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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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63959721 No.63959721 [Reply] [Original]

Ok but really, can you holofans stop trying to say that she hates being in Niji?
No, she wasn't tricked by Selen, yes, she joined the Apex tourney, and yes, while startend isn't there, she's happy that her Niji oshis are.
>Oh my god imagine if I get to spot chihiro. Omg shes with kaede and rion..
>Chii-sama? exactly, you understand
>idk it still hasnt hit me yet, its a really cool opportunity
>chat:wanna try saying hi to her?
>I cant, im to shy, im going to admire her from afar like some kind of pervert. Im going to stay away at a socially acceptable distance

>> No.63959797

Actual transcript of what she said:
>I think we got news about this Apex custom during... I want to say my second- the end of my second week, after debut. Just two weeks after debut. At the end of it.
>And originally, I had- I was like, [gasp]- oh my god! I really, really want to join! Because, like... You know, if I get krabered by a gamer cat maid, or a shooting star, I would- [laugh] You know what I mean? That is a one in a life- this is a one in a lifetime opportunity! Or like- or like, you know, being gunned down by an AR99, or a festival... you know?
>You can understand, right? You wakaru, you know what I'm saying? You guys get it, I'm the same! In a person of my shoes, I was like, [gasp] I have the nendos, I have plushies, if I get to eat a kraber because I'm scouting out a [???]- you know, that's just rather unfortunate, right? You know, I just- I was just- I was like, oh my god! I- I have to!
>So, I was like, ooh, maybe- maybe- maybe Kunai and Claude would want to play. So, I first thought to ask Claude and Kunai, and Kunai is not too interested in playing Apex, so I get that.
>And then- and then Claude- [laugh] Claude! Claude! He was like, "Do I want to have fun? Or do I want to sweat it out? And win?" And I was like, bro! Because we didn't have a third, and Kunai already said no, and I was like, I- I don't, I haven't really spoken to anyone really yet, I don't really know- I can count on one hand how many people play Apex, quite literally, that isn't Selen-senpai. And you know she's on her own team!
>So, I was like, shit! I was like, I- what do I do? And then I quickly asked- I was like, "Hey Vanta, you wanna play Apex?" And, you know, I feel like he's always- he's always down to try out new things and stuff like that, and he's like, "Yeah, sure! Sounds like fun!" And then- [laughs] And then I was like, "Alright! Who's our third?"
>Oh yeah, I asked Reimu-senpai first, and then Reimu was like, "Oh, I'm so sorry, I already have my team formed!" And I was like, two people that I know, that I've spoken to- you know, they're already teamed up with people.
>So, yeah, I asked Vanta, I was like, "Hey Vanta, you interested?" And then he was like, "Yeah, sure! Who's our third? You want me to go grab a third?" And I was like, "Yeah! Sure! I don't know anyone!" It was in my third week coming in!
>And then one morning, I saw a message, it was Bobon looking for a team, and I was like, "Oh! We need a third! Hey! If he's alright with me and Vanta..." And that's how it came to be.
>That's how it came to be, all because I'm a pervert and I was hoping that I would just run into the line of fire and maybe just drop a red shield and a fully kitted-out gun in front of, you know, some people and I'd just be like, "Oopsies~!"


tl;dr: asked her wavemates first, then asked other guys so she could play. Stop this dumb rrat about her being forced, or hating it there, she doesn't hate it and she just wants to have fun.

>> No.63959852

kys falseflagger, stop shitting up the catalog with Vivi. She's still a good girl, by niji standards anyway

>> No.63959907
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I hope these new girls can live on "nijisanji family" and fun.

>> No.63959974

Anon, I'm not trying to shit up anything.
I'm trying to stop this stupid baseless rrat that she's trying to pander to a certain audience. She isn't. She's not this cgdct or gfe bullshit that holofans keep spewing. She just wants to have fun, period.
>/#/ brainrot
Fuck off.

>> No.63960287

>pointing out that these new girls are not even making subsistence wages is /#/ brainrot
No really, it's a job. It's great if she has fun whilst doing it but nijiEN needs to find a way to "pander" to a different audience because this one is simply not supporting them.

>> No.63960440

Why is it so hard to shill your oshi without mentioning Hololive?

>> No.63960499

Holofans don't even know who these random Niji whores are.

>> No.63960689

She shouldn't have been born a woman then.

>> No.63960768

To be fair, in this case it looks like anon’s oshi was gettibg wet over the thought of getting killed by Aqua or Suise, and now has blue balls because they aren’t even involved.

