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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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64298840 No.64298840 [Reply] [Original]

Why is she like this?

>> No.64299272

why are clippers like this?

>> No.64299632

Why are anons like this?

>> No.64299815

Why are werewolves like this ?

>> No.64300039
File: 44 KB, 1280x720, literally me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why am I like this?

>> No.64300071

Why are we "whying"?

>> No.64300575

Why is OP a gay faggot?

>> No.64300627

What's a blood moon? Isn't that when Zelda let's the bad guys respawn?

>> No.64300729

why do these threads get to stay up?

>> No.64300731

>Why only girls?

>Menstruation is the shedding of the uterine lining (endometrium). It occurs on a regular basis in uninseminated[1] sexually reproductive-age females of certain mammal species.

>Although there is some disagreement in definitions between sources, menstruation is generally considered to be limited to primates. It is common in simians (Old World monkeys, New World monkeys, and apes), but completely lacking in strepsirrhine primates and possibly weakly present in tarsiers. Beyond primates, it is known only in bats, the elephant shrew, and the spiny mouse species Acomys cahirinus.[2][3][4][5][6] Overt menstruation (where there is bleeding from the uterus through the vagina) is found primarily in humans and close relatives such as chimpanzees.[7]

>Females of other species of placental mammal undergo estrous cycles, in which the endometrium is completely reabsorbed by the animal (covert menstruation) at the end of its reproductive cycle.[8] Many zoologists regard this as different from a "true" menstrual cycle. Female domestic animals used for breeding—for example dogs, pigs, cattle, or horses—are monitored for physical signs of an estrous cycle period, which indicates that the animal is ready for insemination.

>> No.64300752

just stop bleeding everywhere

>> No.64300784
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>> No.64300856

nonbasic lands are mountains

>> No.64301260

Because they're on topic?

>> No.64301335

posting clip thumbnails should be banned tbdesu
quality of threads has gone down recently
>Verification not required.

>> No.64301852

Pregnancy makes periods less painful. The more malnourished and chaste you are the more it hurts

>> No.64302386

like what ?

>> No.64302641 [DELETED] 

there are people that unironically think women and just start and stop the flow at will, like stopping a pee stream or a poop.

>> No.64302665

There are people that unironically think women can just start and stop the flow at will, like stopping a pee stream or holding in a fart.

>> No.64302974

...ShiroClips is a girl?

>> No.64303059

but they can

>> No.64303092

She doesn’t need to do it alone. I’m willing to help

>> No.64303117

IRyS should get impregnated if she doesn't want periods

>> No.64303926

because she loves me, is best girl and MY wife

>> No.64304217

I think madara tried to take control the world with that

>> No.64304241

It's a desperate cry to be bred.

>> No.64304478

but are you talking about regular madara uchiha?

>> No.64306257

i hate this fucking place so much with all these retarded faggots crying about random shit that doesn't even matter 99% of the time
but every once in a while i read posts like these and smile and think maybe it's not so bad here after all
these have to be the best posts i've read here in a long time

>> No.64306496

>Pregnancy makes periods less painful.
i thought it got rid of periods until they give birth

>> No.64306827

The only valid reason to get upset about this is if you're a shemale tranny that once again got reminded that you can never be a woman

>> No.64307745

nonexistent periods means nonexistent period pain, anon.
0 < 1.

>> No.64308086

I'm so fucking happy that I don't have to plan every month around my crotch bleeding and my stomach having cramps. Imagine making plans for the weekend, only to have your period during it

>> No.64308322

I get it

>> No.64308389
File: 132 KB, 672x936, 2xm-118-blood-moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And for those that don't!

>> No.64308442

I like this one >>64299815

>> No.64308483

this triggered my phobia

>> No.64308836

>nonbasic lands are mountains
What does that mean? I never played magic

>> No.64308899

All Indie streamers are NijiSanji streamers as long as it's in play

>> No.64309208


>> No.64309334

Funny thing is, vtubing would be the perfect job if you want to take your periods into account while working.
But the girls have such shit work ethics across the board that they've already cancelled or taken every other day off during their cycle so they're forced to stream anyway once it's that time again.
And for any self searcher reading this, yes, your audience can tell.

>> No.64309510
File: 244 KB, 1000x1000, IMG_7532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shits up the board and kills a thread with some meaningless clip shit instead of posting it in the dedicated general.
Why is OP like this?

>> No.64310308

Magic gameplay runs off a resource system using "mana". Land cards, which are usually around a third of your deck, are the main sources of mana. There are 5 colours of mana, and 5 types of "basic" lands whose sole purpose is to produce mana. Mountains produce red mana. "Nonbasic" lands may also do other game things or produce multiple types of mana, making them more attractive to use over their basic counterparts.
Those 5 types of mana pay for the costs of playing cards, and each color of card does different game things better that other colors. You need blue mana to pay a blue cost, and red mana to pay a red cost, and so on.
Blood Moon accomplishes two things:
- By turning nonbasics lands into Mountains, it shuts down all their other game uses they might have had.
- If your opponent was relying on their nonbasic lands to produce nonred mana, they're suddenly locked into only producing red mana, which locks them out of playing any cards that
need other colors.

