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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 84 KB, 720x1297, youtube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
65040992 No.65040992 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.65041035

Why the fuck does YouTube type in lowercase and with exclamation marks? Fucking retards

>> No.65041067

am I meant to be worried?

>> No.65041077

I don’t even use chat

>> No.65041096 [DELETED] 

Hahahahah even JewTube doesn't want you unicorns faggots to use their service holy fuckin based.

>> No.65041100

I'd presume they could only see message history for their own channel (and maybe an overall moderation report), since it'd be fucked up if you could read someone's chats from channels that aren't your own.
If so, this really isn't telling you anything them wouldn't already know.

>> No.65041135

If your chuuba isn't already tracking you with her own spreadsheet you never had a chance.

>> No.65041240

you couldn't see user logs before? lmao what a shit platform

>> No.65041453

Channel mods can also access these chat logs, so a Holo could check your chat history for any other Holo channel they're a mod for, which I'm pretty sure is all of them because any time I see one pop up in chat they're always modded

>> No.65041794

Damn that's a good point. A lot of indies mod their indie friends so watch out if you're a cheater I guess

>> No.65041912

That, and they already cross-banned you if you're a retard on Twitch, so this now allows them to do the same on YT. So all the retards containment breaking will be in for a surprise.

>> No.65041929

...oh shit

>> No.65041935

Retard and faggots OP, if anything this would help chubas to snipe beggars and twitroons and see who is actually their true fan

>> No.65041995

Will this show the banned message? Asking for a friend.

>> No.65042104

>You'll see # of mod actions taken, chat msg history and more
I think it should be fairly obvious anon.

>> No.65042177

It's so over to (You)

>> No.65042264

All what Youtube is doing is copying from Twitch again. History logs from YT could be seen on extern sites already.

>> No.65042320

this has to be illegal

>> No.65042413

Not sure why this is a big deal to anyone?

>> No.65042461


>> No.65042473

you get banned from being toxic of male collab

>> No.65042538

welcome to 1984

>> No.65042552

h-how far can they see the logs?

>> No.65042598

Unitroons on suicide watch. Love to see it.

>> No.65042611

My oshi won't, and I'm not a retard who sperg out on YT chat / comment anyway. I will just quietly drop male collabers

>> No.65042619

is that a question

>> No.65042675

You can already be banned for shit.
How this feature changes anything?

>> No.65042681

Beggar sisters about to be removed from chats. Cool.

>> No.65042698

I've never sent a single message during a stream in like 6 years. What's the point?

>> No.65042714

Corporate social media accounts are typically under the PR department, which usually hires an overpaid millennial woman with the mind of a child but a degree in English, Communications, Or Marketing, just to make tweets that sound Hip and With It. Bussin. Fire. Synergy. It should be no surprise that they type the same way the rest of Twitter does. They ARE the rest of Twitter.

>> No.65042796

Don't you want to interact with chuubas? You are missing out, anon

>> No.65042859
File: 288 KB, 530x562, 1676218996087960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>begged for homocollab on one channel
>banned from all pro-unicorn hologirls

>> No.65042880

JewTube doesn't want you unicorns faggots to use their service holy fuckin based
Can you explain to me how what you said made the slightest amount of sense relative to the change anon/ I really don't see how it'll affect me at all.

>> No.65042913
File: 28 KB, 325x222, 1294933663555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck Bae could find my comment about her Asian Parenting in the real life horrors pre-chat

>> No.65042929

>JewTube doesn't want you unicorns faggots to use their service holy fuckin based
Can you explain to me how what you said made the slightest amount of sense relative to the change anon/ I really don't see how it'll affect me at all.

>> No.65042939

I just don't see the point.

>> No.65043060
File: 89 KB, 1027x795, 1696146473996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my oshi will find out I'm a cheating whore who watches other girls' streams

>> No.65043062

How has OP and almost everyone in this thread assumed that it lets you read chats sent to other channels? It doesn't say that. It doesn't even say that you can see chats for the other channels you mod for in parallel.

>> No.65043487

So mad he fucked up his on post can't even green text our quote correctly you outted yourself as a tourist. Good job retard. if you ever wonder why this rule came into effect all you have to do is look at all the harassment girls like kronii got for daring to have fun playing games with male co-workers.

>> No.65043594

>watching vtubers that do male collabs in the first place

>> No.65043756

Have to kind of agree with you there, I mean all they have to do is not watch them, but some of them can't help themselves so they enjoy what they consider blatant obnoxious disgusting cuckoldry in secret. I respect there's some unicorns with common sense to stay way from watching things they don't like unfortunately most here are legit mentally ill and continue to do this to themselves. There's plenty of girls that caters to their needs why not watch them instead of watching what they hate then bitching about it for the two years tempiss has existed.

