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648811 No.648811 [Reply] [Original]

Away! Because I don't eat it!

>> No.648831

the no one?

>> No.648838
File: 7 KB, 320x180, pepeloni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.648842

I love the pepeloni!

>> No.648990

I watched her Q&A and I still don't understand why she refuses to just buy a Margherita pizza.

>> No.649087

there's a theory she likes the residue taste of pepeloni

>> No.649502

My country puts the cheese on top of the pepeloni. Haachama would struggle to AWAY them.

>> No.649519

I always heard it as "the known one".

>> No.649536

I want haachama to choke on my pepeloni.

>> No.649548

I thought it was established it's because she didn't understand how (or was unable) to order a cheese pizza.

>> No.649563

So I just cut off Anon's dick. Away!

>> No.649607

500 years from now historians will still be debating what the strongest idol meant by this.

>> No.649653

All this time and no one shown her that cheese pizza exists? Does she just order same shit over and over and not check what other flavors they have?

>> No.649667

Ah, the pepeloni!

>> No.649676

You underestimate her AWAY!

>> No.649685

I want to lick Haachama's cheesy pepeloni armpits

>> No.649797

It's all so confusing. Here are the statements I can make out.
>1. She says she orders the domino's pepperoni pizza without pepperoni
>2. She says she likes pepperoni
>3. She says she will order the cheese crust pepperoni pizza and pull off the pepperoni
Statement 1 and 3 are in direct contradiction. While statement 2 can be true in either of the other cases, it doesn't make much sense she would order something she likes and then not eat it or order a pizza and specifically tell them to remove a thing she likes. In the first place a pepperoni pizza is basically just a margarita pizza. Why not just order that?

>> No.649849

Maybe she eats them after? Like I know one person who pulls the cheese off, eats the sauce bread and then the cheese at the end.(its fucking weird yeah)

>> No.649916

Pizza ear

>> No.650218

"pepeloni AND without pepeloni"

>> No.650303

AAH the Domino's pepeloni... has always been celebrated for its cheese pan... it is an Australian pepeloni, the no one... inspired by that same ear of pizza...

>> No.650376

Haachama orders the pepperoni cheese stuffed crust pizza and picks off the pepperoni so she can put it in gyoza, we covered this like last week

>> No.650562

why not order a cheese pizza and put gyoza on it

>> No.650692
File: 207 KB, 680x1328, pepelonii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all very clear

>> No.650714

The pepeloni keeps on giving.

>> No.650830

Does anyone know the link of a dude saying the whole pepeloni thing but in dramatic and shakespearean way?

>> No.650955
File: 93 KB, 589x625, pepeloni shakesspeare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.651979

Hey now be gentle with the dumbass

>> No.652577

Haachama knows cheese pizza is a codeword. Ordering it is just playing into the globalist agenda.

>> No.654473

She says as much that she doesn't eat the pepeloni though.

>> No.654531

Bit she also said she likes pepeloni

>> No.654594

Guys. Haato likes pepeloni, haachama doesn't. Haato orders the chese pan pepeloni, haachama AWAY!'s them. They compromise on gyoza.

>> No.654637
File: 60 KB, 1023x895, depositphotos_78584690-stock-photo-cartoon-ear-with-pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ear of pizza

>> No.654663

Has anyone here ever done an out-loud reading of this? I kinda want to vocaroo it in my fake british accent

>> No.654676
File: 274 KB, 346x467, Complete_Fucking_Idiotchama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I gotchoo. https://vocaroo.com/11ocMbN6ornL

>> No.654687

I'm sure they have but do it anyway faggot

>> No.654864

Do it faggot

>> No.654879

So do they eat fucking pepeloni or not after all, this makes it even more confusing

>> No.654935

She doesn't. She just wants a cheese pizza but she is too retardedchama to order a pizza without toppings.

>> No.654943

There's no way she's that dumb.

>> No.654990
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>> No.655132

Why she never tried to ask the place she's ordering at if they can do a pizza without toppings? Is she really this insane after eating shit like crocodile leg with chocolate?

