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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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64451573 No.64451573 [Reply] [Original]

>Doesn't see herself living past 30
>Has no vision for the future beyond what she's currently working on
>Can't even imagine being in a relationship with another person or having a child
>Wants to just adopt a bunch of cats instead
Is the Bae gonna be ogey? Is she really ready to move out on her own?

>> No.64451640

damn, she really is a zoomer.

>> No.64451643

>Can't even imagine being in a relationship with another person
(x) doubt

>> No.64451650

>believing Bae
Come on now.

>> No.64452458

She's just waiting for (me), she'll be fine

>> No.64452636

Did this really need it's own thread? Just go to the thread where everyone will tell you the things you want to hear.

>> No.64454409

Your oshi is shit. You like?

>> No.64454412

what reason has bae of all people ever given to doubt her?

>> No.64454460

she's australian, i don't trust them

>> No.64454534

That's because she hasn't met the man of her dreams yet
Now excuse me while I go get an eyepatch and a ponytail

>> No.64454553

>he doesn't know

>> No.64454582

>Doesn't see herself living past 30
>Has no vision for the future beyond what she's currently working on
>Can't even imagine... having a child
>Wants to just adopt a bunch of cats instead
>Can't imagine being in a relationship with another person

>> No.64454632

>Nijisisters have no idea about the chuuba they are trying to shitpost
many such cases!

>> No.64454643

Surprised the clip wasn't "Marriage? What's that mean?"

>> No.64454722

Are hololive viewers the most naive and credulous viewerbase?

>> No.64454839

>Doesn't see herself living past 30
Based. Wish I'd died at 30.

>> No.64454913

>>Can't even imagine being in a relationship with another person
>he doesn't know

>> No.64454985

I'll believe an average+ woman who says she's going to stay alone forever only if she actually dies alone. I don't care if her parents locked her up in a magical tower guarded by a dragon for years or whatever.

>> No.64455004

It’s more like Holosimps really need to believe an amazing, awesome, sexy cartoon girl is their surrogate daughter-friend-crush who likes spending time with them. They don’t want to believe that it’s all fake so they believe whatever they say for the sake of self-preservation as much as gullibility.

>> No.64455082

If that rat bitch said she was interested in getting into a relationship and having kids you know some fucking kike in her fandom would lose his shit.

She’s just saying words. Hardly anyone has plans for their 30s except for what they doing now.

>> No.64455185

I doubt it would be a kike in specific getting angry

>> No.64455187

>Is she really ready to move out on her own?
No, but management and the other Holos will pretty much take care of everything for her

>> No.64455211

>>Can't even imagine being in a relationship with another person
>Called sexy
>tinder yab
>Laughs are Kiryu being a virgin

>> No.64455236

I mean they genuinely believe that Bae is as oblivious, naive and ignorant as she pretends to be so...yeah they are.

>> No.64455406

She grew up very sheltered

>> No.64455478

Why would she even bring it up then retard

>> No.64455518

Most upper middle class kids are sheltered but also whores.

She’s not a virgin, not prude, and good for her

>> No.64455530

Case in point.

>> No.64455556

Not that anon, but she's clearly doing it to farm sympathy and cash from her loser fans.

>> No.64455568

It’s called fishing you dry dick.

She wants validation that she could handle it.

>> No.64455593 [DELETED] 

The sheltered university student.
Bro please, I went to uni, I know exactly what girls are like in uni.

>> No.64455597

>>Laughs are Kiryu being a virgin

>> No.64455596

These are clip watchers and people who didn’t watch her debut months

>> No.64455638

The roastie cord is here, why does the cute rat make them seethe? jesus christ
It's the landwhale again isn't it?

>> No.64455646

I went and didn't get laid.

>> No.64455690 [DELETED] 

You seriously think that every girl who has ever attended university has had all her holes ravaged?

>> No.64455704

Thats becuase you're a man. It's entirely different.

>> No.64455710

We can't know for sure, but she's most likely a virgin.

>> No.64455711

Nigga have you SEEN how busy this girl is? she's one of the hardest workers in Hololive and she fucking loves her job and her fans, this is all she wants to do and bless her for that, how many times do you see someone land their dream job and actually enjoying her life to her fullest?

