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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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6391899 No.6391899 [Reply] [Original]

>liking the wrost gundam series
Yep this bitch is already trash

>> No.6391941

Super Robot Wars it is

>> No.6391953

Aside from G.Seed, I like her selection of animes

>> No.6391966

Yeah, that was the deal breaker. I could live with anything else but Gundam Seed Destiny is the worst anime of all time bar none. /m/ and /a/ both agree on this issue.

>> No.6391970

She likes nothing but trash from my point of view.

>> No.6391994

Seed is kind of a boomer anime to like at this point, its the kinda Gundam you only like if it was your first ever Gundam.

>> No.6392011

>Fellow Bakuman enjoyer
Get fucked OP, gundam is a shit series.

>> No.6392037

>liking people based on their certain anime tastes
Do anons really?

>> No.6392041

Gundam 0083 > Gundam Wing > G Gundam > All other gundams > Gundam Seed

This is literally impossible to argue, so please don't try

>> No.6392047

Not only does she look disgusting. Her tastes are disgusting as well.

>> No.6392062

Yes, now stop being a fag and criticize her tastes.

>> No.6392071

Yes. If you like Nijisanji. Kindly delete yourself from these threads.

>> No.6392118

Sorry but gundam is a shit series.

>> No.6392133

I mean, SEED did have some absolute bangers in it's soundtrack. Maybe thats why she likes it.

>> No.6392149
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When did Gundam officially jump the shark from "A gundam is just a specially built mobile suit" to "This gundam is built out of 1000 fold plot armor, infinite fuel, and weapons that can instagib entire colonies"?

>> No.6392157

Destiny is really bad.

That said, I loved its music

>> No.6392164
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I subbed the moment I saw Seed.

>> No.6392168

Where did I say it wasn't you trog?

>> No.6392182

When they kept on making more super-prototypes and kept the mass produced ones as inferior copies

>> No.6392188

Seed is fine. Seed DESTINY is the problem.

>> No.6392211

Gundam Unicorn comes to mind...

>> No.6392213

Imagine if she said Code Geass instead.

>> No.6392228

Azki and sora like SEED too

>> No.6392256

Imagine if she said Zoids or Big O

>> No.6392295

you children, back in 2006, gundam seed was hands down the best gundam out there. I still prefer it to the trash that was 00, unicorn and iron blooded orphans. granted destany was pretty mediocre. but atleast seed was fine. none of those listed were the best gundam though. The 08th MS Team was the best gundam

>> No.6392296

Seed still has the protag dying on earth and then rising on the third day, in some space sluts bed.

>> No.6392303
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Gundam Seed?

What trash taste. The only truly S-tier Gundam series is obviously G Gundam English Dub.

>> No.6392343

I can't take this series seriously with all the ultra outlandish designs for the gundams

>> No.6392354

I don't think it's meant to be taken seriously.

>> No.6392366


Magnificent! How can any other Gundam Series possible top this?

>> No.6392386


>> No.6392396

But that's every Gundam before SEED. I am of course excluding KINO like GBF Try. Literally a masterpiece compared to the cartoon transformers that is 0080.

>> No.6392415


Based and goated. Gundam Seed and Destiny owns

>> No.6392417

absolute plebeian taste

>> No.6392436

Gundam Wing is the trash one. Genius kiddos using super military technology to blow shit up while laughing like it's GTA

>> No.6392464

G Gundam came before and literal retard kids were using gundams in boxing matches. At least in Wing they were Child Soldiers who had 0 idea how to socialize or meld into society, minus Duo

>> No.6392526
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I dunno she seems pretty cool to me

>> No.6392581

Isn't this the one that's mainly popular among Twitter schizos purely because it goes out of its way to avoid fanservice? Weird choice, considering how openly horny Seed is.

>> No.6392619

ITT: No taste faggots

>> No.6392637

Gundam Seed is trash garbage, but hey at least Death Note is pretty good for the most part.

>> No.6392669

Gundam Seed is about child soldiers, but the show is written in such a way that its your typical soap drama instead of being an actual mecha show. Not helping matters is how the protagonist doesn't want to kill people while being the biggest mass murderer on the show.

>> No.6392745

Literal 46yo boomer here: I thought Seed was the best non-UC Gundam. I have not seen Destiny, or any Gundam series after Seed. Before that my favorite was Zeta. Seed has the kind of overblown drama that I dig.

>> No.6392748

I bet you haven't watch IBO and AGE
>Not helping matters is how the protagonist doesn't want to kill people while being the biggest mass murderer on the show.
You're confusing Destiny and Seed

>> No.6392764

dude check this out:
gundam sneed lol

>> No.6392787

G Gundam is PURE TESTOSTERONE. Some of you can't handle that. I understand.

