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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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64182617 No.64182617 [Reply] [Original]

Hell yeah. Another pro unity Holomem that is willing to play with Holostars/Niji/streamers

>> No.64182668

>larping as a homobeggar to shitpost

>> No.64182676

She literally has nothing to lose from doing this. Her model is absolute trash and she has abandoned the ikemen lesbian routine because nobody took her seriously. She needs to rebrand as a weird but girly comedian somehow.

>> No.64182677

cool, are we getting the same people in the last vcrgta season?

>> No.64182717

I want her and axel to kiss. Dyke conversion is my top fetish

>> No.64182729

ao is a male tho

>> No.64182751

>STGR? No thanks. Not enough popular males to go around.
>VCR sausage fest? YABBA DABBA DOOOOOOO!!!!!!

>> No.64182809

I don't think anyone here cares enough about Regross, much less Ao, for this to matter.

>> No.64182826

They send all the failures to play together.

>> No.64182909

We're pretending to be retarded now?

>> No.64183097

she probably wants to make friends with non holo jp vtubers but this is definitely a shit move. she seems to already give up on getting more fans from the holo jp fanbase. homocollabing however is obviously only counterproductive.

ive watched regloss since their debut but as far as ive seen, the most potential member is ririka. shes improving her talk skills especially tsukkomi skills and can talk about anything a non casual funny way. she never says any cringy thing either. raden is too niche and hajime doesnt stream so much.

>> No.64183228

It's objectively true that all the JP holos with the lowest ccv go down the vcr leeching route. Laplus' ccv was terrible before vcr rust. Ao had had the second lowest ccv during the sports festival, only Mori had lower ccv, even the IDs were beating them. Aki was top 5 lowest ccv in JP before vcr ark. The only exception is Towa. But the VCR buff only lasts a few months. The E-celeb crowd eventually gets bored.

>> No.64183247

Her number is pretty bad she doesn't have much to lose. Maybe she can hangout with another streamer and leech from him/her a little

>> No.64183290

>she has abandoned the ikemen lesbian routine
has she actually? that's great if so
that shit was obnoxious and annoying

>> No.64183441

Go Aokun goo

>> No.64183779

Looks like I was right to not give ReGloss a chance.

>> No.64183781
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>> No.64183942

>It's Ao
Wait, wasn't that the point for her?
Attracting female viewers?

>> No.64183943
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Why didn't they send the "failures" to play in this one then?

>> No.64184865

>Laplus' ccv was terrible before vcr rust
But that was due to all the meltdowns she had over not being able to join the first VCR Rust

>> No.64185038

so Regloss is a failure?

>> No.64185066

This thread is a failure as always

>> No.64185120

Yes. They're all joining the server as you can see.

>> No.64185413

Please don't drag Ririka into this.
Please just fall into obscurity by yourself.

>> No.64185436


>> No.64185568

Give how many Holostars are gonna be in it there's a high chance she becomes friends with at least one of them

>> No.64185681

they don't send the failures there to join, instead, the girls with no experience

>> No.64185781

>Not enough popular males to go around.
gojo satoru is literally on the server
and the biggest jp twitch streamer (fanta)

>> No.64186036

>JP twitch
Tells you all you need to know desu

>> No.64186160

Hajime is so weird. She probably coulda been quite popular but it's like she doesn't even want to be a vtuber. She streams like twice a week and almost every single stream she's ever done is 1-1.5 hours maximum. She just started and she already streaming less than like Ina.

>> No.64186261

yeah, she's trying to move away from it. why cover wanted her to be a charismatic womanizer is baffling

>> No.64186281

Don't care. I'll be expecting more kino as usual. Have fun with your walled garden nerds.

>> No.64186308

Opening up to the broader JP streaming sphere was the best thing Laplus could've done for both her own sanity and her career. She went from lowest CCV HoloX anniversary 3D last year to the highest. And now that the precedent is set, she can literally just do whatever the fuck she wants and no one can say anything

>> No.64186421

he's the 18th biggest in the world at the moment

>> No.64186483

you can show me right? I doubt anyone from the servers she's played on tuned into an anniversary stream

>> No.64186487

Anon, Mori and Ollie are proof that the E-celeb crowd is only there for as long as the E-celebs care about you.

>> No.64186490

Same boat as Mel, very little or nothing to lose and potentially alot to gain going by Aki's recent success.

>> No.64186496

Considering the last one hit off pretty well. No wonder more people got interested to join. Looks super fun.

