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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 120 KB, 850x999, __uruha_rushia_uruha_rushia_amemiya_nazuna_mikeneko_and_amemiya_nazuna_hololive_and_2_more_drawn_by_kurisuteya__sample-5b892786e110bc3834105a30b22a3b12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
63987293 No.63987293 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it treated as a big fucking secret which vtubers share a talent while they're part of a company, but that all goes out the window the second they quit or are fired?
A post would be deleted for mentioning Zaion and Sayu in the same breath while she was a Niji, but the second she's an indie it's fair game? Seems like a meaningless double standard.

>> No.63987762

the rule only exists because then the SEAfriends of the mods wouldnt have any power. DepressedMousagi wouldnt had been able to seel info on patreon, dramatuberss would be no interesting because then anyone could simply read 4chan qithout needing archive reps. but fucking hell, even reddit openly talks about PL and RM by simply putting it in a spoiler format. twitter threw this unwritten rule since two years ago and the vtubing community there openly aand continually shared who is who. when advent debuted, every single thread had someone asking for the info and many others replying with direct links

>> No.63988023

Its not a problem except for a handful of specific talents who have an autistic janny that stalks the board looking fot every mention of their roommate.

>> No.63988040

gag order to protect money disguised as virtuous

>> No.63988140

Yeah I never really got why mentioning a vtuber's other gig is "forbidden" as long as it's also a vtuber or doesn't show their face. You could maybe make a case for when the other persona is a fleshie but other than that it feels like fair game to me.

>> No.63988588
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When i found out all the top 10 vtubers are ugly as fuck. A true equalizer that one.

>> No.63988866

Yeah, if the alt is a fleshtuber going by their real name I fully understand the stigma. It just feels retarded when they're both vtubers but you're only allowed to talk about one of them, even when they're active on both accounts.

>> No.63989633

Yeah. Even full on doxxshit is more or less common knowledge since it's readily available via a simple google search and often has been like that for years. Not to mention how even /here/ you can often get away with PL stuff by saying the magic word "roommate", then suddenly some vague-ass nod towards supposedly "sensitive" info gets deleted ASAP (which only serves to confirm it's veracity). The rules are 100% applied arbitrarily based purely on jannie preferences.

>> No.63990034
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It's to benefit the corpos so people /here/ don't freely advertise and popularize a vtuber's roommate over their active corporate owned identity. It's kind of dumb that 4chan of all places is more censored and sanitized than a YouTube comment section though.

>> No.63991753

Look at the announcements section at the top of the page. Did you know that /vt/ is actually the youngest board on 4chan and not /vrpg/, /vmg/, /vst/ and /vm/?
Why do you think it is that /vt/ never got an announcement when it was created, but the others did? I'll give you a hint: it's not because this board is so awesome and good.

>> No.63991852

all the top 10 from where? niji? vshounen?

>> No.63991907

I hate Rushiafags so much it's unreal, your oshi is an alien cock sucker, leave this fucking planet with her already

>> No.63993549

Stay the fuck away from girls with uncontrolled BPD. Don’t try arguing with them, they will not admit they’re wrong, even with actual evidence and manipulate the shit out of you. Even if you caught her playing "APEX" with man all night, she still will be able to convince your dumb ass to stay with her. She’s going to keep trying to manipulate you and get you to come back. Get ready for her to try and contact you every few months for the next several years. Chicks like that are absolute serial cheating psychos.

>> No.63993944

I'm sorry you had to live something so hot

>> No.63993946

do you really want /vt/ to turn into a fiendish sixfaced solid, or a fleshie, or an eceleb gossip board? because that's what you get if you abolish Rule 1.

>> No.63998289

Meidos are inherently bias on which ones they allow and which ones they don't. Its why posting like just Shiori's arm that she showed on one of her streams can get deleted and eat a ban whilst like Irys or Kiara showing theirs get ignored.

>> No.63998491

This, if you want to know what happens to a vtuber community when you no longer ban doxxshit gossip just look at /hlg/

>> No.64000492

The OG 4chan anti-doxxing rules are mostly because of old raiding and /b/tards harassing or killing people because of it, more or less. Still, banning doxx is a good thing for the same reasons as such past, even more so with how kpop-stan levels of schizo vtuber fans are.

