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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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64504062 No.64504062 [Reply] [Original]

【This is a thread dedicated to talk freely about exWACTORgirls】



Previous thread: >>64438063

>> No.64504267


>> No.64504622


>> No.64504704

Sexy Charo

>> No.64504746

Eru when?

>> No.64504749

Good afternoon, I'm deeply deeply DEEPLY in love with Yamu and can't stop thinking about her...

>> No.64504836

Girl got banned tho.

>> No.64505287
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friendly reminder to stream watchers: don't allow the chatniggers be the only voice, leave your comments on the vods, make yourself noticed by your chuuba, you don't have to write a bible, even a small and supportive message will do, help your chuubas with likes and comments for the yt algorithm

>> No.64505459

>that model
>hag voice
yikes, do anglos actually watch anything thrown at their faces?

>> No.64505487

>make yourself noticed by your chuuba
For what purpose?

>> No.64505526

That's a man.

>> No.64505687

for her purpose, a positive message always help her to deal with shit like that schizos harassing her, it's not about you but to help her anon, also to show her that there are a lot of people that love her not only the AW of the chat.

>> No.64505783

gives you a little extra of dopamine by doing that, anons are unironically hungry for attention and it'll work

>> No.64505888

I feel personally attacked by this post.

>> No.64506336

You're mixing two things that shouldn't need to be paired together.
Your hate for chat that I don't understand, and your will to help the chuuba with the algo and support messages in VOD comments.
Which can be done without having
>make yourself noticed by your chuuba
As an objective.
So I repeat clarify my question.
Why do want to do something with an AW mindset while at the same time calling chat AWs?

>> No.64506443
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>> No.64506632
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>> No.64506772

Why her dress is so dificult to recreate unlike himea's?

>> No.64506836

Because he didn't have recreating her dress as an objective.

>> No.64506872

nisha when?

>> No.64506991

ffs man you are very picky, like i said is not about you, by getting noticed i mean letting them know that exist other faggots watching them.
so i think that manifestating your presence insteed of just being a number allowing the chat being the ones that influence her content is a good thing, remember that chatfags are also on their twitter, maros, etc, the hole point of that was with the only intention to make them realize that a lot of people cares about them, not only the chatfaggots.

>> No.64507053

If you begin to do that, you become just another chat faggot tho.

>> No.64507078

I don't tho. I mean, being noticed by your oshi feels good, but all the economic and emotional support I give is for her improvement, and that benefits fans as a whole instead of taking personal benefits like groomers and AWs do.
If anything what will truly please me is seeing the result of my support as her polishing her skills and growing as a talent.

>> No.64507142


>> No.64507242
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Himea's dress also took time to perfect.
I still feel nostalgia from the early days of the AI fags.

>> No.64507387

La más basadita

>> No.64507471

what happened with twitch? why so many naked whores out of nowhere?

>> No.64507497

Whats Shura opinion on that matter?

>> No.64507539

I've so many anons like you, once you get noticed by your oshi, you'll become another AW, as I said, anons are unironically hungry for attention, you must be blind if you don't see that

>> No.64507626

that smug laugh, I want to correct it and love her very much

>> No.64507733

>shitter now trying to pull that shit
you know anons like carete, Yofina, always were twitterfags, so stop putting people on the same sack.
also the propurse of this place is to posting with anonymity droping your names, so stop trying to pull shit like "we are anonimouse" like some kind of sect or other stupid shit kiddo.

>> No.64507746

>3d bitch does topless stream
>get promoted by twitch algorithm
>"Topless" meta spawns copycats
>people start complaining to twitch about this clear violation of TOS
>twitch updates rules to allow "artistic nudity and etc"
>Everyone starts doing naked shit to try to push Twitch limits

>> No.64507813

Sounds like projection, buddy.
>I've so many anons like you
kek, what the fuck are you talking about? Do you have a meeting place for anons or something? A true anon will never give away their identity.

>> No.64507852

thanks for the qrd but damn
why twitch is moderated but coomers?

>> No.64507914

So many fags have made references to the site you could write a pretty long list of who frequents this site.

>> No.64507944

Those fags are just attention whores seeking attention /here/.
If you reveal your public name, you are no longer an anon, that's the whole point of anonymity.

>> No.64507949

>exposes himself as a newfag
the most recent one is BOB or that yotsuba avatarfagging, are you that much of a newfag?