>> No.63960865

>doesn't deny the falseflagging accusation.

>> No.63961309

Ah, yes, because I'm certainly a falseflagger that's trying to stop shit about her. Retard.
No I'm not a falseflagger either.
How is she having blue balls when her niji oshis can kill her too?

>> No.63961728

>She's not this cgdct or gfe bullshit
if she isn't then why even bother explaining all that >>63959797

>> No.63961815

I’m just going off the fact she jumped straight to shlicking over Aqua and Suisei before having to settle for less to satiate her blue balls.

>> No.63961832

>by niji standards
What standards???

>> No.63961883

Yes you do that's why you're in this thread.

>> No.63962198

Because context is good? So it doesn't look like I'm making shit up? She doesn't care for those labels and will just do what she wants to have fun, nothing wrong with it.

>> No.63962226

Go ask Victoria herself.

>> No.63962366
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Damn, bitch actually thought she could be in the same lobby with Aqua and Suisei lmaoa
Go enjoy some Ollie and Iofi instead hahahahaha oh and ARMIS and Tempus boys

>> No.63962635

nta but this, for rando indies working actual jobs who openly state they do this for fun, whatever, it's not surprising if they don't make much money. nijiEN however is supposed to be a premiere corpo and people try to hold up their method as like the anti-Hololive constantly because apparently some crowd out there just hates Hololive for existing and insisting on its methods and direly wishes something would beat it to own le unicrons.

When Luxiem was on the rise, Vox was making massive money etc there were constant threads. There were threads literally made every time Vox passed any Holo in subs even if it was daily, just to rub it in. These shitters were gloating nonstop about leh noomber poombers when things were going their way and now it's all just "pfeh irrelevant, at least they're having FUN you jerks, don't you get it, FUUN, niji is just a small indie corpo pls understan and if you point out how we were last year you're seething and it's totally not us getting just desserts THEY'RE HAVING FUN"

>> No.63964143

>implying it’s not the same troons playing both sides for fun
you have a lot to learn. unless you’re one yourself, of course

>> No.63964159

>Kunai made 1/5 of Vivi's superchat revenue
Did the CGDCT meme really helped Vivi that much?

>> No.63964267

there are le agents of chaos out there who just want to watch the world burn etc and yes they are indeed a thing and yes they are indeed 13 years old physically or mentally.

or rather I'd think they're actually vtuber antis overall, they don't actually have any real sincerity in anything they say and just want to make the board a shittier place any way they can legally do so and then they'll stand back and point at it and go "ooohh look how shitty /vt/ is why would you do this" etc. probably because they're normalfags or just random children from /v/ who got real, REAL mad one day because one too many Miko or Pekora reaction faces got posted somewhere and their pure serious socratic discussion of digital toys aka vidya got ruined literally forever.

>> No.63964336

>that much
Anon... Both of those numbers are pathetic.

>> No.63964339

Its funny you bring up what she said about chihiro as a cope but she literally only started talking about her after someone in chat brought her up

>> No.63964376

I mean that much in comparison to Kunai

>> No.63964591

>she literally only started talking about chichan after someone in chat brought her up
That honestly sad

>> No.63966090

Gosh this just makes me feel bad. She seems like a genuine fan who was misled into thinking she'd have a chance to play with the people she idolises.
While I personally didnt expect any of the big JPs to show up, fuck Selen for misleading everyone and Axel for being a useless twat

>> No.63966316
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What is this misinformation being spread now? She's excited because she has some of her nijiJP oshis in there.
Even some responses in this thread are acting like Vivi is MISERABLE in Niji and would've rather been in Holo and suddenly she's not excited for the tournament anymore because no one she likes is in it when that's not even close to true.

>> No.63966558

>was all excited about getting shot by festival and other holomembers
>all the popular holos didn't even join

>> No.63966617

what did you expect? no one here actually watches streams for context

>> No.63966869

Axel probably mislead Selen, but it was dumb on her part to advertise the tourney as including "all branches of both companies" if she didn't have any confirmation.

>> No.63966901

>everyone had already formed a team



>> No.63966927

Fagoons are in full damage control mode right now.
She is making the best of a bad situation, which is an admirable trait to have, that doesn't make the tourney organizer lying to people the right thing to do.

>> No.63967305

Kunai didn't turn on monetization for her channel until like 2 days ago. Most of her income came from streamlabs.