>> No.64455734

>using the word simp unironically
>using the word simp in current year

>> No.64455749

You could be the biggest introvert on a college campus that hides in broom closets to avoid people and you wouldn’t be as naive and ignorant as bae claims to be

>> No.64455755

You better be japanese

>> No.64455770

Unless you're a girl that's not much of a counterargument.

>> No.64455771

Go back tourist

>> No.64455780

She’s only saying that because Roberu is trapped in AniMare sex dungeon. If he called she would’ve given him a whole rat family

>> No.64455825

Bae is far more interested in white men than Japanese

>> No.64455857

>Can you imagine me being a housewife?
>I'd have to give up on everything! There's no way I would do it
>I mean seriously, me? A housewife? Absolutely ridiculous!
>There's no way that would ever happen!
>I mean just imagine, me, a housewife
>Totally ridiculous
>Would never happen
>Not in a million years
>Can't even fathom WHY you'd even think about it
>There's just NO WAY I would ever be a housewife
>No way at all
>Not happening
>Never ever in a million years!

>> No.64455860


>> No.64455922

Cat ladies are great

>> No.64456059

You’re nuts.

She’s an Australian university student. Also didn’t one of her holo collabs say she was hot, dressed nice, and is pretty fit?

That’s 2 strikes on the ho meter. She just plays a character when she streams. Like everyone else

>> No.64456108

>reddit spacing
Go the fuck back touristfaggot

>> No.64456205

>ho meter
Gen alpha was a fucking mistake, euthanize them all

>> No.64456331

I half expected this post to be ended with a skibidi toilet reference

>> No.64456334

I’ve been posting on this shitty website longer than you’ve been alive. Excuse me for making shit easy to read

>> No.64456396

Didn't she also consider the idea of adopting children? that was really cute
Bae likes the prospect of a romantic relationship and children but she's too busy with Hololive
Hololive>>>all other priorities for her

>> No.64456455

Sorry, I can't take a clown who throws around terms like "ho meter" seriously

>> No.64456558

That word has been used since the 90s you filthy Zoomer.

>> No.64456717

>Marry Bae
>She won't even let you breed her
What's the point...

>> No.64456758

You can wait until she graduates, EZ

>> No.64456804

You don't need her permission

>> No.64456857 [DELETED] 

>one time on tinder..
>huh, tinder? i dont even know what that is.
imagine trusting a tatted up abg of all things..

>> No.64456888 [DELETED] 

>>Can't even imagine being in a relationship with another person or having a child
RUMAO. this is her best lie yet

>> No.64456908 [DELETED] 

Are we just making things up now

>> No.64456939 [DELETED] 

Please be kind to her, she's been trying really hard to push her rrats because Bae made it into Hololive over her

>> No.64457015 [DELETED] 

This. Unicorns will seethe and deny it all they want but if you know, you know

>> No.64457070 [DELETED] 

>making things up

>> No.64457095

>all these indignant non-answers
You’re simps and losers using cartoon girls as emotional crutches, and Bae lives off of your sadness.

>> No.64457162 [DELETED] 

Who linked this seething tourist to the thread? not to mention Bae is the worst example to use for this considering how much she reinvests in her fans

>> No.64457346 [DELETED] 

That post smells of jealousy to me, I think Bae has her own wallmart orcschizo kek

>> No.64457514

I'm well past 30 and I still have no vision for the future

>> No.64457572

I don't blame her really, realistically what could she even do if the vtuber bubble were to suddenly pop? No use thinking that far ahead

>> No.64457601

It's very easy to get laid as a man

>> No.64457761

most permaonline women under 25 are like this these days.

>> No.64457768

'least menhera EN' shows her true colors, eh

>> No.64457795

She had controlling overbearing Asian parents. You have no idea what you are talking about

>> No.64457889


>> No.64457922

yeah, okay.

>> No.64457926

Ironic coming from a newfag.

>> No.64457983

>She had controlling overbearing Asian parents
Doesn't this directly contradict the fact they let her be a fucking youtuber while still at university?

>> No.64458037

>Doesn't see herself living past 30
This was literally me now im turning 29 in a few weeks kek

>> No.64458060

dont point out facts, they dont like that

>> No.64458069

No? She spent all her time still excelling at uni to prove to them she could do both (not that it could've been very difficult given that she herself said it wasn't anything even remotely STEM related but still)

>> No.64458172
File: 2.15 MB, 2593x1136, 1699894895853034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn bro, she already moved to JP, how much more dense can her fandom be before she just says who she meets?

