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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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64901305 No.64901305 [Reply] [Original]

>Started out as an failed Ai-chan project
>Says Nigga
>West acknowledges /vt/
>Accidentally changes the landscape of /vt/ forever, by making it less seiso and more comedic.
Name a bigger W.

>> No.64901492

It's always funny to me when people try and say that the GTA clip is what made Hololive popular in the west. It wasn't. Coco and Covid did.
The GTA clip brought in a few thousand people, yes, but Asacoco as well as Covid forcing people to look for new entertainment brought in tens of thousands of new fans.
Also, /vt/ wasn't made created until 2021, newfag.

>> No.64901511
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>Started out as a farmer
>Says AKB8
>Created a new world of vtuber scene

>> No.64901614


>> No.64901811

>Iconic Nigga clip comes out May of 2019
>People memed the shit out of that clip both inside and outside of Japan
>Inspired Yagoo to change course for company.
>Coco debuts in Dec of the same year.

Miko wasn't the boom, she was the spark.

These newfags are so tiresome...

>> No.64901840

I didn't even see the GTA clip until I saw fubuki scatman, coco "statue of Liberty", and Matsuris band-aid nips.
Honestly it might even have been after I saw korones "turtle house" and "water in the fire" clips too

>> No.64902771

Nyegga wasn't even the first nigga clip, but what set Migo apart was how she responded to the attention the clip got. Shizuka Rin got 10x the attention Migo got with country roads, but eventually all the new eops she got left. Migo literally transformed herself into a gta character and constantly pandered to eops.

>> No.64903322

Nah, for me it was Matsuri clip. You know the one.

>> No.64903371

Sora pussy

>> No.64903950

>It was le plandemic and Reddit Girl

Please kill yourself before speaking, newfag.

>> No.64904260

You have the floor. What caused the boom?
Nobody here seems to agree on anything, but you seem like an upstanding individual who knows it all.

>> No.64904269

Fucking retard, were you not watching hololive in 2020? Coco was literally the impetus for massive amounts of English speaking retards descending on Hololive. She translated Asacoco and introduced the west to most hololive members at a time when everyone was stuck inside looking for entertainment because evertything here was shut down.
Only chinks from azur lane and a few thousand people from miko's GTA/Fubuki's scatman clips knew about hololive. It wasn't until early 2020 when hololive took off in the west. And I'm not the only one who thinks this. Cover itself thinks this and so do all the girls because 2020 is when they noticed a giant influx of English speakers in their chats.
Go back to any of the streams from back then and you will literally see what they mean.
Don't ever pretend to know what things were like back then because you are clearly a larping faggot that wasn't even here. Kill yourself, you know-nothing retard fuck.

>> No.64904274

>Inspired Yagoo to change course for company.
What change?

>> No.64904401

He probably means focus on a more international appeal, and he might be right, actually. CN debuted in late 2019 and the ID branch debuted in early 2020 and Coco was the first foreigner hired as a holo. Those seem like deliberate decisions to expand their market and it was several months after miko and fubuki's viral clips, so as retarded as he sounds, he might be on to something.

>> No.64904516

i dont think jp clips and coco were the big factor. only weebs were watching them back then. realistically the en branch was the beginning.

>> No.64904715

Well no shit, anon. But the amount of westerners watching Hololive exploded from a few thousand by the end of 2019 to literally tens of thousands by March 2020. If you go back to any of the girls' streams back then, half of the chat was in English. There was no EN option back then and so everyone interested in vtubers were watching JP. The giant influx of foreigners watching hololive in the first half of 2020 was the reason why an EN branch was even created in the first place.

>> No.64904775

Least sane tatsunoko leeching the elite migo. It's hilarious to me how some people overrating coco to be the biggest reason lots of fans outside of nips become a fan of Holo wherein before she debuted hololive is becoming a international thing coz of COVID. Just look at all the clips during that time and there's barely a coco clip not to mention her ccv isn't that impressive compared to other holos..

>> No.64904832

That's quite baseless assumption to think that's all because of Migo nigga clip, you also have Fubuki with similar situation and international expansion pretty much very important decision for them to make because they are not doing well as a group on Japan back then, they started to gain footing after they start pandering to chink, with Azur lane collab is the big starting point and Azur lane collab is nothing about Miko as they are based on Hololive resistance arc on old MC server where the Sora's "ja,teki dane" catchphrase born. Then after that their overseas presence only increased with more clippers then Coco then Myth

>> No.64904838

Didn't AI-chan said Fuck You long before that? She was also trying to look under her guests way before Miko debuted

>> No.64904857

Least sane tatsunoko leeching the elite migo. It's hilarious to me how some people overrating coco to be the biggest reason lots of fans outside of nips become a fan of Holo wherein before she debuted hololive is becoming a international thing coz of COVID. Just look at all the clips during that time and there's barely a coco clip not to mention her ccv isn't that impressive for a chuuba who said to be the reason west watch holo

>> No.64905289

>wherein before she debuted hololive is becoming a international thing coz of COVID
Coco debuted at the end of December in 2019. Covid lockdown didn't occur until March 2020, you absolute braindead ESL faggot. Holy fuck you're stupid as shit.
Coco's CCV wasn't the highest at the time (Asacoco was on at 6 AM JST), but she had some of the highest VOD views in the entire company and her channel was the fastest growing in the entire company until Gura arrived.
Her morning show was literally the ONLY translated hololive content besides clips by chinks like hololive moments, and even then, there weren't anywhere near as many clips made in 2019. By mid 2020 there were multiple thousands. I remember we used to make youtube playlists of translated clips back then because we didn't have anything like holodex at the time and I distinctly remember those playlists exploding past several thousand clips by mid 2020. The growth during that time was insane and the only ones who ever denied that were jealous chink fucks that hated the new western audience.

And here's the thing you insufferable retard, the numbers just don't agree with you at all. By the end of 2019, only a couple holos had more than 300k subs, with Fubuki having the most at around 500k, and by a little more than halfway through 2020 several of them were approaching a million. You have no fucking clue what you're talking about, so shut the fuck up you subhuman brainlet.

>> No.64905511

>watched hololive since the start of covid
>never watched any coco video even the graduation
saw some of her clips, felt like watching a twitch streamer

>> No.64905525

>>64905289 (Me)
I actually just went and checked, and the sub numbers were even worse than I remembered in 2019. The numbers I described were for around May 2020. None of them were even close to those numbers by the end of 2019. That's how explosive the growth was in 2020. Fubuki had 836k subs by September 1st, 2020.

>> No.64905827

I honestly never liked her reddit review stuff (and wasn't really all that interested in her zatsus either). She shined with Asacoco which had a lot more production put behind it and all the jokes in it were made by her.
At the time, there really wasn't anything else like it in vtubing and her sarcastic and somewhat derisive humor was really good at making people root for the other girls. I still think that's where she was at her best, at promoting the other girls in a funny way that made fun of them a bit, but never in a way that was hurtful. It made them feel more relatable and it really made hololive feel more like a group of friends taking jabs at each other instead of the sterile, corporate atmosphere it had before and after. The fact she translated the entire show by herself afterwards was really helpful as well.

>> No.64905857

Why did you post this twice? Are you drinking too much between spoonfuls of bat soup?

>> No.64905959

It's just some fucking retarded 35p, who are known to be ESL, desperate to give Miko more credit than she deserves. They're delusional like that and it's also what makes them so insufferable.

>> No.64908750

daily reminder Cover is the ONLY jp company that stands on the foundations of the word "nigga"
other companies needs to step the fuck up
