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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 280 KB, 500x500, Mococo_Abyssgard_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
64571763 No.64571763 [Reply] [Original]

what could possibly explain her weird accent? nobody talks like that

>> No.64571811


>> No.64571906

>Canadian accent
>fluent in Japanese
>twin accent
Combination of these three

>> No.64571984

what the hell is a twin accent?

>> No.64572848

The cutest accent known to man.

>> No.64572914

Something that develops between socially outcasted twins who pretty much only interact with each other

>> No.64573147

I unironically think she's on the spectrum. She gets driven to tears by loud noises. But that just makes her all the more powerful.

>> No.64573192

I love her so much, I want to marry her

>> No.64573866
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Yeah almost like it’s made up for a character or something

>> No.64573940

She is french canadian

>> No.64573962

>He thinks it's in character

>> No.64573963

Brother there are like six different chuubas with equally weird accents in hololive alone. Why do you THINK she has a totally natural, definitely not put on strange way of speaking?

>> No.64574018

Why vt cucks deny reality so much ?

>> No.64574026

Did they move to japan already?
Canada is HELL right now, I don get how Kronii is still there

>> No.64574036

that's not something you can fake for a long time, you clearly don't watch them

>> No.64574350

>She is french canadian
I've dealt with enough frenchies from both Queerbec and New Brunswick to know that she is definitely not french canadian in anyway.

>> No.64574434

Im pretty sure Kronii is fine with the current way politics are handled up here.
She'll definitely move once Pierre wins the next election and changes the country.

>> No.64574643

>You must not watch them
Go watch a Recettear stream and see how much more clearly you can understand her

>> No.64574666

Aren't they swedish?

>> No.64574725

>what could possibly explain her weird accent? nobody talks like that

>> No.64574855
File: 397 KB, 526x630, smugcoco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her accent is demondog with a hint of mococo

>> No.64575122

>and changes the country.

>> No.64575731

you definitely can.

I don't watch them, though, so maybe theirs is genuine.

>> No.64575979

It turns me on. She's trying to seduce me.

>> No.64576076

Kronii strikes me as an NDP voter

>> No.64576110

I’ve heard of that.
Winston Churchill’s sisters invented their own language, not only some words but a complete grammar system as well, so that they could talk to each other exclusively.

>> No.64576164

I'm a euro, and to me she sometimes sounds like she's from Brooklyn. I swear she switches into that accent sometimes.

>> No.64576391

nobody talks like whæt?

>> No.64576504

I don't mind it being weird since it sounds funny

>> No.64576550

You've clearly never been to Brooklyn if you think she has one of those accents.

>> No.64576678
File: 182 KB, 1596x1412, 1697518928628814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You-e... (uweh)
>You know-e!

>> No.64576754


>> No.64577420

Weed is legal in Canada.

>> No.64577705

NDP has been one of the premier pozzed retard parties since Jack Layton died.

>> No.64577798

>deny reality so much ?
what the fuck are you on about, schizo?

>> No.64577824

It's cute.
Her accent is just cute.
Cuteness does not need explaining or excuses.

>> No.64578640


>> No.64578719

un un

>> No.64578813

ESL and barely practicing english for almost a decade I guess.

>> No.64579163

She has an extreme problem with texture in all ways too

>> No.64580091

Different mics. They sound different during twitter spaces too, btw

>> No.64580361
File: 121 KB, 312x312, 1690605545786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the powerful orgasms Fuwawa gives her every day with her collection of dildos gave her permanent brain damage, and now she talks like that.

>> No.64580728 [DELETED] 


>> No.64580931

She's doing a voice. Boom. She sounds different if she wants to.

>> No.64580994

That's probably why he was a drunk cunt. Imagine having some weird twats for sisters and then they invent a whole language just so they don't have to talk to you, specifically.

He is a seething faggot implying things for which he will never have any proof because he is probably a female 2viewer seething forever that they should have been the dog twins.