>> No.64310325
File: 3.31 MB, 262x312, 1685138802075976.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, this one got me

>> No.64310390

When you're a beginner and you crack a pack only to pull this as your first rare, you think this card is fucking useless, because you own zero nonbasic lands

>> No.64310538

Then you get better and realize you're supposed to use it to fuck over other players, not help yourself.

>> No.64310901
File: 535 KB, 2817x4093, 1701901178916578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the explanation, I'll give you a free fauna for your help.

>> No.64311510

I don't get it.

>> No.64314591

Why these hos streaming from their bath

>> No.64318243

Thanks for the detailed explanation

>> No.64322701

niji tier

>> No.64322735

directly in my mouth

>> No.64323665

So long as they aren't crass about it I unironically like when girls talk about stuff like this. It's peak gfe. Makes me want to rush over and make her some herbal tea or whatever to make it all better

>> No.64323740

This is why being a guy is great. I don't know why so many people want to become women

>> No.64323865

You think the water turned red?

>> No.64323998

>girls before their period feel like shit
>girls during their period feel like shit
do girls only feel okay one week every month?

>> No.64324356

You dont get peiords by trooning out
No matter how much HRT you go through, you need a uretus to have a menstruation period

That is like a girl going FTM and complaining she will never feel testicular torsion

>> No.64324402


>> No.64324548

The more I live with my GF and the more I think about menstruation I always conclude that we should just mess with our genes till we can make humans lay eggs like sharks
If we were a species that creates eggs but gestates them inside, menstruation would be a lot simpler, the female would just lay the non-fertile egg after the initial gestation period and we would all carry on
if it we get to a calcium-based shell, like birds, girls could just lay eggs, literally. and I bet all of your motherfuckers would pay your weight in gold to buy an egg from your oshi

>> No.64324718

Yup, they also feel like shit after it, so the window they feel good is only the ovulation part of their menstrual cycle
It is why a lot of girls take pills, they bomb the body with enough hormones to keep them on that one okay part (but not the good part). it also reduces acne and mood swings.

>> No.64324852

she realizes that someone has to teach her fans about women.

>> No.64325061

Female bodies are so retarded

>> No.64325147

Any time I see a slop channel bait with something like this, I immediately block them.

>> No.64325174

The pill ruins women. It's side benefits are also highly overstated and vary widely among women. It also reduces overall fertility long term.

>> No.64325350

It reaaaally depends on the woman, anon. Every woman is different with how their body works. For some, periods are legitimately debilitating.

>> No.64325438

I am damn sure these girls are talking about their periods these days just to prove that they're not trannies like fauna/fuwamoco

>> No.64325580

I can inseminate her and any Holomem if they want. I’m willing to help

>> No.64325605

Fauna talked about it yesterday though

>> No.64325699

Human pregnancy is actually pretty unique in the animal kingdom, and even other species of mammals that don't for whatever reason reabsorb the thickened uterine lining after ovulation have fairly light periods. Our closest cousins like gorillas and chimps have it pretty easy relative to human women, and dogs only have light bleeding if anything at all. But that's because human uteri are pretty unique among mammals in how thick and aggressive they are. They allow for the fetus to have direct access to the mother's bloodstream, even going as far as to fuse veins and arteries directly to the uterine wall as pregnancy continues. This is basically unheard of for the animal kingdom, and it's why pre-modern human pregnancies had something like a 20% mortality rate. If the baby thrashes around too much while coming out, or the uterine lining is yanked away too quickly, mommy ruptures a major artery and bleeds to death internally.

Human fetuses are also uniquely aggressive in how many nutrients they take from the mother during pregnancy, and their unique ability to pump the mom full of hormonal signals (Part of how they rewire the bloodstream) is also the cause of mood swings, morning sickness, cravings, etc. But it's because the human brain is such a demanding organ to form that all of these things happen. If you could sustain a human embryo in a yolk for 9 months it'd probably have to be the size of a small car.

>> No.64325775

Isn't it a thing that the process of implantation pregnancy and birth is basically a 9-month constant battle between the mother and the baby where one is trying to kill the other?

>> No.64325817

then it's likely a nutritional deficiency involved like how 95% of women/girls with PCOS are fat and sedentary.

