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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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64355578 No.64355578 [Reply] [Original]

What do we think about this?

>> No.64355770

i remember when silly pills were under $100

>> No.64356822


>> No.64356904

Remember when coco took sleeping pills before a stream?
And made a second stream reviewing and reacting to herself babbling on sleeping pills?

Why do so many women need meds to sleep? I just go to sleep normally, and if I toss and turn for half an hour, so be it.

>> No.64357035

>I just go to sleep normally, and if I toss and turn for half an hour, so be it.
I masturbate to the sound of Japanese women masturbating

>> No.64357202

What even is there to say? She's a degenerate whore, and obviously they had to fire her for fucking a manager and using her identity as Riro to secretly meet and fuck fans.
I guess the one thing I'll say is that if the "drugs" were just sleeping pills, that's a dumb thing to tack on wiith the other shit. That alone wouldn't be reason enough for disciplinary action, imo. But obviously that wasn't the only issue.
It's like if someone murdered a black person and called them a nigger beforehand. Obviously they need to be locked up, but it's retarded to throw in "hate crime" with the murder charge. It's the murder that's the issue.
But again, that's a very small part of it, and overall, I think it was handled correctly.

>> No.64357276

>hire kyOresu
>announce her debut as "hey faggots, look, we got kyOresu"
>surprised when the Riro façade falls off and she starts behaving like kyOresu
I think jewcopro might be retarded

>> No.64357528

Based Queen

>> No.64357556

Do we know who the fan she fucked was? Cuz if it were me I'd be milking the shit out of that

>> No.64357827

Did she meet up with just one fan, or was it multiple?

>> No.64357865

Sex with Russian girls

>> No.64358097

based whore. i hope she makes porn, would buy

>> No.64358246

the same way i felt about bitcoin before it blew up, while it was happening - bad idea, after is happened - damn maybe I shoulda got in on that

>> No.64358472

When she is able to stream again ill give her money and agree with everything she says

>> No.64360301

I masturbate before I sleep, I never have troubles falling asleep and always wake up fresh and rested.
It really is that easy.

>> No.64360468

unironic whore. would not bang.
sluts are fun, whores are not.

>> No.64360917

Assuming OP is not retarded and meant thread title to only refer to pic: 1) it's naive to believe you can set up secret stream and nobody is gonna leak it
2) advertising off the člověk meet-ups with not!yourself while working under company umbrela is either self sabotage or outright asking yourself to get kicked.
3) repeatedly referencing your past alias is breaking your current character, diminishing its value and opening door for fans to identify your real character. Do not break kayfabe.
Assuming OP wanted to roll in drama mud once more i'd like to remind everyone that peddling acusations w/o presenting hard evidence may result in culture where any other chuuba that partake in on-stream LARP or acts in lewd manner to same shit storm. Do not come back crying when people smear your oshii as a slut for calling her chat harém/love/pogchamps.

>> No.64360997

>opening door for fans to identify your real character. Do not break kayfabe
She was an invader for Idol and they identified her PL in the announcement of bringing her onboard

>> No.64361240

nothingburger. she's always done borderline coomer shit and was tormenting members for NNN. the only reason she got axed was the manager relationship, the rest would have been a slap on the wrist, but no corpo wants a groomer scumbag in a position of authority like that.

>> No.64361513


>> No.64361660

>Signed a contract that said she wouldn't fraternize with the staff.
She fraternized with the staff.
>Signed a contract that she would not use the Riro persona to do irl meetups.
She used the Riro persona to do irl meetups.
>Signed a contract that said she would not take gifts from fans that were not tracked for tax purposes.
She met with fans irl and received off the books gifts from them.

Regardless of your moral opinion of her actions, ethically she's wrong.

>> No.64361935

Im aware that both Idol and Kyo were speaking openly pre-debut. What i consider damaging is her keep referencing it after becoming Riro.
I've honestly come to believe she have made concious effort to get kicked after failing to outgrow her past numbers.

>> No.64362059


>> No.64363645

Wasn't she Russian? It should have been clear she will whore herself out before they hired her, it's in their DNA.

>> No.64363774

Hate crimes are tracked because of the high repeat offense threat. Not because the courts dislike mean words.

>> No.64363835
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b-b-but /pol/ told me russians are all trad christians... how can this be bros...

>> No.64364069

Well maybe they should try visiting any big city in Europe and take a look into a brothel. They are staffed with 80% Russian women in their 20s for as long as I can remember.

>> No.64364443

I think it was pretty fuckin funny

>> No.64364693

Based actual whore. We only had fake whore vtubers until now.