>> No.64458319

>easy job that pays really well and is secure for several years to come at least
It’s okay to play along with Bae the character and have fun with that, but if you seriously believe the girl behind the screen could ever be single for more than a month tops I have a bridge on the moon to sell you.

>> No.64458322

Not STEM? Not overbearing.

>> No.64458362

I think this is her just being a "living in the present" kind of person. Yeah I know how she plans for things one year in advance and all but she really is all about living in the moment. I'm looking forward to the moving to Japan arc when it happens, she'll have so many more off-stream hanging-out-with-JP stories to share.

>> No.64458366


>> No.64458523


If you want to hate the world a little bit more, it's no longer being called STEM, but SHTEAM
Source: I taught Engi for some years and constantly fought over including Arts into STEM for our program

>> No.64458603

Academia is a joke nowadays and everyone knows it

>> No.64458626

What the fuck is this actually true
What's the point of the distinction if you're going to throw arts and history in there too, do engineers actually have to study that shit now?

>> No.64458717

It's not a joke when they literally gatekeep jobs behind degrees. Then you get the degree you get no job because they still want experience but won't hire people without expereince. Such is my life as a chemistry grad.

>> No.64458762

The opposite, it's a way for people who suck at actual STEM to feel they can enter a STEM program and.....not do the actual acronym. Or at least not feel there's so much emphasis on the absolutes of Science and Math

>> No.64458766

Degrees are meaningless, networking is everything.
t. got my 6fig job through World of Warcraft

>> No.64458819

lmao no

>> No.64458905

Being wealthy is a debuff for women.

>> No.64458932

Networking + Degree, as many places will absolutely not budge without the university receipt
I'm sitting on an assistant director position pending my master's degree this spring

>> No.64458958

as and art major myself, this is fucking retarded. literally the easiest degree you can get.

>> No.64459061

she is a teenager, thats why she thinks like that. Just gives her a few years and she probably will settle up with someone and start a family.

>> No.64459076

Why would I hate the world over some stupid label?

>> No.64459099
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stereotyping doesn't work for vtubers when they actively prove it wrong

>> No.64459152

most teachers in california need to at least work towards a masters to get their foot in the door. the institution requires you to be properly brainwashed for 6 years before hiring.

>> No.64459156

Mori is the exception, not the rule

>> No.64459164

She's just young. I was like that too in my early 20s. She'll be fine.

>> No.64459927

I'm in my 30s and I still feel the same.

>> No.64460159

When did they add history? Last I heard, it was STEAM.

>> No.64460161

>Doesn't see herself living past 30
She's planning on joining Hendrix, Joplin, and Cobain.

>> No.64460385

What you think your 30s is the end, or you have zero idea what you're doing? I'm 30 and it turns out one of my old school friends (male) got married and had kids. Meanwhile I'm blackpilled on dating and think society is unironically going to collapse in my lifetime because literally everything is fucked, the economy, the environment, the internet, etc.

That said I never had a life ends at 30 perspective, simply because you have 2 options.
A - Turn 30 and keep doing shit.
B - Kill yourself.

Both options suck, but this is life. You either have eternal life or oblivion. Both if Buddhist. All options suck.

>> No.64460553
File: 7 KB, 201x250, 1675800066969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you actually buy this schtick? it's just her character, anon. 100% chance she's in a long term relationship already. the braindead virgin zoomer shit is clearly an act

>> No.64460606

yeah, with me

>> No.64460620

The girl barely has time to sleep outside of her holowork retardbro

>> No.64460662

Get busy living or get busy dying

>> No.64460781

All of it. I'm just waiting for the planet to blow up. And if it doesn't, then I suppose I'll just be a grumpy old man that yells at people alone on my porch or something.

>> No.64461034

yeah, with me

>> No.64461072

If I had to choose between adopting cat or marrying some weirdo I rather adopt the cats specifically if schizos here as self inserting as such weirdo.

>> No.64461111

You mean daughterwife

>> No.64461194

Bae and actually all the girls in HoloEN besides maybe Shiori and Ame are normies

>> No.64461218

Works on my machine

>> No.64461276

>I have a bridge on the moon to sell you.
Is it a nice bridge

>> No.64461296

My first hearing about it was in 2021, and there was already a huge push by the history and social studies departments

>> No.64461439
File: 889 KB, 768x768, E29F9A5C-DB34-4A5E-A5E1-998EBE81CADD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they believe whatever they say
Yes. My oshi does not lie, so why wouldn't I believe her every word?