>> No.64186874

That's why I'm happy that Ao is also going the same route, with enough people collabing with males maybe someday people can stop screaming at Holostars just because they exist >>64183943

>> No.64186964

That's just two people. They're not enough to satisfy all the thirsty Holowhores.

>> No.64187042

Why would I be mad at Ao-kun collabinw with a man? She's 100% a male, like Twap

>> No.64187158

these collabs boost low view chuubas so i support it, my 2view oshi went from 23 average to 300 after she joined one made for smaller indies.

>> No.64187221

Exactly, there is only so many unicorns to go around and the HoloBox has frozen out the lowest members. This is an obvious choice to make between remaining 'true' to the Hololive Idol brand and continuing to fail and taking a gamble at a new wider audience while most of your core group will not be assblasted unicorns.

>> No.64187323

What does it tell you? Please explain in detail.

>> No.64187337
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You guys got mindbroken lol

>> No.64187481

I didn't lol, you are talking about the ex-kapumin who waffles on whether to stay or go.

>> No.64187604

You are mentally ill.

>> No.64187670

NTA, but from what I've seen, while she still steps into it now and then, she has been getting increasingly cuter recently.
Either she is making the change intentionally or I'm just warmed up to her, idk.

>> No.64187694

you don't watch japanese vtubers and you only became aware of vtubers in 2020

>> No.64187791

You are exactly the stereotype of trying to parrot JP schizos that Kson warned about

>> No.64187796

Regloss 4/5
I can't wait to get more unicorn friendly girls in JP7 and EN4

>> No.64188059

struck a nerve :)

>> No.64188368

None of the girls is unicorn friendly since the beginning.
That's why their sub is looking the way it is right now.
The horn know.

>> No.64188391

Le horn constantly forgives and makes excuses for male collabs. Let's not pretend like unicorns have any real standards.

>> No.64188455

It's ok because she's a guy

>> No.64188508

You cannot grasp the true form of the horn.

>> No.64188980

Looks like she gave up and will be the Towa/La+ of her gen.
Could have waited for a redesign instead, but I can't blame her.

>> No.64189018

"Be gentle"
Well unfortunately, the kind of audience you cater to are mentally ill and there's nothing that's going to soften the blow of what they consider taboo.

>> No.64189570

With her it's 7 holos in "don't mind male collabs" already if i counted right.
I'm expecting at least another one from this gen to do this, btw.

>> No.64189775

wow dude you're so cool you have been watching vtubers before 2020, so do you like understand japanese and stuff?

>> No.64189799

Woman audience generally don't mind them collabing with dudes unless they're ultra lesbians.
In fact many of them welcome it and are part of the homobeggars crew.

>> No.64189857

Yes, she got higher in her leeching 3D live. Also, she's in the very bottom on the ccv ranking in any other stream she does.

>> No.64189915

Vcr gta big streamers are all on Twitch(K4sen/Shaka/Daruma/Radao/Kanae/Fanta), aside from Kuzuha

>> No.64190134

yes, dont be so butthurt others enjoy a hobby more than you

>> No.64190283

I knew she was a bitch when she couldn’t name a suisei song

>> No.64190499

>Fanbase openly attacked every Trash Taste boys they collabed with
>Wonders why they stopped caring about Holos, even called Ollie a Nijisanji ID member
Holofags are retarded sometimes

>> No.64190600

Go suck ironic weeb dick somewhere else, waste of space.

>> No.64190620

Fucking exposed, easy as fuck

>> No.64190755

>Condoms for Connor
Kys Troon

>> No.64190816

I'm invincible unlike you who will commit suicide the moment your oshi collabs with either a Stars or an e-celeb

>> No.64190820

TT deserves to be attacked regardless of who they interact with.

>> No.64190870

Don't give a fuck if you're trolling or not, people like you should get executed as an example anyway.

>> No.64190908

Ririka just said on stream that she's joining.

>> No.64190969

Even ignoring TT, it's the holofans playbook to attack every non-Holo that interacts with a Hololive member then claim that they were just trying to leech when interactions dry up.
Like of course they're going to stick to private conversations on Discord when the fanbase is a pack of rabid animals

>> No.64190983

You made the simp keyboard warriors mad.. they don't like it when you point out their hypocrisy

>> No.64190985

For what? Being the sanest person in the board? I'd laugh while the executioners turned to you.
Yes, and then you proceed to make a thread wondering why HoloEN isn't as relevant as Ironmouse in the west

>> No.64190989

Smells like SEA and Brazil in here

>> No.64191105

I am SEA and I'm up against part of the Hololive fanbase that nobody wants to associate with

>> No.64191127

Their cancerous reach goes well beyond the small circle of vtubing. People like them are an existential crisis to >>64190985
>For what? Being the sanest person in the board?
For praising an existential threat to the anime and vtubing community in the West.

