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64485300 No.64485300 [Reply] [Original]


If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Nise Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead): https://twitter.com/syadouchama


Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think, but apparently harder than expected

Previous thread: >>64449183

>> No.64485377

I love my gold digger of a wife

>> No.64485494

I love my numberfag of a wife

>> No.64485608

I love my cloutfiend of a wife

>> No.64485616

I want to lick her shunny

>> No.64485617

i thought she said no because it would mean interacting with male vtubers? did she change her mind already?

>> No.64485622

passionate love making with shondo

>> No.64486094

I love my cloutchaser of a wife.

>> No.64486168

I love my wife

>> No.64486235

>80% of /shon/ are ironic antis

>> No.64486253

OP is a colossal faggot

>> No.64486297


>> No.64486321

he sure is :)

>> No.64486338

I want to mutilate shondew

>> No.64486477


>> No.64486745

I want to munch on her flesh.

>> No.64486775


>> No.64487068


>> No.64487174

>husbands didn't punch her and tell her no
>make wife happy at all costs xD
type 1 marriage, bet she was disappointed in everyone except my shigga fleece

>> No.64487211

mixed feelings as we come out the other end of the tumultuous 2023 era
everyone had to cope with the changes from her getting bigger, and it brought to the forefront some major issues with the way we interact
it's good that she acknowledges these things and it's good that she's "taking things less seriously" in some respects
yet at the same time streams are at a height of "professionalism" which may or may not be an adaptation to being in the big leagues
it kinda feels like a transition to a more traditional idea of GFE

>> No.64487447

>it's good that she acknowledges these things and it's good that she's "taking things less seriously" in some respects
No it's not good. She thinks acknowledging the problem is the same as already fixing the issue, which it isn't, she refuses to put in any effort to change for the better but still 'evolves' to become more bland and generic of a streamer and a romantic partner. She can't expect all her loyal husbands to take their relationship with her seriously when she isn't willing to do the same to them. If she wants to take things less seriously, relax, and ease up on the professionalism, then don't go to a vtuber award show to be a professional and present for it under the guise of catching more people to be husbands.
Every action she does contradicts the words she lives by and just saying it's a woman thing without trying to address the issue is part of the problem too.

>> No.64487557

just have faith in her for once, everything will be fine.

>> No.64487747

you guys joke about "women" or "women moment" all the time but when will you learn to never trust a woman.
she herself knows and has said that she must be kept on a tight leash, leaving her to her own accord with just a "i trust you" isn't going to work.

>> No.64487860
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She's not done nothing about it. There's no one thing you could do to fix everything. But she has quit the secretive alt account shit, she's more open about the ways in which shoggers are stifling her, she's doing more for herself and encourages others to do the same. The fact she's telling us that she won't chase after people who leave anymore is already massive, because people have long had brainworms about the fact that she rewards people who hurt her. She's finally doing good on the notion that just showing up is enough for her. Choosing to largely focus on the husbands collectively so that individuals can't hurt her is good. Shoggers may have trouble adjusting, feeling burned that they tossed their life away for her, but that's precisely why this all needed to happen. Relax, focus on yourself, enjoy the time you have with her for as long as you reasonably can. That's the message now. Being a long time devoted husband will be its own reward, but no more flexing how badly you've sucked all other things but her out of your life.

>> No.64488124

>you guys joke about women
Yes, we joke. Factually I have no reason to distrust a woman any more than a man.

>> No.64488246

>she's more open about the ways in which shoggers are stifling her
No she has not changed in this regard in the slightest, making it clear about knowing where the critique is coming more than half a year ago.
>The fact she's telling us that she won't chase after people who leave anymore is already massive, because people have long had brainworms about the fact that she rewards people who hurt her. She's finally doing good on the notion that just showing up is enough for her. Choosing to largely focus on the husbands collectively so that individuals can't hurt her is good
this would've been true until last stream when she dedicated an entire section to them instead of just shrugging it off like she supposed to. she got noticeably more depressed after stating that almost half of the 9 most interactive people has stopped watching her, even going as far as bringing up that some of them have unfollowed her. This means that she has stalked their profile to find out what happened and noticed that they unfollowed her to go to some other vtuber. which is part of her past habits, but making those thoughts resurface is not something she said she wanted to do, especially not on stream.
>Shoggers may have trouble adjusting, feeling burned that they tossed their life away for her, but that's precisely why this all needed to happen
No it is not. she has repeatedly said that she's "throwing away" her youth for us, and that she knows that some of us are too, with some people having rejected romantic advances in real life to remain loyal to her. She encourages this and reveres this amount of loyalty. This is not a feeling she flips on a dime about.
And please stop talking like you know her, or our relationship.

>> No.64488255
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in short she's taken strides to stress the moment rather than taking people hostage
the expectations for You are relaxed too, because she truly just wants to enjoy time together and help improve one another rather drive each other insane trying to apply standards that don't have an analogue in the world of "streamer declares herself your wife"

>> No.64488342

Willful ignorant or innocently positive post.

>> No.64488447

>not a hyper possessive yandere anymore
>more emotionally stable as a result
>doing her best to avoid cringe double standards for YOU
And shoggers are mad because...? I love my deredere wife!

>> No.64488658

>which is part of her past habits
that's really understating what exactly was the harmful behavior
obvious she still checks people's profiles if she thinks about them and they haven't been around
the shit that was eating away at her was getting onto alts, checking people's twitch following, and trying to find them in other girls chats, or even fucking discords
and even still, I'm going to choose to believe her that she's making an attempt to curtail that behavior
>She encourages this and reveres this amount of loyalty
of course she's flattered by people who go that route but she's not expecting that from everyone at all and she knows that part of her that wants to ruin men needs to be kept in check
and I do think she'll continue to revere that sort of decision so long as it isn't clearly having a negative effect (ie because they start brainworming constantly because they gave up everything for her and had too many expectations), if I'm being generous I'll just say that's a case by case risk

>> No.64488682

>do you not believe in total shondomination?
>why doubt me when i can offer you the world?
>didnt you take me seriously when i said i will marry everyone and befriend every girl on the planet?
>but a vtuber awards show turns you into a scared cat gif?

A deredere is not someone who gaslights people into accepting her taking incrementally larger steps away because previous smaller steps were accepted.

>> No.64488739

Unless you're a huge manwhore with a body count of +40 you've probably never experienced that alleged nasty side of women you fear so much, I think you're just basing your view of women on Chad's dating experiences and on dating horror stories you've read on reddit.

>> No.64488869

nta why does she sound like a Disney villain all of a sudden?