>> No.64508108

Shura and her daughter (Sylvie) interact more than with Eru...

>> No.64508196

yeah i'm seeing Karma doing this cringe twitch trend.

>> No.64508219

I don't think she will, twitch already delivered bans.

>> No.64508242

rough sex with eru

>> No.64508290

>2 fags
>so many
Exceptions don't make rules, fag.
As I said, even gardiafags lurk this place. How can you be so sure those those aren't just attention whores and discordfags like (you) coming to larp as anons?

>> No.64508309

>rough sex with eru
Wish granted but you can only watch

>> No.64508424

Ok, newfag

>> No.64508464
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I'll ignore the later part of your post
I love her voice so much it's unreal I have to go to colombia and find a girl that sounds like her

>> No.64508504

She doesn’t like it but won’t judge others

>> No.64508548


>> No.64508561

swettie i don't want to spoil this to you but, don't eat the Dross memes bruh, we are not legion, we are not a movement, we are just fags posting on an anonymous image board, thats all, this is not a cool guys club or whatever you think it is.

>> No.64508658

Yeah, indeed you and your disocord and twitter troon friends should fuck off.

>> No.64508728

You must be 18+ to post on tis place.

>> No.64508754

Genetically built for ojiisan correction.

>> No.64508784

This legion mentality kids have make them think they are part of other anons proyects, like games or ai art. Even if they are lazy ass fags, they'll feel included when a chuba notices that other hardworking anon

>> No.64508797

and the giant tits?

>> No.64508803

>I have to go to colombia and find a girl that sounds like her
Granted but the kids aren't yours

>> No.64508812

>these two will be sisters in the future

>> No.64508813
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"We" are monitoring this thread...

>> No.64508893

"You" are too busy roleplaying with femboys, fag.

>> No.64508939

ERP session starts at 8:00PM arg, tho.

>> No.64508965

they are too busy baiting and throwing feces like retarded fb kids to do something constructive and loving for their oshis

>> No.64508976
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fuck you anon I'll kill you

>> No.64508986

I want to make true anon project where everyone can participate, like the pixel thing. But I don't know what.

>> No.64509035

What if we make another mural with their current models?

>> No.64509069


>> No.64509072

Granted but you go to life in prison and can't meet with your culumbiana and your (not) kids

>> No.64509074

They forget that is a public forum where any idiot can post

>> No.64509093

>where everyone can participate
It has to be something braindead easy

lol good luck with that.

>> No.64509109

I'll just do more reps and draw 5641567 eru lewds at this point

>> No.64509136

Anons have made games in the past.

>> No.64509142

Wish granted but she ignores you

>> No.64509182

I don't even know what's your point.
Nothing you said changes the fact that anonymous by definition means having anonymity, if you reveal your identity you are not anonymous anymore.

>> No.64509196


>> No.64509235

I'm searching, there's this pixilart page but I don't think I can share the link so everyone can draw their oshi, like that drawpile app

>> No.64509336

They were either one-man projects or made by matrixfags. There is no "pure" multi-anon project.

>> No.64509448

True but at least Shura's game, although not a collaborative project, had input from other anons. I remember an anon made the 8-bit music and another anon made Shura's art with AI. In fact they were credited as such in the game.

If you start doing something and show your progress, people might join you.

>> No.64509493

I like this monkey paw shit

>> No.64509544

I want to make a welcome back gift form my oshi in regard of anons, but making something in a public place is complicated, and brings a lot of troubles.
The only viable way I see it happening would be if one anons offers himself to build the project, and other anons give him the resources.

>> No.64509572

not him but if a drawfag drop some sketch here yeah he will reveal his ass temporaly and thats all, if he continue to post as an anonymous on next threads he will be a anon regardless, some of fans of the girls post here, it's not a fucking secret.

>> No.64509588

Just join the matrix, retard.

>> No.64509594

>making something in a public place is complicated, and brings a lot of troubles.
How so?

>> No.64509699

Organizing stuff is a mess, and there's the chance contradictions might steal the ideas and resources.

>> No.64509726

I have conflicted feeling about making stuff as anon anymore. I don't want girls to get attached to the place to only get disappointed later on when shitters spam it with hate directed at them.

