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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 104 KB, 416x222, Screenshot 2021-07-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6466692 No.6466692 [Reply] [Original]

Why is HoloEn so irrelevant? How is it possible that Marine has more viewers speaking only Japanese and playing fucking Minecraft, than Ame who speaks English (aka the universal language), playing a game as fun as Celeste? I don't get it.

>> No.6466832

Because EOP treat VTubers as a passing fad unlike Japanese

>> No.6466901

Because Ame isn't entertaining clearly. This is the only reason and the thread is over.

Anyone who else who posts after this has a legally binding obligation to kill themselves so don't even think about it.

>> No.6466932

Wokeshit charity pissed more people off than you think. No, a gura stream with a lot of numbers isn't an argument.

>> No.6466948

Celeste is not fun, Dev

>> No.6467008

Minecraft always gets a ton of views and it's connected to the Blue Axolotl craze sweeping Holo-Minecraft. Seems pretty easy to understand. Most average stream viewers aren't gonna give much of a shit about Celeste now.

>> No.6467046

checked fpbp

>> No.6467056

I hope EN dies already, I used to think that the EOP hololive fans were annoying, but HoloEN fans are ten times worse. I hope you retards get tired of the fad and move on back to twitch.

>> No.6467071

I want to fuck marine

>> No.6467082
File: 112 KB, 293x310, b887e5b62085552ae2c0b3a2e5f91982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is yesterday AND during the Vsinger stream.
Some games are more popular than others, news at 11

>> No.6467085

marine has more genuine subs than anyone in EN because she grew organically instead of by riding a wave of popularity that even gave people like Kiara a million subs

Also looking for the blue axolotl is the hot new thing and inflates numbers

>> No.6467128
File: 713 KB, 1600x880, oEERltv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6467215

Only good replies in this cancerous tribefag thread.

>> No.6467228

I'm tired of this nonsensical excuse.

>> No.6467244 [DELETED] 

You have to go back, nigger

>> No.6467346

I was about to say the same, this comparison is pretty unfair. Maybe putting a random Korone rpg stream would be better, but OP is a faggot

>> No.6467375

It's another numbersfag punchdown thread, but ignoring the fact that Ame had 16,000+ viewers for Truck Simulator just yesterday and only losing a few thousand because of IRyS's first gaming stream. Also making an unfair comparison by using Minecraft, the overhyped must-see stream for JP hololive content. It's like saying this popular game gets more views than this retro/ shill stream, which is usually the case for most of them, with only a few exceptions based on if they built their base around it.

I feel like you're saying this against Ame when it probably fits Marine more. EOPs would rather listen to Japanese vtuber streams as white noise without understanding the language, keeping a safe distance with clips, rather than learn the language. If they did, they'd see that they are just as similar as their english counterparts, and not the SOUL they made them to be in their minds.

>> No.6467491

because celeste fucking sucks

>> No.6467510

I'd tell you why you are an idiot but I'm sure you already know why you are.

>> No.6467576


>> No.6467610 [DELETED] 

You don't even know Japanese

>> No.6467644

are you the same schizo that kept bringing up Marine as your focus of hate? and now that it failed, you're gonna use her as your tool to attack others instead?

>> No.6468409

>How is it possible that Marine has more viewers speaking only Japanese and playing fucking Minecraft, than Ame who speaks English (aka the universal language), playing a game as fun as Celeste? I don't get it
Marine has a reasonabel possibility of streaming more than 2 hours, amelia has literally 0% chance because she streams the bare minimum amount required and ditches. Then amelia just isn't that great at playing games, she doesn't have a lot of commentary or laughs, she doesn't actually seem like she's enjoying herself a lot of the time which makes people less likely to watch. Whereas marine is always having fun

>> No.6468490

So what is Ame good at according to you?

>> No.6468583 [DELETED] 

>she doesn't actually seem like she's enjoying herself
>Whereas marine is always having fun
This basically, if the streamer is having fun and can genuinely express it, the viewer will stay.

>> No.6468667

EN the future and cover knows it. Thats why we got a jpvsinger with a EN name behind. Cause EN is to powerful. Cope

>> No.6468719

If you think holoJP is similar to holoEN in any capacity, you either don't watch the streams or don't understand japanese at all.

>> No.6468734

Why does Korone never touch minecraft instead of whatever obscure shit game #83930? It's the eternal buff game. Retarded dog.

>> No.6468762

You'd rather talk about how superior the JPs are than just watch and enjoy them.

>> No.6468778
File: 9 KB, 218x231, B5D6C5E8-CD53-4447-A9F1-BBF561FF2F69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys I’ve never played minecract. Why are the JP holos are pissing and shitting and cumming all at the same time over this blue little fucker? Is it like catching a shiny pokemon or something?

>> No.6468795

I dunno anon you tell me, she streams so little that I don't actually know. All of her having fun I've seen on clips, actually on stream live generally she's not having fun. Like, even gura is having fun half the time. Ame seems to be better at just talking to chat or reading stuff, either that or for some reason she just isn't playing games she actually likes

>> No.6468832

Im going to explain it really easy for you
Microshit owns mincraft and hires botviewers, next question.