>> No.655174

I think this was when she was still friendless and with a host family that didn't care about her in Australia, so she probably actually didn't have anyone to tell her or the English to read the menu.

>> No.655182

She eats the pepperoni with other foods.

>> No.655183

Maybe she orders a pepeloni pizza with the pepeloni on the side.

>> No.655207
File: 2.63 MB, 938x675, haachama.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She is an absolute Genius

>> No.655623

This is ART

>> No.655680

Haachama wont be stopped. Soon holo will fall and only sora will remain as the first and last hope of the world

>> No.655748

Because she doesn't know what that is and the absence of "cheese pizza" on the menu made her assume they didn't have it

>> No.655792

i don't even know what that is

>> No.655814

Doubt she even checked the menu because what type of a fucking pizza place doesn't have margarita or 4 cheese pizza

>> No.655933

She's already been stopped by management

>> No.655975

Fuck management.

>> No.656010

>why doesn't she eat the peloloni?
Haachama, being a subclass member of her family, is relegated to eating exclusively cheap food. If she ever comes in contact with any kind of higher quality edibles, she is under strict orders of picking it out to save it for her older and better sister to feast upon; while haachama is made to watch - as a way to make sure she knows her place.

>> No.657611

mid, it wasn't read with Iambic Pentameter, so it doesn't sound Shakespeareian at all

>> No.657752

The ear of the pizza is wrong on those.

>> No.657753

I have, though I was just kinda reading it, no British accent

>> No.657795
File: 669 KB, 960x540, waw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You understand?

>> No.658233

Glad my speech impediment could come in handy

>> No.658251


>> No.658281

>skim list
>No cheese? Ok Pepeloni

Maybe aussie's call it a margherita and Japanese dominos call it Cheese pizza or something

>> No.658400

just a rrat

>> No.658444

might want to try that again anon

>> No.658542

apparently its more than just my speech that is impeded.

>> No.658615

Good job anon

>> No.659003

She likes the residue of the pepelone, the pepel oils, just not the 'lone itself on her cheese-cheese pan.

>> No.659043

Based, very nice anon

>> No.659100
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>> No.659165
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>> No.659223 [DELETED] 


Haato doesn't seem to like pepperoni either.
>How bout pizza? Yes, I love pizza. Pizza Pizza Pizza. Hmm... Pizza! Pizza no pepperoni!. Pepperoni pizza no pepperoni.
Also notice that Haato can pronounce pepperoni properly, while Haachama can't.

>> No.659275

That's them fighting externally.

>> No.659284


Haato doesn't seem to like pepperoni either.
https://youtu.be/7J8hZuBz54g?t=5518 [Embed]
>How bout pizza? Yes, I love pizza. Pizza Pizza Pizza. Hmm... Pizza! Pizza no pepperoni! Pepperoni pizza no pepperoni.
Also notice that Haato can pronounce pepperoni properly, while Haachama can't.

>> No.659316

Now what was the point of deleting the first time if you were just gonna typo again anon-chan?

>> No.659403


Damn, I feel dumb. Guess I'll just leave it.

>> No.659427

No, it was established that it was because she likes the pepperoni grease cooked into the pizza but not the actual pepperonis.

She's actually extremely cultured.

>> No.660004

>notice that Haato can pronounce pepperoni properly, while Haachama can't.
Saw that when watching stream.
Now, either she's gotten embarrassed by the widespread pepeloni memes that make fun of her pronunciation or she's weaving an intricate tapestry of naRRATive the scope of which whose murky depths we have not yet even begun to plumb.

>> No.660011

>a friggin crocodile leg
>cheap food

>> No.660065

Haachama asks you for to make her a pizza and goes afk for an hour.
What do you do?

>> No.660100

call the fire department

>> No.660101

>asks you for to make

>> No.660288


There FOUR different cheese pizzas on the menu. FOUR!

