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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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64367405 No.64367405 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is about VSPO! & vtubers that play a lot of FPS & participate in FPS tournaments/events (VSPO!, Neo-Porte, indies, etc.).
Anything goes, even if it's not related to an FPS stream.
Collabs with non-v & professional e-sports players are common, so posting about the typical collab partners (CR, Riddle, Zeta, KNR, 芸人旅団, GETI, JP FPS Streamers) is also on topic.
Previous thread: >>64301773

VSPO! is:

Official Goods Links:

>Ongoing/upcoming Merch:

- Nekota Tsuna Birthday Goods 2023
- Komori Met Birthday Goods 2023
- VSPO! 2024 Desk Calendar
- VSPO! Esports Style 2023
- PACIFIC×ぶいすぽっ! RACING PROJECT 2023 Personal Sponsor Part 2

>Ongoing/upcoming Events:

- VCR GTA #2

- VSPO! New Years Countdown Event 2023

>Archived VSPO member projects:
- Komori Met 3D Birthday Live 2023:
- Kurumi Noah 3D Live 2023:
- Kisaragi Ren's VSPO! Academic Test #2 2023:
- Tachibana Hinano 3rd Anniversary 3D Live:
- Sumire custom: PUBG main POV:
- Lisa's 30 People Totsumachi
- Minecraft Hide & Seek (Met POV)
- Sumire's VSPO Morals Check

>Original Songs, covers, anime, etc.:
- Point two seconds story
- Blessing
- New Logo Animation PV
- Original Song "for Victory!" Animation MV (Short ver.)
- for Victory! (Full ver.)
- VSPOP! 3D Live Official Music Program Part 1 ft. Kogara Toto, Kaga Nazuna, Tachibana Hinano
- VSPOP! 3D Live Official Music Program Part 2 ft. Kaminari Qpi, Asumi Sena, Nekota Tsuna
- International Branch PV

>Official VSPO! programs:

- VSPO! Gekiro:
Premium: https://ch.nicovideo.jp/vspo
Previous: VSPO! Relaxation Trip

- Mother3-Beni's Midnight Double Peek Radio Show - Wednesday, 2:30AM JST:
https://radiko.jp (Requires VPN)
Archive (Paid): https://qrpf8.com/

>> No.64367471
File: 125 KB, 504x441, nazupi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pi, protector of thread
she looks down on shitposters and bait-repliers

>> No.64368801

hinaano fat

>> No.64368818
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I love the english people.

>> No.64368979

ramuchi.. stream.. onegai..
will she play vcr?

>> No.64369009
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>> No.64369016
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Qpi is online again

>> No.64369061

someone has to keep the bread flowing

>> No.64369086
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>> No.64369185
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what a fucking lewd woman

>> No.64369367

Is mittiii a bit disturbed by runa because she never rejects his advances? It's rare to have someone play along with everything he says instead of getting annoyed.

>> No.64369424

no, he likes that.

>> No.64369494
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>> No.64369525

Man, Hinano really orbits around shaka.

>> No.64369577

think she might actually be doing that. don't see her on anyone else's stream. she said back during rust that she thought some tasks would be too boring to stream. which is annoying cause it's a free zatsu like she was doing yesterday

>> No.64369595
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>> No.64369641

>shes actually doing deliveries

>> No.64369670

Chamber Pov

>> No.64369884


>> No.64369904
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>read the news

>> No.64370063

Pure blood japanese otona learns a new language

>> No.64370125
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>> No.64370212

Why isn't anyone robbing banks?Sumire needs some experience.

>> No.64370241

Please stop talking about her here

>> No.64370253

I don't get it. It's free money.

>> No.64370270

I'd rather welcome rizztel posters than this fraud

>> No.64370300

>titanfall 2 fucked
>apex dead
>ras gone
>hal custom over
>chihiro DEAD
fuck you respawn. I guess this means no vsai 6 either.

>> No.64370373

They didn't even teach her about collecting evidence. Poor girl knows nothing.