>> No.64461480

>t. never watched a single stream

>> No.64461791

bump kill this fucking thread already

>> No.64462074

Kiara is not a normie, and given her history she was a weeb before it was fashionable.

>> No.64462618

Shiori seems pretty normal to me despite everything

>> No.64462714

bump kill this thread OP is a fucking clipwatcher, threadreader and a doxxfag all in one

>> No.64462748

Ame was/is an unironic sweaty who would try to get to Master's in every game she played/s. The only reason she doesn't now is because she has no time, but make no mistake....if Ame could keep her viewership off 10+ hour CS2 grinding or full party stack collabs in OW2 with non-holo or males, she absolutely would

>> No.64462752

Shiori is autism

>> No.64462816
File: 1.08 MB, 905x1280, 1CB25AE7-69A8-4605-B4F5-A15117E5E7BF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine calling these two "normies"

>> No.64462870

>2 sisters whos dream it is to be tour guides for podunk villages in japan
I mean....they definitely are special, but still normie in every other regard

>> No.64462931

She didn't.
She was talking about how she was having vertigo and jokingly said how she couldn't see herself living past 30. Then chat did the usual thing.

>> No.64462932

I thought the twins engage in incestuous acts on their bunkbeds?

>> No.64462997

Why do women do this?

>> No.64463011

Bae is a weeaboo of the highest level.

>> No.64463047

Shes just a normal asian girl

>> No.64463083

>still sleep in color-coded bunk beds
>obsessed with eroge and nukige
>higher anime power level than the entirety of /a/
If they're "normalfags" than literally everyone's a "normalfag."

>> No.64463175

>Doesn't see herself living past 30
that's every 19-20 years old kid
I was the same back then, but no, you keep on living and getting old

>> No.64463177

Can you blame her? She is Australian.

>> No.64463235

So did I, and I'm nowhere as naive as she pretends to be. We live in the age of the internet, there's no naivety to be found here.

>> No.64463314

It's rude to make assumptions like that

>> No.64463319

Wealth and income security are major drivers for being single in women.

>> No.64463380

The girl spent all her very little free time at home watching naruto

>> No.64463512

yeah right. so she says. she's not any busier than the rest of the girls that get to laze about. all part of the act for pity supas, poor deluded brrat

>> No.64463511

There's no way that bunk bed part is true right

>> No.64463544

Do they goom to nukige at the same time?

>> No.64463571

Yes. I'd post the picture, but I'm pretty sure it's considered dox. They've been like this forever.

>> No.64463613

I won't argue that, but i will say everyone was talking about la blue girl and mezzo forte when i was a teen, which was.........many years ago
Hentai is about as niche as D&D now

>> No.64464212

So she's just showing up in all these extra performances and projects with no practice? Very impressive

>> No.64464377

"Western" women aren't monogamists.

>> No.64464648
File: 312 KB, 796x764, C4EA7315-070D-4E6E-AAE7-7E583C806AF1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64464812

Win her parents hearts and an asian girl will have no choice but monogamy.

>> No.64464977

It's baked into the culture.


They don't stay married and/or date serially. But enough digressing.

>> No.64465017

Asian women do not give a fuck about whos getting plowed, as long as the grandkids are verifiably yours and hers

>> No.64465388

Imagine being so mindbroken you can't trust someone that has a track record of being honest. I guess honesty is only a hololive thing. Enjoy your lying non-hololive whores LMAO

>> No.64465513

>doesn't even know what a ballsack is despite drawing dicks everywhere
If you want to see honest hololive then look at the matsuri GTA ERP thread.

>> No.64465583
File: 104 KB, 850x978, 06136A98-C956-4813-B5A9-177EA0B76193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's baked into the culture.

>> No.64465608

bet you don't know the seiyuufagottry she knows because thats what she chose to consume rather than whats currently popular to the mainstream media in the west. bet you don't even know her interests because you only see clips

>> No.64465645

For the record, Bae advocated for penis without balls, get your facts straight

>> No.64465782

>asian parents
>letting her get to 30 without being knocked up

>> No.64467557

Bae's a futachad?

>> No.64470573

you have no idea what you're on about

>> No.64471006

You cannot argue with actual cuckolds, anon. Even when theres 0 evidence, they'll continue to shove their fetish onto everyone else using their "knowledge of women" as the "proof."