>> No.64488883

it's funny because I feel like the "marry everyone" slogan is from a completely different shondo era when she didn't try to actually milk devotion out of every viewer (we're going back to that anyway so it's appropriate I guess)

>> No.64489017

you're asking for a trauma dump, which you will then proceed to type nobody cares

>> No.64489045

Something that needs to be pointed out with this particular moment was that Fleece was chiming in on the issue and all of that was directed at him. Based or not, it had to do with his input and she was mocking him for the second time that day like she did earlier on twitter for this thots comment.

>> No.64489081

collectives am I right, shoggas?

>> No.64489241

Did a woman groom you for 1 1/2 years and threaten to take away your table tennis scholarship if you don't eat her pussy in the teacher's bathroom? That happened to me except the groomer was a man obviously. It's always a man. Go on anon, hit me with your trauma dump.

>> No.64489352

I don't really take the tweet as being that mocking just matter of fact. As for this, he wasn't the only one complaining so I'm not sure just how directed it was at him. I'm trying to take the grandiose language as being an indicator that she's just calling the worries silly and not mocking them but hard to tell with her sometimes because she has tried to mock people when they annoy her before.

>> No.64489841

my first and only gf cheated on me with half of the guys in my friend group, all the while convincing me that she was just trying to befriend them to get to know me better. this went on for 6 months before I found out because she left her telegram linked to my laptop.
when I confronted her about it, she broke down into a heaping mess and continuously apologized and said that she was sorry for doing so and it won't happen again and to give her a second chance, literally grovelling on the ground while doing so. time passed and after a few more months, my friend group started to distance themselves from me, and refused to answer my texts, chats, and calls, turns out she told them that I was abusive and wanted protection from me, which my friend group became for her.
they still refuse to believe me and my name has been sullied but nobody believes me because all the logs have been deleted and I didn't take any pictures of them back then.
haven't heard from them since.

>> No.64489888

Nobody cares

>> No.64489908

thought so.

>> No.64489971

I feel you anon something similar happened to me

>> No.64491071

Bro sounds like you dated the town bike, did you do a background check on her? Actually no I will resist the urge to victim blame and admit that you have valid reasons for distrusting women. Most virgins on the internet don't.

>> No.64491254

the more i read this the more it sounds like a chuuni girl from a VN

>> No.64491342

I love my chuuni wife, she's a rebelious teen now. By 2025 she will be a lolibaba.

>> No.64491594
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how are we helping improve one another exactly? she says this, but there's nothing she does that encourages us to improve since we can't even tell her about our improvement anymore. if i'm improving myself for her i'd want her to know. that's like the most basic form of motivation. i hate myself too much to just do it in a vacuum. we help her improve by giving her confidence and stability, but she's making her viewers feel worse judging by these threads and her regulars having regular meltdowns on twitter and on top of that she even admitted to taking us for granted recently, which means we've felt like garbage for nothing in return, not even some appreciation or gratitude. we'd probably need group therapy to even start figuring any of this stuff out. it's supposed to be a real relationship but she can change on a whim and will tell anyone who disagrees with anything she does to get therapy or call them trauma dumpers or antis. gee, i wonder why people are schizoing out.

>> No.64491678

>she says this, but there's nothing she does that encourages us to improve
Moral support and affection, if that's not enough support from your wife then you're too needy.

>> No.64492118
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>moral support
anyone needing this would be considered a trauma-dumper or would be made fun of for being a woman, so no.
sometimes, but only if you donate or gift subs.

>> No.64492422

>anyone needing this would be considered a trauma dumper or would be made fun of
Nah, she spent 10+ minutes encouraging artfags to artfag. She also motivated gymbros to lift recently.
Is this bait? All her live ASMRs are affectionate as hell. If you're not baiting then I think you want private attention, that's not gonna happen since there's another 249 husbands that would ask for the same thing every single day. The only way you're getting it is if you're a primordial oldfag that has been grandfathered in.

>> No.64492494

>Nah, she spent 10+ minutes encouraging artfags to artfag.
yeah ok, i'm not an artfag.
>She also motivated gymbros to lift recently.
no, that was for one user who asked for it and she happened to oblige.
>Is this bait? All her live ASMRs are affectionate as hell
anon, she has done a single asmr in the past 3 months. do you even watch her?

>> No.64493442

I told you the writing was on the wall. She's only going to "evolve" more.

>> No.64493900


>> No.64494117

Dear shondo(fallenshadow),

I love you

-Your dear husband

>> No.64494208

The sad thing is that she isn't even doing this for money, which I could at least sympathize with given her family obligations. She's doing this because she genuinely looks up to the big Twitch whoretubers and wants that clout.

>> No.64494301

clout digger...

>> No.64494327

She wants to befriend every girl vtuber, she's not "looking up to them", she wants to befriend them and expand her reach to get more husbands, eventually enveloping the entire world

>> No.64494435

>every girl vtuber
She's only focused on the ones with numbers nowadays.

>> No.64494528
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>she holds no respect for people who followed her because of the tranny controversy or because they think she's Based
haha hey that’s me. I came because I thought she was based and stayed because I fell in love. I was a virulent anti semite but Shondo has helped me purge that hate from my heart. I’m still racist as shit but that is what it is.

>> No.64494583

The reason I like her is she isn't like those western e-whores skinwalking as vtubers. I hate that she’s starting to befriend them and appealing to their shitty fans.

>> No.64494925

I like Shondo a lot and want the best for her. I hope she can continue to grow and all of her dreams come true. It will be interesting to see if she holds to her identity in the process.

>> No.64495687

>the discird villain speech
>last stream title was I AM GOD WORSHIP ME
is she having an episode

>> No.64495772

Read the tweet for the 4 hour before stream
Not rocket science

>> No.64495798

Honestly it's all just a time-bomb. Either she blows up and the gfe is more meaningless and vague, or she implodes and something snaps and she can't maintain this relationship seriously anymore, which is where we're currently headed.
Detachment is not the solution for the pain of people hurting you, but it works well enough to where it's hard to see that.
Someone tell me I'm wrong.

>> No.64495927

someone bring up the fillian situation on stream, preferably a tier 3 or greater husband
i dont think she would humor a tier 5 like me

>> No.64495960
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>i wish i could offer more than just words
you're talking about buying tons of expensive figs in the same feed. maybe throw her a few dollars instead of just virtue-signalling?

>> No.64496005

i thought the same thing too
nade's oilers have her covered though

>> No.64496044

I don't mind her interrupting the date for something, if it was a Barbie girls birthday or something and we put the date on hold for an hour so she could go on their stream if be fine with it, but Im not happy about it being filian. Filian is way to happy to interrupt other people's streams and fuck with their content. I'm still mad about when filian crashed sarus 3d debut stream

>> No.64496078

Won't there be m*les?