>> No.64366281

That's kinda hot

>> No.64366325

that wasn't on stream

>> No.64366435

>Why do so many women need meds to sleep
The rrats in /here/ are mostly larping and anti behavior. For women, because of the way their brain works, they have rrats about irl stuff 24/7. Like I'm a broke faggot but I know I can just put more hours in at work and I'll be fine. Women lose sleep over worrying about money.

>> No.64367297


>> No.64368498

I was worried at the time when she was doing that.
AsaCoco was killing her, especially when all the extra overhead of having to deal with manager interference crept in after the accidental Kanata hanging. kek

I worry the same thing might happen with Ky0 if she has went off the deep-end again.
She puts on a tough face on, but I've known her long enough to know she is coping.
Her silence and locking herself off again certainly won't help her mental state, that's the reason the loneliness fucked her up in the first place.

>> No.64369303

Trad Russians don't live in Spain

>> No.64369559
File: 491 KB, 177x172, birdman.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone tells you "she won't fuck you bro" you can point to this bitch to justify those five akasupas

>> No.64370258

>/pol/ told me
Perhaps you race obsessed chuds can go back to pol and sperg about it there.

>> No.64370274

slavic girls can be trad. their body count just resets at 10

>> No.64370503

No matter how much incels talks about whores around them, all of them are still manchild virgins, weird, don't you think...

>> No.64371524

Idol is forever stained by a lead manager fucking talents, Riro is a convenient cope and scapegoat but not a good one.

>> No.64371963

She really hurt Idols image as a whole. Shame because the Cyberlive girls are really good. It's healing, but this will forever be a stain.

>> No.64372087

It was on stream, she deleted it shortly after though, but even pink homo warned coco in chat. She then made a members only stream explaining why she was streaming drugged

>> No.64373298
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I guarantee you other girls were either getting fucked or flirting with this sex pest to co-founder to get hired.

>> No.64373466

She'll fuck all of her fans, besides (you)
That'll be the next goalpost

>> No.64373567

She's a whore but at least she's an honest whore.

>> No.64373615

Kino. Ambien is gay as fuck though.

>> No.64375744


>> No.64375792

At this point I am wondering if she is even still alive right now.

>> No.64375850

Friendly reminder JIDF shills are trying their hardest to damage control with their cuck discord raids

>> No.64375893

Is it a culture thing or just because russians are hotter

>> No.64376002

They need hire Vera as a manager

>> No.64376045

I hope she does go on to fuck her fans, very cute.

>> No.64376184

don't worry they'll be gone very soon once the truth about a certain blue vtuber comes to light

>> No.64376417 [DELETED] 
File: 321 KB, 498x280, static-assets-upload14989163446781344148.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She got unfairly fired from her Idol for loving her fans too much

>> No.64377246


>> No.64377349

Two more weeks until the bombshell drops, sisters.

>> No.64378155

i just want to watch her streaming again man

>> No.64378917

>recognize someone's talent and take a gamble on her not going back to her menhera ways, especially after she said she was trying to get better herself
>after 8 months she slips back into those menhera ways, and a manager covers for her instead of trying to help since she's being a success with her fans
>then one day she goes too far, it gets leaked, and both get fired
And there you have it.
I guess the lesson to be learned here is that true menhera can never be fixed.

>> No.64378953

why wasn't he fired when the neo sparkles yab happened?

>> No.64378999

The corp wasn't even a week old at that point. He was given a second chance, and then almost 2 years later he slipped up again.

>> No.64379009

same reason idol origin redebut hasn't happened yet

>> No.64379014

Traitor whore, she's the kind to chase whatever gives her a new high without thinking about the consequences, good fucking riddance

>> No.64379143

A simple material analysis of the situation comes to one logical conclusion.
She was exploited by her manager into both giving him sexual favors but also the audience. We all know Israel is a haven for sexual predators with their no extradition laws. She was flown into Tel Aviv told she has to fuck her boss or get fired. Once this was happening he then told her I think you could make more money if you fuck your fans, we obviously get a cut. Following the facts we have, the history of the company, people, and region it's the logical conclusion.

>> No.64379195
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>> No.64379277

The fate of all loli vtubers: a slow mental breakdown or compete implosion due to the build up of guilt from making money baiting subhuman pedophiles. You can only whore yourself out to the lowest of the low for so long before crumbling.
See: gura, riro, kana for instance

>> No.64379380

That whole company is lolis except for Rim.
They pick the most exploitable women.

>> No.64379962

More like Grim.