>> No.65043820

like this will change anything, that babski faggot sent harassing SCs to basically every girl in EN and they did fuck all about it, you think they're fucking going to do moderation that would actually require them to try at all?

>> No.65043866

>if you ever wonder why this rule came into effect all you have to do is look at all the harassment girls like kronii got for daring to have fun playing games with male co-workers.
NTA but this post is truly retarded. The Indian who runs Youtube certainly doesn't care about Kronii and I still don't see how this will affect unicorns at all. The girls 100% know who their unicorns are since unicorns are very public on Youtube and Twitter.

>> No.65043908

If anything this is bad for schizo falseflaggers pretending to be angry fans, not actual unicorn fans

>> No.65043909

>some of them
kek, you mean most of them? ;)

>> No.65043913

How am I supposed to falseflag as a Hololive fan now?? You mean they'll see my burner account was created in the last 3 hours and subbed only to the boys?

>> No.65044050

Why do I get the feeling that homobeggars are desperately trying to spin this as a win against unichads.

>> No.65044126

Anon Kronii's mods ban people who try to bring up the homos. If anything the homobeggars will get hit more from this.

>> No.65044150

As if my 1view oshi wasn't parasocial enough... I think it might be time to pull the plug bros. Grooming her isn't worth the absolute menhera shitstorm this feature is going to bring

>> No.65044175

Because they desperate for any win.
Even Bae barbie collab is a loss for them, because it killed their rrat about collab ban and 2 graduated homos being fired for standing against it.

>> No.65044244

>because it killed their rrat about collab ban
lol, it also killed their rrat about Shiori wanting to become he homo bicycle but couldn't because of an imaginary collab ban.

>> No.65044249

Then stop being a sperg. Just don't watch vtubers who do male collabs if you dislike them.

>> No.65044301

my oshi has thousands of viewers and is too busy to micromanage her chat. small corp viewers are the only ones who need to worry.

>> No.65044412

This. It's unironically worse for fans of smaller chuubas because you can be 100% sure your desperate 2view is going to use this thing to full effect

>> No.65044598

>creators & mods can access channel activity so everyone can keep an eye on chat

>> No.65044666

>all the homobeggars that follow doxfags, dramaniggers will be revealed to Hololive
The shadow cabal 0of the horned horse won again.

>> No.65044712

oh shit Koroneskies are fucked

>> No.65044875

just use other account for each of them
ez peze

>> No.65044892

It's the mod issue anon. Corpos are all mods in each other's chats so you're pretty much fucked unless you only watch people who hate each other.

>> No.65044920

that's not how it works, they cannot see your messages and activity for another channel that they aren't moderators for

>> No.65044944
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>> No.65044947
File: 144 KB, 565x600, 1691544057623604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Have you been posting messages calling out other vtubers for a male collab that you didn't like? Lets see your chat history anon!"
>*pulls up chat messages to Pippa/Kiki/Lia*
>*bans anon for being a fucking faggot*

>> No.65044988

Nah, we like it when she goes yandere and beats us up

>> No.65045006

This can be interpreted a few ways. It doesn't necessarily mean that a stream's mods can automagically see everything a user has done on any other stream. That would be retarded even by YouTube's standards, which is saying something.

>> No.65045058

>that they aren't moderators for
Where did I say anything about that? I said that they'll be able to check your history in any other Holo's chat because every Holo is modded in every other Holo's chat

>> No.65045076

Kek, it just shown homobeggar are huffing on their fart, that they didn't even know this is a thing a month before those 2 graduated. Kronii mod actively hunt and ban people who mention those 2.

>> No.65045133

Lmao it's fucking over for homobeggars.

>> No.65045159

This is basically like a twitch stream chat, they can view chat log on their channel only.

>> No.65045174

But we don't know how the tool works yet. Why assume that they'll see the chats from both channels together? Also, in what circumstance would that mean you're fucked?

>> No.65045257
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>> No.65045261

Then why does it matter? It feels like everyone's trying to make this a bigger thing, both positive and negative, than it is.

>> No.65045275

Are you retarded, this is probably the best tool against homobeggar who keep spamming and mention homo name off topic and they can view this record from past history. This also a good weapon against falseflagger which we know coming from homobeggar.

>> No.65045309


>> No.65045332

>expecting homobeggars to know something that happened on stream
That's your first mistake anon. That would require them to watch streams first

>> No.65045338

Should i add Nta

>> No.65045425
File: 423 KB, 800x602, 1651443850010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hololive unban streams soon

>> No.65045540

This isn't a bad thing at all, even to unicorns. The girls can more easily nuke homobeggars too with this. It's a win all around.

>> No.65045545

What I don't understand is why you give a shit about Holos seeing your public chats to other Holos, as if they can't already. What does this tangibly change, other than how far they have to scroll up? I doubt you're shit talking them behind their backs to other Holos.