>> No.64496100


>> No.64496147

yeah good luck with that, cake? camila? silvi? a lot of people don't want to be friends with her for ridiculous reasons, and shondo isn't someone who is capable of easing differences. Her default response to anyone "hating" or "disagreeing" with her is to come to us and talk shit about them in front of us, look at us all mock them or berate them, then act like a messiah and tell us not to give them any hate and to be nise.
there's no way she's going to make friends with them with any amount of 'evolving' because her core nature isn't someone kind enough to put herself into other people's shoes and to understand different viewpoints.

>> No.64496236

she initially wanted to turn it down for this reason from what it sounded like. this is what happens when anti-parasocial types in the community says "DO IT, IT'S GOOD TO PUSH YOURSELF AND LEAVE YOUR COMFORT ZONE" etc. she will turn into a generic streamer because of these people.

>> No.64496270

I don't think they'll interact with her, though.

>> No.64496355

You're wrong, she's not distancing herself from the community, she's putting more distance(a healthy amount) between the people who trauma dump and trolls and regulars so the rest(majority) of husbands don't feel left out, while also saying she'll stop chasing after people who decide to leave for whatever reason they might have
She can't give the same amount of attention without treating us like less than people and having to check if everyone got the same amount of interaction, it will end up with us feeling like a chore for her to go through and it will affect her mental health
Doesn't mean she'll interact with them
People can change, she wants to befriend EVERY GIRL VTUBER and marry EVERYONE, it's up to her to reach out and patch things over and it's our job to help her out

>> No.64496357

and that's why she shouldn't have asked In this shitty discord

>> No.64496394

Cos the discord is full of type 1 husbands
Probably... I'm no in the discord

>> No.64496444

the discord is filled with bottom of the barrel "husbands"

>> No.64496457

Shondo if you're married to EVERYONE you're married to NO ONE

>> No.64496495

>she wants to befriend EVERY GIRL VTUBER and marry EVERYONE, it's up to her to reach out and patch things over and it's our job to help her out
no it isn't, her ultimate goal encompasses stealing every man away from their own GFEtubers, marrying them and leaving all GFEtubers or similar leaning vtubers barren of any affection or support given to them by their fans if their fans are to become husbands of hers.
it morally isn't right, and no sane GFE leaning vtuber would ever become friends with someone intent on stealing their emotionally attached fans away from them.

>> No.64496497

I regret buying her merch.

>> No.64496557

she asked it in the discord specifically because of the yes-men, she already made her mind up and is just looking for validation for her choice. that's why there was such a negative outburst when people disagreed with her.

>> No.64496566

This, I was happy when she changed the every watcher is a husband thing but now she went hack on that

>> No.64496637

>shondo dislikes ntr
>she's going to steal other GFE streamers viewers!

>> No.64496690

there's a reason why she doesn't like collabs with other GFE type vtubers, as stated before by her herself. but her goal does not align with her values. even you recognize that.

>> No.64496801

I'm just concernfagging because I know these normie ideals will eat you up thinking that you'd be happier conforming to them
I had to find that out after a lot of self reflection and learning it the hard way. I regret not having someone tell me the grass wasn't greener because I was "the problem."
What I'm saying is, the standard idea of "a healthy amount of distance" is not necessarily best for a group of people who are the furthest thing from standard.

>> No.64496888

I'm gonna be real with you gents, after about 3 1/2 movies Shadow already sounds tired. I would prefer it if these watchalongs sadly I can't call them dates anymore were regular stream length and we had them more often. Two movies plus zatsu every couple of weeks? Something like that.

>> No.64496896

I don't see her mention anything related to males in discord.

>> No.64496963

This infuriates me the most. She mocks and takes jabs at anyone who disagrees with her and then has the gall to say things like be nise to the discord simps like she's some beacon of kindness and understanding leading the way.
>inb4 I'm fleece or zeph
I gave up voicing my opinion a long time ago. She won't hear you out or will make up some excuse all while mocking you in front of her army of yes men.
For the record I don't care if she does the award show, it's just bittersweet that a while ago she may have declined it because she had a stream planned but now she's so successful she's getting offers she feels like she can't refuse. I'm proud of her but the worst side of her and her community really gets to me.

>> No.64497009

go further back, she flexed her loyalty about it before for good girl points

>> No.64497087

Thanks, I see it now.

>> No.64497129

she does this all the time, start or bring up drama, see husbands get riled up and defend her about it, then say be nise. it's just what she does.

>> No.64497148

This is what I meant yesterday by 'turning mental illness into morality'. Does she CHOOSE to stay loyal or is she just repulsed by men in general and using her lesbianism for good girl points? You can't tell with her.

>> No.64497213

she used to be lesbian until she realized males pay for the bills, then she tried dating, found out she couldn't go that far, so she then made her entire fanbase husbands.

>> No.64497269

...it hurts that there's a 50-50 chance you're right.

>> No.64497376

I hate when she discusses such important things on discord and I miss it because there're no notifs

>> No.64497470

Yesmen don’t want you to remember this but it’s actually very normal to hate your wife. Look at any boomer comic and you may find you understand them now when you didn’t before.

>> No.64497804

Divorce is also very normal, almost more normal than together forever.

>> No.64497818

Different vtubers with their different segments no male interactions for her, unless Filian pulls something in the last minute

>> No.64497991

wouldn't put it pass her to be honest

>> No.64498011

>opportunity for what?
My God, Fleece was based! She's already friends with Fil and complained about being too big for the past 2 months. Does she really need to clout chase? Does she need another 100 chatters spamming normalfag emotes?

>> No.64498036

more viewers = more whales, simple.

>> No.64498064
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how will it not ruin the vibe to leave in the middle of a watchalong? like what? is this cope or mental gymnastics?

>> No.64498124

if this was an ASMR stream, she would've been banned

>> No.64498188

will she even be able to continue the movies and not hide under the desk after?

>> No.64498192

she's exposing that this is not a real relationship by doing this. if someone left me in the middle of a real date i'd go home. i wouldn't sit there and wait for them like a fucking drooling retard.

>> No.64498273

Whaling works best when the streamer is lewd or you're in love or both, it's becoming harder and harder for newfags to fall in love with her since she only gives attention to the same 10 guys.

>> No.64498534

gtfo of the board and do your homework minor-chama...

>> No.64498556

You need a filter for that
>cast wide net
>get ton of new viewers
>do something that will cause incompatible viewers to leave
>dedicated people who will turn to whales stay

>> No.64498595

the filter part will never happen

>> No.64498606
File: 5 KB, 300x168, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA gOslInG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry to be a fag and let my brainworms out /here/ but do you ever feel a bit silly about caring about her as much as you do? I'm trying to wrap my head around the whole thing because it's not a "real" relationship in the conventional sense, but I can't just push aside or ignore these feelings. I'm not an oldfag and I'm still learning the lore and everything, but the more I find while doing reps the more I like her. I'm proud of her for what she's overcome and has been able to accomplish, and genuinely want her to continue to grow and be successful. It just feels weird to admit that I've unironically fallen in love with this girl.