>> No.64379994
File: 309 KB, 1590x951, 1701634343093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of their manpower is from SEA and you can tell they slowed down after the earthquakes.
Maybe a tsunami or typhoon comes next and finishes them off

>> No.64381460

I laugh

>> No.64381815

stop lying muhammed

>> No.64381818

Don't you have bigger issues to be spamming PR responses in at the moment Mr Shekelstein?

>> No.64381866

She's a full on drugged up whore, but the corp is shit too and they hired a lot of really crappy people

>> No.64381899

as a mexican who's fucked a russian, russians are like mexicans in the way that God is just there as a fallback for when shit goes bad.

>> No.64381971

Remember when she took sleeping pills, showed up in a Homos chat for a few hours and didn't remember doing it the next day?

>> No.64382239

We have a suspicion who it was based on how he orbits her on Instagram and photos he posted on his account

>> No.64382357
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My cute swedish meatball would never do something like this.

>> No.64382420

I think she is polluting the vtubing sphere with her presence and 10 years ago she would have started an account on a camwhore website and fucked herself with dildos and pissed all over the place like the whore she is. She should fuck off from the hobby. She drags it down to the level of a russian whore.

>> No.64382817

The hate towards whores is unjustified. Let's not be cowards and admit that we actually like whores.

>> No.64382952

Kill yourself. These whores are on the market for the highest bidder and I'm not rich. It still happens, see Mari and 5 guys. This stupid whore wants it out in the open. Fuck off.

>> No.64383097

Say what you will about KyO/Riro but she never lied to her fans.

>> No.64384776

lol stay mad
Camwhores and ex-camwhores are literally the most popular vtubers right now. Across every company. Yes, that includes Japan.

>> No.64384951

We dont slutshame here

>> No.64385039

This. 95%+ success rate sleeping technique.
Femoids need not apply.

>> No.64385044

She said she didn't do it.

>> No.64385182

>poorfag thinking his opinion matters in a simp-focused streaming niche

>> No.64385243

she said she was disappointed and has nothing to apologize for, not that she didnt do it.

>> No.64385374

That's why she's so based. Everyone's denying it, but she owns it.

>> No.64385417

she should meet up with fans and a schizo should kill her

>> No.64385558

There's nothing based about extorting a fan offstream for thousands of dollars in exchange for sexual favors while at the same time you are dating your manager and going on streams assuring your fans you love them, three timing whores like her should burn in hell

>> No.64385642

Two-timing? Cringe
Three timing? Based

>> No.64385774

It was, her chat got worried because she talked like a retard and fell asleep while streaming

>> No.64385781

lol her manager was pimping her and at least 3 other girls

>> No.64385906

Extorting? It was just prostitution, a regular consensual transactional relationship where someone provides a service to another for an agreed fee.

>> No.64386014

Why does drama keep following the ex-cyberlive girls?

>> No.64386020

they really did a masterful job crafting the termination notice. the wording can be interpreted way worse than what might have actually happened, but because its vague enough it prevents her from saying anything with the NDA. whoever wrote it must of had it out for her.

>> No.64386503


>> No.64386551

Nice made up story, where'd you get it, Facebook SEA groups? Kiwifaggots? The voices in your head?
Said fan literally still has her added, retard.
Aviel being pissed off over having to fire them both would do that. Especially Tomer given how much he trusted him to manage everyone.
We'll likely never know the exact reasons for that, but whatever it is - it is what it is and I hope they all move on from it.

>> No.64386576

She does love her fans, everyone just has to wait their turn to meet notriro due to practical limitations. Also you're breakning the rule about not being jealous.

>> No.64386607

Does that make Four timing cringe and so on as it keeps escalating?

>> No.64386677

Its the next step of vtubing along with full vtubing sex streams.

>> No.64386683

>it is what it is

>> No.64386767 [SPOILER] 

God I wish

>> No.64386960

If I was Tomer "we'd" never have been caught in the first place because I wouldn't have been stupid enough to let her do that stream.
Teledildonics + vtubing, it's the future.

>> No.64387580

A chuuba trying to fuck her fans his based. Not matter what retards here say

>> No.64387742

Ex Groomerlive's talents are genuine drama magnets

>> No.64387761

>Says the retarded ESL
My sides

>> No.64387941

>exchanging money for sex
I don't think you know what that word means, SEAchama

>> No.64388198

No, it keeps getting more based until you get caught. Getting caught is super cringe and undoes all the based.

>> No.64388427
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Be real here, if any indie did pic rel they'd be getting bait threads full of antis for weeks.
In fact an indie has done pic rel before, and the backlash from /vt/ broke containment and caused her to delete everything
It's only ok to you guys because idol is the new le bad corpo of the month

>> No.64388613

>What do we think about this?
She's a slut who cucked her gachikoi in one of the most brutal ways I've ever seen and then got fired. Not much else to say, really.

