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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 2.68 MB, 2048x1626, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
64074352 No.64074352 [Reply] [Original]

Shadow wizard money gang

>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

Open company auditions:
Niji (Dec 10):
VReverie (Jan 3) https://twitter.com/VReverieLive/status/1731525487741309078
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en
Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
Twitter growth: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt

Stay grounded, stay hopeful

Previous thread: >>64048394

>> No.64074417

Name a chuuba

>> No.64074460

name 3 chuubas

>> No.64074470


>> No.64074560

& me (because why not)

>> No.64074572

Reminder no posts about Keitaro are "fans", it's all him self shilling. Yesterday was his worst stream yet kek it really goes to show that no one here gives a single fuck. 300+ followers and 5 viewer average LOL

>> No.64074622

sixth for gay sex with momomo

>> No.64074855

Bro give it a fucking rest.

>> No.64074874

Daiya is about to cry on stream...

>> No.64074918

He can't, it's Gael.

>> No.64074952

man i'm so off my fucking ass lmao

>> No.64075008

Not until I can laugh at how bad his next stream does!

>> No.64075034


>> No.64075050

Just say he fucked your oshi and be done with it

>> No.64075115

Bros.... daiya is crying

>> No.64075130

Thanks for the update.

>> No.64075175

This is true of almost every supposed fan post here. Yes even the weird creepy posts about girls. Even a lot of the negative posts about aspies are done by the chuubas themself so that they can get sympathy. Astroturf is the only turf.

>> No.64075258

/asp/ies don't use the terms "astroturfing" or "thread darling"

>> No.64075273

/wvt/ refugees and schizos never adapt, it is known

>> No.64075298

He's collabed with only dudes, I doubt he's even talked to any of the females because they realized he's a number crater anyway! Not worth the time.

Literally nothing I've said is false.

All the Momomo, Andy, etc ritual posts are made by actual fans. The numbers back this up. Same with Iriya, Rura, Mond, Camui, even Rinna now. They all have decent 2view numbers and you expect me to believe Keitaro with his 5 ccv has the same amount of people that care? It's pathetic and I've noticed it's been kept at bay since I've called it out.

>> No.64075357

>you expect me to believe that people care about the guy I've never been able to stop talking about for weeks?

>> No.64075410

She's never going to love you

>> No.64075483
File: 9 KB, 693x74, ..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>b-but you're actually talking about him a lot and it's helping so much!
I accept your concession.

>> No.64075610

Sick goalposts

>> No.64075633

Why hasn't the diapershitter killed himself yet?

>> No.64075642


>> No.64075686
File: 117 KB, 393x339, 1687443247927009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unrelated to their numberfagging, but nobody's ever going to love me, so why should I even try

>> No.64075731

Good early morning asp name me some people plz

>> No.64075753


>> No.64075758

Yeah it kinda hurts never seeing people obsess over you like they do some of the guys/girls here. Watching friends getting raided and hit milestones is a bittersweet feeling.

You know they put a lot of effort into it, and you're clapping for them, but it just sucks.

>> No.64075809
File: 38 KB, 680x454, 1621972342120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aussie girl, my beloved. One day I'll hear from you again...

>> No.64075843

I just showed you no one cares though?

>> No.64075869

I wish I had those numbers

>> No.64076017

Literally EVERY aspie live right now is doing better than Keitaro did last night lmfao shut the fuck up.

>> No.64076052

Explain your obsession then "no one"

>> No.64076085

Holy shit, all the girls are going to commit meincraft together. Totora is talking about it right now.

>> No.64076147

Just making sure that no one thinks any posts about him are genuine!

>> No.64076170

Its nice of you to add exclamation points to the ends of your posts. Makes it easy to know which schizo you are.

>> No.64076232

Girls-only Minecraft, the way God intended it to be
Unicorns keep winning

>> No.64076281

Try being on the other end, knowing the streamer can never love you as much as you love them.

And they always have boyfriends.

>> No.64076314

>ahhaha I know who you are! trolled!
Anyway looking forward to the next 5ccv stream, Keitaro!

>> No.64076323


Told you guys btw

>> No.64076388


>> No.64076414

that's why its funny though, I know who you are but you don't have any idea

>> No.64076417

>Girls getting own MC server

It'd be amazing if you Girl lovers can go make another thread to circlejerk in.