>> No.64581154

I dunno who the fuck these girls are but they seem like sweet sweet angels

>> No.64581246

I swear i remember someone diagnosing why mococo does that pretty exactly, it was something to do with her not finishing words that end with her mouth open, so the -eh at the end is her continuing the word while her mouth returns to a neutral position.
It's only a hazy recollection but i remember trying it out loud when i read it and it felt pretty spot-in.

>> No.64581295

Sounds similar enough to me when you factor in the different recording software.

>> No.64581467
File: 302 KB, 564x477, 1696349979701439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Accenta? Noeh. Yiu are havingg proh-blem with howe aye speakuh?

>> No.64582394

She talks normal to me. Fuwawa is the one that doesn't pronounce Rs.

>> No.64582541

Because it's Pero using a voice filter.

>> No.64583265
File: 101 KB, 877x790, 1678580787230369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know too much

>> No.64584767

Fuwawa: Wuffians
Mococo: Ruffians
Pero: Rufferans
There, absolute proof that all 3 are separate people. Take your meds.

>> No.64584925

she got an extra scoop of sugar

>> No.64585013

watch streams, shes from the underworld pass

>> No.64585498

I think beyond politics Canada sucks and no one can fix that
everything is expensive the economy is shit and it's getting so dangerous to go outside (you guys have it good in America believe me) and it's cold all the fucking time
I'm so glad I left, I'm a lefty btw, at least a moderate lefty some fags here still call me a /pol/tard because I'm not a socialist but I always vote center/left

I have the impression Kronii would be happier in America or Japan

>> No.64585677
File: 268 KB, 500x471, shhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He looks familiar

>> No.64585723

It's called a "filter"

>> No.64585848

>once Pierre wins the next election
You mean Jaghmeet Singh right?

>> No.64585939

>everything is expensive the economy is shit and it's getting so dangerous to go outside (you guys have it good in America believe me) and it's cold all the fucking time
>Everything is expensive
But it's compensated by the fact that products are better quality and if you really can't afford necessities you can get government assistance.
>Economy is shit
Only compared to California. Alberta and Ontario have much stronger economies than 45 of the 50 US states and Quebec is at least on par with Oregon.
>Dangerous to go outside
Where? Where in Canada can you not walk freely and safely, unlike the USA?

>> No.64585990

Healthy young demon dog goes to doctor, gets pumped with massive shot of many vaccines, doesn't feel good and changes - AUTISM. Many such cases!

>> No.64586534

The more I learn about them the more respect I have. They're incredibly talented and professional and absolutely deserve all the success they're finally getting now and more. Whoever rejected them in hololive should burn at the stake, what in the actual fuck were they thinking.

>> No.64586684

>it's getting so dangerous to go outside (you guys have it good in America believe me)
lol, lmao even

>> No.64586724

Her voice is very sweet. But she wants contrast with her sister on stream.

>> No.64587165

>lol, lmao even
There's more to America than the 3 big cities you know, anon.

>> No.64587350

Women are woke, anon. Le hecking based tradwives are a grift. Get over it. Canada is based because it has legitimate autismbux. America is the shithole.

>> No.64591974

She talks normal to me, wuffian.

>> No.64592228

>I think beyond politics Canada sucks and no one can fix that
Same shit everywhere
>everything is expensive the economy is shit and it's getting so dangerous to go outside (you guys have it good in America believe me) and it's cold all the fucking time
Holding a job is easy, openings everywhere in my city. What the fuck do you mean it's dangerous here? It's still safer then the us by miles.
You sound like a retard who got baited by twitter

>> No.64592393 [DELETED] 

She's definitely enunciating more in those old ggn streams, I don't see how anyone can deny that if they've seen them. The only thing I'd say extra is this might be more her natural voice, and she was trying really hard to sound more mature back then.

>> No.64593175

The real rrat: Their voices were fake early on. Their current voices are their real voices

>> No.64593596

There is a famous story where a woman told Churchill that she'd poison his coffee if she was his wife and he replied that he'd drink it if he was her husband.

>> No.64596475

Lmao they are nords/snow apes. They are probably Scandis.

>> No.64599501


>> No.64599692
File: 1.11 MB, 3815x2174, 1691693054958914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the theory that she was brain damage(autism) and Fuwawa is her personal assistant. Which is why Fuwawa keeps backseating and talking down to Moco.

