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File: 567 KB, 2880x1288, NijiENBig3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
64441431 No.64441431 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on NijiEN (Female) big 3?

>> No.64441854

Selen and Pomu should make out

>> No.64443747

Stop posting Selen

>> No.64443882
File: 136 KB, 850x726, SELEN SIT ON MY FACE [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fqgug46.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64444613
File: 106 KB, 1621x431, 1702401225507805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going by recent numbers kind of looks uncertain Enna is all that big anymore. More of a mid level.

>> No.64444912

>But I know every single thing about their streamers and catalog their numbers and other factors excessively
Truly the anti is the most dedicated fan.

>> No.64446323

Stop living in the past, even Kotoka is bigger now

>> No.64446382

please get yourself checked for autism

>> No.64447777

Pomu lost the war, might graduate.
Selen get told to fuck off by management, might graduate.
Enna won't graduate because it is her clique.

>> No.64447839

Holy quads for prophesy

>> No.64447902

i have no opinions on individual nijis because i refuse to watch anything from their chinese company

>> No.64448104

>Pomu lost the war, might graduate.
Last I checked, two Tempiss graduated, so if anything, Pomu won.

>> No.64448142

Actually Elira replaced Enna in the top 3 last month. Enna is now a distant 4th place.
In terms of income, Enna is not even top 8

>> No.64448175

Do Pomucucks still pretend she doesn't actively enjoy male collabs? She only has countless ones every year kek

>> No.64448226

How the might have fallen. It all went downhill after ethyria

>> No.64448232

Never watched any of them. Don't even know the one on the right's name.

>> No.64448294
File: 1.22 MB, 3176x4499, 1701399760437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enna is not top 3
Pippa crushes them all

>> No.64448835

I kneel at Pippa becoming a normie while still keeping you cucks on the payroll for her new relationship

>> No.64448968

left to right
graduating, graduating, stupid bitch

>> No.64449069

>please pay attention to my wabbit
>please please please notice her
pissconnect is a joke

>> No.64449132

It's not just Pippa, all of Phase Connect is surging in viewership. Suddenly they have 4 girls close to a 1k average. If Phase keeps inclining like this they will soon be beating the NijiEN girls.

>> No.64449191

no one cares phaseshill

>> No.64449228

That's the best you have?
Four girls who are "almost" 4views?
This is all phasekeks have to be proud about?

>> No.64449367

Compare it to NijiEN's newest hires. Phase is winning the race.

>> No.64450163

Bomu iz good :D
Selen is good, if a bit burnt out.
Enna is a bit sus. Might be a megabitch behind the scenes, might be retard rumors.
Also, Selen totally doesn't have a huge secret crush on Pomu, and totally doesn't want to make out with her loud enough to drawn out the Niagara Falls.

>> No.64450477

Stop posting here, Selen.

>> No.64450688

I'm not her, you homo, but it's obvious why she would anonpost.
After enough collabs it's fucking obvious that's something is brewing inside the poor confused purple dragon girl. The fairy knows but doesn't know how to properly react. How utterly gay and romantic.

>> No.64451339

Last i checked, it was a win for holochads, not Pomu.

>> No.64451617

Enough posting, Mumei

>> No.64452112

>top girl on both charts
Elira is powerful when she stops spamming long ass JRPGs the ultimate debuff games.

>> No.64452246

>Blessed Quads
Holy Nostradamus!! I'll be awaiting the fulfillment of this prophecy.

>> No.64452487

i would pay for ENNA sph roleplay

>> No.64452827

Replace Enna with Rosemi.

>> No.64454108

Elira and Kotoka are stronger than Enna.

>> No.64454185

>asking 4chan for "thoughts"

Enna is so unapologetic lately;

Its fucking hilarious that both the homoerotic devil dude and kyo kaneko got suspended for offending a viewer, yet enna spends solid 20 minutes here

doing the same thing shitting on snowflake viewers and she doesnt get suspended

The niji management is the best

>> No.64456152

I guess Pomu is a holochad then, because the war was in response to Tempiss auditions being announced.

>> No.64459814

>Pomu is a holochad
i accept your concession, pomu bau bau.

>> No.64459856

selen is quite big indeed

>> No.64459911

>might be a megabitch behind the scenes
>behind the scenes

>> No.64460699

wait, theyre all as >big as selen?? Jezas.

>> No.64462489

Why, she deserves to be /here/

>> No.64462885

>blind retard cant into graphs
Pomu is barely ahead but better than Enna at least

>> No.64464857

pomu is alright