>> No.64509738

>>64509235 (me)
I made a room in pixilart, can someone try to enter?
>room: gordo-pixel's room
>password: anon

>> No.64509794

This is what talking about. The guy that made the Shura motorbike game build the project, but he used AI generated pics from anons as asset and got some help with the music and other stuff.

>> No.64509921

same, it fucking suck.

>> No.64510011

>gordo-pixel's room

>> No.64510084

did you manage to enter? the room is only there 6 hours with no activity so this is just a test
I was thinking in recreate the pixel art from last time but the canvas is too small

>> No.64510206

I'm in.

>> No.64510384

shitter's there too but you seem to be the only one who can actually do pixel draw, I'll prepare a design later for me
this is just a test after all

>> No.64510699

Another anon.
Works on my machine 8====D~~~

>> No.64510736
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>> No.64510798

Two different perceptions of Yamu's hair color

>> No.64510803

I'm the gordo doing the shitty yamu down kek
I'm trying to learn from the one from above

>> No.64510921

Her head is all I can do, I have no idea how to make the rest of her body :/

>> No.64511009

we'll figure it out, if other can make their oshi it could work as a christmas present for them

>> No.64511311

K and R

>> No.64511408

>he's still at it

>> No.64511532

>She is still seething

>> No.64511635

>Ren the hunchback fucker

>> No.64511762

If you like being humiliated so much why don't you just make an account on Fetlife instead of shitting up our general for months?

>> No.64512768

. . .

>> No.64512880
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>> No.64512896

just why

>> No.64512935

You know that Nashito is neet because he is always active at night and wakes up at this time.

>> No.64513029

>Quasylvie is mad

>> No.64513185

Holy shit, you're right.

>> No.64513343

I was going to make a teacup to match but gave up kek

>> No.64513344

That's a pancake and castrados problem, I don't give a shit.

>> No.64513519

ew, wtf what's next another Radiofuna degrading collab?

>> No.64513775

>>64509738 (me)
I'll open this room again this friday, saturday and sunday
I'll keep it active so you can enter and draw something for your oshi at any time, don't mid the shitter cuz you can hide them
I'm off for today, I gotta go work
you can still use the room tho

>> No.64513779

More like yukinefags problem, Shura’s fans don’t whine at that weak shit

>> No.64513791

I wonder if copitos sent her some maros and this was her response

>> No.64513852

Kek, yes I know that you were forced to put up with Hasei

>> No.64513872

there you can have it (You)

>> No.64514016

i mean Shura and Yukine have the excuse of exWfags but joining to a harem collab like that, just wow.

>> No.64514375

Yamu is following Haise too.

>> No.64514412
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Live Yukine reaction

>> No.64514643


>> No.64514694


>> No.64514760
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If you keep obsessing over your "oshi" you will never have a real gf.

>> No.64514826

I would totally expect that lol, remember back then when the thread complained a lot, she just doubled down.

>> No.64514883

If they stop being obsessed, streaming stops being profitable

>> No.64514905

But anon, having a "real gf" would be cheating on my oshi.

>> No.64514957

Give the girl time, those collabs where already scheduled.
Call me crazy, but yesterday it seemed like she was a little embarrassed to reveal the collabs.
Let's show our support to our cute yet insecure Yukine \( ̄▽ ̄)/

>> No.64514970

I'd wager a gf would be greater value than an oshi.

>> No.64514979

I told that Yukinefag the other day. It's too late, that literal bitch willingly became that fag's accessory, and she doesn't give a shit about what her fans feel.

>> No.64514999 [DELETED] 


>> No.64515042

calm down nacho

>> No.64515066

don't dare to reply to the choripanschizo, ignore and report the nigger.

>> No.64515074

The copium on this nigga..

>> No.64515158

Back to iketog, sis.

>> No.64515411

It feels good to know that my oshi will never collaborate with any homo

>> No.64515423

Based soldadito

>> No.64515565

you know what the main problem is, copito.
That her circle of friends are the natamos whores, they can easily put social pressure on her to do more stupid things.

>> No.64515743

I won't be so sure. Now she's in close contact with Shura, and that woman is the prime example of a bad apple.

>> No.64515791


>> No.64515838


>> No.64515900
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>1 day without meica
I wonder what country meica moved to

>> No.64515917

They're fun

>> No.64515966

Fun fact:
Keri said Nimu was her inspiration to become a vtuber. (Years before Nimu's shitstorm)

>> No.64515985

>Invade vtubing medium
>Mock its culture
>"it's le fun"
You guys deserve the latam scene.