>> No.64370385

dw guys
I'll watch her at least until the gyaru finds "start stream" button

>> No.64370405

can I blame Hal for this?

>> No.64370462

won't have to wait long

>> No.64370494

Anyone caught up with Tentei's vcr?

>> No.64370523

qpi doing crimes today

>> No.64370525

You're welcome

>> No.64370633

finally he asked staff to let him change his faggot-looking character

>> No.64370649
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>> No.64370679
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Who owns the OreApo car?

>> No.64370731


>> No.64370733

gil's i think, was just on qpi's stream

>> No.64370748
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>> No.64370826

this pic makes me want a car enthusiast vtuber

>> No.64370851


>> No.64371064

getting your radios to work is the kinda shit that could've been done off stream...

>> No.64371110

There's a clip of him talking about how his goal is to trick Kamito in giving him permission for a car with his image on it, so he could make the oreapo car.

>> No.64371381

Why are the police all idle?
Can people still not do big heists?

>> No.64371478

The biggest organized gang got disbanded, smaller gangs are still building their ranks, smaller gangs members / lone wolves doing petty crimes

>> No.64371514
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>> No.64371519

>ren might retire
that was quick

>> No.64371578

chiichan is streaming btw

>> No.64371645

you can't make me watch duolingo

>> No.64371736

I meant Chihiro

>> No.64371920

>uouo and itoitoi starts streaming
>qpi also starts streaming
you cant make this shit up

>> No.64371982

>Started streaming 8 hours ago
Imagine the smell

>> No.64372046

qpi's bakers been invited to a gang with rader but not sure if they've formed one yet (mitti got rejected). confirmed she was making bread offstream

>> No.64372178

why does Kuromu sound like a 6 years old...

>> No.64372305

sf6 calling I presume

>> No.64372775

qpi putting their gang meetup location into the chat by mistake kek

>> No.64372807

she's a spy..

>> No.64372858
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>> No.64372949
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three times

>> No.64373061

i guess 6 years were long enough of a career. Wish she had won something tho, but seems like there isn't enough time left.

>> No.64373092

So Lisa is not joining VCR because some antis are spamming her comments or something?

>> No.64373176
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>> No.64373210
File: 434 KB, 771x432, Screenshot 2023-12-12 at 18-57-40 vcr gta eng - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why Niu so smug

>> No.64373225

that's not what she said, but sure.

>> No.64373248

Bsn has gatchkoi?

>> No.64373344


>> No.64373392

is it as real as noah 12 inch cock

>> No.64373415

jesus christ
i swear
toi & uouo
i fucking swear
these two

>> No.64373502

what happened

>> No.64373584

holy fuck what is wrong with this girl kek

>> No.64373594

i don't think you can timestamp an ongoing stream on youtube, so just go ~8 min back on toi stream and see how she got downed

>> No.64373735

She actually might have brain damage

>> No.64373754
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>> No.64373780

you can but it's a pain in the ass. if you select "stats for nerds" from the right click menu the "Mystery Text t:XXXX" is the time in seconds which you can append to the url with &t= like normal

>> No.64373789

Vsai season 2 co-champion and Sumi Pubg custom champion

>> No.64373799

It’s more about Daruma and Kuzuha fans flaming the police when they did their jobs . Same reason Kamito refused to do police work past a certain point

>> No.64373811
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>5 min later
actually unbelievable

>> No.64373952

lets see

>> No.64373976

don't worry the bitching will be back when they start doing heists.

>> No.64373986


>> No.64374104

green sky?

>> No.64374106

>>64373811 (Me)
>>64373952 (Me)
>uouo crawls out

>> No.64374154

nope, she didn't want to monopolize mechanic work from the newcomers
sadly one of the mechanics don't really care about being a mechanic GAHAHA

>> No.64374249

funny how she keeps complaining about having no money when being a mechanic is the most lucrative profession
giru is fucking rich

>> No.64374282

even runa had over 100 mil earlier (until she spent it all)

>> No.64374341

Hal did his best to keep epe on life support so no.
It was a symbiotic relationship until EA failed him.

