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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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65178620 No.65178620 [Reply] [Original]

She's at least going to wish us a merry Christmas on twitter... right?

>> No.65178655

Eat your chicken

>> No.65178677

>seething about Gura
Based retard.

>> No.65178767

Happy holidays Gura

>> No.65178803

She won't but her manager under her Twitter account will.

>> No.65178853

As long as it's sponsored.

>> No.65178878

sorry, she's busy

>> No.65178892

>With me.

>> No.65178941 [DELETED] 
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Her schedule is full

>> No.65179003

at this point i think she has forgotten she's a vtuber. didn't she say something similar before? and now she has been gone for even longer.

>> No.65179103


>> No.65179124

We got two whole tweets on Christmas day last year so In keeping with Gura continuous decline expect one this year.

>> No.65179139

why the fuck do you people still exist

>> No.65179188

her schedule? me.

>> No.65179213

I have doubt that this japman guy actually exists. He looks too good to be truth like a douchy spoiled CEO kid. I swear even the name Dmitri Japman tiing sounds like a red flag to me what are the odds this japman person is gura, and gura can't barely stream now because she is busy handling the en side of things.

>> No.65179256

Can't risk burnout

>> No.65179263

The ultimate cope

>> No.65179413

Is not cope, at all. You've never seen this japman guy, plus gura did said something about getting used to "her new normal" Even thay guy twitter handle is a redflag DimitriJap69 that sounds something her previous persona before hololive would say if you been watching her before she join cover..

>> No.65179513

Serious question.
Why do you need the holiday messages from chuuba?
What's the point?

>> No.65179587

We're supposed to like the dogs now, didn't you get the memo? Gura still here is just part of a transition plan to keep Chumbuds around because they think she will return. Waiting, and without her to watch, they'll slowly convert to the dogs. Cover wins

>> No.65179594

They need someone to pretend to give a fuck about them since obviously nobody in their families does.

>> No.65179623

Except Chumbuds aren't interested in dogs they don't look young enough. Most Chumbuds have flocked to bijou.

>> No.65179744

>ackshully, you don't NEED your favorite streamer to wish you a merry christmas
Cuckbuds staying true to their name.

>> No.65179784

Not unless she gets paid for it.

>> No.65179825

If she doesn't get any money out of it she obviously won't, cuckbud.

>> No.65180879

this is a seriously stupid question to ask in the context of vtubers.

>> No.65181294

Yeah, what monsters

>> No.65182363

bitch i said it before and i say it again, gura is on cover's hand property in which she signed on cover's contract as mascot to do whatever the fuck they want to generate passive income, for her and for the company. She is not under jap's hand. If you ever land yourself on working environment for the first, there will be the time where chairman/ceo wants you, as a worker to migrate yourself to any other branch besides your current. To which you have to take the offer, moving out from the house and sign the agreement or get fired.

>> No.65182577

Did your pag pag went cold or something.

>> No.65182730
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says the one who cant move on

>> No.65183036

If so, it'll be in the middle in the night due to Sweden's timezone difference.

>> No.65183069

>went cold
Dumb ESL

>> No.65183182

why the fuck would gura become a business manager? she can barely count.

>> No.65183419

no merch, no message. ask cover why they didn't make something acrylic so gura would talk to us.

>> No.65183876

Serious question.
Are you autistic?
Or do you just not understand the concept of liking another human being?

>> No.65183966

So I did, thanks for confirming don't you people have something we call microwaves?

>> No.65184200

holy newfag. the wording there was chosen to fit the reference. i think more than half of the people who say ESL are in fact ESL themselves.

>> No.65184266

>i was only pretending to be retarded

>> No.65184291

Not monsters. Just very pathetic

>> No.65184602

She obviously has a problem with corporate who control her accounts. Don't take it personally.

>> No.65184686

Let me know how the breeze is up there on that pedestal.

>> No.65184801

Because they are pathetic

>> No.65185738

Are you having a stroke, ESL-chama?

>> No.65186588

when was the last tweet from gura? not counting the ones from her manager

>> No.65186947


>> No.65187111
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>Chumkekers not even getting a Christmas stream.

>> No.65187545

She's pretty much graduated. The only reason it hasn't been made official is so Cover can keep raking it in from all the Gura merch.

>> No.65187568



>> No.65187650

Serious answer: it’s a way for the oshi to show she cares. This thread is bait because we already know Gura doesn’t care, so what’s the point of speculating about this?

>> No.65187778

From what I’ve seen, most chumbuds who actually talk about why they like her instead of sexposting say it’s because of how witty Gura was back when she was regularly streaming. That sounds a lot more like Biboo than FWMC.
Of course, there’s also the thing I’ve been saying again and again, which is that all chumbuds have in common at all is that they like Gura. And they all like her for different reasons. So former chumbuds are probably spread out across multiple vtubers, including both Biboo and FWMC.

>> No.65188351

her content has been on the downhill for a long time, time to let it go. at least pretend she went out on a high note

>> No.65190316

Gura can't post on Twitter but Cover will likely allow the manager to deliver a short generic message.

>> No.65190473

the pedestal in this case being not caring about whether or not an anime girl corporate product tweets generic holiday well wishes.

>> No.65190713

Not using twitter is the most based part of her laziness

>> No.65191084

>does nothing
>still gets threads
how do I get this level of fame

>> No.65191196

Be one of the best content creators i your field.
Im sure bait posting on 4chan’ll get you there:3

>> No.65192461

Cherish your current relationships so you will never have to understand the reasoning. Thousands of people go weeks without speaking to a person, much less to those who even know their name. Even the most fastidious hermits need just a bit of social interaction once a year. And whats so weird about someone youre interested in seeing wishing you a good holiday?

>> No.65192778

unhealthy dependency if you ever "need" something from a vtuber
king post

>> No.65194922
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this anon gets it. watch for "gura" to (1) say that she loves you, (2) call you "chumbies", (3) refer to herself as "fishe", (4) change the subject to eating food, and (5) type cute autism noises.

>> No.65195988

>be one of the best content creators
I didn´t know you could be the best by producing no content. Huh

>> No.65196789

too much work. She'll burn out mid tweet

>> No.65198419
File: 263 KB, 2048x1742, GAoAZ0PWkAAaB81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If a manager pretending to be her wishes us a merry christmas on her twitter account that will be enough for me

>> No.65198583

Chumbuds are pathetic