>> No.64516035

What's up with these bitches wanting to whore and degrade themselves so fucking much?

>> No.64516091

That clip doesn't represent them, they were shitting on Nateyo after she ghosted them and dissolved the agency with no warning.

>> No.64516116

I remember these whores came here for attention.
and they failed miserably

>> No.64516145

is really painful see your hobby getting infested by normalfag shit from those that think that a vtuber is just a streamer using an avatar, those first twitch "vtubers" like nimu did a lot of damage to the hobby...

>> No.64516160

They didn't, I was the one who shilled them.

>> No.64516198


>> No.64516228

The same applies to Nisha and she has never collaborated with that homo or with the radiofuna fags

>> No.64516293

Such a sex voice

>> No.64516312

kek I was on that VC

>> No.64516333

They didn't even get past 30 viewers, you failed, dude
only when they started leeching shura they start to grow

>> No.64516364

You are confusing them with Diler/amanko

>> No.64516370

Many generic twitch thots like Shura got into Vtubing just to milk the popularity, not because they really understand the niche.

>> No.64516413

I shilled them all

>> No.64516491

Man this girl can't be so fucking stupid.

>> No.64516488

It can still be saved, I have seen in Sylvie's chat several people silence the idiots who complain about parasocials and unicorns

>> No.64516581

stfu, she is a hololiveEN fan she is not ignorant to the vtuber world also if you remeber what she said she disliked twitch vtubing thats wen she saw Wactor decided to give it a try.

>> No.64516652

EN before advent it was shit

>> No.64516661

EN was a mistake.

>> No.64516689

She was always a twitch thot in disguise, and you can see she went back to her roots as we all expected.

>> No.64516727

If your oshi is there, you are a cuckold

>> No.64516871

you can tongue my ass, Kiara and Gura are ok

>> No.64516868


>> No.64516973
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>voy a ponerme foto de perfil negro, como mi ano

>> No.64516990

Hot News
Is not just Nacho and Pettanko, there are 2 more people with them, you know who

>> No.64516999

Orgy with Rrateyo

>> No.64517036

I find Kiara annoying and who is Gura? does she stream?

>> No.64517094

>Fetiche de graduaciones

>> No.64517114

>Voice call with a bunch of guys
>"but muh nateyo is pure!"
kek you retards

>> No.64517220

This is not even about GFE or anything like that, Vtubing offers the unique experience of a two-way interaction with an anime girl, the problem is that in the west many generic streamers adopted the Vtuber label to take advantage of the popularity, and the hobby got tainted with the thot and simp culture too, sadly.

>> No.64517297

Diler had a huge potential...

>> No.64517351

>"but muh nateyo is pure!"
No one ever said that, how could that be if she rose to prominence /here/ because of the pajero debacle.

>> No.64517541

That shit was forced here, nobody cares.
natamos fags are at the same level as the yogurts, two forcing their irrelevant whores here

>> No.64517643

even saddest is that no matter what your oshi will end collabing with other of those generic streamer cunts since the majority of fags that comsume her also consume people like emikukis, and saddly the ones that can benefit your oshi grown are also that "twitch-style" ones wich is also the vast majority of ES chuubas is a sad situation.

>> No.64517752

Nateyo was between the first honoraries because she was along Misora one of the first Japanesehafu girls that could actually speak Spanish.
Misora even talked about wanting a collab with her in her first months.

>> No.64517880

to think that Meica droped it and embrace that cancerous style cause Akira and fucking schizos made her hate traditional vtubing...

>> No.64518211

hina was caught talking shit about her fans on her private groomer discord.
She was groomed before she had antis and they are responsible for her change of style.

>> No.64518305

It is a sum of both

>> No.64518615

not really.
kosi shitshow is the textbook example of how meica creates her antis

>> No.64518705

Fun fact:
The greatest number of Meica antis are on FB groups.
/here/ is irrelevant regarding Meica antiposting.

>> No.64518792

anon her first schizos were the same groomers trying to validate their points and try to groom her easily.

>> No.64518865

>Dark Kudoh aka MTF

>> No.64518986

>cause Akira and fucking schizos made her hate traditional vtubing
You mean she got groomed hard by Mai and made her think whoring herself was the most normal thing when it comes to vtubing.

