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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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64781632 No.64781632 [Reply] [Original]

People used to like Ame

>> No.64781675

For like 6 months after her debut, then everyone realized that she was a menhera.

>> No.64781963

Did they improve themselves since then?

>> No.64782063

Ame used to stream

>> No.64782100

People still do, just not many here. I’d like her more if she actually streamed more often, otherwise she doesn’t bother me.

>> No.64782198
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She's incredible when she's consistent

>> No.64784365

I used hate her.
Because she was popular for no particular reason.

>> No.64784424

did she finish mafia 1 remake yet?
thats why i started watching her

>> No.64784584

A lot, yeah, since I started watching JP vtubers and I'm not insulted from time to time I've improved my mood, I'm glad That I dropped her like she wanted.

>> No.64784619

Still do.

>> No.64784676
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>Women when they have to play video games for a living

>> No.64784717

They still do but they used to too.

>> No.64784756

Video games are a chore…

>> No.64785557


>> No.64785849

That's because you don't understand them when they insult you.

>> No.64788451

idk why, there was something wrong with me

>> No.64788533

They still do. Oh sure they hate her her now but as soon as she streams they go "AAAAAMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" like battered wives.

>> No.64788595

She used to enjoy streaming for her fans.

>> No.64788606
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They still do, but they used to too

>> No.64788688

>Gura burned out hard
>Ame burned out hard

They are

>> No.64788694

how does it feel to be eternally seething at a harmless anime girl?

>> No.64788771 [DELETED] 

Teacucks brought it on themselves for being insufferable faggots while those of us with two brain cells knew she was shit. Get a load of this faggot:
>The Leader of Myth
>The successor to AsaCoco
>Regularly depended on by her colleagues
>Behind every main project lead by Holomyth
>The Heart and SOVL of EN
>Fully committed to the idol journey
>Mogging the FUCK out of Elden Ring
Don’t slit your wrists yet, though, teacucks. It gets even worse.
>And she's only getting started. With her brand new office, and endless inspiration from Holofes and her genmates, absolutely nothing is stopping her now.
Losses don’t get much more humiliating than that.

>> No.64788790

she has big tits

>> No.64788912

I honestly don't really care what she does. I just find it hilarious that she doesn't have to do much to make her haters love her again. Just a single Ame bee stream and all is forgiven.

>> No.64792206

You are mixing Ame with Gura

>> No.64792806

Ame used to be likeable just for a lil bit

>> No.64793410
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I like Ame, she's pretty retarded. And at least you don't hear her fanbase constantly shitting up the other threads or the catalog, her general is even pretty fun sometimes.
Call me a Mythfag if you want, I fully embrace it.

>> No.64793567

Ame was a great gateway vtuber for the time and I hear she's still doing cool things, but I've long since moved on from Myth.

>> No.64795823

Many did the same.

>> No.64798071

I don't have a problem with her

>> No.64798517

I still love Ame

I'm patiently awaiting Ame's return while enjoying other streams such as Bae's Yakuza 0 playthrough and the Lethal Company arc

>> No.64798603

Which is fucking never

>> No.64798973
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>And at least you don't hear her fanbase constantly shitting up the other threads or the catalog
How fucking new
Before she cucked her audience Teamates were the most notorious fan base on this board when it came to shitposting, they were effectively the /vt/ fan base
Nowadays after the whole don't like it don't watch, improve yourself, homo love song duet just to spite you, etc. that's not the case and they mostly stick their general since everyone just laughs at them for having stuck with such a cunt of an oshi

>> No.64799065

ask chatgpt to rewrite your posts recently unbanned seachama

>> No.64799168

the same way it feels to eternally seethe at your ex

>> No.64799419
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Ame used to like Ame.

>> No.64799958

>Baby needs his safe space
Lmao, kwab

>> No.64800044

To be honest I don't know if she ever did, she had imposter syndrome from day 1

>> No.64801161

Didn't she tell her fans to improve themselves?
Improving oneself means you won't watch vtumors anymore

>> No.64803259

Based and factual, ignore the seething kekmate

>> No.64803344

>he didn’t improve himself

>> No.64805158

Teammates have a general?

>> No.64808148

I watched like 2 streams of her after Myth debuted. She kept getting one guy'd and getting mad at chat, which completely destroyed the flow of the stream. I never understood how people could watch someone so whiny

>> No.64808490

Must have been pretty annoying because somehow people still seethe more about ame than bae and kroni who collabed with males way more, kroni even having her own moment similar to improve yourself albeit maybe less harsh

>> No.64808526

Ame used to be likeable.

>> No.64808563

Not much other choices back in the day plus she used to have a wholesome sincerity that all but vanished in the later part of 2021

>> No.64810465
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I remember calling her Gura's sidekick (Like Sonic and Tails, blue and yellow) and remember Ame getting mad about it.
I feel like it was the first time she'd ever been criticized(?) and wasn't able to control the situation.

>> No.64810567

It's 100% teammates(and falseflaggers) fault, plus none of the other two chuubas got preachy to their audience iirc

>> No.64810641

I never understood this. I mean bitch, you were a 2-view who before hololive, don't get mad just because you're mogged by someone who had almost 1m subs *before* they joined.

That said I agree that the shipping was retarded, as all ships are

>> No.64810656

she's just lazy its her fans that are the problem teamates are an actual cancer

>> No.64810660

Aw shit, you woman moment'd her.

>> No.64810661

not even sure where to start with this one

>> No.64810751

She is great when she fucking streams. Since she doesn't, what is there to even say? She barely exists at this point outside of collabs with other Myths. She is just the extra of her gen.

>> No.64811687

>Ame hates being seen as an accessory to Gura
>Decides to copy her hiatus

What in the absolute fuck did she MEAN by this?

>> No.64811900

Lazy and dysfunctional.

>> No.64812300

Women are like that

>> No.64812748

don't lie, you didn't do shit
no one called her gura's sidekick, she wasn't responding to anyone in particular when she set down boundaries
and despite all the shitposting by autistic chumbuds after that she kept regularly collabing with gura

>> No.64813254
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>Ame is burned out or sick
>Gura is burned out
>Ina is mostly focused on her art stuff
>Only Kiara and Mori keep the Myth boat sailing
How did it come to this...

>> No.64813501

Karma for making fun of JP.

>> No.64814896
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>> No.64816170

you should get a hobby you actually enjoy instead of shitposting here all day

>> No.64816726

>the women who desperately tried to make careers in entertainment at the cost of many sacrifices and humiliations continue to work for their golden ticket
>the ones that were hikkis/neets who just memed or grinded vidya because they couldn't hold a real job for shit are stuck in hikki/neet mentality
literally all of this was predictable with modicum of hindsight

>> No.64818245

Ame used to care about Hololive.

>> No.64818347

Ame's numbers are in the toilet. It's unironically over for her. Not sure where you are getting your info.

>> No.64818452

God, back when it was on /jp/ and the early days of /vt/ were awful. Ame wouldn't even be streaming and you couldn't talk in the general about the girls who actually were because Teamates just spammed about Ame and shitty gosling memes.

>> No.64819334

Meh, teamates are still better then chumbuds

>> No.64819450

That's not a compliment

>> No.64821640