>> No.64471010

you're either a streetshitter or you're 65 years old. people bae's age do not have to "go steady" any more you faggot, they can just express their thoughts and feelings

>> No.64471252

no hologirl needs to go into specifics to get all of that

>> No.64471723

she can retire at 30.

>> No.64471969

The hardest decision i faced hitting 30 was to keep going or end it all. New monster hunter is coming out so im sticking around a bit longer. But one day ill eat that chocolate gun

>> No.64472481

How did you grow up to be so weak minded?

>> No.64473968

Just thinking of early retirement is all

>> No.64474437
File: 582 KB, 624x832, barren goblin seethe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that the likelihood of these threads being made and populated by the 2view goblin roastie not being 0 will never not be hilarious to me.

>> No.64475004

You know which one it is
Hint: It's the jealous sounding posts typed by female hands calling people gullible simps

>> No.64476135

It’s true that the possibility exists that bae isn’t telling the truth.
Just as true is that even if one has the capability to be good at “catching fish”doesn’t automatically mean they want to “go fishing”, nor does it mean they’ve ever actually utilized that ability. It also doesn’t mean they’ll actually “catch” a desirable one, even if their standards are truly reasonable.

Just as true as the possibility of bae lying, is that having the Ability doesn’t mean having the Will to do it

>> No.64476248

How do you even measure the honesty level of someone you don't even know personally?

>> No.64477124

>He believes everything a girl he does know nothing about says in the internet .

How do you expect been taken seriously?

>> No.64477515

Except these are actions, not words
Your irony is very evident

>> No.64477697

how is any of that different than high school basic requirements?

>> No.64477884

Actions ? What actions ?? All you get to see about her actions is a L2D png for a couple hours

>> No.64477976

Idk other than her gimmick of apparently knowing no popular media stuff and encountering things for the first time left and right

>> No.64478029

You are so clueless about holos and their releases and projects it hurts, please leave this site ASAP
It's clear you are a shitstirrer who doesn't watch streams at all

>> No.64478280

She is young

>> No.64478374 [DELETED] 

she knew what glitter butt was. i mean cmon guys jesus. she's a rave girl

>> No.64478869

at least she's not a rape girl like

>> No.64478918

I mean c'mon anon, we all know you're a seething roastie with no future ahead
Bae streams every day for her fans and you are here defaming her with made up shit
You both are not the same

>> No.64478998

This is just zoomers in general, they're all nihilists

>> No.64479096

I don't even like Bae because of her homocollabing but she's been honest from day 1 about who her oshi is so she gets a pass. She's also a hard worker and more of an idol than other EN "hard workers"

>> No.64479101

Lots of femanons in this thread, I have a dick that needs milking, you can stop seething about Bae and attend to me instead, it'll be more worthwhile use of your time and body

>> No.64479326

>>easy job that pays really well and is secure for several years to come at least
anon-chama doesn't realize that women typically only settle for marrying up so being more wealthy than the above average male means she's much MUCH less likely to find a partner.
I can easily believe the woman behind bae has lots of casual sex and whatever, but I don't doubt she has issues finding a long term partner. most zoomers do and a lot of millenials do as well.

>> No.64479374

>controlling overbearing Asian parents
So guaranteed slut

>> No.64479656

Gura shows up in random shit too, no one accuses her of overworking lol. besides, it's all prerecorded, and just kanauru 90% of the time

>> No.64479750

Bae's parents literally locked her in a cuckshed and don't let her see boys
also the girls literally all said every other girl was hot and dressed nice. They even said that shit about mumei and mumei said she dressed like a retard with a broken skirt. I think you might even be thinking of the myth off collab where one of the girls told her it would be formal wear or something and she showed up in a nice dress and they were all in PJs and she sat on the floor watching them in silence drinking a juice box the whole stream

>> No.64479813

>>tinder yab
also someone could have tinder and be a virgin

>> No.64481084

I don't understand the seething femoids in this thread, Bae is like one of the only ENs who doesn't go on extended breaks and is pretty much always streaming and pumping out projects, she spends 20% of he offline time on stream, she has nothing to hide. I am struggling so hard to understand this random discord seethe

>> No.64481142

>seething femoids
In Bae's case I'm willing to believe it's jealous 2 views

>> No.64481775

I will never get it, they could be doing something productive to put their name out their instead of seething over someone who made it

>> No.64482005


This is easily the worst post in the thread, possibly the worst currently on /vt/. Why the fuck do you think tinder exists anon?