>> No.64389031

its been 2 weeks and not a single picture or leaked dm, the only thing id call brutal is the termination notice.

>> No.64389299

Of course there isn't.
Most of this stupid drama is manufactured garbage by shitposters with zero hobbies.
See how desperate they were when her friend posted that Discord image and they were all screeching over it.

>> No.64389453

>can't read through typos

>> No.64389488

This is cope.

>> No.64389493

I don't know OP. This might be a big nothingburger.

>> No.64389507

>posts about how she wants her to put her feet in his mouth and call him a pervert.
>"I'm just here for music."

>> No.64389669

I genuinely, unironically, cannot understand why so many women can't just keep their legs closed and mouth shut and just ride the gravy train. Even at my work, just clock in and do your job instead of trying to fuck management for a quick promotion. We all see and know what you are, no one respects you and all the guys you fucked are sharing vids with the lower wagies without your consent.

>> No.64389699

Still think she's based and the only people mad about it are drama trannies. Why would my mind change between then and now?

>> No.64390127

Buttplug.io and intiface plus vrchat osc makes this possible today

>> No.64390188

I applaud her for doing away with pretense and bringing out into the open what they all do.

>> No.64390298

I love the future.

>> No.64390425

Yah, just they aren't really used as much as they could be.
Despite all the advances in bluetooth, a surprising number of things aren't geared for streaming despite people hyping it up for years.
There's also some full body suits that can connect to software for some horizontal dancing.

>> No.64390493

The future won't be what you think

>> No.64392010

Her past numbers are insane. Millions of views on those songs. Those are good numbers for a musician period, not just a chuuba.

>> No.64392084

I see it as mistake from her part, not a fatal blow for her but a big mistake nonetheless, yeah, she probably will be able to fend on her own but there is nothing like the safety of being part of a bigger club

>> No.64392116

Kyoresu loli god requiem cover let's goooooooooooooooooooioiiooioiiio99

>> No.64392323

>What do we think about this?
I think I have a unique opinion about this.
Its cringe and greedy because she is a corpo vtuber, but if she was a 2view indie I think it would be based desu.
Like, even as a joke this is bad for the company in general and she had no reason to do it at all other than pure greediness.
Now as a small indie vtuber that doesnt make much, I could believe her doing this out of love for her fans and to make money at the same time. Kinda like when you have a prostitute as a friend and she fucks your son or friend for free just because you asked her to.

>> No.64393413

Can't wait.

>> No.64393785

>cucked them
they were all invited to the harem, that's the opposite of cucking

>> No.64393805

based Russo bandito

>> No.64394643

This is what I don't get. Why did they make up a new character? Surely sticking to an established identity would've been better for numbers, if they cared about that

As with all Eastern Europeans, this is just their governments and Churches wishful thinking. They're basically all baptised, but do not practice or give a damn outside of mayor holidays. Or when someone dies.
Lack of opportunities and poverty makes people desperate.

>> No.64394832

I'm not saying that. I'm saying with dps and osc people have sex in vrchat every single day. This is actually pretty common with male masturbators and thrusting toys like lovense.
People get it on with contact recievers and have sex in vrchat every day

>> No.64394900

i only ever saw her "loli covers" once in a while, was kyoresu that bad?

>> No.64394931

now that the dust has settled why does BVTM keep making these threads?

>> No.64394949

Looks like I am getting myself a christmas present.

>> No.64395101

Yeah, turns out 99% of her singing was done by a filter and her natural voice is shit

>> No.64395234

What the fuck am I reading?
I didn't realise the future was already here.

>> No.64395609

Just like 99% of vtubers then. wew
Damn near all of them rely on filters and, sometimes, god-awful vocoders.
it saddens me immensely that Delta relies on the latter SO MUCH when she has a good singing voice.
Also, I'd hardly call Ky0s singing bad. When she drops the loli stuff she has quite a range she can reach.

>> No.64396879

Yet none of them got to fuck her. Funny how that works?

>> No.64396960

im next in line to fuck her

>> No.64397602

Simp will probably never out himself because it would negate any hopes of doing it again.

>> No.64397622
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you can blame women all you want for doing this but you also have to blame the men that saw this and went >yep, I'm throwing money at this
women fall for every psyop which is why ads and corpos target them which is why they fall for the farma jew, basically women are not fit for today's landscape and men aren't doing much to protect them either

>> No.64397642
File: 3.69 MB, 600x700, Riro Hardbass [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fhz7cp6.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A certain tribe of people with abnormally sized noses shut it down because they weren't getting a cut. Not Riro's fault. She still is and forever will remain BASED.