>> No.64076464

Unicorns are a blight that spreads everywhere it goes and they're despised by the chuubas they idolize.

>> No.64076534

mine love me actually

>> No.64076571

We both know that's a lie

>> No.64076638

I think we have enough dudes now to revive the Male Vtuber Thread.
The last one failed but that could just be because the Threadbaker sucked.

I'm tired about hearing about Unicorn-friendly chuubas here, it's like hearing about Vshoujo news.

>> No.64076668

women hate unicorns because they're reminded that they're used goods

>> No.64076836

/mvp/ failed because it was a self-posting circlejerk

>> No.64076851

I may have attempted something beyond my poop abilities

>> No.64076883

Cool! That changes nothing for our flopping hamster.

>> No.64076893

That’s what this thread is, anon

>> No.64076911

your canvas doesn't need to be so large, or you can resize when exporting

>> No.64076918

You're very close to a realization

>> No.64076919

how do I do that

>> No.64077004


>> No.64077050

look the options when you export, you're using Clip, right? You should be able to scale it down to a percentage

>> No.64077053

More self posting would have ironically kept it going longer. The real problem with it was that it overlapped heavily with /cbdct/ /asp/ and /wvt/. The real problem is that there is almost no interest in indipendant males on /vt/. Even the largest don't get posted about much.

>> No.64077126 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 379x835, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64077163

I already set up, made and completed the joke you’re implying you terminal autist. End your bits a sentence earlier, don’t beat them to death.

>> No.64077195
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>> No.64077204
File: 33 KB, 351x616, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right here (deleted the other one because it was the wrong button)

>> No.64077285
File: 774 KB, 1318x794, test2fsgfghfghdgh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this?

>> No.64077408
File: 235 KB, 349x595, viewerchan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64077409

Man, Daiya is a cutie.

>> No.64077485

now you don't have to catbox it and I don't have to zoom out

>> No.64077627

Bake a new one

>> No.64077761

I was thinking about you and how I hadn't seen your posts lately, hope you are doing okay

>> No.64077897

Anyone else getting sick of the same two viewers flirting in everyone's chats? i can't be the only one to have noticed them doing this lately

>> No.64077974

name and shame them sis

>> No.64077996

Time them out, people ruining chat with unfunny off topic bullshit is what moderation is for

>> No.64078136

Literally who?

>> No.64078269
File: 154 KB, 500x669, 1685146645171552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we back at fighting bosses and exploring!

>> No.64078308

Moderation is important, I try not to post too often or it loses its impact

>> No.64078351
File: 14 KB, 645x280, ..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What went wrong?

>> No.64078429

spike and momomo

>> No.64078488

Try not being male

>> No.64078590

billy and vita but maybe I'm just overreacting
still they been doing this for almost a week

>> No.64078654
File: 16 KB, 644x317, ..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmmm I don't think that's it, friend!

>> No.64078677

i like billy but Vita has only been in my chat once so I've never seen this :o

>> No.64078759
File: 485 KB, 594x700, goslingd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me not artist, just thought it's fitting.

>> No.64078768

every time they meet in the same chat they start acting weird

>> No.64078809

The power of leeching and astroturfing

>> No.64078830

Not working for Keitaro!

>> No.64078837

If my stream is how they hook up, so be it. I ship them fr.

>> No.64078857

vita is straight, and he is just joking around


>> No.64078876

I almost wish someone was obsessed with me as much as the Keitaro crab is. Almost.

>> No.64078896

This. Vita will always be cool in my book.

>> No.64078986

I want some like Iryia to stalk me

>> No.64079178

anyone with eyes would see his model is fucking ugly

>> No.64079294

>vita is straight
He only watches males, and he constantly makes gay jokes, he is in denial

>> No.64079352

Your mother didn't take the chance to abort you

>> No.64079382

>Unicorns keep winning
Kek. Totora drools over the dinosaur homostar and sends him akasupas. Unicorns truly are the biggest cucks.

>> No.64079540

I losing my motivation to keep streaming. What do

>> No.64079573

It's time to kill yourself, Keitaro

>> No.64079618

>source: the voice inside my head

>> No.64079686
File: 237 KB, 623x478, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64079712

Just say you don't watch streams

>> No.64079761
File: 1.06 MB, 1800x1800, DigbyHatesElves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its time guys!
Time to celebrate Steam VR week!
Its a glorious excuse to try out the 40k Sister of Battle game. Your boy Digby will be purging heretics with bolter, blade, faith and boobplate!