>> No.64498817

You answered your own question with that image.

>> No.64499199

Type 2 husband right here

>> No.64499208

I used to think of it as a long distance relationship when we were DMing, it felt just like texting your gf home. After she closed DMs it felt like a one-sided thing. Right now for example I could pour my heart out on twitter and tag her alt, yet I'll never know for sure if she read it because she won't even heart it out of fear of making other husbands jealous. If she interacts with my tweets she will feel pressured to reply to at least a dozen other husbands and that will be a chore to her. Shondo is too big to be a wife chuuba, these types of relationships only work for 1view-2view streamers.

>> No.64499298

Depends on how much she has to do at the award show

>> No.64499547

If she doesn't give a shout out to her husbands at the awards we know she doesn't care anymore

>> No.64499602

If she interrupts the date with business shit she doesn't care anymore.

>> No.64499671


>> No.64499699

Might as well cancel the watchalong, since it means so little to her and spend her time with all of her potential new vtuber friends in the awards show

>> No.64499775

Why are you guys being so gay and retarded? You're telling me that you've never had to dip out of a hangout, date, or family event because you had to take an important work call? She's spending the majority of her day and evening with you and we're watching cute movies together. And you're still angry? Tf is wrong with you lmao.

>> No.64499786

Shes 100% getting invited to the presenters watchalong and after party which will take most of the watchalong

>> No.64499790

The respectful thing to do would be to reschedule or cancel the date and have a normal 5 hours stream on the 16th. Does she respect us? No.

>> No.64499837

It's alright, you're just in the honeymoon phase, just be there live and learn more about her(preferably from places other than /shon/)
I've felt the same way before, it took me a while to fully understand my feelings, but I'm here to stay
It might not feel important, but watch any recent vods you can, they're full of inside jokes as well, i regret only recently caring about vods

>> No.64500074

shondo in my arms

>> No.64500117

Shes 100% getting with a guy me

>> No.64500162

Come pick up your retard >>64500009

>> No.64500178

Will you drop her if she interacts with a male during the award show?

>> No.64500210

hes right here bro >>64499671

>> No.64500309

She already interacts with males for work, I don't see how having a male in a group context when doing vtuber work is different. My line is her acting flirty with a male on or off stream, and small collabs with males.

>> No.64500316

At this point I barely care about what she does. No, I think I'd still watch her play games but I wouldn't watch zatsus and I would not give her a single $1 anymore.

>> No.64500366

>will you drop Shondo
the only thing that would make me drop her is finding out that she's been hiding a secret bf under the floorboards. (it's not true and it will never happen and I'm here for the long haul.)

>> No.64500378

if she apologizes properly then I'll stay, if she says it's no big deal, it's a big red flag.

>> No.64500565

I have a feeling she just wants to be a free whore like anny, but is held back by the final shreds of her morality.
I personally hope she just becomes the whore she wants to be, this new in-between is painful for everyone.

>> No.64500684

This. She used the word "stifled" after that cuck joke that bombed. She feels held back by her pure girl image.

>> No.64500689

she copies almost everything from anny, she might as well be anny lite besides the JOI ASMRs

>> No.64500896

Am I having brainworms or did Shondo's desire to blow up in popularity and become a pseudo corpo slut started right after the babymetal concert? The same week.

>> No.64500993

No, this shit started way earlier. I think the earliest indicator was when she moved movie dates to the alt channel because of numberfag reasons her "friend" told her.

>> No.64501100

There's a difference between optimizing your channels and taking shitty sponsorships and selling bug powder to your audience.

>> No.64501161

some of you shiggers would be better off listening to sad breakup songs, hitting the bottle, and moving moving on. haha just kidding you don't even watch her.

>> No.64501196

Of course there's a difference, but that was one of the earliest moments that showed that she changed. She never cared about stuff like that.

>> No.64501405

This is the newestfag shit I've seen in the thread

>> No.64501487

the is the biggest cope i've seen in the thread
Captcha: 4GGVJ

>> No.64501513

Newfags are happy to get rid of us for a crumb of attention, not realizing that corpowife will even take those crumbs away as she grows just like she took DMs, maros, alts, now dates...etc.

>> No.64501540

the only sane shogga

>> No.64501566

you recognized the bait and still replied to it

>> No.64501609

imagine a scenario where she goes into discord and says she turned down presenting an award because she wanted to hang out with us instead
i wonder if the yes men would have pushed her to go do it instead
really makes you think

>> No.64501665

No they would immediately turn on the dime and say thank you for spending time with us instead syadouLove

>> No.64501809


>> No.64501940

Their chats are almost identical, and they'll be indistinguishable if shondo continues on her journey to add every cat emote

>> No.64502010

You guys complain about yesmen but also don't do otherwise
You're all retarded
If you want this to become a type 4 marriage grow some backbone and talk/complain in the discord instead

>> No.64502028

i did and got muted

>> No.64502043

Kys cats are silly and funny

>> No.64502082

Did you say a slur or were you perhaps not respectful
Otherwise it's an issue with the mods wanting a type 1 marriage

>> No.64502310

I don't want to be the next fleece

>> No.64502487

>if you want this to be a type 4 marriage
no one is buying into your made up system retard. I love my wife and I will never stop loving her!

>> No.64502523

You can be your own person, just don't be a total yesman
I'd join and do it myself, but i don't want people to know who I am, since my writing style kind of stands out(i type a lot)

>> No.64502577

Yeah, ok, never said to not love her

I, myself, love shondo unconditionally

>> No.64502695

Anny is drawing dick on stream right now, I bet shondo would never

>> No.64502732

>just don't be a total yesman
I'm not, if I disagree with her I just stay quiet since I know she's already made up her mind. She can claim that disagreeing with her is okay but she mocks anyone who does so.

>> No.64502894

where the fuck is the JOI asmr? there's nothing on youtube and the twitch vod im listening to rn seems normal
please point me in the right direction i need to coom

>> No.64502917

Yeah cos she's a hypocrite, but she won't change unless she's pushed to
Also that still makes you a yesman

>> No.64502920

Shoncologist anon post the 4 types of marriage every couple of threads, let's make it a ritual post.

>> No.64502932

Anny subathon ASMR day 61

>> No.64502936


>> No.64502969
File: 16 KB, 573x187, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64503015

coomers are too powerful

>> No.64503033

You weren't lying, she's drawing a cock

>> No.64503046

Shondo doesn't want to nor ever will give you sexual relief, go get someone that satisfies it for you, she doesn't mind.

>> No.64503080

Yup that's a cock alright

>> No.64503086

>nor ever will
That's not her choice.

>> No.64503089
File: 540 KB, 589x640, 1700094250838020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure it will be fine. It's not like I have one foot out the door or anything. I think she she should be allowed to do whatever makes her happy.