>> No.64519199

Misora tolerated gachis until something happened that made her go 180º this happened mid 2022

>> No.64519379

first schizo = groomers.
we basically agree

>> No.64519757

From what I understand, her groomers sold her the idea of parasocial and unicorns are bad, but then some groomers started acting possessive and she ended up labeling them all as parasocial and unicorns.

>> No.64519782
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>mfw the new yanderes have an average ccv of 10
>mfw they still stream everyday

>> No.64520518
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It can't be that only yamu fans and that soldadito make something, come on where are the fans of the other girls?

>> No.64520859

It's really sad.
Their ccv dropped like flies after the debut.

>> No.64520992
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>> No.64521148

You’re the kind of shit that made her quit YouTube, when she was there you fags wouldn’t shut up with that

>> No.64521217

Didn't she quit YT because monetization issues?

>> No.64521258

>yamu fans and that soldadito
Nobody is gonna help you disgusting guardianiggers

>> No.64521321

Help in what? That canvas is open to all anons to make something for their own oshi.

>> No.64521327

No, that was resolved but she decided to leave because she felt she wasn’t living up to the expectations of fans in YouTube and they would hate her no matter what

>> No.64521340
File: 7 KB, 243x181, imagen_2023-12-14_191152369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can hide the layers with shitters from here, just click the circle of the layer

>> No.64521389

All she had to do was to stop the male collabs...

>> No.64521395

Who is papas?

>> No.64521502

kek how do you change the background color?

>> No.64521591

no idea

>> No.64521632

She did, she had never done one as Shura

>> No.64521752

What's that shit with radio funa niggers then?

>> No.64521782

there, with the paint bucket

>> No.64521789

it's full of guardianiggers

>> No.64521840

Do you see guardianiggers in your soup too?

>> No.64521847

She hired the manager when she moved to twitch iirc

>> No.64521874

What a way to outing yourself as threadwatcher

>> No.64521903

guardiafags hate (you), why would they do this for anons when they like to be the center of attention?

>> No.64521993
File: 33 KB, 1024x576, pixil-frame-0 (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, that color messed up a lot of things, choose another one anon.

>> No.64522042

But she didn’t, the ones she has made are party animals and this one, she stopped since Sezia and you fags never stopped

>> No.64522111

I think I have not seen complains posted in the thread. If you mean marshmallows, then that could be anyone even those sedai fuckers larping as anons.
And since you never bothered to mention it until now we never were aware that shit was happening.

>> No.64522543

yamu said many times that she loves pixel art, she is going to love this..

>> No.64522554

Ever since she debuted as Sezia there has been twitch whore comments, even if not common, every once in a while comes along a fag like the one above. Also she moved to twitch when la guardia raided here making up the rivalry with Sylvie, I wasn’t gonna expose her like that

>> No.64522663

People call Shura a bad apple while she
>helps Sylvie with obs
>supports and respects yamu’s kind of content
>is adored by all vtubers she meets
Maybe you’re the bad apple, anon

>> No.64522737

Only shitters do, don't pay attention to the retards

>> No.64522838

luv Nisha
luv Sylvie
liv Yamu
'ate shitters
simple as

>> No.64522878

The trinity of hope for Vtubing.

>> No.64522890

i just fucking suck at drawing...

>> No.64522928

Just give it a try, I have no idea what I'm doing too.

>> No.64522936


>> No.64523075

try to do something simple, somethig related to your chuuba, the pixel art is easyer than you think

>> No.64523261

You are just looking at the superficial stuff. Don't come back crying when she infects the other girls with her aberrant twitch thot behavior and works as a gateway to her groomer "manager" and male collabs.

>> No.64523447

There're 12 people there, I wonder what's the limit

>> No.64523507

Ok threadwatcher

>> No.64523578

the background layer doesn't count

>> No.64523846

I'm gonna include my wife's friends later even if there's no shurafag here

>> No.64523927

That’s nice, I personally won’t give Shura anything related to the place she hates

>> No.64523992

>keeps trying

>> No.64524072

I liked pink better...

>> No.64524151

we'll change it later, this color's only to take care of anons vision(?

>> No.64524241


>> No.64524371

Where's that copitudo who wanted Yukine to believe she's on anons protection now?