>> No.64374419

Please elaborate this rrat, eop anon

>> No.64374427

>>64374282 (me)
Actually she has 135 mil at the moment.

>> No.64374430

she was complaining to reid that she was getting tired from how bored she is
she wants to do heists but nobody wants to bring her along

>> No.64374553

I didn't know Ren was this feminine.

>> No.64374581

>hinano is so annoying
>continues to watch hinano

>> No.64374594

yea hinano is annoying and boring

>> No.64374603

>anon has no reading comprehension

>> No.64374631
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>> No.64374637

I want Hinano to sit on my face.

>> No.64374659

i got lucky
clicked on her stream and she immediately shows why she's an annoying bitch
didn't even take a minute

>> No.64374666

I thought if you had a normal job you weren't allowed to do heists.

>> No.64374744

you're the bitch

>> No.64374757


>> No.64374792


>> No.64374830

Why is Hinano so hated here?

>> No.64374836

It's just like last time when she was a medic.
She wants the best of both worlds but you can't have one without quitting the other.

>> No.64374896

I wonder what Mondo's reaction was about the Chihiro news

>> No.64374912
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i was watching hinano earlier and she spent almost all her time taking calls and looking for mech work so yea

protip to any vcr tourists & newfriends:
whatever you read about hinano itt is probably fabrication

>> No.64374929

chii-chan was a real homie im going to miss her so much bros ;_;

>> No.64374937

Did we poach Chihiro?

>> No.64374944

I don't get it. So you guys just love hate-watching her?

>> No.64374945

the power of a single schizo and the desperate need of others to fit in

>> No.64374956

looking for mech work OUTSIDE because she didn't want so sit on her ass all day in the garage like the rest
it's just a pretense to get involved with other people's hijinks

>> No.64374979

I've only seen Hendy, Kanae, Kamito and Medusa so far

>> No.64374992

it's just a seething kamitofag

>> No.64375029

I'm not a fan of chihiro, but so far her minecraft stream feels comforting.

>> No.64375045

the irony is that people who sat in the garage all day had more interaction than her desperately chasing for people

>> No.64375070
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>> No.64375095

she just has some dedicated schizo antis
arguing with them is just pidgeon chess and shits up the thread so usually people don't bother

and this is a bad thing how? there isn't enough to do for 3-5 mechs in one garage

>> No.64375117

Don’t you dare blame us sisters. We are completely ambivalent towards Hina~no

>> No.64375154


>> No.64375167

holy shit hoshikawa

>> No.64375213

had it on in the background and looked up wondering why nazu was with the gangs but then...

>> No.64375240

To be fair, I never see her working with Ren and Mitti either.

>> No.64375259


>> No.64375296

what the hell happened to the rest of last xmas kek. i was watching kamito

>> No.64375323

they all died except for him

>> No.64375331

He liked the announcement and her tweet btw, poor sensei

>> No.64375354

actually there is but you wouldn't know because she never stays at the garage for more than 5 mins

>> No.64375409
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>> No.64375415

Stole the wrong truck, the rest died in vain.

>> No.64375504


>> No.64375518

Wholesome moment when everyone sees him waiting for them outside prison in a pickup truck.

>> No.64375627

I didn't realise his NPC trick worked on Selly kek

>> No.64375678
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>> No.64375754

please don't crop out the in-game clock in screenshots.

>> No.64375795

the worst combination lmao


>> No.64375800

noooo axel can't join because of internet problems....

>> No.64375813
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>> No.64375866

2023-12-12 12:18

>> No.64375899

karubi, but actually retarded.

>> No.64375989
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>> No.64376013
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>> No.64376182

Kamito being the designated driver reminds me of VCR Rust with Shaka.

>> No.64376305

everyone wants gyaru milk

>> No.64376316

I'd pay more.