>> No.6468857
File: 201 KB, 350x356, 1624048283830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would watch Minecraft any day over fucking "Super Meat Boy for twitter trannies"

>> No.6468936

>Is it like catching a shiny pokemon or something?
Yes. It's also entertaining watch Aruran and Kanata both suffer in not getting a blue one.

>> No.6468980

Learn to type like a human, you absolute neanderthal

>> No.6469039

Because she doesn't like it. Korone's fanbase is too enamored with her random noises and laughs while having fun. Forcing herself to play something she finds boring would make for a shit stream.

She has the luck build of "playing what I want" and "playing what people want to watch" being literally the same thing.

>> No.6469117

I thought celeste was a very solid platformer. What's with the twitter shit?

>> No.6469196

Celeste is better than Super Meat Boy.

>> No.6469204

Stopped giving a shit about Celeste when the dev started pushing tranny shit into the game

>> No.6469209

>I thought celeste was a very solid platformer.
It is. /v/ hates it because of some dumb flag.

>> No.6469247

Thank you for enforcing that she is, indeed retarded AND a tryhard contrarian.

>> No.6469292

Dev JK Rowling'ed the game into being about trannies.

>> No.6469311

She is, but it's funny because she sounds cute.

>> No.6469324 [DELETED] 

Why are you saying horseshit about something you don't actually watch or follow?

>> No.6469424

People who play what they enjoy are 10x more enjoyable to watch than people playing things they aren't enjoying in order to chase views you dumb nigger.
Chuubas should all play the games they like, even if those games aren't popular or are 4x games or whatever the fuck they like

>> No.6469489
File: 540 KB, 760x650, 1615823147508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to watching Minecraft faggot

>> No.6469517

I just don't consider anything they say on their blog or twitter as canon, so I personally don't care.

>> No.6469624

Yea, I got into Hololive through Korone playing Banjo. I think the game is garbage, it was her having the time of her life that got me.

>> No.6469637

>streamed 7 hours yesterday and 6 hours today
>3 streams yesterday and an additional guerrilla today
>5 streams in 30 hours.
Are you from an alt timeline?

>> No.6469654

Viewers concentrated in one timezone vs viewers spread around the world, VOD views are what you should be looking at here

>> No.6469694

Tranny game

>> No.6469755

Timezone was actually not in Marine's favor in this case, it was 7am.

>> No.6469790

Your on 4chan too your no better then the rest of us fag

>> No.6469923

>stream under 2 hours
>stream under 2 hours a bit later
>streams completely different things each time she takes a break like this
Anon I dunno if you are aware, but this method of streaming doesn't retain viewers the same way as someone who streams all in one block. You can dislike it, but that's how our reality currently works.

>> No.6469975

Minecraft went for 4 hours, you monkey.
And yes, multiple streams is vastly superior than 1 long ass stream.
Who gives a fuck about retaining viewers? Are you autistic?

>> No.6470062

>And yes, multiple streams is vastly superior than 1 long ass stream.
In your opinion. Again, in reality this is not how the overwhelming majority of viewers appear to enjoy watching.
>Who gives a fuck about retaining viewers? Are you autistic?
Literally read the op you dribbling retard, the entire thread is about that. If that's not what you want to discuss why are you even here?

>> No.6470333 [DELETED] 

I don't want to be associated with a braindead nigger like you

>> No.6472208

maybe because she is just another western whore

>> No.6472336

All of people in Marine chat is EOP, obvious

>> No.6472424

Then go be a redditfag

>> No.6472766

I found the dev.

>> No.6473728

No one gives a fuck about HoloEN and their uncharismatic western whores

>> No.6474055

A lot of people were watching because they were waiting for kanata to get cucked (which she did). Also, the more members on a server the more of a boost game Minecraft becomes. EN server has 5 members, that's not really enough to get basic shit like resource collection done and make things interesting.
Not that Ame is absolved of blame, her gaming content has been really boring as of late. It was all downhill from the superliminal streams.

>> No.6474236

>marine has more genuine subs than anyone in EN because she grew organically instead of by riding a wave of popularity that even gave people like Kiara a million subs
Unironically this. And I watch both EN (Ame mostly) and JP (a few).

>> No.6474250
File: 88 KB, 446x249, zJ7T1qy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Marine has a reasonabel possibility of streaming more than 2 hours, amelia has literally 0% chance because she streams the bare minimum amount required and ditches.
You're absolutely fucking retarded. She literally streamed 6 hours today, you clip watching faggot.

>> No.6476644
File: 76 KB, 1024x870, 1511341413014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You joke, but they have been part of Hololive for more than a year and they contributed absolutely nothing to the overall mythos. Meanwhile, every week almost every HoloJP member does something that goes down in history. Like the current blue Axolotl quest with Kanata. Gura has 3 million subscribers and is only remembered for saying "a". That's it. Even Korone can't think of anything else when trying to imitate her.


They are forgettable.

>> No.6478631

Have you guys not learned to not answer to bait ?

>> No.6478820 [DELETED] 

It's not bait if it's the same opinion as mine

>> No.6479856

Because people who are actually interested in Vtubers are already watching JP. The only people who still watch EN are newfags.

>> No.6479974


>> No.6480282

You do realize japs are more ethical and obsessed with vtubers, anime, or even idols. Westerners on the other hand dont care that much, they just want to be entertain or watch the gameplay
