying there's only one "dumb bitch moment"
you literally do not watch Mori

>> No.65197626

They still collabed and performed in concerts together as a duo long after that party happened. Your so called "logical conclusion" is just your own schizo headcanon

>> No.65197651

Never said Mori is involved in the auditions, if anything she is as far away to the selection process if the people she wants in still are not in Hololive. All I said you watched them with Milky. I don't know what you mean "when they actually needed" here.

>> No.65197719

>I don't know what you mean "when they actually needed" here.
That she was nowhere to be seen when the Twins were struggling and trying to engage with any Vtubers they could, only now, when they have several times her CCV.

>> No.65197836

>performed in concerts together
Using this isn't even a fucking cope anymore, it's just some degree of doublethink.

>> No.65197857

the one she repeatedly admitted to and referenced clearly was specific and you're cleary trying to play off people with more vague recollection

>> No.65197888

And why would you only attack Mori for this? Wouldn’t that apply to every holo?

>> No.65197890
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>> No.65197953

considering the raid retention from both, that also does not appear true

>> No.65197972
File: 133 KB, 828x828, 1629717838584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.65197989

Not an argument

>> No.65197991

>dislike how she never acknowledged the girls when they actually needed it though
So you will anti Fuwamoco because they are not acknowledging some random small vtuber right now? there are so many trying to leech off the hololive girls all the time you can hold it against anyone for now acknowledging on purpose

>> No.65198129

I'm not attacking Mori over it, but that's just very disingenuous anon. Within Holo, Mori and Kiara are the only ones they had any link to whatsoever, and out of the two Mori is the one who currently spams collabs and engagement with the.

But if we wanna talk STRONG SEETHE then there's a lot of faggotoids on Twitter who were so very hyped over them "getting a second chance" despite completely ignoring them before, some who didn't even pay attention to them for their graduation. Those are the niggers I would happily kill and skullfuck.

>> No.65198182


>> No.65198186

She cannot possible see or do everything. She does some events like remix contests from time to time and promote the winners, but that is the extent on what she can do. Why are you holding Mori accountable to their plight by manga gamer? If you're using that logic, might as well spurn these ruffians for only enjoying them the moment they got into Hololive yet never gave them a chance before, because I do share that sentiment, especially those who use them as a bludgeon to whoever they view as apostates to their delusional creed.
Numberfagging is fine when we're counting 50-500 and those small milestones should be cherished, but that is less consequential when you're already are in Hololive so maybe leave that practice behind.

>> No.65198203

>he thinks this is debate club
you would get bullied at debate club btw

>> No.65198319

Kiara made 37k last month. Number fags didn't even put Mori on the chart because she didn't make the cutoff.

>> No.65198325

They had links through Milky Queen, and Yura Rikudou, but nothing exactly direct to Mori.

>> No.65198459

So? She's not going to make almost 200k next month so "very soon" doesn't sound very accurate, unless you have a strange definition of soon

>> No.65198608

>So? She's not going to make almost 200k next month so
That might be one of the stupidest things I ever read on this board.

>> No.65198632

The year ends in a couple of days and we'll get our final tally for 2023 and Mori would still be ahead.
God I hate engaging numberfag arguments because it's stupid dickwaving no one cares about. Even if Kiara passes Mori, then good for her? Why is anyone supposed to seethe at other people's success?

>> No.65198854

You now that screenshot I replied to is all sc up until now retard? It won't suddenly go up by 200k.
Also you can't refute that her sc is in the shitter since advent debut, Kiara is making way more.

>> No.65198872

Your whole existence is the stupidest thing I have ever witnessed on this board if you're the same fag that's always doomposting about Mori's numbers in every catalog thread

>> No.65198914

>new IP
Is there any reason why you're doing that, sir?

>> No.65198921

>Entire thread breaking rule 1 constantly
>no medios
good job

>> No.65198987

>300 posts seething over a collab

>> No.65198996

The Mori ruined Kronii rrat has always seemed like delicious cope from Kronies who won't accept their oshii thinks the whole "purity" LARP that idols are forced into doing by the threat of reprisal from rabid fans is toxic bullshit.

>> No.65199186

>holoen viewers baffled the idea of collabing multiple times with someone
jesus joseph and mary, how did we get so low?

>> No.65199485

They admire her, its not hard to understand
Hardworking women are rare

>> No.65199954

She's called herself a dumb bitch regularly (or well, mainly used to), it's not uniquely about lean. What I'm talking about is from a menshi where someone asked and she said she'd been a dumb bitch, or something along those lines, for inviting her sister, because it wound up making things bad for someone other than herself.

>> No.65200032

When Kiara started to organize the Amoug Us collab she stated she felt she "had to" invite FWMO. She loves Nerissa and likely habors no hate with Advent but it's clear Kiara would of preferred a Myth/Promise collab at for this.

>> No.65200141

>Same backup plans
So fuwamoco has some Patreon Leeds too?

>> No.65200431

"No hate" is an overstatement, or... an understatement? She's obsessed with Fuwamoco noises and some of their content, and she's very vocal about liking Biboo too.
Shiori... I think she said she'd only watched one specific type of her content? She doesn't dislike her but there seems to be mostly a mutual disinterest.

>> No.65200553

it's not her fault everyone loves her

>> No.65200715
File: 402 KB, 579x642, 1616335347790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bump limit
How does she do it?

>> No.65200835

Because a bunch of people from /jp/ clung to the dogs and are about to get burned hard in teh new year so they reverted to their default of seething at the pink woman.

>> No.65200976

>clung to the dogs and are about to get burned hard in teh new year
What does this mean?

>> No.65201091

The rest of their senpais are too terrified of Fuwawa's massive cock. Plus being friends with Mori is smart if you want to get in the Japanese music scene which the dogs do.

They also are friendly with Kiara. My dogs admire hardworkers

>> No.65201247

They've collabed twice with Fubuki. Once with Polka. Once with Lui. So it's not just Mori. It's not their fault that myth and promise hate them or are jealous of them.

>> No.65201627

Mori didn't spam collabs with Kronii. They only became friends after the Vesper collabs happened. Mori literally has a podcast with the least popular member in EN

>> No.65201730

I let my dog daughters choose their own friends. They will change mori before she ever changes them. Strong stubborn pups know what they want

>> No.65201800

>least popular member of EN
Herself? Bae doubles her viewership, and IRyS usually triples it.

>> No.65201905


>> No.65202025

I think after Mori, Kiara is the closest to them outside of advent. You have to understand most of EN are jealous backbiting birches who hate everything the dogs represent. Imagine how much Ame hates them for instance. Their fuwamoco morning has been everything she wanted with Watson Weekly but couldn't do

>> No.65202294

You don't have to have such a petty bitch mentality towards everything anon. Ame failed to keep up Watson Weekly because she was lazy and it was way more work than she initially expected, I doubt she holds any ill will towards anyone.

>> No.65202428

Not one on one. Technically fuwamoco have collabed with everybody in EN too

Shiori hasn't though