>> No.64079841

Motivation can only carry you so far, you either need to enjoy it or be disciplined

>> No.64079933

Unicorns hate the truth.

>> No.64079984

Make something you're proud of

>> No.64080051

Unicorns are pathetic but unicorns talking about chuubas they don't even watch is something else

>> No.64080088

I don't even know who Keitaro is

>> No.64080167

why are you still here?

>> No.64080170
File: 1.53 MB, 1133x627, 1698462640929220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get collabs with partners like this?

>> No.64080205

you summoned me

>> No.64080241

How did you know it was me...?

>> No.64080254

One of them is beryl's gf

>> No.64080285

just ask. I feel like this gets asked all the time and everyone always answers the same way

>> No.64080288

>baits unicorns
>spends simpbucks on homos
Totora is based.

>> No.64080344

I thought he was gay

>> No.64080349

Posted Gosling comment in chat.

>> No.64080383

it's happening again, I give up

>> No.64080393

I fucking hate billy. His whole personality is being gay and posting about being gay in people's chats.

>> No.64080419

people can't comprehend that in most cases all you have to do is literally ask and find a date/time that works for both of you it probably helps if you're actually a fan/friends with them and aren't in it purely for the numbers boost though

>> No.64080420

I fucking love billy. His whole personality is being gay and posting about being gay in people's chats.

>> No.64080540

I don't mind him, I also want to catch one of his streams to see how he behaves outside of chat but he almost never streams

>> No.64080621

I think the solution to my pain is to go back to being a simple viewer, just a fan supporting her from the sidelines

>> No.64080636

be trans/nonbinary/non passing

>> No.64080639


>> No.64080744

If he wasn't such an aggressive self-shilling crab, no one would!

>> No.64080841

Can you just suck his dick in private instead of in the thread

>> No.64080849

One is female(male)

>> No.64080866

That would require making a new identity and losing all that history.

>> No.64080892

Iriya ....

>> No.64080976

Is Beryl any of those

>> No.64081072


>> No.64081162

I am tired anons... I do not want to go live.....

>> No.64081269

And I don't want to live, yet I continue because I'm that spiteful

>> No.64081348
File: 1.87 MB, 4096x2304, 1203Schedule(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're playing Katawa Shoujo tonight at 10pm CST. ~

>> No.64081484

It's mostly Billy wondering why anyone showed up to stream, out loud. He also sounds Filipino.

>> No.64081502

You know what, sure! I'll stop the callouts and resume posting as normal but if he starts pretending to have fans again I'll just go right back to it!

>> No.64081563

>I'll just go right back to it!
No need. We're perfectly fine without you.

>> No.64081625

We would be perfectly fine without that crab too and yet he insists...

>> No.64081731

Don't do it if you don't enjoy it.

>> No.64081747
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>> No.64081935
File: 2.74 MB, 4000x4000, 5BA4A729-0DA2-4166-8170-20F61F955CEF(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What bodily fluids would you buy from a manlet femboy?

>> No.64081957

blood, until he dies of shock

>> No.64082060


>> No.64082085

Vampire anon.

>> No.64082118

any /asp/ies online?

>> No.64082336
File: 2.88 MB, 2040x2720, 1697108934609984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love me Ant Andy

>> No.64082531
File: 3.03 MB, 2040x2720, black.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64082591

Cute, but I hate the trend of editing peoples art.

>> No.64082617

you missed the hips

>> No.64082650

how do you even go about asking a partner for a collab? won't you just get ignored?

>> No.64082698

"Hi. Would you be interested in playing X on Y"?

>> No.64082718

This phrase is stuck in my head now. I wonder: is it an imperative, like "Please love me Ant Andy" or is it "I love me some Ant Andy". Or is it both?!

>> No.64082752

I always read it as like a norf fc thing
>luv me ant andy
>'ate crabs (not racist just dont like em)
>simple as

>> No.64082835

yeah just ask like they said. It helps if they've at least seen you around too but at worst they'll just say no

>> No.64082868

I like black models but black vtubers usually aren't good

>> No.64082904

Do either of these people even interact with people from here or is Beryl just lucky?