Roommate used to refer in /jp/ to the flesh identity of the vtuber, in the sense that they are "roommates" with themselves (model and person). Then retarded newfags and tourists diluted the meaning to include things like past lives. Just like how retarded newfags and tourists diluted the concept of "waifu" to "any hot anime girl", and many more terminology (like how newfags and tourists are currently diluting "cunny" to include any kind of flat girl, for example)

That said, the anti-Past Lives fake "rule" and retard janny behavior stems from the OG Gurafag meido in /jp/ before /vt/ was made, who used to be at war with the senzawa/HERfags. Then newfags started copying the behavior like monkeys.
But if you look at the actual /vt/ rules, there is no such thing:
>discussion should not pertain to their real lives, relationships, or appearances ("IRL").
which is an anti-doxxing rule, not a muh past lives rule.

>> No.64001202

Also, anti-PL rules are fucking retarded because it would cause a lot of direct conflicts:
Example 1:
>A vtuber like Lumi who moves to another company with the same model and identity
>A vtuber like Rushia who goes everywhere (holo/vshojo/indie) and even does some simultaneously
>A vtuber like Dizzy who openly says on stream that she was Slugma, manager and streamer of Tsunderia, and discusses experiences related to that time period
>people used to make threads about Mint content, way after Pomu's debut
>Several vtubers with multiple reincarnations
>Natsume Moe used to be posted on /wvt/ before holo
and so on

The longer the vtuber scene is around, the more we'll see cases like this.
Every other role-based job (VAs, movie actors, radio hosts, DJs, etc) have a curriculum and a work history.
It's just retarded nowadays to ignore that specifically for vtubers. Literally all "people" here have to do is not to doxx IRL for safety reasons, as in Rule 1. Is it really that hard?

>> No.64001880

It keeps focus on the Vtuber's current activities when you tard wrangle the audience into not clinging on to shit fromthe past. I went to a few anime cons this year and it's like you people are women who love to gossip because you found out le secret info about X tuber and need to share it with someone.

>> No.64002177

It's easy to say this when you are a newfag and cannot feel the consequences.
You won't say this years later when your oshi graduates eventually if she goes to a different place (indie or another corpo, or indie to corpo).
To pretend to wipe the past is to pretend to wipe all meaning from the time you spent enjoying them.

>> No.64002587

because none of this shit makes consistent sense in the first place
as much as mods are fags menheras are worse

>> No.64002591

I've been in this community longer than most people on this board, I've had many of my oshis come and go. If I need to relive any of it I have archives of streams I can rewatch, I don't need secondaries who came later and never watched a stream to use their PL as fuel for their retardation. Only SEAbrowns feel the need to constantly hold the past against someone

>> No.64002989
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>Only SEAbrowns feel the need to constantly hold the past against someone
that's a SEAbrown issue

>I've been in this community longer than most people on this board
And so do I, hell I've been here since 2007. If any indie vtuber I enjoy were to get into a corpo and I had to endure retarded newfags telling me [current incarnation] good [old incarnation bad] I would still treat the vtuber and talk about them as usual with the people that experienced it, even if I had to go full /a/ccelerator with the proxies.

>> No.64003114

kinda related, but it reminds of /vt/ perception with the GGN twins back then. suddenly everyone loves them just because they got slapped with the Blue Dorito seal. i can't fault this board for not watching literal whos, but the whole board feels fake because of this.

>> No.64003643

Yeah that's the blue dorito effect. Just look at Shiori pre-holo being like, sub 300 viewers indie vs now. And she was being posted in /wvt/, but people didn't give a shit because no dorito yet.
/vt/ is weird because there's this kind of brand-blindness and turbonewfag behavior that is not present in other boards:
The general 4chan attitude is hipster, contrarian, anti-mainstream, and values high in depth knowledge of the subject board. Except here (and modern /v/ I guess, I still remember when people used to shit on steam and gabe for being a DRM platform).
Just going by the general behavior of users, this place reads closer to twitter (kpop fans who are feral and "stan" a single group) and reddit (corpo dicksucking). Except it's edgy.

>> No.64004355

You don't understand my issue. Shit gets deleted when you mention that a corpo vtuber is LIVESTREAMING on their indie vtuber channel, as a vtuber. It's not doxxing or holding onto the past, it's watching an entertainer in the medium /vt/ was created to discuss.

>> No.64005423

Are you talking about them in indie threads? Because if your talking about their indie persona in the corpo threads I can see why your posts get deleted. Other anons probably don't care or want to see that so they report you (lmao)

>> No.64005679

Because its off topic 90% of the time
Most major chuubas have a past that directly links to their real face if you go back far enough

>> No.64005752

the venn diagram between twitter posters and /vt/ posters is almost a circle.