>> No.64397668

I'm only upset because I didn't get to fuck her before the jig was up

>> No.64397812

yep, and everyone interpreted it in the worst possible way too, including people that are usually level-headed that covered the notice on their streams etc. also, riro is basically blamed for what tomer did since they decided to include his termination in her notice as well and because it's her fault he couldn't have possibly done anything wrong = no blowback on the company. amazing stuff, albeit INCREDIBLY scummy.

>> No.64397930

should have subbed to her since the start

>> No.64397974
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I mean if you wanna go full whore, go ahead, but doing it while being in and representing the brand of a corpo is gonna have negative effects no matter what. That's just how it is, should have done pic rel on her Ky0 account.

>> No.64398038

Nobody character assassinates like the jews do.

>> No.64398092

Wow, how weird, my name is Next.

>> No.64398559

The jew corp got him banned this time so he's switched over to them.

>> No.64398889

h-hot I want to fuck my oshi but on the other hand I don't want her to fuck other dudes and her "harem" was designed as a hardcore cuck operation not really what men fantasize about.

I remember when Coco was unicorn friendly

>> No.64399120

i know its just funny how obvious they make it, crazy how 90% of the people surrounding this drama are Pippa fans while basically not a single Idol fan gives a shit about her the second they said the reason she was fired

>> No.64399370

seeing how quickly idol fans turned on her and her fans makes the whole unity thing seem like a joke.

>> No.64399495

idol fans are weird freaks and Aviel is their oshi

>> No.64399704

The whole thread is filled by hypocrite coomers.
It has been getting worse and worse for the past few months to be honest, so much so I got put off going there often for a period.
Pretty much one of the many threads I have in image-only view now because most "discussion" is just awful shitposts and ritual nonsense.
it saddens me to see the thread degenerate that badly.

>> No.64399827

>Why did they make up a new character?
To keep IP rights. Maybe it was the only option to scout her
It's shame that hinting new persona is so rare

>> No.64400144

>Pills on stream
>Fucking a fan
Only people who criticized her for this were jealous that they weren't him
>Fucking a manager
This is where the line is drawn and it begs the question on how deep is the rabbit hole. What favors were granted in exchange for sex and which girl participated?

>> No.64400524

>covers for her
>with his dick

>> No.64400593

>8 months
Horry crap, it really has only been 8 months. It's weird because in my head she debuted at least a year ago, if not longer. 2023 has felt a lot longer than previous years.

>> No.64400662

Is that why they keep randomly letting niggers out of jail after repeat offenses?

>> No.64400689

Anyone who called what she did serious was shouted down by Rirocons, accusing them of threadshitting, that it was all RP and that she did nothing wrong. the reaction there was as harsh as it was because it was blowing out a months worth of built up pressure about it.

>> No.64400737

>ruins her relationship with all the friends she made on the corp, resulting in soured moods everywhere and some people taking extended breaks to recover from the loss
>ruins her relationship with her fans, who were all extremely loyal to her
>some retards now only see the corp as a meme thanks to that manager while ignoring the fact that he got fired
>and then she chose to keep being cheeky on her PL by going "yeah I did it and I'd do it again"
Well yeah no shit that a bunch of people are disappointed in her and would rather not think much about this whole situation.
>ah you're just mad that you didn't get in her harem!
Not that anyone besides shitposters care about it either at this point. A literal "now that the dust has settled" thread, really?

>> No.64401299

>genmate posts a cover of https://youtu.be/x2b7caBhJK4
It's members so I can't link it, but damn that's a reaction

>> No.64401773

he fucked neo and got a "second chance" to fuck riro later, idol corp shouldn't be trusted, ever.

>> No.64401994

>start a corp with a close friend
>he fucks up the debut of one of the talents
>tell him to not do that anymore and keep going
>he fucks up again years later, after which the patience runs out and he's fired as soon as he's found
It's not hard to understand unless you're desperate to find something to be outraged with.

>> No.64402528

Hey fucktard
He bought Yuko a vibrator and Pochi got a mysterious "free" model from management so she can redebut

>> No.64402906

Yeah anon whatever rrats you want to believe in. It's not like you were ever planning to watch any of the corp's talents anyway.

>> No.64402973

Its a pity Tomer got away with sabotaging first gen and then survived to fuck shit up all the way to 2023. I actually liked Lily.