>> No.64376405

breastfeeding gyaru are amazing

>> No.64376415
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To be fair, the trucks look exactly the same lol.

>> No.64376560

whats up with these door chimes wtf it's driving me crazy

>> No.64377285

>Mimip_q joined
will she put up a frame again?

>> No.64377321

I like to listen to Ema it's so soothing

>> No.64377505


>> No.64377537

what would sex with her be like?

>> No.64377627


>> No.64377642

Ask Astel

>> No.64377714

qpi became a lumberjack

>> No.64378036

she can lumberjack me off

>> No.64378109

you mean daruma?

>> No.64378448

Clutch and Mansaya just watched Kamito RPing with a female NPC by himself, bringing her to their gang hideout to have sex.

>> No.64378457

>toitoi doko iku no
>toitoi ichatta

>> No.64378547


>> No.64378659


>> No.64378660

Did he actually call that hag Rushia?

>> No.64378719

ルージュラ, Jynx (Pokemon) JP name.

>> No.64378794

his reputation is getting worse LOL
sqla hitched him for a ride back to the cafe and he immediately told arisaka and kinako

>> No.64378832

>2 helis

>> No.64379160

Flash news

>> No.64379198

Qrd on kamito?

>> No.64379479

funny oreo
tries a bit too hard sometimes
fans like to shit up the thread

>> No.64379601

qpi had to go to the backroom to express some milk for mitti

>> No.64379667 [DELETED] 

Hinano killing herself

>> No.64379819

>mittiii pimping out gyaru milk

>> No.64379904


>> No.64379940

out in the open? I didn't know qpi was so bold

>> No.64380031

Beni has been streaming for 12+ hours
The chair can't take it anymore

>> No.64380175
File: 885 KB, 1135x542, buispo garage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64380275

She hasn't slept since yesterday either.

>> No.64380342

maaaan where was this the first time

>> No.64380662

wasn't qpi's connection always dying back then?

>> No.64381922

sounds like word of qpi's milk has spread around the whole server

>> No.64382083


>> No.64382233

>tamaki telling tuna about gyaru milk
everyone must drink from the gyaru

>> No.64382559
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>> No.64382575

How can I order some?

>> No.64382690

>hope to see the waiting room soon
will be announced within the week. it's a good day.

>> No.64382769

If she even can fit down a chimney, I'm pouring gasoline down it and turning that fire up.

>> No.64382811

LAMU thinking of what to do

>> No.64382911

>>64382811 (You)
>boots up lol of legends

>> No.64383508

Are there more girls on the server this time?
The police, medics, mechanics etc all seem to be majority women.

>> No.64383985

whose stream is qpi most likely to appear on

>> No.64384482

when she's been on the server but not streaming haven't seen her pop up on anyone else's stream so probably baking bread or some other prep. also, sasuga numba hal always having the chat log on so people come to his stream to see who's around

>> No.64384503
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>> No.64384988


>> No.64384998

Most of them have the chat log up this time.

>> No.64385116

Can't wait for "I worked hard too..."-nano part 2

>> No.64385167

ars is just like an extra camera with a cute laugh

>> No.64385396

I'm watching Beni and Runa this time. Last time, I only watched Beni.
There's a stark difference in how much of a "story" there is with gangs vs everyone else. There might be regular action with the police, but things won't get interesting until more big heists take place. Even when they do, I don't feel like they're as interesting to keep up with as the gangs.

>> No.64385488

kek remember when they revealed they could barely understand japanese and were so autistic they couldn't tell tsuna's tone of voice
the absolute state of hinanoschizos

>> No.64385545

no h8ting but im pretty happy qpi broke up with uotoi, they're cute and all but doing anything with them takes forever

>> No.64386005

Yet again we can see hinanofags see one post that acts as a barely legitimate defense of her and run with it. Even if it wasn't a good criticism (it is good) they still cannot say anything about her other bitch sprees

>> No.64386102

To clarify, I'm not saying the "tsuna tone" response from hinanofags was good at all. It's not worth listening to at all kek

>> No.64386113

Is anyone going to be bold enough to draw Qpi creating some gyaru milk?

