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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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64008547 No.64008547 [Reply] [Original]

Burnout is a serious condition.

>> No.64012304

playing videogames for a living is soooooooooooooooooooo hard

>> No.64013551

anon i dont know about you, but ive been playing video games since i was a kid, crash bandicoot on the ps1. im 25 now and i have a fuck ton of games in my backlog. most of the time i just boot up a game and play half an hour or less and feel like i just wasted my time. i want to enjoy my video games but the feeling of burnt out wont let me.

now imagine if you're a streamer, and its your job to do it, plus you have to be entertaining to your audience, non stop talking, explaining and reaction for hours, almost everyday. im not defending gura's inactivity im just saying its a real thing, even marine has expressed about it.

>> No.64013628

You mean only returning when the simp money gets low?

>> No.64013634

Hard has nothing to do with burnout, idiot.

you will never hold down a job

>> No.64013642

That's the thing, she's only a casual. She claimed to be excited for RE4 but there's no indication that she played it off stream , and she didn't play many games on her time off

>> No.64013708

She sure isn't burnt out when she has a merch sale lol

>> No.64013725

IMAGINE not playing video-games every single day and instead spending your time on boring adult stuff like cooking and reading

>> No.64013735

you make it worse when you live a life where you ignore all your problems until the last possible second

>> No.64014175

It's dealing with chat+ the performance anxiety of having so many people watch her. Gura spends most of her time gaming anyway when she isn't binging youtube memes and netflix

>> No.64014452

Is this the wagie seethe thread? Again?

>> No.64014633
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There's a term for that.

>> No.64014692


>> No.64014806

she's a female, anon...

>> No.64014895

I think a more apt comparison is something like my tabletop gaming which I only do once every two weeks. I'm often low energy and put in minimal effort, I'm eager to skip sessions if there's a good excuse, and I've considered dropping out of the group but I stick with it since it's only once every two weeks for a few hours and it's probably good for me to get out and socialize.
So I think I understand what Holos are going through, but frankly I'd find it very easy to drag my feet to the tabletop sessions if I was getting paid good money for it.

>> No.64015745
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Hell yeah it is

>> No.64015778

I think you're just depressed

>> No.64015852

Me for the past sixteen years.

>> No.64016004 [SPOILER] 
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It's nothing to with videogames and more to with keeping a metal state of being a character in an audience even if you don't see them eye to eye.

It's like everyone wants to see a popular streamer go nuclear on stream because they refused to take breaks or isn't mentally prepared.

>> No.64016187 [DELETED] 

It's a mid-twenties crisis. The other young Hololive talents also stream less: Aqua, Shion, Ayame, and La+ Darkness.
Gura not only said a little burnt out, but also working on life stuff.
The other members close to 30 have given up on that part already, or plan on retiring soon.

>> No.64016291

It's called a woman moment.

>> No.64016363

It's a mid-twenties crisis. The other young Hololive talents also stream less: Aqua, Shion, Ayame, and La+ Darkness.
Gura not only said a little burnt out, but also working on life stuff:
The other members close to 30 have given up on that part of life already, or plan on retiring soon.

>> No.64017909

in order to be burnt out you need to do something first

>> No.64021491

Not really, I'm burned out from merely existing, I ask myself "why?! I'm not even doing anything.."

>> No.64023184

Haha, same. I'm just waiting for an opportunity for a good death at this point.

>> No.64023270

Work is work.

>> No.64023387

Burnout is a excuse that management allows for Hololive talents while contract related problems are covered by the NDA. They would be reluctant to fire Gura but Japanese corpos are extremely strict with their rules.

>> No.64023530

And now it's spreading to Ame too. Fire Gura before the infection spreads.

>> No.64023915

>Do nothing
>Become a billionaire for life
You'd do the same thing.

>> No.64024101

I'd feel like an asshole

>> No.64024132

Most women don't have that problem.

>> No.64024284

yes, i wish i could afford burnout with like 10 bucks to my name.

>> No.64024451

They fill their assholes instead

>> No.64024881

yeah, with me

>> No.64024953

life is hard when you put in zero effort

>> No.64025020

I mean yeah, burnout is a thing, but what has she done about it as of late? Shes had plenty of time off, is she speaking with anybody about her issues or has she been doing almost nothing for the past year? I want to be somewhat sympathetic but the only reason shes able to take this much time off is because shes so wealthy that theres absolutely no need to do anything, chuubas with less financial security have to find a way to deal with their issues while Gura can just kinda exist.

>> No.64030615

>believing in gura

>> No.64030918

>dealing with chat
turn it off on her end or even their end
>performance anxiety
How when she's not performing in front of anyone?

>> No.64033903


>> No.64035127
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Imagine being so burnt out you can't even write a nonsense tweet while lying in bed.

>> No.64037103

i she getting help to solve this?

>> No.64037578

yes, from me

>> No.64039494

It sorta is

>> No.64043039