>> No.64082916

Who is this
Who is this

>> No.64082936

you make it sound so easy but i'm an autistic retard.

>> No.64082957

I don't remember posting this...

>> No.64082979

>kuku gets to be on the minecraft server
what the fuck

>> No.64083003

Oi ant andy luv, c'mere giv ol' baz a kiss on me cheek thx. Luvleh! u and catz fittest lasses in asp, simple as

>> No.64083031

You get used to it after doing it for a while. I believe in you, anon!

>> No.64083044 [SPOILER] 
File: 1011 KB, 1350x1350, Dec06C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Secret lewd mode...
It's okay to post nsfw picture via link right?

>> No.64083052

Lol, lmao even
They don't want (You)

>> No.64083080

I wasn’t invited and I’m a girl. Faggot males get in before me ?

>> No.64083091

he has become the gay accessory friend

>> No.64083098

Gurl, she's just not that into you

>> No.64083115

Beryl has a lot of non /asp/ friends and viewers. It's how you grow.

>> No.64083140

I want to play MC...

>> No.64083158

I THINK Keitaro and Haru but I'm not actually going to check. Not sure why this guy insists on using Haru as ammo against Keitaro.

>> No.64083234

The girls should make their own MC server without Totora.

>> No.64083303

I’ll just make my own server and the only people I’m inviting are the Babi

>> No.64083328

So play it. Or even stream it

>> No.64083333

I'm just showing what an actual successful male looks like.

>> No.64083344

link to the babicord? does it really exist?

>> No.64083376

Stop putting people against each other. It's not healthy or good for either of them.

>> No.64083377

none of the males here are inclining fast or are successful by any metric, other than colon and uwu which aren't gen5 so it doesn't count

>> No.64083433
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>> No.64083451
File: 21 KB, 322x356, 1633787256221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoever you are thanks for noticing at least

>> No.64083465

yep, catbox it sis

>> No.64083511
File: 125 KB, 941x929, 1695871905673341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys REALLY need new material

>> No.64083528

I just want him to stop pretending he's bigger than he actually is, no one even talks about him outside of himself lol. Haru is actually successful and has fans post for him, I'd like to see if Keitaro can even manage that without pretending.

>> No.64083531

I meant Minecraft server, but a server for Babi would good

>> No.64083694

Im feeling a little haha hoho, chat, give me your /asp/ie couples!

>> No.64083719

most of the males are the ones that need new material ngl

>> No.64083728

Rinna and me

>> No.64083759

Keitaro and his crab.

>> No.64083822

I feel like you're trying to bring them both down at the same time. This is probably part of why Haru left and doesn't come here anymore.

>> No.64083870


>> No.64083883
File: 1023 KB, 1350x1350, Dec06B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry about this part though
Without dialogue

>> No.64083913

Pantsu doko? ;-;

>> No.64083949

link your twitch NOW

>> No.64083991
File: 18 KB, 698x233, gmi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope I can make it work...

>> No.64083998

Wait, this is ainslie? Did he commision this gay shit himself? WAS THIS WHAT HE WAS MEANT TO WHEN HE SAID HE MAID HIS OC TO CREATE PORN OUT OF IT?

>> No.64084026

Brother do you live in a farm or something?

>> No.64084049

Those speeds are faster than mine

>> No.64084074

Nothing wrong with commissioning gay porn of your OC.

>> No.64084082

Imagine living in the middle of a jungle.

>> No.64084125

I'm going to watch Ainslie now

>> No.64084124


>> No.64084157

you don't try to get collabs with "partners", you try to get collabs with people who mesh well with you and your content. The more viewers someone has, the more people have tried to chase them for numbers, and they'll be pretty good at sniffing out who has a genuine interest and who is just there to chase clout

>> No.64084185

This would be based if she wasn't talking about a fucking corpomale who are hands down the worst men in vtubing

>> No.64084201

Actually yes. I'll probably move next year but I don't want to wait to stream lol

>> No.64084202


>> No.64084225

That's why you keep different links for both characters instead of just one link for both of them.

>> No.64084244

Can't be anyone else with that scar Momomo
Wait I thought you want scout? you gay now?

>> No.64084308

Imagine Ainslie saying those lines, my cock is so hard and I'm feeling pain....

>> No.64084352
File: 280 KB, 372x660, feverinducedthumbnail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back from the break, live with brigador.

