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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 101 KB, 300x300, gross ass whor- i mean cute girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
63985729 No.63985729 [Reply] [Original]

All bow down before the QUEEN of EN vtubing!

>> No.63985819

Can't be a queen without a king

>> No.63985898
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>>63985729 (me)
My bad, Wrong pic

>> No.63985968
File: 11 KB, 201x251, mouseyhusband.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consider it done!

>> No.63986041
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>> No.63986194
File: 379 KB, 1536x2048, mouseysexpartner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mousey-chan.... I can get you a place far from the slums you call home... take my hand in marriage and I shall treat you gloriously

>> No.63986244

>discord trannies made another thread because they got BTFO'd on the other

>> No.63986290
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>> No.63986372
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Huff huff
Yes, please take me connor sama
I love you so much

>> No.63986460
File: 3.51 MB, 706x438, 1701838767973669.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63986561

>This is the quickest chat mouseykek can get in her entire 7 years

>> No.63987020

>holofags love chat spam now
that's pretty funny

>> No.63987102

how many viewers is this one

>> No.63987212

Still slower than some Holo Members stream desu

>> No.63987476

slower than nerissa's mengen earlier today

>> No.63988790

After what I've hear him say about getting some pussy, I hope he can get mousy's pussy in the long run. Maybe they really are made for each other.

>> No.63988895

>he hasn't seen an NND danmaku chat

>> No.63988939

nobody outside of japan enjoyed that

>> No.63989052

that dude is swimming in pussy
why would he settle with a cripple on lifesupport if he can fuck JCs all day long?

>> No.63989097

This has big "Lex Luthor wondering why Superman would be humble instead of conquering the world" vibes.

>> No.63989145

I love watching the holomonkeys move the goalposts. Just gonna make her ultimate victory even sweeter

>> No.63989219

don´t pretend he is a moral person

>> No.63990303
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>> No.63990391

the point is she's getting botted.

>> No.63990397

all this because 5k people can't do chat interactions

>> No.63990448
File: 954 KB, 640x360, mouseCrazy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Mouse bait the new Gura bait now that Gura has officially burnt out?

>> No.63990492

it's what happens when you're number one

>> No.63990666

No need to pretend.

>> No.63990844

How did he do it while she on a wheel chair?

>> No.63990924


>> No.63990931

can't even beat filian's shitpost youtube streams

>> No.63990947

fwiw, the wheelchair is for travel when going to a doctor. She can walk, it's just tough and takes a while. She's been improving on her muscular atrophy this year.

>> No.63990981

an ironic cuck thread, I can't believe it.

>> No.63991051

no, it's nothing compared to what gura has

>> No.63991092


>> No.63991149
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>> No.63991160
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>> No.63991184

this kills the number monkey

>> No.63991367
File: 1.17 MB, 1280x720, 1701451527313712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brownvtm DN /#/ fags are stinky and their islands should be rangebanned

>> No.63991415


>> No.63991461

Connors Fags has to go first, to tell the truth.

>> No.63991890

God I fucking miss pre-Vhoejoe Mouse. Had more personality, a cuter model, and didn't lie as much.

>> No.63992205

Jesus fucking christ if you search up ironmouse clips 90% of the results you get are ones with Connor, wtf?

>> No.63992389

You can't be a queen with a king, you absolute retard. It's monarchy, not diarchy, the king's wife is a princess. The queen's husband is a prince.

>> No.63992528

>and didn't lie as much.
do your reps, anon.

>> No.63992598

>ironmouse has 2 bait threads up
rent free

>> No.63992620

That's the only reason I don't see her to be honest. Connor sucks

>> No.63992669

Only two? Lmao

>> No.63992679

Stop raiding other generals and you wont get targeted back

>> No.63992697

>>ironmouse has 2 bait threads up
That's nothing, Gura had like five in one day, every day.

>> No.63992706

You are absolutely fucking retarded, they are called king or queen consorts, not whatever bullshit you just thought up

>> No.63992724

More like fifty

>> No.63992731

Only Gura gets more without anything happening

What the fuck are you talking about

Yeah, it's pretty sad how much she gets used to shitpost.

>> No.63992801

3 up right now, blindmousekek

>> No.63992809

kek this is a river compared to the ocean of posts Gura receives.

>> No.63992882

Cool so she's occupying your mind even more than I thought, I get it.

>> No.63992902

Kinda cute

>> No.63992923

thought she'd be able to handle more.... a damn shame she's so weak...

>> No.63993046

You could also stop falling into the bait, I can't believe this is already the fourth time you've done it in two days.

>> No.63993146

Despite any claims to the contrary imfags care very much about their whore's numbers and vehemently defend it whenever it's brought into question

>> No.63993332

Success breeds jealousy

>> No.63993341

Why are you so obsessed?

I like to call out the mentally ill of this board but I only made one other post regarding Ironmouse in that timeframe.
But it's not just ironmouse, a lot of holos / nijis get similar spastic posts made about them.

Where did I say anything about her numbers you numbermonkey?

>> No.63993391

So you don't care about liarmouse's botted numbers?

>> No.63993409
File: 66 KB, 681x651, oven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even close

>> No.63993416

Yes, but you can end the cycle of stupidity by doing nothing.

>> No.63993425

More like queen of ENbed

>> No.63993458

kek edgy but subtle joke

>> No.63993499

My oshi is a 2 view so of course I don't.
But I also think you are extremely mentally ill to obsess over this shit and claim she is lying.

>> No.63993542
File: 154 KB, 575x443, mogged.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

#fags still upset their en whores are getting mogged?

>> No.63993578

Do you realize that you are feeding the troll?

>> No.63993630

Ah yes the "I'm not actually a fan of the chuuba, I'm just defending them vehemently for fun" card, how droll

>> No.63993867

>making shit up for 24 hours straight

>> No.63993985

Are you illiterate? How did you get that from my previous answer?

>> No.63994128

rent free

>> No.63994151

nta but you literally defended her and you attacked the anon

>> No.63994181

Is she the biggest EN vtuber now that Gura has retired?

>> No.63994247

nope,she is>>63993409

>> No.63994257

Yes, and your point is?
He made up a completely fabricated fact about me just now instead of actually understanding what I wrote. I guess it's the same for you if you can't see that.

>> No.63994283
File: 237 KB, 1080x977, kitten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63994335

and now you attack me for no reason

>> No.63994363

Why the hell did she respond to that degenerate?

>> No.63994463

Is it attacking you if you comment on something that you don't understand? The anon I was responding attacked me by making up facts about what I said and you sided with him despite that.

>> No.63994512

>Is it attacking you if you comment on something that you don't understand?

>> No.63994571

Maybe you shouldn't defend somebody who makes up shit then.
Or improve your reading abilities.

>> No.63994696
File: 453 KB, 1080x1884, kitten2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It gets better kek

>> No.63994738

I didn't defend anyone, what are you talking about?

>> No.63994815

Thank goodness Elon went crazy and is going to destroy this site.

>> No.63994825

She almost always leeches off the new talent from Niji/Holo.

>> No.63994895

Where? Certainly not in your post.

>> No.63994896

>nta but you literally defended her and you attacked the anon
In response to my post calling him out on fabricating facts about me.

>> No.63995003

ok let's stop this, I'm sleepy. you win the argument or whatever we're doing.

>> No.63995008

Two more weeks, right?

>> No.63995108

Shit, you're right. We're never going to get rid of that.

>> No.63996552

that's the joke, anon