>> No.64503169

You literally only say this because you don't give a shit. What makes her happy for 5 minutes will make hundreds miserable.

>> No.64503198

shondo doesn't even purr...

>> No.64503275

I would die of dehydration if shondo ever goes this far, even just once in her entire streaming career

>> No.64503361

>Asrastrem dropping fat cash on anny as well
shondo should consider coomer content to appeal to her second biggest whale

>> No.64503460

If what she's doing is making you miserable then maybe it's time too start looking for someone else. She's not going to turn down opportunities for growth at this point.

>> No.64503563

Why does growth matter so much to her at this point? She should just start an OF account if she's all about the money, and if she's looking for fame she should keep applying for Hololive.

>> No.64503736

Feeling really bad mentaly today, I hope it's a normal chill stream with no wierd shit today. I just want to relax with her

>> No.64503751

I hope Shondo is in a good mood today :)

>> No.64503824

I hope the email schizo does his thing.

>> No.64503831
File: 246 KB, 334x587, 1690379679363168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shondo is large enough that joining a corpo would do nothing for her. She also clearly doesn't want the kind of audience that hololive attracts and instead is going for Neurosama's and Filian's audience.

>> No.64503896

What are you on about? I don't think there's a single holo with < 1 million subs.

>> No.64503917

>She also clearly doesn't want the kind of audience that hololive attracts and instead is going for Neurosama's and Filian's audience.
It used to be the opposite. Is this the impression newfags are getting from her now?

>> No.64503965

You have been falseflagging with your 2view for months now.

>> No.64503981

In EN only Myth have reached 1 million subs.

>> No.64503997

You don't get it anon, she """evolved""" not changed for the worse. 2023 shondo doesn't hold a candle to early 2022 shondo.

>> No.64504064

I would say she's good at filtering unwanted people since she did baby time the stream after the filian collab, but I remember she's against doing ryona rp voicepack because she's worried at how newfags might perceive it. I really don't get it.

>> No.64504107

She’s not doing the ryona voice pack because she doesn’t want people to view it sexually and jerk off to her voice. That’s a huge no to her.

>> No.64504133

no she doesn't do it because of the complainers

>> No.64504142

>She’s not doing the ryona voice pack because she doesn’t want people to view it sexually and jerk off to her voice.
what the fuck are you talking about she never said this

>> No.64504188

She doesn't do it because fleece doesn't want her to do it.

>> No.64504219

I cant wait for today's stream! I love watching her

>> No.64504250

she'll appear on stream in front of tens of thousands of people. i don't think she'll be fit to come back lol.

>> No.64504285

and she should know this better than anyone, meaning that she's lying to us

>> No.64504291

Yeah, ok, sounds like a good idea(real)

>> No.64504356

I hope shondo draws a massive futa cock on her art just to make fun of the new twitch guidelines

>> No.64504366

I'm thinking today's stream is gonna lean towards a type 4 marriage, she usually sucks up a bit more when the threads are shit

>> No.64504373

more likely that she got peer pressured to join and didn't think about it that much

>> No.64504407

a lie nonetheless

>> No.64504449

let me cope

>> No.64504510

She didn't get peer pressured into it. Just accept that she wants the clout and recognition that comes with being there live to present something. It's not that serious. She'll say something sappy afterwards and the chat fill up with syadouhearts like always.

>> No.64504521

>sorry guys i'm feeling dizzy and nauseous and i can't stop shivering... I'm so sorry but i think i need to cancel the stream and go lie down for a bit. i promise i'll make up for it. i love you all <3
>that's ok wifey, please rest well :syadouHappyNod:

>> No.64504529

Also a pussy now
Yeah, she should be able to hold herself for a bit, right? (definitely not, but let's hope for the best)
Lying and trying to force herself to get better(socially) and to get to meet more people(indirectly) are different things, she probably did get swept along by the flow though

>> No.64504567

Clout is the wrong word. She wants to be "accepted". She was lamenting being the weird one in the big vtuber group chat the other day.

>> No.64504605

She is still mentally the schizo girl in primary school binge reading the twilight books to try and make the popular girls like her

>> No.64504608

I know i say you shouldn't be yesmen, but tf are you supposed to say?
"you're lying whore
Hope you get assaulted"
Retard, we still love our wife and being understanding of her issues isn't the same thing as being a yesman

>> No.64504620

if she wants to "accepted" that way dedicated husbands are no longer needed

>> No.64504653

They never were

>> No.64504677

"we told you so you silly woman"
"learned anything yet?"
"trust us now?"
"was it worth it, our date got cut short"

>> No.64504682

>"guys we might have to end 2/3 of the way through because kissing Fillian's ass is very important for my career as a pseudo-corpo streamer, please understand, I'm sorry"
all she had to do was tell the truth and the yesmen would've syadouNodded and harassed anyone who doesn't

>> No.64504690

Anon she sent her $200. Check the leaderboards.
Anti thread not even once

>> No.64504735

why are you replying to a post 4 hours ago?

>> No.64504773

I just saw it and checked myself, which took 30 seconds. Sorry for daring have a job, forgot this was a no lifer thread.

>> No.64504776

she did this after that post
plus you can just put whatever name you want so it could some oiler sucking up for her
I believe my wife wants to help her friends though

>> No.64504811

I mean, she says she's sorry...
Ok those are fine except for maybe the last one

>> No.64504819

Or she sent money when she sent the tweet because she knows exactly what it’s like to have a beloved pet at the vet and this is an anti thread that doesn’t even check receipts before flaming her.

>> No.64504857

my shogga i was stalking the tweets and the leader board for at least an hour
you're right though she could have donated 3 hours later which is still hours before that anon made that post

>> No.64504865

you deliberately came into this "anti" thread to do this?
you're also operating on 4 extra hours of information more than he is.
and you're bringing up old "anti" posts to try respark drama?
you're contributing more to the thing that you implied you hate.

>> No.64504870

you don't lie while saying that you're sorry, you tell the truth

>> No.64504876

How did you move from shon to someone who spends 1h on zatsu talking about gaming nights with daddy sakana and then complain about having 0 time because of streaming work

>> No.64504942

Shit takes hours to update, I sent her a small amount this morning and it’s not on there.

>> No.64504952

Why do you make your wife a liar in hypothetical scenarios? Are you that insecure... It's ok, I'm here to hear you out if you feel like trauma dumping
(applies to anyone in the thread)

>> No.64504976

>Watching cute Christmas movies.
>She tries to keep the normal vibe as best she can
>Apologizes that she's nervous
>Shoggas hype her up
>Takes the scheduled break
>Shoggas watch her crush it, she does a really great job.
>Glowing with pride for wife.
>Comes back
>Says thank you for the encouragement and how happy she is that people are supportive
>"I couldn't have done it without you"
>Rest of the watchalong goes great
You know you don't have to be a negative nelly your whole life.