>> No.64386203

League bros we're winning

>> No.64386668
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>> No.64387140
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>> No.64387237


>> No.64387800
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she said she wants some more monena art. wishes she could sell gyaru energy too

>> No.64387846

whole eighteen hours as a virtual medic...

>> No.64388035

>uruha migaki
seem to remember someone throwing a shit fit about this pun last vcr gta for some reason

>> No.64388294
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mimi didn't log off...

>> No.64388499
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>> No.64388589

i can understand not streaming on strgr because it's a roleplay server
why wouldn't you stream vcr?

>> No.64388749

cunt spends more time changing her outfit than being in the garage. I guess there's no number man around right now so this is what she's reduced to

>> No.64389532

We are back she playing valo now

>> No.64389626
File: 15 KB, 204x40, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't seen her on any pov, but runa still hasn't logged off

>> No.64389701

That was me. It's still lame!

>> No.64389960

shut up bitch

>> No.64390016
File: 17 KB, 253x165, FDVVinraAAAahGN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, i went back to look in the archive and it's not as mean-spirited as i remember. schizoposting has warped my perception

>> No.64390488
File: 96 KB, 841x63, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

runa played until the server went down
did anyone spot her for that last 70 minutes after her stream ended?

>> No.64392271
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>> No.64394862
File: 241 KB, 1000x1400, 1734585077684957324 - 46n_sr11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64395808

Kamito new goods + costume dropping this week.
The cover he already recorded sucks (according to him) so he's gonna dogeza again.

>> No.64395823

The hostage system really breaks the ludonarrative immersion of heists...

>> No.64395938

I thought I missed Apex but I watched a bit of Ramuchi playing it earlier and turns out I don't actually

>> No.64395947

>>64395808 (Me)
Oh and the original PC is this week too.
Hope he sells the case separately.

>> No.64397271

Gang too strong. Disband!!

>> No.64397589

>open apex
>padnig 1 mags you in silver
>close apex

>> No.64397766

Do the cops really have tofu mental this time around?

>> No.64397894

My man lost 90% of chases in stgr, now he became “too OP”, “newbie killer” in VCR lmao. Show how wide the gap between two servers.

>> No.64397926

>no qpinuki clips in 2 weeks
did they die?

it's more that yesterday there wasn't anyone keeping the police organized, and most of them lack experience

compared to last time things aren't the level playing field that they were - the first time around, more or less everyone playing was new to gta rp. This time you have people with months of experience on sutogura, and they're literally running circles around the others.

>> No.64397960

don't you like it when Hal just enters his excuse-making mode, like when he knew Valo Vsai flopped hard?
tbf this time it's kinda reasonable

>> No.64397977

certified apex moment.

>> No.64398275

Oh my fucking god, just move the stgr gumi working as 個人医 into the police already.

>> No.64398433

Shinomiya was so cute when trying to show off her mechanic work to Kamito.
Glad she has a common interest with Ren.

>> No.64398575

so when does vcr gta end?
I need ema to go back to genshin or valo

>> No.64398950

Nah, then the situation is reversed and gang will have a meltdown. Keep in mind the main complaint is about GanGL, other gangs are doing nothing noteworthy for now. Police also got reinforcement today, so things will calm down now. No need to change anything.

>> No.64400149

>then the situation is reversed
I don't think so, more than half of the cops this time are actual retards that can't even steer a car or are just too lazy to properly do the job.

>> No.64400249

They don't have good leadership, huh..

>> No.64400376

they need to get flamed more
what motivated the previous vcr cops was avoiding getting flamed by shaka listeners since he was the most competent cop
daruma doesn't work because he sucks ass too

>> No.64400622

So who are the current shitters of the police force?

>> No.64400656

everyone except nqrse, selly, mondo, neru, surugamonkey

>> No.64401039

they don't have a police chief or a deputy anymore, Sasasan/shaka went to the gang life, kanae became a NPC and Rada fucked off as soon as he was done with the tutorial.