>> No.64403079

Its people like you that make sure nobody will ever watch idol you stupid faggot

>> No.64403191

They are le evil jew corp according to 99% of 4chan, you never wanted to watch it in first place.

>> No.64403477

Considering they just got outed as a sexpest corpo where nanagement runs trains on their talents 4chan was right. Its only fitting that this happened from a jew corpo

>> No.64403721

At least they fire their sexpests, that's better than hiding everything like everyone else does.

>> No.64403740

And also because she literally fucked her manager, I mean shit how can you not shitpost about that?

>> No.64403791

Where did this rrat even come from? Nano left idol over a year ago anyway.

>> No.64403925

The CEO is still in the company. He knew what his friend has been doing. And the rest of the management that was under that said sexpest is still in the company

>> No.64404086


>> No.64404096

Of course anon, they're all sexpests. Everyone is. In fact I'm a sexpest too. Maybe even you are and that's why you're so obsessed.

>> No.64404335
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Man, even early /jidf/ saw the writing on the wall.

>> No.64404977

I don't agree with that anon about all his headcanon but they should have come out with a statement directly addressing the sexpest manager and all his crimes if they truly want to retain the dignity of their corp's image.

>> No.64405216

You autists still seem to be under the impression "relationship" means they banged the fuck out of each other.
I guess that means "business relationship" involves CEO orgies right?
Words can have multiple meanings, shocking.
Stop reading in to shitposts by a horribly parasocial mentally deficient board / children.

>> No.64405340

Holy cope

>> No.64405422

He was never a public figure so "we also found the manager who was abusing his power to get close to her and fired him" should have been enough, I'm not sure why some people wanted him to be doxxed and all that if anyone who didn't watch the corp wouldn't know or care who he was, and anyone who did could easily check who got fired thanks to discord anyway.

>> No.64405807

He was literally acting like a pest in all of their chats, you had to be blind not to see it. I remember actively being made uncomfortable by him. You'd go into one of their streams and he was 70% of the chat.

>> No.64406016
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>> No.64406153

I couldn't care less if she did or didn't fuck him.
Both are equally likely as each other as far as everything is concerned.
Letting her get away with shit in members is almost certainly the reason he got shafted when the images leaked in the thread and he went back through to see what the fuck was going on.
Dude was dodgy news, but it's unlikely anything happened there, just a weirdo abusing seniority.

>> No.64406244

I mean they did that to themselves long ago, touting they where IDOLS NO MEN, YEA GIVE US MONEY and one of the very first clips I got suggested of Yuko was her talking about the shits she took.
Its more like Avriel realized that if you sell yourself as "idols" hundreds of lonely tards will toss money at you.

>> No.64406364

How do you in the same comment talk about how women fall for every psyop and aren't suited for society and how men are such morons they throw money at anime girls but should be expected to protect women from way more complicated marketing campaigns? Men don't need complex ad campaigns because all you have to do is use sex to sell them anything.

>> No.64406402

Should have sold themselves as alt idols instead.
Normal idols are fucking trash boring cunts anyway, all shitty singers with no soul and 3 trillion layers of makeup.

>> No.64406584

riro herself stopped caring about unity when she started cancelling collabs with her friends and coworkers at the last minute because she was busy taking too many "silly pills" on stream

>> No.64406716

>betrays the company, her fans, and hurts their oshis
>makes the girls cry
>says she has nothing to apologize for
why the fuck would a single person defend her after what she did?

>> No.64406857

She just did the same thing Neo, Yuko and Pochi did
You go after Riro you go after these 3 as well

>> No.64406946

I dont give a shit about idol dude but you just making shit up in bait threads about them in order to try and trick retards is incredibly pathetic, its no wonder you stupid niggers get called pippa fans all the time because you clearly are

>> No.64407019

>i dont give a shit about idol
>she betrayed idol!!! we have to kill her!!!
if you say so anon

>> No.64407145

ESL or just that retarded? or both i guess?

>> No.64407194

Just like you make shit up as well.
>it's okay when I do it LOLE
Yes, yes you are. You are implying she "doesn't give a fuck" when she simply said she has nothing to apologize for, as in she doesn't agree with the reasons for the termination, which she literally said in her Tweet or the people (you) making up some of the most absurd accusations.
You're the one denying her own tweet and making your own reality up.
This is exactly why people say the termination notice was vague - it literally is and it was done on purpose to make retards like you sperg out.

>> No.64407241

ill take that as both

>> No.64407363

>accidental Kanata hanging

>> No.64407395

Many more people complained about them being too detailed in the statement, the only people calling it vague are dramafags like you that just want more to feast on.