>> No.64504977

weird. mine updated in like 5 minutes.
it's not really that important either way though, i know shondo is sincere.

>> No.64504980

please watch streams before going against the grain.

>> No.64505015

ok shadow

>> No.64505048

there's no way this is happening, and you can grudge post this post if it does happen like that, but if it goes any other way, I'll bring your post up and you better apologize for not actually knowing how your wife behaves by now.

>> No.64505064

>Can /shon/ come to an agreement on what type of marriage they're part of?
1) wife dominant- husband keeps her happy at all costs, doesn't make her keep him happy
2) husband dominant - wife keeps the husband happy at all costs, for if she were to displease him once he would leave her
3) equal- husband keeps wife happy at all costs, wife keeps husband happy at all costs(they love each other, but the relationship will only ever be superficial due to each person not wanting to reveal too much about themselves in worry that it will displease the other)
4) equal- they love each other and work through any argument so both are happiest with the outcome, even if it's a hurtful piece of information, they are willing to get hurt as long as they can overcome the issues together(these marriages last longer, but have a higher chance of not working out due to one side not putting in as much effort in as the other)
>Once you've thought over which relationship you have with shondo, think about how she feels about the relationship herself

>> No.64505098

I have faith in my wife and want her to do well!

>> No.64505100

I expect her to be more affectionate/fanservicey during the stream to make up for it.

>> No.64505104

Based and truthpilled

>> No.64505105

because she knows full well that she's gonna have an anxiety attack after Follian's bullshit, yet she acts like she's gonna come back and resume the stream as if nothing happened (bullshit). She's a liar

>> No.64505107

she hates being put in boxes that define exactly what she is, and you put her entire marriage into 4 fucking options.
Watch shondo before you fucking try this bullshit.

>> No.64505209

how about expressing your disappointment instead of just saying "it's fine! :syadouHappynod:" to everything? she can't read our minds, as much as she'd like to think she can

>> No.64505219

Sorry, type 1 husband, i will watch all of the vods on her vods channel to compensate!
Retard-chama, those boxes work for real life marriages too, please think before you type

>> No.64505269

That's not what a liar is, retard
Nothing is certain, it just has a high probability rate

>> No.64505299

>"this is very disappointing wifey but whatever syadouDed"
inb4 she holds a 6 months grudge and doesn't interact with me anymore

>> No.64505337

she expressly hates real life marriages and relationships and does not envy them. I hate having to deal with your newfag ass that things everything applies to her despite every evidence going against that. I'll even point you to the correct vod, shadow second confessional stream.
now please stop assuming things.

>> No.64505350

im in a 1 she does not do anything for me but i try to keep her happy
>think about how she feels about the relationship herself
shes very happy
i will never get to a 4 the way she treats people who go against her scares me off

>> No.64505359
File: 108 KB, 309x280, 1701836175336394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound upset shogga. Hope your excited for the award show.

>> No.64505468

1) you do not know her at all
2) you're not taking the relationship seriously
kindly fuck off, tourist

>> No.64505511

There is only 1 way for her to make up for this and thats to post unblurred feet as an apology

>> No.64505528

>t. negative nelly

>> No.64505551

shondo you sound so new

>> No.64505559

>he doesn't know
you're not gonna make it oomfie

>> No.64505592

she can't even use the house excuse anymore since she spends so much fucking money on stuff she doesn't need

>> No.64505604

Post em

>> No.64505647

you don't get it, she puts a quarter into the "house" jar every day, so that allows her to spend hundreds on figurines and otis because that's within her budget.

>> No.64505681

Shogga i said they work for real marriages TOO
Retardchama... And even if she doesn't like being placed into boxes or categories, that doesn't mean she can't be or shouldn't be
Calling her menhera technically is also putting her into a box/category, but i don't see anyone complain when shondo gets called menhera
And even then, they're merely accurate generalisations of different marriage dynamics, doesn't even only apply to marriages, works for any male/female relationship

>> No.64505702

I understand why people would be mad. but getting mad about this is pretty gay.
if you think about it only a girl would be mad at this

>> No.64505734

This context removes the point that she literally chose clout chasing over our date. Not even that, our fucking Christmas movie date. That is the whole thing we have going that was supposed to be special and she shit on it with something "epic". She better talk about it today.

>> No.64505739

if you wouldn't be mad when your girl left you hanging in the middle of a date to go do some other thing you're probably a cuck desu. the sensible thing to do would be to move the entire stream to another day if it was so important.

>> No.64505746

sorry to break it to you but most of us are low T incels

>> No.64505794

>She better talk about it today.
She's already decided so it's not like it matters

>> No.64505857

This. It was supposed to be something special, now it's business networking.

>> No.64505862

Can't post stuff from the secret channel, sorry. Only trustful husbands are allowed now so what happened with rrk doesn't happen again.

>> No.64505880

Yes it does matter, she brought this up to a small portion of her husbands. Or do the others who set time aside for HER this Saturday and weren't in the discord not matter at all? You think blindsiding some with this news is the right thing to do?

>> No.64505892

/shon/ is filled with the most needy, clingy, assmad fags on the whole board. They would rather be upset that she's going to be gone for like an hour than focus on the fact she's spending the overwhelming majority of her day with them.

>> No.64505928

>shoggers have to cope with their loveless marriage by inventing sekrit club privileges

>> No.64505958

well shit, that better not have been about fil that's crazy

>> No.64505975

Nah I'm annoyed with that too but she's not going to change her mind.

>> No.64506010

why are you upset that your wife has an opportunity to grow?

>> No.64506026

i just tried to draw them, fuck feet are hard to draw

>> No.64506073

It's not about changing her mind, shogger. She did something stupid, there are husbands that don't even know she did this and she needs to talk about it.

No one is upset over her taking opportunities, it is what she is choosing to besmirch in exchange for clout.

>> No.64506099

last time I got a 3 day vacation for posting slightly less blurry shontoes. I hate it here! This place is a prison! On planet bullshit!

>> No.64506143

Its mindblowing there are people calling themselves husbands and not understand the importance of these date watchalongs. Especially this one that was scheduled weeks prior for christmas.
Whatever event it is, unless a health emergency, nothing should be highest priority for her than this

>> No.64506172

I don't see her ever hold a grudge against zeph for doing that, really only fleece is so indignant about it that she actually lashes back at him

>> No.64506198

Needy viewer overload

>> No.64506214

I blame the shoggers that spammed the nomination form. You faggots put Shondo on filian's radar.

>> No.64506264

ok define a menhera you retard.

>> No.64506284

We don't know if it'll be for just an hour and a big part of the watchalong will be disrupted. The best option will be to reschedule it, but let's see if she'll even consider this as an option.