>> No.65045656

they did not suffer harassment

>> No.65045706

This won't change anything unless the holos or their mods finally will bring down the hammer on obvious shitstirrers

>> No.65045757

Oh no. Now all the holos can see how much I love my oshi.

>> No.65045817

I shitposted in Suisei's freetalk during the sakuma dick shit
It’s over for me
I didn’t mean any of it

>> No.65045887

It's because now the homobeggars need to put in extra effort to make new accounts every time they falseflag as "fans"

>> No.65045915

I wonder if it will be able to see chats from before this was implemented or if it means starting now.

>> No.65045983

Imagine the seethe when people start getting cross-banned from every single Holo channel?

>> No.65046049

It would be great if Cover and Any Color teamed up to collectively ban people who try to flamewar.
Total Unicorn Death.
Total Disunityfag Death.

>> No.65046102

I think you misunderstood what unity means, anon
It means hololive fans united against everyone else

>> No.65046286

Oh shit, now my unicorn-friendly oshi will find out that I only watch other unicorn-friendly vtubers. I'm so fucked bros

>> No.65046308

You whore!

>> No.65046310
File: 107 KB, 596x882, 1702743867384745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As some have already said, and yet it's worth reiterating, this won't do shit against unicorns or the CGDCT faction. homobeggars see people like gabe/konig and they make him THE boogeyman who is supposedly representative of thousands of people. Might want to clean up your own backyard before pointing fingers. If anything, this will curtail the homobeggars. Picrel.

>> No.65046325

I have nothing to fear really, time will tell which side gets BTFO harder by this change.

>> No.65046452

>making it easier for us to op-sec check retarded beggars
>Somehow this is a bad thing for unicorns

>> No.65046477

Yes I'm a DD slut, but I only whore out for my oshi's close friends

>> No.65046846


>> No.65047292

I dunno if you being serious but they can only check their respective channel, giving tool that they can monitor other people channel is too much violation of privacy and even twitch doesn't do it.

>> No.65047379

Read the thread >>65045058

>> No.65047389

>being a slut for notMori
These people exist?

>> No.65047441

that's not gonna happen

>> No.65047528

I am a retard… please explain.

>> No.65047634

Oh no no no

>> No.65048124
File: 16 KB, 397x619, twitch-chat-log.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basicly any moderator and the channel creator can see your chat history or if you already were timed out. Since Hololive has well connected mods they have also the chatlogs from other channels. I expect a company wide blacklist soonish

>> No.65048212

Of what, specifically?

>> No.65048231

they haven't even done that with SC trolls, what makes you think they'll do it with anyone?

>> No.65049179
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>> No.65049554

Why are catalog shitposters trying to shift everything to this "unicorn vs homobeggar" war? It's the same boring time loop over and over again, i miss the actual schizos.

>> No.65049739
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>> No.65049801

I've always been of the mindset that if you get banned on one girls channel you should have a company wide ban, cross branch and all. Act like a fuckhead get treated like a fuckhead. And if you want to be unbanned you send an apology email to cover.

>> No.65049853

Cool, now can you actually do something productive instead and fix whatever causes people to get shadowbanned for a day at random?
Nice livestreaming platform where you can't even use chat comfortably without having 3 alts prepared.

>> No.65050120
File: 140 KB, 1199x578, GA-j0BQXQAAt9Ps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No need to do this anymore

>> No.65050366

Welp, I guess I'm gonna get filtered from Phase Connect. I got nuked from Pippa's chat for le dog whistle during the Hogwarts saga. Months later, I'm watching a Tenma and Pippa collab, on Tenma's chat, and got banned during it, despite no yab comment. I assumed it was a common jannie that recognized my name, but if they search the history now, I'm gonna get banned from all of them, including my new Euphoria oshi. RIP.

>> No.65052086

I disagree. There's value in exposing them to the broader community. And not just the homobeggars, also the bloodthirsty holoantis whenever something happens to Holo, i.e. Suisei or Kanata's "yabs".

>> No.65052423

Hail Hydra!

>> No.65052442

Nigga Cover won't waste time reading unban appeals and apologies from a bunch of randoms

>> No.65052495

Damn they'll see all the homobeggars who are actually phase/nijifags who don't watch holo or homos at all. And the people spamming Gura's comments for months.

>> No.65052691

Go scorched earth.

>> No.65052694

As someone who would be considered a unicorn by others, I really don't see any issue with this. Better and more powerful moderation tools would be better for both sides of the street. Unicorns who complain instead of leaving, homobeggars who keep their shit up, blatant trolls and antis, etc. all need to get nuked any ways. There's no genuine fan who would have any issue with this.

I agree. What I'd also want, which is something Twitch recently implemented, is that you can block banned users from watching your stream. This is something I want for Youtube, along with losing access to membership posts and videos whenever you're banned.