>> No.64524583
File: 11 KB, 282x100, imagen_2023-12-14_201151834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've just discovered I can save the drawing so the things made today won't get lost

>> No.64524768

They called her bad apple because she took Hasei and Ayayo wherever she went.
but now we know from nisha and sylvie that that's not true.
all the girls who follow the homos did it voluntarily

>> No.64524935

The collabs Haise is in are not even organized by her, she doesn’t even stream them, also wouldn’t that have translated into Ayato crashing the E-Stella collabs? Shitters just want to hate her for whatever reason they can find

>> No.64525092

I'll try to come up with a better design for Sylvie during the weekend.

>> No.64525769

It's looking good so far, hopefully with time more anons put their own stuff and we can finish a mural.

>> No.64526241

Retard literally all the collabs Haise is in it's because of Shura, she is helping her friend retard
Watch streams newfag

>> No.64526399

You can save it as file to import it later too

>> No.64526444

So that league of legends collab with Yukine and Crayon was because Shura was in it? Wow, I thought she didn’t play that

>> No.64526638

yes, I was worried I would sleep and the page would just shut down everything
this ways we can continue with the same progress

>> No.64526721

Thanks anon, I'll try something for Yamu later

>> No.64526981
File: 58 KB, 1335x1001, 1702598347514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crayon mention, que bonita crayon

>> No.64528247

Sylvie bald cunny love

>> No.64528642
File: 3 KB, 528x364, nishabiglove.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i did my part

>> No.64528700


>> No.64528932

This fucking brat.

>> No.64529422

>I'm not racist I have black friends

>> No.64529867

Buenas noches, sigo un poco triste y confundido con yukine por la collab con radio funa

>> No.64530057

well anons, you tried to do someting?
is not as hard as you think, just need to start dropping pixels.

>> No.64530439
File: 122 KB, 479x500, FyjLBagX0AEJuuJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pettanko sharing the full name of someone on the internet without consent is illegal, you shoud give it a try and file charges if you feel like it, afaik 4chan is obliged to cooperate according to the corresponding law.
The faster the better.
>pic just to get attention

>> No.64530568

Niggas playing with pettancuck like a toy lmao

>> No.64530704

If he is fucked already why not try and fuck the other person too?

>> No.64531432
File: 65 KB, 1024x820, 15345635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how i know if my oshi read my cringe yet loving maro?

>> No.64531464

If I dedicated the same amount of effort, time, energy, and money to get a gf I think I could get any girl in my area, I choose to spend all of that on my oshi tho.
Am I crazy?

>> No.64532187

we are trying, we can hide a shitter if gets in but won't know

>> No.64532758

I added an amogus.

>> No.64533244

Being an attention whore in her chat is tiring, I think I'm going to be quiet from now on.

>> No.64533335 [SPOILER] 
File: 1 KB, 302x368, pixil-frame-0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64533607


>> No.64534196

gordo anon you have special tools to erase, delete or merge layers?
i mean to have the canvas more organized

>> No.64534306

Do not forget to check this Pettanko

>> No.64535295

fucker doesn't even have money to buy internet by himself.
You are quite stupid nachito.

>> No.64535509

As if the fucking pedoNEET could afford a lawyer lmao

>> No.64535821

I can move the layers one above another if that's what you are asking
if you see the big yamu, it was built by 2 people, you can hide like this >>64521340
I can't delet them but I can hide some for the final result

>> No.64535863
File: 2 KB, 298x279, 1434612572978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop Sylvie my penis can only get so erect.

>> No.64535897

>el gordo pixel

>> No.64536531

A lawyer is perfectly affordable in his place and he will go against an easy opposing party
Think about it Pettanko

>> No.64537146

>my country protects me from being a pedo stalker
>my country has affordable lawyers.
> I am indoxiable I have a proxy xdddddd
Why are Mexicans so stupid?

>> No.64537319

>an easy opposing party
>the chilean larrain family
You're fucking evil lmao

>> No.64537398

This fucking brat I swear

>> No.64538263

Chili rots your brain

>> No.64538651

>He is still believe that bait narrative
lol also the focus will be the person who doxxed his name retard
I'm telling you Pettanko the retard you will go against is an easy opposing party KEK
Think about it Pettanko also research about free legal advice in your state if you want to

>> No.64538763
File: 131 KB, 1984x2015, 1677819133828684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> literally rooting for a schizophrenic pedo

>> No.64539068


>> No.64539222
File: 12 KB, 320x320, 361347381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the idiot is living with his parents, no tiene ni dónde caerse muerto KEK

>> No.64539326

Just ignore it, that group of pedo don't even know what to do anymore.