>> No.64401198

End of day 3. some of the stgr cops now are prepping to hand over their duties to the newbies already so we'll see eventually more shift of cops into gangs.

early shift police -> somewhat dire with less manpower but getting better each day

prime night time shift police -> strong w/ more stgr police joining yesterday + increased manpower overall

>> No.64401367

mondo is the chief since day 2

>> No.64401453

>korean mute
lmao, like hell he is.

>> No.64401542

Kamitos most recent GTA archive was really funny. Last XMas might be my favorite perspective to watch atm

>> No.64401752

He took up the responsibility as it is since he genuinely cares about the balance for the newbies. Now do your archive reps

>> No.64401815

Haha, yes! He is indeed based for that!
それやめてね BloodTrail

>> No.64402242

was hoping for ramuchi to play gta but i guess that's not going to happen

>> No.64402443

Do the medics have nothing to do this time because police and gangs don't shoot on sight anymore?

>> No.64402713

What is the world's most boring man doing?

>> No.64403120

>No competent organised crime gang yet since GangL disbanded
>Smaller gangs doing bank robberies / drug farming instead of heists
>Police excess manpower during peak hours
>Newbies do most of the grunt work for police reps
>Stgr cops mainly join during main hiests

>> No.64403535

even nqrse knows hinano's attention-seeking behavior at the police station rofl

>> No.64403679

I don't understand why she's so obvious with it. At least be better at hiding that kind of behavior and don't make it so blatant if you're going to do it

>> No.64407357

holding on to the only thing that made him relevant with his dear life.

>> No.64407790

i only like hinano's laugh

>> No.64407879

Hinano is cute

>> No.64409159
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>> No.64410961


>> No.64411011

akarin karaoke soothes the soul

>> No.64411410

but hurts the ears

>> No.64411568

look shes trying her best

>> No.64411603

better than hinano

>> No.64411776

I'm happy knowing the next 3 girls to join will be Tororo, Karubi and Chihiro.

>> No.64411817

>current police can never replicate this kino

>> No.64412153

Akari is so cute...

>> No.64413298

>literally only 1 medic online
Dead server

>> No.64413549

i mean theres at least 2 but kanae is busy ressing akarin over and over

>> No.64413551

will you love akarin if she had to sit in the wheelchair for the rest of her life

>> No.64413743

Kamito's probably streaming around the same time as yesterday, until the 26th.
A shame since this means he'll be less involved in Last XMas activities.
The is the consequence of his procrastination.

>> No.64416291
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>> No.64417614

good morning I hate hinano

>> No.64417793

get her ass kamitosis

>> No.64417952

I hate her too, but I am not a kamitosister.

>> No.64418005
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I thought they could get away again

>> No.64418039

dont worry your secret is safe with me

>> No.64418171

The best part of hating Hinano is that we all have our own separate journeys and walks of like. But then, we usually come together for something beautiful like this.

>> No.64418178

Day 4 Gyaru

>> No.64418437

when is she joining vspo

>> No.64418473
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>> No.64418540

puti chihiro uouo nyaraka will join vspo inshallah

>> No.64418712

kanae and towa should too

>> No.64418961

he will only mogs the current vspo with his sheer cuteness and fps skills
if she becomes a punching bag then im okay with it

>> No.64419046

vspo only accept female...

>> No.64419164

oh yeah sorry, then only kanae

>> No.64419878

God of Gambler qpi

>> No.64420092
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>> No.64420353

she's addicted its over
gamblers never win..

>> No.64420742


GTA Funny Moments

>> No.64420989

i am that wheelchair

>> No.64421045

breaking news: brown woman lost all her money to casino

>> No.64423282
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>> No.64423600

someone save mimi

>> No.64423855
File: 2.35 MB, 2528x3942, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i miss this outfit

>> No.64424120

Hinano killing herself

>> No.64424148

How do we celebrate

>> No.64424222

awarding everyone else in the garage the "best mechanic" title

>> No.64424599

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYyHJamYsik vcr newcomer in 30

>> No.64424750

We can't get all that talent for free...
How about we throw in kuromu as part of the swap, to make it fair?