>> No.660379

AWAY! Because I don't eat it!

>> No.660540

Put in peppeloni

>> No.660583

yes, but how many of them have cheese in the ear of pizza

>> No.660585

Tarantula is also expensive, but her prissy sister sees both as subhuman trash-food that are more fit to an animal like her little sister.

>> No.660590

make pizza and put there every single bit of pepeloni in a mile radius

>> No.660658

>she's fluent in English
>said this complete nonsense for the lulz
Is that the truth? Would Chaama Chaama do this to us on purpose?

>> No.660723

Chama is playing 4d chess with many-world interpretation time travel

>> No.660746

Yes. This is a character after all. Is she on the level of true native? No, but close enough.

>> No.660750

Sasuga world's strongest idol

>> No.660847

>world's strongest idol
that's pp tenshi though

>> No.661480

Metaphorically strongest, not physically.

>> No.661535

>There's a non-zero chance that haachama herself may read this some day if she keeps EN pandering

>> No.662753


Which country is that? It's the best way and the only way I have my pepeloni.

>> No.664101

that pizza looks good

>> No.665342


>> No.667036

Pepeloni goes on the gyoza

>> No.667428

I thought the gyoza went on the pizza

>> No.674716

Bump for pepeloni

>> No.674751

And pineapple under

>> No.675112

The nip word for bread crust can translate as ear, apparently

>> No.675116

So currently
>Cheese stuffed ear
>Gyoza and pepeloni topping
>Pepeloni removed before eating
>On top of pineapple
Questions remaining
>Is the pineapple cut in half and the pizza laid flat, or on the outside
>Does she eat the pineapple or just use it as a plate
>Where and how does she regularly find pineapples large enough to rest an entire pizza on?
>Where do the pepeloni go AWAY to?
>Does saying AWAY in that fashion have a purpose? Perhaps it opens the portal to the pepeloni dimension

>> No.675992

the pepeloni goes AWAY, and then on top of the gyoza

>> No.676481

So it's like pacman and goes out one side of reality and comes back on the other to land on the gyoza, got it

>> No.676584
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>> No.677161

I'm pretty sure that was, albeit a reasonable, rrat. Pretty sure her Q/A had nothing about her liking the pepeloni or its grease and she just wanted cheese, but couldn't buy it.

>> No.677183

Wasn’t it because the cheesy crust was only available with the peppeloni?

>> No.680205

God this is so surreal

>> No.681329

I am amazed and baffled that this exists.

>> No.688514


>> No.689877

There isn't a pepperoni with stuffed crust either

>> No.689919

Haachama HATES Italians

>> No.689938

mamma mia

>> No.689976

Haachamma mia

>> No.690194

Haachaama-sama how could you do this to me?

>> No.691610

she can speak English much better then she pretends she can

>> No.691736

Who doesn't?

>> No.691762

No, she only hates Northern Italians. Sicilians are based and the true Romans

>> No.693950

God that's so hot I wanna hear her talk liike that more

>> No.694009

Lads I'm gonna get a pepeloni pizza tonight.
Does Haachama have a mailing address? I don't eat this topping, so I thought she could use it for gyoza.

>> No.694842 [SPOILER] 
File: 329 KB, 1086x650, 1613588596389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one of you did this

>> No.695219

just make an account and turn dark mode on, you blind boomer

>> No.695392

>make an account
>turn dark mode on
dunno what is more cringe here

>> No.695959

here, have a (You) and go take care of those eyes anon, what do you think your oshi would say

>> No.695992

I am convinced people who unironically prefer being constantly blasted by #FFFFFF are psychopaths and should not be engaged.

>> No.696000

>make an account on reddit
No thanks fag

>> No.696173

>getting your eyes raped by white text on black background is better
mentally ill zoomers do that

>> No.696206

underrated post

>> No.702002

is tomorrow's masterpiece happening on midnight jst again? I need to reserve the time

>> No.709731

Understand? Understandable!