>> No.64191160

>gojo satoru is literally on the server
That fact that you are referring to Yuichi Nakamura by the name of one of his most boring characters is a decent indicator of your trash taste.

>> No.64191241

Go outside! Take a breather! And don't come back until you start to make any sense!

>> No.64191247

>some turds talking about seasonal trash are a threat to anime and vtubing
Jesas are all holokeks low-T eop betas like that? I can see why some nobody homos threaten you manbabies this much. Holy kek this is gold

>> No.64191283

>Yes, and then you proceed to make a thread wondering why HoloEN isn't as relevant as Ironmouse in the west
No, I never did this. I also never gave a fuck about Ironmouse's "relevance". I do not use Twitch, whatever happens on it may as well not exist to me.

>> No.64191285

This entire thread are people mad at Ao for still trying to see other vtubers in the community. That’s all that you should care about in these VCR things. This entire board will find anything to bitch about, even if the girls managed to find fun in it.

>> No.64191336

LOL I will just find a new oshi Homocuck.

>> No.64191407

>who will commit suicide the moment your oshi collabs
I'll just find a new oshi anon, it's not that hard to do

>> No.64191482

That was a cri*ge and funny moment. I still think that A*i had to say something positive about Suise*, but could only remember her singing. Then Pol*a goes for the kill and A*i panicked.
I feel bad, though it makes for great co*edy.

>> No.64191499
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no way

>> No.64191544

Now say that again without crying

>> No.64191560

She was always a super girly before joined Hololive. Her mangaka work is in the line of Sanrio when don't drawing thin books

>> No.64191681

And then she will like some tweet you don't like and you will sperg out as per usual. Just accept that they will never be your gfs and how you will die alone. Off yourselves now, why prolong the pain? I think you tards are well aware of what's up with a good chunk of holos and all this sperging is just a deflection from that fact, especially when attacking non unikek friendly holos while defending Mumei, Fauna, Gura or Rushia in the past among the others, that shit is straight up deflection

>> No.64191709

Kek, the irony...

>> No.64191837
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>> No.64191919

Wait is she not yuribaiting anymore? That shit was so bad, it was like listening to a lesbian actually flirt, not yuribait. But not good flirting more like a loser lesbian flirting, or a girl who is not actually a lesbian tryinh to act like one. It was reverse closet shit and it was cringy as fuck.

>> No.64191980

She was so bad, she wasn't cute, she wasn't good for yuribait she didn't appeal to normalfags, her model sucks, what the fuck was cover thinking? How big is the unironic butch lesbian vtuber market?

>> No.64192002

You know that one handsome girl from Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki Kun? I think she's playing that trope yes?

>> No.64192022

ReGloss is not Hololive.
Just like Holostars is not Hololive.

Get it right retards.

>> No.64192028

Attracting lesbians by the looks of it, not yuribait like actual lesbians. Is the market for rezubians that big? Mam she sucks.

>> No.64192055

What is the surprise? ReGloss always made things together. The tv radio, their off-collabs...

>> No.64192118

You're the one that needs to get it right, retard. They are literally called hololive dev_is.
ReGloss are hololive as much as EN and ID are.

>> No.64192121

I get the archetype, handsome butch lesbian, Sailor Mook has one, what i dont get is why cover thought that was what jp normies audience wanted. Who says "yeah i want a butch lesbian for a chuuba" aside from a very specific type of lesbian and maybe some other people. Not too mention that she is awkward and not in a fun way.

>> No.64192182
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They did say they wanted to try new things with ReGLOSS right? I'd say this is still the trial and error phase.
She might learn a thing or two from this

>> No.64192211
File: 93 KB, 1001x600, Tomo-chan-Is-a-Girl-Main-PV-Still-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They wanted the Tomo-chan audience

>> No.64192277

Aki won by appealing to the SEA fanbase. The downside is that she has a huge SEA fanbase now.

>> No.64192307
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Also reminder : A Holostars member drew that

>> No.64192339

Show boyfriend 1/10 Fat and ugly femcel.