Vivi gets $1000 in gifted memberships every single stream. Her entire chat is green most streams. When are /#/ trannies gonna stop using superchats as a metric for success when YT released the gifted memberships feature nearly 2 years ago?

>> No.63967349

This girl is pretty legit, she dogwhistles just enough to her fans but also never says a bad word against anyone either. And she also managed to make Luca the sexpest look like a chump as well. Bravo, Vivi.

>> No.63967415

Sad, no Aqua, Towa, Suisei combo or Matsuri. It really feels like she got jebaited hard and then on top of that the salty no men allowed REEEE autists attacking her. Such is Niji though.

>> No.63967432

>$1000 in gifted memberships every single stream.
How do you know that for sure? Remember you can buy tons of memberships with funny money from LATAM.

>> No.63967485

Imagine thinking anyone who posts in catalog trash threads is actually a fan of anybody

>> No.63967522

>on top of that the salty no men allowed REEEE autists attacking her.
I guarantee that is mostly fasleflagging Nijisisters who want to put her in her place for trying to resist their toxic work enviroment and bad EN members.

>> No.63967533

Why did she drag Holos into this? Like I know it's acceptable somewhat that most of them leech off of popular personalities to some extent, but it's really a bummer that she has to include Aqua and Suisei in her shit.

>> No.63967602

>Why did she drag Holos into this?
Because she is a fan and the whole draw of this tourney was getting big Hololive members in it?

>> No.63967681

What exactly is the problem here? Like where in that clip is the problem? Why is it a problem? At what point did she imply she had done anything but speculate who might join? The time and date lined up with Startend, which Selen acknowledged, even saying that people had had to “drop out” because of scheduling. Surely you at the very least watch Hololive to know about Startend? If not, surely you watch Selen to have known she explained what happened? Or Vivi to see that she can’t wait for the tournament? Surely you watch vtubers? Even 1 of these people? No? That’s what I thought

>> No.63967705

The main two guys who gift them also superchat in USD. I guess that isn't definitive proof, but she's doing fine.

>> No.63967868

Don't be a retard. If you got to fight your oshi in a game you would do it. This is the legitimate way without being a creep like a stream sniper.

>> No.63967884

>you're not allowed to be fans of hololive if you're in nijisanji

>> No.63967942
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vivi is a unityfag like many other en, she loves both

>> No.63968075

Let's trade. Transfer this lady over to HoloEN and in return, you get to have Mori, Kiara or Kronii. Whichever one of those you want. Deal?

>> No.63968128

Vivi is going to practice APEX with the girls instead of her actual team…

>> No.63968218

Honestly based. The mosf enjoyable streams for me this year has been different company collabs, since it returns that indie kind of feel and excitement they are probably starved for.

>> No.63968317

HoloEN needs to work on itself NGL. The talenf is therr but I don't know if it is a slump or taking things for granted, but it feels.. Slow?

>> No.63968631
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so is mel, its not a big deal if they want to practice their individual skills with people who are actually decent at the game

>> No.63968642
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>> No.63968862
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my unity chad wife is streaming come watch her holobros

>> No.63968916

Advent added a fresh injection of life. HoloEN have plans but are busy with extra cover work, considering they have a christmas event, 5th fes in like march as well as some other upcoming event.

>> No.63969259

bobon is dead she cant do that

>> No.63969395

>talking with another males
what a fucking whore, no wonder her numbers dropped

>> No.63969406

Based. Maybe I will watch you after all...

>> No.63972593

Its important to note that those are the don quixote mochidorus which were not easy to obtain overseas

>> No.63978606


>> No.63983208

The main problem is holo beggars, or falseflaggers, trying to say that she should have been in holo.
She's happy in Niji, thanks.

>> No.63988643

all i got out of this is that she deserves to stay in niji

>> No.63991555

All holoans are nijifans. Victoria is a nijifan. Victoria is a holoan QED

>> No.63991609

>Victoria is a nijifan.

>> No.63992566

She joining Niji.

>> No.63994528

Good for her getting real money and not SEA monopoly money.

>> No.63994559

She would be happier in holo. Hell, anyone would be happier in holo

>> No.63994612

Enna, Millie and Kyo deserve to be right where they are.

>> No.63994701

That doesn't contradict my statement

>> No.64000718

Well too bad, she can't come

>> No.64003378

holy fucking shit, this is BEFORE niji takes a cut, too. They would've gotten more money staying indie...

>> No.64003817

Anon, it's not about the money. It's about being close to her oshi's in Niji.
It's the same thing as Nerissa being close to Kiara.