>> No.710295
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the pepeloni

>> No.711005
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There is a chance she ate this when she was in Australia

>> No.711420

But she always order the domino. Domino pepeloni and without pepeloni. She always order the pepeloni and without pepeloni. Pepeloni!

>> No.711475

That is domino, domino australia. it has pepeloni to be removed once it has been ordered

>> No.711530

Haachama likes pepeloni. She always... she always order the cheese cheese pan.

>> No.711582

That's way too much pepeloni

>> No.712049

It's not enough pepeloni, she needs the greasy meat sauce to be there in adequate amounts once she removed them

>> No.712118


>> No.712128

Wheres the gyoza and pineapple?

>> No.712395
File: 1.30 MB, 2256x1496, Chicago-style_pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what she'd think of deep dish pizza
>pan pizza
>cheese ON the crust
>pepelonis are hidden under the sauce

>> No.712400

Dominos does not supply them, Haachama-sama does!

>> No.712432

no one but a pure American could eat that

>> No.712443

Looks just as edible as her usual stuff

>> No.716164

imagine being the australian dominos worker who gets a phone order for the domino pepeloni and without pepeloni with the cheese cheese pan in the ear of pizza

>> No.716464

>Oi mate, what can we getcha'?
>I-I like the cheese pi-cheese pan with the cheese on the ear, and I wantu the pepeloni on it. But I don't eat the pepeloni, so I can take it off!

>> No.716493
File: 258 KB, 2715x2385, AWAY AWAY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.716520

>so mate, dya want it without the peperoni?
>pepeloni! i like pepeloni.

>> No.716572
File: 707 KB, 1266x688, Micolash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aah pepeloni or some say peperoni.

>> No.716654

The colours remind me of Kureji Ollie

>> No.716882

I can turn dark mode on without having a reddit account. But maybe I'm just built different

>> No.719227

>no one
The no one...

>> No.721581

>italian dish
>only an american

>> No.722207

the deep dish is pure chicago

>> No.722419

>implying that shit is even a pizza, even more italian one
only americans can eat that

>> No.727618

Why australians even have pepeloni? Aren't they supposed to eat kangaroos, spiders and vegemite?

>> No.727734

I'm a burger who's never left the country, and even I know Italians don't eat that

>> No.727752

Haachama did eat a spider on camera, so I guess her time in Australia taught her something

>> No.727777
File: 152 KB, 960x1200, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Fa.pomf.cat%2Fcgdzjc.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.727946

Ah, you were by my side all along. My true mentor, my guiding pepeloni...

>> No.728086

>The Pepeloni, ah, the Pepelone
>Dost thou perceive the thing of which I speak?
>The Pepeloni where there is not one
>That I obtain from Dominos boutique
>Of Pepeloni I am rather fond,
>I evermore request the pan of cheese
>Can words express the heart of a gourmand?
>Perhaps a drawing will do more than these
>Behold: The pan of cheese contains an ear,
>And in that ear is cheese in greater share,
>And Pepeloni on the surface, here,
>Which Dominos hath placed with such great care.
>I pluck it with impunity. Away!
>Because I shall consume it not this day.

>> No.728160
File: 325 KB, 479x473, Screenshot_20201106-233524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This entire time Haachama has been an ARG marketing campaign for dominos that has gotten. Out of hand.

>> No.728161

>Pepeloni pizza is what reverts the beast Haachama back to Haato

>> No.728262

ohhhhhhh...the sweet pepeloni...it sings to me...

>> No.730873


>> No.731176


pretty sure it's "the normal one"

in Haachama's mind the default, i.e. normal, type of pepeloni is the pepeloni that comes without pepeloni on it

>> No.731429

The cheese pan and the pepeloni are one

>> No.731455

So did management shut the story arc down or not?

>> No.731693

Well, she tweeted that this wasn't the end of the story, so they probably just told her to tone it down a bit.

>> No.731792

official pepeloni theme


>> No.731901

does anyone have that knight reading of pepeloni?

>> No.732640


>> No.733388