>> No.64084451

200kbs of internet for every mega, if those five are stable you have 1050~950, there is on obs a kbs to quality calculator which i cant link due to lazyness, but you have a solid base to probably stream at 480p, better than at least 1 /asp/ie.

>> No.64084510

Ainslie can you please do a dub of this? I can be you black male if you want.

>> No.64084555 [DELETED] 


>> No.64084561

What the fuck is this

>> No.64084632

imagine the drama

>> No.64084985

I will try it later

>> No.64085026

>If you have 5 fans you actually have 0 fans

>> No.64085032

How much I love this twink.

>> No.64085086

Why won't you guys watch my streams? How can I improve my streams?
What are we my strengths and weaknesses?

>> No.64085158


>> No.64085191


>> No.64085212

Have you tried not being a male?

>> No.64085219
File: 38 KB, 303x336, IMG_0295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit my artist delivered.
Christmas Pafu is back on

>> No.64085225


>> No.64085227
File: 162 KB, 503x483, 1694181473365007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i woke up in a new bugatti
i woke up in a new bugatti
i woke up in a new bugatti
i woke up in a new bugatti

>> No.64085267

Post the full thing here or in the cord and I will tribute just for you <3

>> No.64085270

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.64085283

STFU camui, leave

>> No.64085300

Tributes are funny but I want to do a special Christmas Karaoke reveal for this model

>> No.64085364

Call him up, tell him he's overusing the symmetry tool and it's noticeable

>> No.64085390

Disliked drop for the longest time because they just told me to fuck off in chat for no reason. Even made sure with the streamer I wasn't stepping on any boundaries. I think drop just had a bad day or something..

Well, they're trying to somewhat "make up" or they just completely forgot but he started following me in social media. I don't want seethe for all eternity because they had a bad day once, so I'm giving them a second chance

>> No.64085424

Here is the link for the babi cord. If it stops working its because they saw me make the link and put a stop to it banishing me to the shadow realm. The truth must be known

>> No.64085556

its gone....

>> No.64085565

He's on YouTube right? That and him streaming at weird hours for me filters me too hard damn it. I still haven't caught a single strim TT

>> No.64085601

I will get my hands on those sweet babis one day...

>> No.64085625

You are thinking of the emperor ojii san, severyn streams on twitch

>> No.64086134

I want to try making a janky gif again. Can't find the ref of who I want so give me names

>> No.64086155


>> No.64086316

I have no idea who you're talking about but aspies talking about giving people 'second chances' is really funny to me. You have like 10 viewers on average, have some fucking humility. No one with any clout is going to care about being hated by people from here.

I've had plenty of bad interactions with partnered streamers but i've moved on because i'm just a 2view and this business is full of assholes.

>> No.64086341


>> No.64086375

ive not had a single bad interaction with a vtuber so far and i'm starting to wonder if i'm just lucky or what. this thread makes vtubing seem so much scarier than it actually is.

>> No.64086438

Who did the art btw?

>> No.64086490
File: 9 KB, 103x237, 1697901307241807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starting in 5: New game with some automation tinkering.

>> No.64086541

If you're reading and believing even half of the gossip you read here then OF COURSE its going to look scary because you're reading and believing a tabloid.

>> No.64086620


>> No.64086625

Dorian is being horny on Twitter again

>> No.64086698

He should stream instead so that I could tease him until he masturbates to me

>> No.64086699

Nobody cares

>> No.64086737

More Zeph playing more NieR:Replicant.

>> No.64086913

Soooo whatchu be saying is /asp/ies all just watch each other and act like they have communities of real viewers who want to watch them? It's just an incestuous pile of streamers essentially viewbotting to 10 viewers? Wow. Glad I never come here

>> No.64087070


>> No.64087074

i was thinking about how good you'd look with my cock in your mouth you stupid fucking bitch fuck you

>> No.64087223

Mond has 50 viewers...

>> No.64087227

I can't take it anymore Mond I need you and I'm gonna travel to Germany to look for you. I need to smell your cunt.

>> No.64087240
File: 764 KB, 2560x1440, the desolate hope 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our little coffee machine is growing up and already becoming a cute little Terminator.
Let's make it into an unbeatable murder machine in this stream of The Desolate Hope!