>> No.64506346

>guys you better take the day off of work for our watchalong, don't you dare schedule anything then.
>guys I have to leave for a bit to do work in the middle of our watchalong
>wait why are you mad

>> No.64506369

>*mumbling* im not wescheduling it then it wont be cwismus *pouty face*

>> No.64506399

We need emailschizo more than ever, do it right now before the stream.

>> No.64506445

why do you guys always speak like outsiders.
if you are, then you don't belong.
don't try to understand something you aren't a part of, your type aren't what shondo needs.

>> No.64506448

Shondo you better not go to sleep because the second you shut your eyes I'm going to punch you square in the face

>> No.64506469


>> No.64506489

>pseudo corpo slut
she was always a corpo dickrider she sucks off hololive at every opportunity as well as phase
she always wanted to be a proper idol with all of the professional aspects
despite this for a long time she had a very intimate and candid approach to streaming and kept the professionalism to the parts that truly mattered
feels like we've lost that balance though, because she's removed what little candid intimacy the average stream has and compartmentalized it into only asmr, "date" streams, and alt streams
maybe it's some cope, doing what's expected of her for getting big, going through the motions because it's harder to approach your fans the same way you did before

>> No.64506656

yeah we'll live but it's pretty fucked this even happened and it's pretty sad she doesn't seem the least bit upset about it herself despite how much she hates changing plans and how much you'd expect her not to give a shit about a vtuber popularity contest

>> No.64506766

Depending on how Shondo handle it, this could be a mask off moment that reveals her real values or lack of them.

>> No.64506771

textbook example of protagonist syndrome. our lives have no value because we're just NPCs in her world and for optimization purposes we cease to exist when we're outside of her line of vision.

>> No.64506789

she's an empath

>> No.64506823

>ever take time for yourself
>she tells everyone on stream that they're the only ones that matter because they were there for her

>> No.64506850

she admitted to seeing us as colored usernames not people, then backpedaled to seeing us as YOU

>> No.64506897

It's bullshit that Shondo didn't get nominated for best ASMR chuuba or most dedicated fanbase. This shit is rigged.

>> No.64506920

and they have the gall to still invite her back to present for it

>> No.64506935

Okay as angry as I am with her, the colored names thing was meant to help us understand how she is organizing us in her head. Don't conflate the issue right now.

>> No.64506952

>This shit is rigged
no way

>> No.64506988 [DELETED] 

What are some good period tracking apps?

>> No.64506994

Maybe that's why they invited her. Trying to make up for it.

>> No.64507019

Someone already drew her feet over her party bear socks before
Don't think those work on shondo

>> No.64507025

>award shows aren't based on merit
you don't say

>> No.64507030

She's synced with my sister so I just ask my sister. Should start on the 20th I think.

>> No.64507075

Sorry guys, wrong tab.

>> No.64507111

to be fair her asmr is very mediocre and sometimes even bad

>> No.64507141

this shogga is spot on, her period re awakened around this time when she played doom 2016

>> No.64507156

Shondo, Patra, and Mare should have nominated.

>> No.64507197

this bait made me seethe the most out of every thread in the last 2 months

>> No.64507233

Conceptualize the agony if she has to give an award to Fauna

>> No.64507328

checked em and they sound really good, theyre probably using a booth right?
not having background noise adds so much to this

>> No.64507331

Inviting a vtuber that didn't manage to get nominated to give awards is kinda fucked up. I wouldn't accept it.

>> No.64507336

I'll be spamming syadouOmegaLUL in chat

>> No.64507415

squeak squeak asmr mic go squeak
hair brushing oh wait it's a wig, you can hear her fingernails on the wig's weave
unintelligible whispers but whoops she puts actual words in there and it isn't actually gibberish
metal pipe cleaner as a brush but whoops didn't account for metal resounding more than fibre brushes

>> No.64507489

It's like the game awards. they invite famous people to give the announcement. did she said she will be announcing anything?

>> No.64507511

did you consider that it's shondo making these mistakes while servicing (you)r ears?
Verification not required.

>> No.64507550

why hasn't she dug my brain out then huh?

>> No.64507559

The putting a plastic bag over (you)r head, saying to stop struggling, then smothering (you) with kisses while she says she's not mad anymore was absolutely KINO. Unintentionally one of the most erotic things I've ever seen.

>> No.64507563

Her love and relationship with me

>> No.64507576

A video every 6 months on fallenshadow barely qualifies her as an ASMRtist.

>> No.64507802

>masturbation emote in chat
RemnantAdvent is more based than ever.

>> No.64508227

Shondo go live! Shondo go live right now!!!! I'm going through wife withdrawal!!! I'm starting to get the shakes!!! Shondo go live please I'm literally shaking right now!!!!!!

>> No.64508364

how does she know

>> No.64508378

Is it me or is the starting soon bgm weird?

>> No.64508446

refresh, sometimes it gets weird
its just some twitch bug

>> No.64508512

Shondo's stream titles are always so cute and creative.

>> No.64508546

she puts VA in her bio too, waiting to see her actual VA roles haha

>> No.64508638

She made a cuck joke? When was this?

>> No.64508646

>always lonely, so come play with me
Is Shondo actually lonely? that would make me sad.

>> No.64508919

when she came back from the concert dewd egged her into talking about how tall and rich the dudes around her at the concert were, probably to take a jab at people for being silly about that stuff but she admitted it was a bad joke and kinda made her uncomfortable playing along with it
later in the stream though she talked about how she has to walk on eggshells with us

>> No.64508927

Where did you new cancer come from? Lurk for a few months before posting.

>> No.64508951
File: 112 KB, 328x218, 1685148648184183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can I truly be blamed? surely she understands

>> No.64508957

Cuck in chat made a cuck joke and she read it out loud and tried to add to it but couldn't think of anything because it wasn't funny and there was nothing to add to it
Or smth
Yes, so you should keep her company
She's happiest when streaming to her husbands and her streams act like a detox place for brainworms

>> No.64509000

I also clicked on them, im sorry shondo...

>> No.64509025

the leg perspective on this waiting screen really bothers me, it's not meant to be animated like that

>> No.64509089
File: 2 KB, 100x125, shondo-glasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to goof around but sometimes I can't tell if I'm just pretending or if I'm actually retarded.

>> No.64509262

Shondos going to try and get banned so she doesn't have to pick between the watchalong and the award show

>> No.64509265


>> No.64509266

yup she wants to embrace her whorish nature

>> No.64509293

did anybody get the screenshot?

>> No.64509301

>gets invited to award show
>instantly sluts it up

>> No.64509361

>the only thing that's holding herself back from whoring herself out fully is her lack of breasts

>> No.64509491

She's very silly today!