>> No.64408369

its detailed without being detailed, worded in a way to make people assume the worst possible things. multiple talents have talked about speculation and being disappointed, not necessarily at Riro.

>> No.64408476


>> No.64408710

>multiple talents have talked about speculation and being disappointed, not necessarily at Riro.

>> No.64408776

he is lying

>> No.64409459

>betraying jews, betraying da company
Oh no

>> No.64410419

A skit on AsaCoco accidentally had Kanata swinging from a rope that made it look like she hung herself when the intention was to make it look like she was trying to fly.
The thread was losing their shit in laughter kek
The people saying it was too detailed were literally the dramafags, retard.
Every fucking one of them from the same retard kiwifaggot clique.

>> No.64410555

>Every fucking one of them from the same retard kiwifaggot clique.
it honestly is amazing to me how the Pippa fans/grifters are so proud and open about being kiwiniggers, its actually insane

>> No.64410818
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>What do we think about this?

>> No.64411271

>The people saying it was too detailed were literally the dramafags, retard.
Maybe in the initial rush of people trying to liken it to Zaion, but among normalfag tourists and the like that's still the predominant opinion.

>> No.64411911

Anxiety disorders are the number 1 mental illlness worldwide. It surpasses depression by a lot.
The short-term treatment some doctors use is giving some patients sleeping pills (benzodiazepines).
If that doesn't work, they cancel the prescription after 2-3 weeks and give other stuff like hydroxicine or antidepressants.
We still have not discovered an actual ansiolytic medication that doesn't cause dependency (body gets accustomed to it, won't sleep without them)
The current hope is that psychedelics extracted from some shrooms will be the next step towards a longer-term, less dosage treatment for depression and anxiety.
These substances have shown to improve and speed mental recovery even after six months of suspending a first dosage.
The most common not-exactly-regulated psychedelic used by people is Psylocybine.
There's new gen Benzodiazepines that aren't as addictive, and Japan is one of the few places they are being given a "test run".
TLDR; Stress medication is a meme. We are barely getting it sorted out in a few years.

>> No.64413153

All the reasons she got fired for can be seen in that leaked tier 2 stream, the guy she met with was even /here/ (>>62224052) and the manager was very clearly covering some of her misbehavior, I wanted to believe she did nothing but nobody's retarded enough to fire a manager and a scouted talent with a big name for made-up nothingburgers.
Sure, jews bad whatever but let it go already. Nobody's happy with what happened and everyone lost from it. The gamble of hiring a known menhera didn't pay off. Everyone should learn from what happened and move on.

>> No.64413429

Why would there be leaked dm? If she was clean, she would show her DMs no? She could delete them easily ofcourse, but Imagine those who got to fuck her won't leak anything since they can fuck with ky0resu from now on

>> No.64413499

im not saying she didnt do anything wrong. its just that there were like 200 people in that stream that have good reference to what happened, and 6 million people who read the notice that went out of its way to make her look bad.

>> No.64413612

I mean yeah, as a low 2view indie, you have atleast a possibility to fuck everyone of your close viewers.

>> No.64413672

>Instead of telling women to cope with feeling nervous sometimes we invent dozens of medications and are resorting to extracting chemicals from fucking magic mushrooms
I hate psycology in all its forms.

>> No.64414010

Left is Kyoresu
Right is Riro

>> No.64414295

>the two members of HE whose channels he never chatted are the only ones left

>> No.64414566

Dont worry about it

>> No.64414739

no anon Riro was a deamon whore, everything was her fault. in fact after an internal investigation the HE graduations were retroactively found to be her fault as well.

>> No.64414757

What part of it "went out of its way to make her look bad"? If they wanted to do that they wouldn't have fired the manager as soon as they found out, and 2 of the other 3 reasons are literally in OP's screenshot which got leaked everywhere thanks to dramashitters. She committed mistakes and got fired for them. The manager who most likely also had a hand in those mistakes got fired too. How the fuck are some people still having trouble understanding this.

>> No.64415292

"misuse of controlled substances" omg she did Heroin on stream.
"soliciting fans" omg she was having orgies.
"meeting with a fan and accepting gifts in the value of thousands of dollars" too vague, could of been the genshin coin for all anyone knows.
"conducting a secretive relationship with a member of the idol management team" omg she was fucking her manager.
it all could of been worded better is all im saying. the truth of what happened is probably much more mundane

>> No.64415403
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stop noticing things

>> No.64415685

So basically they worded everything in a generic professional way, but retards twisted and misunderstood everything to make it sound worse.
Wow I certainly have never seen that happen before.