>> No.64087284
File: 123 KB, 433x628, charleyfem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


(I know this is bait but it just gives me an excuse to write something).

I've come here and I actually watch streamers I like. Sadly I don't have time to watch them all (overlap) and I can only offer my view to so many people at once. But I'd consider myself a real viewer. Streamers here have made me laugh and kept me entertained while I draw/chill out.

I don't watch expecting anyone to watch me back. People are here looking for a sense of community.

Have a picture of female version of my model as a reward :).

>> No.64087307

I wanna tribute Andy

>> No.64087447
File: 558 KB, 930x1200, basilthing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64087452

I became a vtuber but I feel like it'd be weird to contact anyone who i started as a viewer with. I'm intimidated to contact anyone from an older gen.

>> No.64087683

Charley why are you so loveable?

>> No.64087685

Who can I credit for this?

>> No.64087783

This is why I won't take the pipeline, I would rather stay and keep supporting my oshi than to take a large amount of my time to stream knowing I will never interact again with him

>> No.64087893

I only wanted to touch something beautiful. The pretty flowers.

>> No.64088003

Did anyone hear from the gyaru from a few threads back?
I'm looking forward to see the revised design, but I didn't see it happen yet.

>> No.64088023

Agreed completely. The joy of supporting my oshi outweighs the potential joy of becoming a vtuber.

>> No.64088038

The underage lawsuit one?

>> No.64088307

Ew shit

>> No.64088567

Can he fuck off already? He doesn’t post here and doesn’t belong if he doesn’t want to associate here

>> No.64088602

The only one I know fits that description isn't an /asp/.

>> No.64088672

You act like Beryl is the one talking about himself here lmao

>> No.64088860

going to masturbate

>> No.64088883

I really love Rura. She's such a fun streamer to watch because of how she just naturally bounces from one topic to the next and how her and her chat have a cute bullying relationship.

>> No.64088903

post the aftermath

>> No.64088926
File: 121 KB, 720x716, mia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still waiting for the person who made this to stream. Will be funny

>> No.64088976

Why talk about a supposed /asp/ie if they don’t even want to talk here themselves? It’s no better than /wvt/ shilling, in fact I don’t get why you guys just don’t post about him there instead of sucking him off here. Talk about more relevant chuubas who deserve and need it

>> No.64088981
File: 164 KB, 587x392, 1675720077448806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the aftermath

>> No.64089008
File: 870 KB, 1884x2778, asdfdrhrhs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a gif but the voices told me to make this. Hope he likes it

>> No.64089058

Seethe and mald niggas

>> No.64089099

He won’t collab/fuck you

>> No.64089120

I didn't do this for too long, I should start training my voice...(not for being a femboy, but for better speaking)

>> No.64089198

Are words in this all I hear is Charles Mingus

>> No.64089220

I'll make a bet with you. If he collabs with me in the next two weeks you have to never post here again. Deal?

>> No.64089255

I want to see this cleaned up and live 2d'd. Maybe redrawn a bit

>> No.64089288

i came.

>> No.64089289

I'm so glad all my friends growing up were asians and now I can understand thick asian accents because their parents were ESL as fuck.

>> No.64089444


>> No.64089482

What if he fucks you? Will the anon have to leave then?

>> No.64089489

Yeah that's the post I responded to. Are you taking the bet or not?

>> No.64089600

I don’t know you or your oshi, but I don’t think that should stop you. I recently found out one of my favorite viewers is planning on becoming a VTuber. I am extremely excited to watch and collab with them. That might just be me though.

>> No.64089657
File: 2.82 MB, 245x245, whiterinspin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is going on

>> No.64089672
File: 109 KB, 542x546, hamicomn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi! haven't had time to revise the design yet. im still settling on an outfit, but it's coming along! i hope to post something regarding it soon.
happy to see you're interested though!

>> No.64089686

Nice transparency artifacts

>> No.64089749


>> No.64089861

And who the fuck are you

>> No.64089888

Both hit and funny, keep up the good work

>> No.64089926

Who the fuck are you?

>> No.64089948
File: 58 KB, 300x300, gumpai1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no clue what games even released this year but whatever, let's take a dump on Geoff Keighley and his dumb award show

>> No.64089980

I'm sick of your shit please stop coming to my stream you piece of shit

>> No.64090034
File: 1.27 MB, 1140x917, 1701955203326828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64090058

I’m the chick that’ll tell Beryl some fag from /asp/ wants to collab with him solely to own some anonymous poster on 4chan instead of being genuine with a collab

>> No.64090104

Move me to the self harm tier >>64089980 post has broken me

>> No.64090166

So just a liar then, gotcha. You wouldn't honor the result when you lost anyway.