>> No.65052888

No before they could only see that you’ve watched other girls streams. Which is how some of the more stalker like vtubers knew you stopped watching them for someone else. Now that they could read your chat history that’s gonna cause problems. Hopefully you’re a super lurker or have separate accounts for vtubers

>> No.65054367

I hope anon is a good boy.

>> No.65055896

This is just a fully positive thing. If you feel some other way about it, it's because you're one of the two groups this negatively impacts: schizo antis and parasocial groomers (of both chuuba and viewer variety). In which case, fucking great. Working as intended.

>> No.65057146

I don't think I've seen homobeggars compared to the likes of Gabe before, but yeah that totally tracks. Just cut off the troons and schizos so that unicorns can watch their chuubas in peace

>> No.65057232
File: 28 KB, 401x401, sweating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything is fine

>> No.65057359

From your very first word, passing from your first coherent thoughts, the rest of your childhood, adolescence and adulthood up to the current day.

>> No.65057416

Hello fellow youths...

>> No.65057495

nothing to sing about about
ive bared all my leaves

>> No.65057648
File: 19 KB, 340x453, FFKhl9UVkAI3ukM.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone who just acts normal in chats this change does not affect me.

>> No.65057721

Does it show youtube's own shadow bans?

>> No.65059106

if youtube adds crossbans it might kill hololive's engagement lmao

>> No.65059863

appearently Kiara uses Hyperchat to filter all greys.

>> No.65060127

How the fuck is Youtube just adding this? I thought it was a meme that Twitch had better moderation tools.

>> No.65061006

Kiara just keeps getting more and more based as the days go on. How does she do it?

>> No.65061610

as if hololive's engagement wasn't killed enough already

>> No.65062817

cheers unibros, homobeggars total death.

>> No.65063319

Here's how it works according to Lua Asuka from PK
1/ Vtuber must be wrenched to other peoples channels for access
2/ Vtuber only has access the last 3 posts the chatter made

Make sure your last 3 posts are normal, don't schizopost in the vtubers channel and you're golden.

>> No.65064330

Whew. Hope this is true. My last 3 posts are:
are you safe with your last 3 posts?

>> No.65065300

>2/ Vtuber only has access the last 3 posts the chatter made
That makes this feature fucking useless. Normal emote usage would counter this already.

>> No.65065413

most holos are way too big to give any shits about individual chatters. I don't see how this is a problem for 4/5 views. It's small corpo cheater bros who better watch out.

>> No.65065579

Yes, but if the two vtubers start talking behind the sceme they can start comparing their schizos chat logs and send them to each other

>> No.65066056

Or for being an annoying homobeggar. The angle doesn’t really matter so much as whether or not you’re a shithead about it.

>> No.65066272

>2/ Vtuber only has access the last 3 posts the chatter made
The image in the OP says "chat messages in the last 30 days" though
If what she said is real then this shit is fucking useless

>> No.65066535

>The image in the OP says "chat messages in the last 30 days" though
They have access to the entirety of your chat messages in their channels during that 30 day period
The streamer has limited access to chat logs in any channel they have been made moderators in

>> No.65066560

Guys like Babski, for one.

>> No.65066615

nice, 99% of chat history will just be emote spam

>> No.65066742

They want to be relatable to zoomers, and zoomers never capitalize anything.

>> No.65066832

Nice! This means that my consistently helpful backseating will be more noticeable by my oshi. (Unlike most of chat.)

>> No.65066907

Kys greynigger

>> No.65067039

I've been membered for 2 years thank you very much.

>> No.65067130

No, she answered my question and I'm a grey.

>> No.65068211

I heard it was three random posts

>> No.65068300


>> No.65072933

>Say some dumb ass shit in chat
>Chuuba checks your account history
>Sees you watch homos
>Bans you
Fucking BASED

>> No.65073772

that is 100 percent going to happen when Kiara realizes what the function does. She's automatically a mod for Stars channels, so she can nuke Homo fans when they beg

>> No.65073916

I look forward to it, gigabased kiara.

>> No.65074238

Sisters I don't feel so good. How are we going to shit on IRyS and FWMC now?

>> No.65074426

>Implying I type in youtube chat more than once in a blue moon.

>> No.65074793

I don't care, I'm always polite on youtube, and when I criticize someone I use arguments
I only shitpost crap /here/

>> No.65075613
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Leave it to the Austrians to purge the unwanted and the unwelcome. If they could do it in Europe in the 1940's, they can do it on Youtube in the 2020's too.

>> No.65075752

>she'll see me typing wwww in another chat
it's over for me

>> No.65075977

They don't do it in their chats, duh

>> No.65076180

Or any other's chat, for that matter, if they can truly see your comments from all other channels. Kiara has wrenches for a bunch of indie channels too, for some reason.