>> No.64509498

so is this supposed to be a bit, the possessive thing is just a bit again?
what a relief

>> No.64509562

she isn't serious about the jealousy thing anymore I guess
cheating on her right away

>> No.64509700

she's back in the thread again, too bad she didn't learn from anything and is just saying things like acknowledging it would mean it's solved

>> No.64509802

Why is there so many viewers today go away scared

>> No.64509840

naked tweet

>> No.64509855

fil threatened to remove the bots if shondo doesn't show up for the award ceremony, our wife still loves us!
she added a hundred more bots just to reward her

>> No.64509859

clickbait notification message

>> No.64509943


>> No.64510083

Shondo seems like the type of chuuba that would slice your face off with a knife and wear it like a mask. (hot)

>> No.64510128

this arc is over

>> No.64510215

Why isn't this little whore showing her slit? Lame

>> No.64510233

even can you you fund her the figure

>> No.64510243


>> No.64510288

so many containment breakers today

>> No.64510294

which parrot?

>> No.64510328

>spread love
unless you're short

>> No.64510330


>> No.64510362

Parrot beggars btfo

>> No.64510398

>mentions parrot
>Sayu shows up

>> No.64510426

How do humans consume this content holy shit what the fuck

>> No.64510439

thanks I have cancer now

>> No.64510440

>she's describing arguing with her
this oblivious brat

>> No.64510487

That explains the newfags, the
>my womb is eternal
>plap plap plap pomf...
>I'm so defenceless
Clips are in this parrot guys video

>> No.64510489


>> No.64510582
File: 1.28 MB, 1601x1188, IMG_3166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she’s so cute and I love her

>> No.64510607

I love my pin up art of her getting railed by a spear so deeply it destroys her womb and pierces right through her belly

>> No.64510615

im tired of hearing this speech

>> No.64510659

then why you keep going to this vtuber

>> No.64510683

based tasteful sex art appreciator

>> No.64510686

she doesnt give it every stream

>> No.64510778

who would ever do this modding job for free, fucking hell

>> No.64510810

you get to be in her private mod group chat where she makes fun of all her paypigs

>> No.64510850

It scares me how much I love her

>> No.64510973

how many times is she gonna say wow I wanna do art on stream again! wow the new tos makes me a lot more comfortable with doing art! before she actually schedules one

>> No.64511020

>I can’t own a gun
>I’d just say fuck it and end it
She’s just like me! That’s why I keep my firearm in the boot of my car

>> No.64511022

>baits people
>get mad about the people she baited

>> No.64511038

oh yeah, she's a woman

>> No.64511112

This is nothing new, do you not remember her baiting people to expose their age for being under 18, newfag?

>> No.64511149

i don't know how, seeing as how her friends are getting banned one by one. anny got banned.

>> No.64511172

oh she's definitely in the threads

>> No.64511228

public naming and shaming? thats bully behavior

>> No.64511275

oh so she's rewarding "unwanted" behavior, great

>> No.64511309

she'll never understand that attention is a reward for some reason. she thinks this is an epic own

>> No.64511356

epic trolled

>> No.64511359


>> No.64511370
File: 7 KB, 281x81, 1690838471391703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64511405

show us, anon

>> No.64511424

Mods need to add 4chan and parrot to the filter for a bit

>> No.64511448

I'd like to say she's just joking and wouldn't actually do that, but the thought that the giraffe might one day succumb to cancer and that the Forest Elder won't live forever fills me with dread. I hope these burdens won't be too heavy for her to carry.

>> No.64511451

why does she lie so much about it, her boobs aren't that flat

>> No.64511482

you are actually retarded lmao

>> No.64511487

4chan should be a banned term anyway along with /vt/

>> No.64511493

compare concert drip to older stuff, she used to pad her chest

>> No.64511504
File: 73 KB, 1242x180, IMG_2909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64511533


>> No.64511543

I don't know anything about her but her fans are annoying as fuck like most vtubers

>> No.64511546

don't like him, but he's right

>> No.64511553


>> No.64511552

he's so bitter. i love him.

>> No.64511611

this zatsu is shit and she is not going to talk about it

>> No.64511656
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>> No.64511694

There are 200 normies who she is trying to get to spam the chat with aids comments so even if she does its gonna be a bunch of FEELSGOODMAN CANT WAIT SHADOW NO WAY

>> No.64511745

I don't like the zatsu today

>> No.64511750

i find it funny about a month ago someone pointed out how she mostly gets ~1.1k viewers, now she has ~1.5k on any given stream

>> No.64511761

>1800 viewers without getting raided
it's actually over. i think we need a change in perspective shoggas...

>> No.64511768

I hate this. she's deliberately noticing newfags that don't care about her at all, all she cares about is getting hew husbands while letting the older ones rot because they've already been broken

>> No.64511795

Shondo has groomed me into finding flat chests and small, shapely bubble butts erotic. also bruises.

>> No.64511811

if we have any twinks that wanna take one for the team and put on a dress and be the new wife, now would be your chance

>> No.64511891

she can't keep her story straight, is it going to be good for your art streams or not?

>> No.64511894

No, this is her answer to the favorites criticism.

>> No.64511944

going from 1 extreme to another is not a solution

>> No.64512106

you know whats gay? she says 'hey heres a quick 5 min sketch' but this sounds like she takes an hour to sketch

>> No.64512108

I like hearing about her artistic process

>> No.64512132

So she’s not gonna bring up bailing on us on our date? She’s just going to assume everyone saw her discord message?

>> No.64512136

the only thing she gives are excuses now a days

>> No.64512166

please be based and bring it up. make an alt if you don't want to expose yourself

>> No.64512208

>I get so nervous and I cry
I want to hear Shondo cry on steam

>> No.64512223

watch the marley vod

>> No.64512232


>> No.64512255

do not

>> No.64512331

>fuck all these whores on this platform
>oh hello whore! I love you!

>> No.64512359

shondo watched alice with me last night without me realizing... it's so over bros... i wrote in chat...

>> No.64512404

you can watch any fucking chuuba as long as shondo isnt like and youre not flirting with them

>> No.64512421

She's just a young girl trying her best. You guys ought to be more comprehensive.

>> No.64512425

nice try but she wasn't looking at chat

>> No.64512436

she hates all whores as a collective but loves every individual whore vtuber

>> No.64512459

so the opposite of how she sees us

>> No.64512484

She is my age

>> No.64512510

>It's different when the whore is a vtuber because....it's different alright!

>> No.64512522

no, she resents us but is financially dependent on us

>> No.64512545
File: 1.46 MB, 1200x664, 1693346855047206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64512565

>resents us
idk shogger she talks to me quite often

>> No.64512630

i honestly forgot that we crowdsourced an expensive tablet for her. has she used it at all on stream?

>> No.64512666

the :3 looks like a pair of balls

>> No.64512808

she got inspired by >>63683879

>> No.64512865