>> No.64090203

>I’m the chick
sure "sis"

>> No.64090310

Woman do not exist, including me

>> No.64090393

Sorry I get as close to the mic as I can, so it's basically mumbling
Kind of scared
Thank you for your kind words

>> No.64090541

I don’t wanna see Beryl collab with people who only wanna get more numbers from here anyway.

>> No.64090554
File: 100 KB, 339x215, 1680026902690046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Throughout Heaven and Earth, I Alone Am The Honored One

>> No.64090609

its crazy that you think anyone cares what you want

>> No.64090657

i was a bit excited to see someone quoting the buddha, but then i realized you're probably just a jjkfag. either way, have a good day

>> No.64090778

I can't stop cumming to your streams I'm sorry

>> No.64090782

I think it’s cute though

>> No.64090795
File: 154 KB, 2433x2226, F-8xcG_XYAESgv2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im doing what everybody else is doing, im so original
come and watch if you care about my opinions on these rigged awards

>> No.64090881
File: 164 KB, 467x399, sexpestingsin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sh'vah is playing Deep Rock Galactic with Sin, Geltaran, and Gigibadger!

>> No.64091013

Name them, if it's me I will give you an apology

>> No.64091044


>> No.64091143

You mean the catgirl who got into twitter drama over grooming allegations and a few months back came back with a different design? she is dead

>> No.64091226

Since we are both Gyaru, how do I go about collaboration with you ? Btw I’m the one who gave you the hair advice

>> No.64091231

Is it worth upgrading to a 4090 just to run a voice changer

>> No.64091327

Even a 3080 10GB able to do that, unless you're going to gaming+voice change at the same time

>> No.64091332

>lava asks iriya where his wife is
>he says he knows where she is
>look around for a little
>he's fucking watching Rura in 3rdPTs stream


>> No.64091341

Just use your voice, no amount of voice changer will change how other people see you and when your viewers learn of the fact that you were lying to them they will feel betrayed about it

>> No.64091395

I'm always confused why GPU is needed for a voice changer? Wouldn't that be more CPU intensive?

>> No.64091400

Rura is always watching 3rdPt, she really like his streams

>> No.64091450

that's not the point

>> No.64091452

The perk of being a YouTube VTuber is when Rura is my chat she gets the escape from him and is very fun to talk with

>> No.64091483

Lavandel makes me uncomfortable. She is not a good person.

>> No.64091639


>> No.64091934

So I can never live out my dream of being a cute girl?

>> No.64091979


>> No.64092006

Is that no to my question or no to the dream

>> No.64092034
File: 358 KB, 875x720, gos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine touching the flesh of someone you love
The warmth

>> No.64092108

>>64089980 (me)
i made it up

>> No.64092254

Anyone here match bath products with their oshi so you smell just like them

>> No.64092267

Follow your dreams but know that your fans will feel incredibly hurt over you lying to them, you can be upfront about it from the beginning but that will make people feel that you are not genuine enough

>> No.64092320
File: 739 KB, 796x1106, 1701646254184635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64092415

thanks you for making me feel empty again

>> No.64092417
File: 155 KB, 830x830, sily.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg gyaru friend!??! dm me on twitter silly!

>> No.64092446

Fuck what your fans think. They don’t know shit. Be the cute girl of your dreams but you better devote yourself 100% of the time to the lie.

>> No.64092514

He's really not that interesting, why do you keep stalking him?

>> No.64092915

An harmonious relationship with your fan base is crucial for a proper community to grow healthy

>> No.64093011

no because my oshi like neutral smells and i really like citrus-y and buttery smells

>> No.64093078

Mond practices self-flagellation.

>> No.64093151

The thread targets changes every week and Iriya is always one of the targets

>> No.64093168

Yeah, you need to have a parental relationship to fans. They are stupid little adult children who don’t know shit and sometimes need to be told shut the fuck up it’s my project. Who cares if their personal feelings get hurt once or twice that’s life.