>> No.64326144

More or less, yeah. It's also a reason that some couples have fertility issues. The uterine wall tries pretty hard to reject implantation. So in response, fetuses got better at manipulating the mother's body chemistry to bypass it. Direct fetal access to the bloodstream is absurd, and is disastrous because of all the complications that it can cause. Not just during childbirth but even during pregnancy. If the fetus tries too hard and pumps too many hormones, the mother's body starts to see it as a parasite and attacks it like one, causing miscarriages. These miscarriages then key the immune system to attack future pregnancies, which is why some women have them constantly. But from the body's perspective the baby is this aggressive, tunneling tumor that's literally strip-mining the mom's bones for the calcium inside and rerouting half the bloodstream through it's cavity. The bond between mother and child in life is one thing but the relationship between fetus and mother is almost exclusively defined by ruthless competition over limited resources (Mom's blood).

This shit just does not happen in bears, deer, cats, etc. Other animals by contrast have much more cooperative relationships and as a result, easier pregnancies and periods or lack thereof.

>> No.64326234

I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about genetic and other such issues that are not controllable by diet/nutrition

>> No.64326265

Lmao that makes sense.

>> No.64326372

I once read on a very trustworthy site either /tv/ or /fit/ that you can naturally suppress periods by being an extremely fit tomboy and eating right.
Surely nobody lied to me on the Internet.

>> No.64326428

ballerinas often miss periods.

>> No.64326502

life, uh, finds a way

>> No.64326543

i think this is a bug, not a feature

>> No.64326731

>extremely fit tomboy and eating right
Nah this was a lie. You only miss periods as a girl if you're underweight, dehydrated, and/or generally malnourished. Fit tomboy thing might come from the fact that low body fat percentage women (Female bodybuilders, for example) will also miss periods, but that's not a measure of health. I'd argue that the body fat percentages required for this to start occurring are unhealthy in women (Around sub 12-15%). Like it or not, the period is a natural process and it's absence is a marker of some disruption to the body.

All things considered it's a miracle humans can reproduce at all. But the brain is just that much of an evolutionary advantage that we suck it up.

>> No.64326856

this is literally the best gfe content its exactly like having a gf

>> No.64327168

It's like having a gf, except you have to suffer from her period only for the brief moment on stream and don't have to deal with the blood and mucus around the house

>> No.64327416

>Yet another IRySanji thread
Buy an ad whore

>> No.64327719

It's not natural. It means the body is protecting itself from malnutrition because of excessive exercise or eating disorders.

>> No.64327832

>buy an ad
Holo board

>> No.64328601

My GF is not fat (167cm and 53kg) nor sedentary (we work out 3 days per week), eats well and healthy and for her periods are almost a liability, she has severe cramps and faints from the pain

>> No.64328668

>prove that they're not trannies like fauna/fuwamoco
did i miss a rrat or something?

>> No.64328749


>> No.64328761
File: 1.22 MB, 854x1200, 1000002322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just antis who have literally nothing on the dogs, so they make shit up kek
Not sure about the Fauna thing though

>> No.64328853

The Nightmare of Mensis...

>> No.64328863

Train your bitch better, she should not leave blood and mucus around the house

>> No.64328908

>mensis literally means month
>the nightmare of the month
>that time of the month

>> No.64328945

Made men by the blood

>> No.64328964

Humans are weird as fuck, makes you wonder if we ever find intelligent life elsewhere if they will be also this fucked up just to have a good brain

>> No.64329038

> The whole game changes tone once the first blood moon happens
>hairy things are now all over the game
How could I have missed that, it all makes sense now

>> No.64329421

IMO if we're ever contacted by intelligent aliens then chances are they'll have to have gone through an All Tomorrows tier eugenics and biomechanical engineering program just to be able to survive in space or on other planets. It's hard to overstate how much of your biology relies on a constant level of gravity pulling you down, or how much damage being outside the magnetosphere unprotected would do to your DNA.

>> No.64329456

it takes more work to post just the thumbnail than it does to post the whole clip:


>> No.64329568

Oh I love Terraria

>> No.64329613

All Tomorrow is a way, but it is not the only way
All tomorrow is how a civilization that has mastered its DNA to the point of turning humans into what we did to wolves, would pick changing the human to survive space over making ships that can sustain regular humans

So far we look more like we are just not getting our of this rock and will kill each other over some shitty joke online, or for some more oil

>> No.64329712

You can kneel and say thank you to Enna for normalizing period talk.
HoloEN's nijisanjification is a success

>> No.64329729

>why only girls
I mean being mammal and all I don't think menstruation isn't a bad deal.

>> No.64329795

You wanted GFE
This is GFE, it's only missing her asking you to buy her tampons

>> No.64330002

I can tell you never had a GF.

>> No.64330475

so... uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... is there a website or a link or post to Iry's Menstural cycle? asking for a friend

>> No.64330691

Fuck off. None of my anime waifus ever talk about periods or tampons, if I wanted the 3DPD GFE I wouldn't be watching vtubers.

>> No.64330797

lookup menstrual charts and mark today as bleed day, if the next bleed day aligns up, you now know when she is bleeding, and more importantly, when she is ovulating

>> No.64330846

that's assuming her period is not irregular

>> No.64331001

just ask. she's obviously ok talking about it