>> No.64415916

that was my main point from earlier. it just doesn't sit right with me.

>> No.64416599

>character assassination is professional

>> No.64416775

m8 if you think her character got assassinated by a generic corporate letter stating exactly the reasons why she got fired, then you either never cared about her character in first place or you're plain retarded
I'd say a bit of both actually

>> No.64417020

ok so why doesn't the Yuri termination notice read like a list of crimes and accusations if that's so 'proffesional' shlomo? almost like you're full of shit or something and companies don't actually have to fling bullshit slander at talents when they fire them

>> No.64417104

I think it was hot. They just fired her because they werent getting a cut

>> No.64417415

>stating exactly the reasons why she got fired
have you read literally anything else in this thread? its been spelled out multiple times.

>> No.64417433

Likely because what Yuri did left such a bad taste in all of Phase's mouths that Panko said it was better for nobody to know what happened, and Fishman to repeatedly say he's never disclosing what happened in his AMA today?
Or maybe because Idol is still trying to push the transparency meme they advertised themselves as a while ago?
>a list of crimes
How in the fuck is 4 bullet points, 2 of which everyone can see in OP's image a list of crimes? Are you sure you actually read the notice? Or are you so far up your ass in dramashittery that you're mistaking it with Zaion's notice?
like holy fucking shit

>> No.64417562

Because all yuri did was steal from the company financially. She didn't murder anyone. She was just retarded and taking money through secret discord piggies or something.

>> No.64418593

Why do the shittiest companies get all the whores? I want to fuck my oshi. I dont care i'll fucking sell my car to get a chance to fuck her greasy cunt. I hate how lucky you fags are. Also i was there at riros stream even she pointed it out herself "wow wtf why are there so many people here?" She got put on the algorithm. A bunch of randos were in her stream before she did the thing in op and she fucked up by not grooming the newcomers. She had a bunch of oppurtunities to back out, her obs fucked up and a bunch of other things that caused her to delay.

>> No.64418825

>a bunch of randos were in her stream before she did what's in op
To elaborate, she did an actual rp stream where her real life body was on stream and a bunch of new people got thier because of her being on the algorithm (myself included) and then she announced she was doing a "special" stream for tier 2 members which got me and a bunch of other randos to sub.

>> No.64418840

she literally loved us too much, another person would of used it as an excuse to fuck off.
she should of vetted the RC tier longer, alot of people had joined that werent longtime stardusts. a few months of taking it slow would of filtered out alot of the people who just joined out of coomerism or curiosity.

>> No.64419602

Kind of weird how blatantly pipniggers out themselves

>> No.64419607

Ye during the "special" stream I felt like I was intruding. It felt like it was meant for long time supporters so I left and hoped she did more coomer streams. You had a good oshi. I honestly din't think I could handle my oshi having a harem, but aside from that riro seemed really good at gfe.

>> No.64420155
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We all know the only real reason she was termed.

>> No.64420311

Ahhhh yes. The sound of a thousand cats being bludgeoned to death with a violin. Soothing.

>> No.64420997

I love japanese woman, but the professional porn madreby companies suck. They try to imitate hentai moans, but it doesnt trasnlate well to real life, just like the stupid ahegao face trend that was around last year I think.

>> No.64421072

>not even trying to hide that he hates japanese
What shithole did you crawl out of? Go back you dont belong here

>> No.64423530


>> No.64426005

Oh don't get me wrong, she did fuck up in some way, but a lot of the anger is just made up rrats regardless.
It had to happen the way it happened, it sucks and I hoped it wasn't as severe as that, but as soon as sunday came around I knew she was gone.
I just hope it hasn't lead to her going down a dark path again and gave her a kick up the ass enough to wake her up a bit.

>> No.64427172


>> No.64428072

>the guy she met with was even /here/
Yeah, me

>> No.64428512

You lost anon? The fellating jp women board is two blocks down

>> No.64428654

I miss when weebs were universally despised on this site.
Then Reddit and Twitter invaded.

>> No.64428760
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>> No.64428788

A literal whore in classical sense of the word

>> No.64429073

Really, you want to pull that after /jp/ being brought up?
You're one of those invaders.

>> No.64429128

The stardusts were loyal, but they were also mostly poor. Riro's income was likely on the lower side for idol. So she tried to get around the company cut with her few whales. Not the first time and always a shame for it to turn out this way.

>> No.64429295
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>> No.64429602


>> No.64430859

Do election tourists really?

>> No.64431171

Rich coming from a newfag that thinks otaku = weeb.

>> No.64434120

good times

>> No.64434440

>is a whore
Every single time