>> No.64424876


>> No.64425060


>> No.64425227

k4sen should drive over her

>> No.64425233
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the fanart she's getting is top tier though

>> No.64425246
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>> No.64425310

This is normal for her.

>> No.64425380


>> No.64425637
File: 726 KB, 1084x606, akarin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be careful not to drop the soap akarin!!

>> No.64425693

matsuri first to buy qpi's nudes

>> No.64425711


>> No.64425792

with this prison system i hope someone manages to figure out how to do a badass prison break

>> No.64425796

so many people watching tsurugi wtf

>> No.64425998

thank kuzuha and lauren for the free exposure

>> No.64426015

you don't watch much do you

>> No.64426206

If Runa continues until the server ends today, she will have had about 7 hours sleep in 48 hours.

>> No.64426210

wait what why is shinomiya involved in a jewellery store robbery

>> No.64426269

>tsurugi noombers
>aogiri will be tourny menace
Will this finally be Hal's kuronowa?

>> No.64426340

real owner of the thread coming through

>> No.64426414

the lowest this thread will go is mediocre content. please don't link streams that are less than mediocre

>> No.64426442

did mondo leave the police?

>> No.64426446

Hello why is Akari called Uouo here?

>> No.64426590
File: 324 KB, 1506x2008, akarin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its from her valo nickname and we already have an akarin

>> No.64426595

because she's shishidououououououououo it's because we also have an akari(n), so anons are calling her uouo to differentiate

>> No.64426608

>runa and mother talking
>GAHAHAHAHAHAH in the background

>> No.64426622
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>> No.64426635

both their streams have been blessed

>> No.64426649

think he's still kinda teaching newbies how to crime

>> No.64426723


>> No.64426782
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>> No.64426845
File: 198 KB, 2532x1170, ema16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ema buying nudes

>> No.64426865

no doxxing allowed pls

>> No.64426866

Shibuharu just ran circles around Paru lol, he was right to be concerned about his power level

>> No.64426870

>CR Cup #7 valorant

>> No.64426903

qpi onlyfans....

>> No.64427123
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>> No.64427700

Cpt and vdk chasing middlee has been goin gon for the longest time

>> No.64427727

How do I smell qpi's chair

>> No.64427818

>Haseshin after undergoing Uruca's training

>> No.64428153

im the chair

>> No.64428374

I don't think I have ever seen Runa talk to so many people in such a short space of time. Even in Ark it didn't happen like this.

>> No.64428417

uouo is that girl who follow her friends to sex party without realizing what is it about isn't she

>> No.64428445
File: 1004 KB, 1920x1080, TenteiCh4nge@nukoleg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vJ225fwhWU Tentei
New cover

>> No.64428561

she wants that rizztel duet too

>> No.64428623
File: 395 KB, 1754x1240, 1734820264507310503 - moimoi0055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://youtu.be/MA9tU98k3W0 beni

>> No.64428807

none ever watches Reid in these servers, none ever comes across him
What does he do and where is he?

>> No.64428913

Tapping holohag pussy

>> No.64428939

I watched this last night. He just does crimes.

>> No.64429130

Beni stop changing your outfit I can't take it anymore

>> No.64429304

bribing the police with gyaru milk

>> No.64429474

Open his stream and report back to us next time anon

>> No.64429526

penpe is way too good at being a kimo-oji

>> No.64429530
File: 1.05 MB, 1433x813, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my dick can only get so hard

>> No.64430058

holy sex

>> No.64430072
File: 96 KB, 637x899, 10tei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64430080

cheeky korean bitch

>> No.64430092

I cant imagine how many guys died to Beni's sexy voice

>> No.64430225

you sound like the type of dude to dm chaturbate models. get your shit together