>> No.64192558

Your projecting won't help your oshi's growth

>> No.64192747

Total Homostar Death
Total WokeSanji Death
Total Vwhorejo Death
I hate them and I will never watch them.
Heil Hololive

>> No.64193025
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how do you enjoy a hobby more than others? am i enjoying it the wrong way? should i have started watching vtubers before 2020 so i can enjoy them? i dont get it anon

>> No.64193212
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Holofags hate Niji with passion but their god YAGOO literally wants to become Niji so much to the point that he made Dev_IS

>> No.64193441

dev_is is almost the complete opposite of nijisanji though.

>> No.64193736

Lmao, who are you trying to fool? People who've never watched Dev_IS or Niji? Oh wait that's actually 90% of Holofags

>> No.64193786

They are a cohesive unit working together makes them the complete opposite of nijisanji. Even the original hololive is much closer to nijisanji in this aspect.

>> No.64193844


>> No.64193963

More Holo than all the EN and ID sharts can ever be

>> No.64193997

Condoms for Connor to fuck Mori and Ironmouse.

>> No.64194276

I like the purple girl. Her hollab with Sakamoto Chloe was fun.

>> No.64194403

I watch Raden and Kanade, the rest I don't care much

>> No.64194754

>Aki's recent success.
The one that ended when the server close? That's not a success really. You need to be able to make them watch your other content

>> No.64194907

Aki's CCV in November doubled compared to anything up to September

>> No.64195511

damn its a fucking shame that some regloss members, as predicted, are tricked by a stupid producer and virtually forced to join the gta homofest full of lame ass male streamers. also fuck yagoo. he has no clue and his magic doesnt work anymore.

why would the shitty assclown producer get regloss to join the worst kind of homocollab party before telling them to get along with holo senpais. they have had only a few collabs with holo jp senpais since debut.

eventually, the first speculation was right. regloss was made to collab with streamers and homos and is for the "modern audiences" who are phantoms. they totally lost a chance to grow

>> No.64195535

I can't wait for the new VCR server.
The last GTA one was funny as fuck. This one looks even better

>> No.64195587

not your numbertranny thread, stop throwing subhuman language around
If you don't like it just don't watch or move on from her

>> No.64195692

Ririka already mentioned during her debut that she wants to connect with other vtubers and streamers. She wasn't tricked into anything.
She is doing exactly what she set out to do.

>> No.64195719

As a holofag the only VCR server I enjoyed was the Rust one earlier this year. I found both GTA and Ark boring. I don't know if it was just the novelty of the eceleb RP server experience but I can't remember any moments from Ark/GTA that I found as funny as Lap's voice pack business or Roberu and Deron's tragic romance bit, as well as a bunch of funny moments featuring random jap cunts I had literally never heard of before the server.

>> No.64195778

not only is ao gonna join it but also ririka. its obviously forced by the stupid regloss producer or holizontal producers like nene was actually forced to join the shooter homofest by them

>> No.64195875

Now that I think about it, wasn't Laplus the one who spoke out that this gen will be different than the usual Holo? I should've seen that coming.

>> No.64195973

>6 other hololive girls have joined these vcr servers
>these 2 girls must be joining because their group's management is forcing them to join despite the fact that the other 3 girls in their group aren't joining

>> No.64196007

Regloss is the long awaited bridge between holostars and hololive. Cope and dilate.

>> No.64196047


>> No.64196075


>> No.64196091

You mean Suisei? Fubuki? Sora? Matsuri?

>> No.64196098

What got you uppity this time greenturd?

>> No.64196222

The GTA action was outside the focus of the Holos (and I think only Towa and Laplus played, but not to the same extent as in Rust). The dingo was with the ESL Serbian and were not interacting much.
Ark started off pretty lackluster because everyone else was hesitant to interact with Aki, but they eventually warmed up. The problem is Aki's autism in Ark and her excessively long ass streams diluted many of the moments.

>> No.64196229

and the regloss management milks her as fast as possible. are you saying this is the best way to grow the group? none of them have had any good connection to holo senpais. even compared to holox in their very early days, the current state of regloss is really poor. they will be isolated if the management doesnt change the direction.

>> No.64196432

nah everyone agreed ARK was lackluster, it's not a good multiplayer game, especially when Vaultroom avoided PvP altogether in fear of drama

>> No.64196555

Just by observing how Re_Gloss consistently churns out covers, either as a group or individually, it appears that they are not interested in using the holobox and instead are trying to carve out their own niche.

>> No.64196582

The fuck you mean isolated? Collabing with Holostars doesn't make Holomems hate them, in fact other Holomems probably respect them more because they're sincere enough to talk to them in the open.

>> No.64196589

>tank your career for a bunch of sexually confused kids on twitter who won't even watch you