>> No.64539447

both parties are cringe

>> No.64539459

I wanna join but I can't see the rest of the layers, so i dunno if i'm drawing over someone else.

>> No.64539571
File: 147 KB, 1920x974, imagen_2023-12-15_004012183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the layers are on the right if you enter last then you are on the top
you see the same as I do?

>> No.64539605

try to uncheck the gray layer

>> No.64539711

the grey layer is the one of the bottom, above the background layer

>> No.64539962
File: 62 KB, 1880x846, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not him but it show this to me

>> No.64540096

Try dragging gordo-pixel anon layer to the bottom.

>> No.64540204

I was kinda buggy but now it's fine, try checking the layers until it gets right
I've just saw we are like 20 anons there

>> No.64540278
File: 6 KB, 207x201, layers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check for these two grey layers and move them to the bottom

>> No.64540283


>> No.64540378

It's easier to click the layer and push that button pointing down.

>> No.64540421

The gordo pixel must be drawn to the bottom because he's painting the background

>> No.64540438

thanks guys but the site it's either too clunky or i'm a retard, tried to draw something but i'm just making a mess lmao

>> No.64540610

you have time, I'll leave it open tomorrow and the weekend
we don't have a time limit I guess, maybe christmas?

>> No.64540835

Speaking about that, it seems you can merge layers that are not your own, that's kinda messed up

>> No.64540859

Really Pettanko the fag you will go against is a completely retarded neet
Check the free legal advise too

>> No.64540963

It only affects your client, if you reload the layers are back to how they were.

>> No.64541541 [DELETED] 
File: 115 KB, 579x553, UGFMjtp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64541732

wrong thread anon, you will get more (You)s on /vsj+/

>> No.64541911

jannies are being too lazy

>> No.64542391

What's going on with Iron lung this time?

>> No.64542547

that shit is old and insta ban

>> No.64543006

I'll close the pixil room now, I've need some sleep
I'll open it tomorrow again, the drawings will still be there
gn faggots

>> No.64543449

What she meant by it?

>> No.64543724

Remember to post it nest time in case more fags want to join.
btw It seems you can import drawings you make on your own separate canvas and merge it with the main stuff if you save them in the .pixil format

>> No.64543806

That's one of her favorite anime.

>> No.64544007

I'll do it
now I need to die for 8 hours, gn

>> No.64544090 [DELETED] 

Ren's too if you know what I mean

>> No.64544520

dumb threadwatcher

>> No.64545035

So Shura is going to give me back all the time and money I invested on her?
Fucking awful service.

>> No.64546275

t. poorfag

>> No.64547374

What do you mean? Did she do something so bad for you to feel that way?

>> No.64547422

Some Shura fans actually bitch at her when she takes breaks, she made a mistake streaming every day

>> No.64547585

>Some Shura fans actually bitch at her when she takes breaks
you must be trolling

>> No.64547719


>> No.64547858

Shura knows very well that people hate male collabs, but she keeps doing them anyway.
It seems being with her machito is more important than not making her fans unconformable.

>> No.64547863

To express that you miss someone isn't to bitch about lack of streams.

>> No.64547904

It's not about being insecure about a literal homo, but to KEEP THE FUCKING STANDARDS.

>> No.64547955

stil the tard could express it on other way, it indeed sounds like he is kinda bitching

>> No.64548126

It's because of guys like you that you can't say anything to those bitches and then they go around crying because people are leaving.

>> No.64548226

why so offended? don't tell me that you are that faggot kekw
dozo (You), now go to sleep.

>> No.64548231

She was working on debut and released a cover, not slacking off. Though I don’t think the last thing applies here because she just endured and did a full week after debut and as you can see she’s apologizing.

>> No.64548303

He's talking in a more general way not about this specific circumstance.
I get where he's coming from, I've seen multiple times in the thread someone make a quite innocuous remark and fags jumping to accuse him of bitching and being an annoyance.

>> No.64548348

Many people see Shura as an important person, yet Shura doesn't give her fans the same importance. I wonder how phantcakes feel knowing that Shura doesn't feel the same for them compared to Haise. She's willing to hurt her fans and lose potential viewers for him instead of rejecting a collab after all.