>> No.64600285

retard schizo

>> No.64601903

Looks like the Canadabots found your post, don't worry you're right Canada is a complete shithole and Canadians wouldn't know good living if it was staring them right in the face.

>> No.64603625

every place has it's shittiness, go to denmark and everyone sniffs their own farts

>> No.64610033

Hell doggos and fat fucks are people too bigot

>> No.64610802

I like Mococo more and im attracted to retarded girls so...

>> No.64611026

>when you factor in the different recording software
its shocking that anons still dont understand how drastically different microphones can change someone's voice. Ame is the only evidence you need of this with her microphone autism. You can tell what mic shes using purely by how different her voice sounds

>> No.64611209

It can never be as bad as japan no matter what you chuds say

>> No.64613551

At least I can understand what shes saying unlike Fuwawa

>> No.64613757

Speech therapist here, I believe Mococo sounds like that because she is a mouth breather. When you say "what" for example, your mouth and teeth should end up pretty close for example. In her case, she tends to hang on the "a" sound and compensates by using her tongue and throat to pronounce the "t" sound instead. Hence the weird "whae-" sound and all her other quirks.

>> No.64613882

I'm glad you think that way, it's for the best
get rotten in your shithole, I wouldn't want trannies like you ruining a decent place

>> No.64614127

Get a T5 membership if you want hear her real voice.

>> No.64614926

She literally sounds exactly the same there, anon.

>> No.64615162

it's 100% made up and in-character. Watch her tour guide days newfag, she doesn't talk like this. she sounds completely normal.

>> No.64615182

if it's hell then that stupid bitch belongs there, probably feels right at home

>> No.64615240

Different mics. The voice they have now is the voice they have everywhere. Reps.

>> No.64616014

I never quite got what did he mean by that.

>> No.64616069

>openings everywhere in my city.
For pennies, I assume.

>> No.64616160

>compensates by using her tongue and throat to pronounce the "t" sound instead
But you're supposed to use tongue to that soft closing to get "t".

>> No.64616196

Try doing that with your mouth open and your teeth not coming close

>> No.64616263

I have to reach upper palate with my tongue to make the "t", sounds better if mouth is more closed.

>> No.64616336

He's joking that if he was stuck married to a woman like her, he'd rather just die instead.

>> No.64616403

A simpler joke than I expected, heh.

>> No.64616728
File: 305 KB, 690x761, 1696647863886881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Mococo

>> No.64616771

they're in Holo now, you can calm down schizo

>> No.64616781

that's rich. you're the one that needs to do your reps anon. different mics is a pathetic cope. I've watched tons of them before hololive, the FWMC voices are vastly different.

>> No.64617005

watch streams

>> No.64617015

>I've watched tons of them before hololive,
No you clearly haven't kek. You're a doxfag

>> No.64617070

I masturbate only to Fuwawa

>> No.64617600

Do you think Barney and Elmo sound like that? No its people putting on a voice because they appeal to kids.

>> No.64618719

She's unique. One of a kind. She is her own Mococo.

>> No.64619650
File: 5 KB, 274x184, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm jawmogged by a retarded dogwoman. It's over.

>> No.64621357

why are you seething? japan is already being taken over by foreign asians. it's only a matter of decades before they accept indians and blacks in the same numbers.

>> No.64622258

Years of chemical experimentation to grow the mococock for fuwawa to enjoy. Prease undastand

>> No.64622318


>> No.64622439

my dogs are so cute

>> No.64623484

She has the same accent as that bitch from Mili. She's also Canadian.

>> No.64623499


>> No.64623543

Mili love

>> No.64623697

Mili learn how to speak English before you sing in it in a way that everyone thinks you're Japanese challenge.

>> No.64624109

Consumed too much jp content in childhood

>> No.64625640

they wanted more homos plz undasutando

>> No.64625772

Even if it's different, who cares? Separate characters should have unique voices

>> No.64627844

She sounds like that because I'm stuffing my cock back into her mouth when she's done talking.