>> No.64093300

Logging in

>> No.64093372

Sudden feeling of giving up. Weird. Had time to stream tonight and just didn't have any desire to do. The thought of it made me annoyed.

>> No.64093565
File: 90 KB, 1280x720, 3615864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the games I want to play are obscure and have little to no discoverability

>> No.64093700

same bro, same

>> No.64093781

Stop caring about numbers

>> No.64093784

Target changes by the day

>> No.64093787

I wish I could hug you and cheer you up, no idea of who you are but please don't burn yourself out.

>> No.64093914

Cooking up a playlist right now

>> No.64094033

i know i'm being used, but it's okay because i like the abuse

>> No.64094078


>> No.64094086

Anon if you are passionate about those games I will watch you.

>> No.64094209

the reason why I like watching a certain aspie's stream is exactly because he does this :)

>> No.64094478

New bread for the upcoming death of the thread

>> No.64094489

FreeOfMe? Beryl?

>> No.64094556

Many aspies play obscure games

>> No.64094888

yeah i have a spray bottle full of piss and separate assorted strawberry bath products to match her depending on the day

>> No.64094913

nope, his games always have destruction

>> No.64095013

she'd call me a faggot if i did

>> No.64095101

the more i dive in the chuuba world the more i get amazed at how easy it is to groom someone. i thought it was a thing of professionality and a incredibly wide and clean record to try it, aswell as the "card of approval" from others, yet im having such an easy time messaging randoms and getting them to splurge their interests, opinions, objectives, everything, just with a tiny poke. i would recommend to explore the whole market, there are some really lonely chuubas out there, and the barrier of the unknown is the only real thing that stops you from getting them, as the /here/ ones seem pretty resistant to any kind of grooming i have tried whatsoever.

>> No.64095270

Someone reply to this with the jerking it in the restaurant copy pasta

>> No.64095501

strange man discovers humans are social creatures and explains how to make friends in a way that makes it sound like a crime

>> No.64095515

Share your wisdom. What's the number threshold where they start to realize people want to groom them?

>> No.64095572

Thanks! I'm so turned on right now. I can't help but touch myself as I read your post. I'm sitting in a crowded restaurant, surrounded by families and innocent bystanders, but that doesn't stop me. I slowly unzip my pants, feeling the anticipation building up. My hand slips inside, gripping my throbbing cock. People around me start to notice, their eyes widening in shock and disgust. The waiter drops the tray of food he's carrying, his face turning pale. I don't care. I'm lost in the pleasure, lost in the sick thrill of it all. My moans fill the air, mingling with the gasps and screams of those around me. I can see the horrified expressions on their faces, fueling my arousal even more. And then it happens. I explode, my hot, sticky cum spraying all over the tablecloth and the people nearby. They recoil in horror, some even vomit. But I'm not done. I continue to stroke cock, relishing in the chaos and destruction I've caused. It's pure ecstasy, and I couldn't be happier. Thanks to your post!

>> No.64095603

Which one of you is grooming him?

>> No.64095751

she makes normalfags uncomfortable just like i do because i'm a mentally ill weirdo and that's a good thing. she's always been very kind to me

>> No.64095879

when their enviroment if filled with chuubas, as in they are already part of a community, they start to look at everything in a contemplative manner rather than just simply accepting your offerings of social interaction.

maybe, maybe not, have you tried that yet? the average chuuba goes a little beyond just friends if you let them come to you.

>> No.64095930

It's all an act, anon.

>> No.64095982

nta but I'm far from being a normalfag and I can sense something off about her

>> No.64095999

thanks for stopping by.
man from volta.

>> No.64096080

It's the cutter menhera

>> No.64096306

if the overwhelming majority of your viewers are from here you're ngmi

>> No.64096337

that's a pretty fucking funny way of putting it

>> No.64096629

honestly, possibly, we do have that in common although I don't think she knows

>> No.64097232


>> No.64098058

sorry for misleading, I didn't mean to imply I was a cutter, I burned myself a lot more than I ever cut

>> No.64098224

plssss rest

>> No.64098387

Doesn't matter, who are you?

>> No.64098476

What are you on? She's one of the kindest aspies desu

>> No.64098534

I'm going to attempt the salt and ice challenge on stream. Wish me luck!

>> No.64098608

Just because she's racist doesn't mean she's a bad person

>> No.64099113

fiiiiine, mom...