>> No.64482050

Are we still going on about the fabricated tinderbox yab

>> No.64482467

The best part is that the schizos have to memoryhole her heartrate and pretend it doesn't exist in order for their "yab" to have a chance at being real

>> No.64482641
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by being a vtuber also her real name isnt bae lol

>> No.64482643

but your post exists

>> No.64482949

Jesus you didn't have to destroy him this hard anon

>> No.64482951

they'd rationalize it by saying chinks don't have a heartrate or some other dumb shit

>> No.64484793

Nuh-uh, every woman is a whore with loose holes at 14 years old

>> No.64484912

I've used tinder to go on dates. not everyone fucks on the first date on tinder. honestly as a white guy I've gone on more dates with asian girls off the app than with white ones

>> No.64484966


>> No.64485100

Roses are red
This board is blue
I won't watch your clip
And I won't give a (You)

>> No.64485675

You literally described most vtubers, and most zoomer women in genral, with that greentext.

Well minus the "Can't even imagine being in a relationship" part. Most vtubers are in one but pretend not to be because they make more money and get more attention that way.

>> No.64485877

explain me, then

>> No.64485981
File: 1.23 MB, 1170x1674, IMG_2299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she just like me fr

>> No.64486022

She's just young. Like legitimately young. Her mental health is probably really good compared to the average holo even, but she's not only young in age, she's young in spirit.

>> No.64486124

You are correct however this doesn't apply to every single chuuba, It's not that they don't want to be in a relationship in the future, some of them are genuinely way too invested in their careers to have a distraction

>> No.64486438

Why is Kson telling me to die?

>> No.64486574

you can believe her, some women have too high standards for men, and the men who fulfill them all have their pick of the litter so to speak. she either lowers her standards and settles for a simp, goes full lesbo or dies alone with her cats.
>Verification not required.

>> No.64487554

For girls like this they typically change their tune once they turn 30, or get into their mid 30s. Women have a literal time limit that many don't even acknowledge until it's looming right over them, at which point if they decide to change their minds about kids or relationships, it's already almost too late and they now need to rush.

>> No.64487613
File: 1.11 MB, 1778x1200, 1000002144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some women change their tune past 30, others decide to go all in on being Idol hags

>> No.64487785

Where's the wuffian who will save their eggs...

>> No.64487982

Wanna make out?

>> No.64488057
File: 352 KB, 600x800, 1702151868247186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64488338

You aren't a woman because you bought a wig and a flowery dress

>> No.64488562

>explain me, then
You're on /vt/, which means you're probably schizo or a psychotic anti.

>> No.64489073

Please be in London

>> No.64489251

Apart from being chink is there any evidence to this
Looks like your average chinese woman though?

>> No.64490118

do you REALLY beleeb it?

>> No.64491871

Yeah? and cultic holo-floors just want to piss drink, what else is new?

>> No.64492183

Afaik, you don't need to have children if you get into marriage.
In fact, most Australian couples do not have children.........with the housing crisis affecting Eastern Australia.

>> No.64492361

She just can't admit to being gay because her Asian af family will probably kill her.

>> No.64494512

I can fix her

>> No.64494794

what the fuck does that mean
is anime like the fashionable thing now

>> No.64494831

Lying whore. Claiming to be unable to get into a relationship huh? I’m pretty sure she had a VTuber boyfriend at some point.

>> No.64494880

kek probably tried to poach him into homo en

>> No.64494909

Yeah, his name is Miori or something

>> No.64494981

she means she can't see herself being a vtuber after 30 y.o bros.
guess she'll graduate by then, how old is she right now?

>> No.64495016

Getting old is part of life retard don't like it kill yourself already.

>> No.64497790

it's over

>> No.64498448

is she me? here i am, reaching 30 and have no goals in life, no savings and i might just kill myself unless i adopt a cat.

>> No.64498498

Zoomers are sexually stunted and incel tier. They hate sex. They hate intimacy. They hate love. They hate themselves. They hate people who have sex, have love, and have intimacy.
I'm willing to bet a lot of the unicorns here are zoomers as well.

>> No.64498576

>Apart from being chink is there any evidence to this
Blue dorito