>> No.64548470

>"innocuous remark"
yeah sure, i'm already very tired of the faggotry of the usual shitters that use any retarded thing to start to throw shit.
>those bitches
totally not baiting like te retard do usually

>> No.64548502

That's the same reason people use this site to express their opinion. In other places those booth liker simps will jump toward your neck if you dare to express your discomfort.

>> No.64548598

>doesn’t give her fans the same importance
The girl is always streaming and going the extra mile for her fans’ entertainment, and you have to face her loyal fans don’t care about Haise. If you don’t like her that’s okay but she found a very good niche that supports her emotionally and financially and there’s not much you can do about it

>> No.64548631

Funny how those two sudden appear to witheknight when people start complaining about Shura.
yes I know it's you and your "manager"

>> No.64548683

I’ve been here all day faggot

>> No.64548689

stop pretending that you are a "loyal fan" of her, when they are ok with her collabing with the faggot.

>> No.64548730

Didn't some pantcakes says her fans didn't enjoy the male collabs? And that was a reason why she doesn't stream her POV in those?
She has to understand that even if they say they're fine with just that, they're saying that out of politeness when it's obvious they would rather not have those collabs at all.

>> No.64548764

>The girl is always streaming and going the extra mile for her fans’ entertainment
psss I haven't seen anything original or particularly entertaining about her generic twitch streamer style
kek being a generic twitch thot is not a niche bro. Many other girls can offer that service, and they are way better at it.
And if you talk about her streaming time, those are rookie numbers.

>> No.64548796

do you realize that you are replying to the shitter? seems he got bored of larping as the anyaschizo for today, it's always at these hours and when the threads are about to get deleted.

>> No.64548802

She asked in stream if they were okay and nobody said no, she doesn’t stream those for I don’t know what reason, honestly

>> No.64548806

Now you're trolling.
Shura may not be perfect, but she's far away from the typical twitch whore streamer.

>> No.64548847

Yeah, the fact they didn't participate in the canvas thing or mentioned Shura until now is really sus

>> No.64548861

HOLY COPE Megajorn

>> No.64548870

I literally said I wouldn’t do anything for her that involved the site she hates, is it that hard to read?

>> No.64548897

She believes that if you don't stream your POV it's ok to do male collabs. Dunno who told her that.

>> No.64548905
File: 15 KB, 349x366, 1434535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b-but i must reply!

>> No.64548922

Then what the fuck are you doing here? Do you lurk all day waiting for a time to whiteknight or what?

>> No.64548925

Sedai did her way more damage and called her a whore a lot more than what this place did.

>> No.64548975

That's his work as a "manager" dude

>> No.64548981

I lurk like many people do I guess

>> No.64548985

>Lurk all day waiting for a time to whiteknight.
I call it the brotecito syndrome.

>> No.64549076

Nobody is going to say no to her face, pancacke were basically forced

>> No.64549085 [DELETED] 
File: 138 KB, 700x464, 1690804911317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha good night retards
You are my personal toilet

>> No.64549142
File: 10 KB, 579x82, 1622502125421021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get gf
>she invites his "friend" to come over
>they start flirting right in front of you
>get angerey
>wtf anon, you are not supposed to complain, if you don't like it just ignore it

>> No.64549261

She's talking about some drama unrelated to her.
Funny thing is when they ask her in the replies what is she talking about, she says 'mejor que no lo sepas'
Then why did she mention it in the first place? kek
That's Shura for you, I guess.

>> No.64549416

Now I want to know what the hell she's talking about

>> No.64549507

She’s talking about the vtuber that got banned, she explains it in the other tweet. She says she got banned and there’s no reason to start a dumb funa

>> No.64549631

In Shura's previous circle you would get a funa if you didn't say your opinion on a current event or ignored it.
It looks that became an habit that got stuck to her.
Not judging.

>> No.64549803

Bro what the anyaschizo has to do with this? stop being so obsessed with an schizo cuernudito

>> No.64550371

Rwiniuh bald cunny love

>> No.64550375

No anon, shura fans are not stupid people like you yamu or sylvie fans, the pathetic people who care about that unicorn shit are long gone, got it? or your little brain doesn't understand english? :)

>> No.64550456

Kosi passed the auditions. He's joining IdolES.

>> No.64550522

Falseflagger kek