>> No.6392838

for someone who has sung anime music for 9 years she sure has generic and normie taste

is this a marketing plot to get casual EOPs to think she's just like them?

>> No.6392884

>kaguya-sama love is war
Yes, truly a great Japanese animation, but my favorite would be "When They Cry: Higurashi ~that summer in which the cicadas cried~" which is a quiet little mystery number with vibes of "Again from Zero: I'm Starting Again In An Alternate World"

>> No.6392908

>Gundam Wing
Trash beyond belief

>> No.6392914

>seething over an EN chuuba using the official EN titles

>> No.6392918

IBO gave us Carta Issue though so it cannot be the worst

>> No.6392928

I remember AZKi like Gundam Seed too, why didn't she got hated for it, huh? Y'all just pushing IRyS.

>> No.6392958

Seed was not great, but at least it was somewhat coherant and had some really cool mech designs. Better than ZZ imo. Seed Destiny on the other hand? Extremely entertaintertaining trainreck, but if you value quality writing, absoloutely the worst Gundam of them all.

>> No.6392972

>Stardust Memory
Literally the biggest backpack of the franchise, terrible. GP02 was the only good thing about 0083. Also the GM Custom.

>> No.6393021

>Better than ZZ
Someone got filtered by Moon Moon

>> No.6393035

>G Gundam came before and literal retard kids were using gundams in boxing matches

You say that like it's a bad thing.

>At least in Wing they were Child Soldiers who had 0 idea how to socialize or meld into society, minus Duo

The concept of Wing, like 00, was pretty good. The execution, like 00, was pretty bad.

>> No.6393070

how dare you call her a bitch. she's super seiso.

>> No.6393087

by the end of seed I didn't even know what the fuck was happening thanks to all the flashbacks. It was a clusterfuck.

>> No.6393160

That face though. The first vTuber that has dementia.

>> No.6393309

Damn, this thread derailed to 'what is the best gundam series and what's the trashiest' debate

>> No.6393429

I know, it's amazing right

>> No.6393497
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stll etter than "when they cry series" as favourite anime. Anything besides the OP and ED of the Umineko should be forgotten

>> No.6393571

Did people forgot that mori also liked gundam seed and she covered its op

>> No.6393591

I don't think I've ever seen a girl name a Gundam anime other than SEED or Wing as a favorite, and it's usually SEED.

>> No.6393642
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>> No.6393670
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Ina Ina Ina....

>> No.6393671

Gundam seed is fine. The problem is Kira. The fact that he didn't die while tanking a close range explosion without any problem is bullshit.
Heero did the same thing and it was already bullshit back then. (That's without talking about Kira's "garystueness" of course.)
Also the Char clone is really underdevelloped and as a result I didn't really care about him.

I think one good way they could have handled it is Kira dies, the protagonist seat switch to Arthrun where he has to deal with the fact that he killed one of his friend and how to move forward.

Does anyone have the gundam anime chart? I was watching the anime in order but I lost it. Funnily enough, the last gundam I watched was seed.

>> No.6393707

This list makes no sense. It's like half of it is her real taste and half is bait for zoomies

>> No.6393737

It's the only good direction this thread could possibly have gone in, even if we all know what the best Gundam was.

>> No.6393757

The only chuuba with based taste is mori. Her fav anime is Gurren Lagann. All other anime are trash and I wont hear otherwise

>> No.6393769

Destiny pretty much confirmed that Kira is actually Jesus. It's all a religious allegory. Once you start seeing the parallels with the new testmanent, it still kinda blows, but it's not quite as bad.

>> No.6393804 [SPOILER] 
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forgot my pic

Typical GL fan. Watch Getter Armaggedon and say that again.

>> No.6393813

That's probably what it is. Put your actual faves and throw in a few recent big hits, to seem more approachable. I'm surprised Kino no Tabi isn't here, despite being mentioned in favourite LN. Fate appears in both.

>> No.6393821

t. average EN viewer

>> No.6393854

women can't have good taste in anime.

>> No.6393875
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>> No.6393886


That's all western English viewers in a nutshell

>> No.6393944


Anyway, back to Uzaki Mid and Midtoro

>> No.6393945

Kino's recent anime is scuffed

>> No.6393950

Old mecha anime? count me in. Will do, thanks

>> No.6393955

Yeah, but the old one is still Kino

>> No.6394011

Well, I'm currently watching LOTGH and enjoying it a lot so far. It's quite long but i'm glad i got into it

>> No.6394038

kek that nose

>> No.6394176

I like redjuice art, but fucking hell there is something wrong with that live2d. Especially when she looks up/sideways.

>> No.6394436


>> No.6394968

Anime taste is the gateway to the autistic soul.
You have to understand how serious of an issue this is. People have been gutted like a fish before at ani-cons for having the wrong anime opinions.

>> No.6395060

when newtypes got super powers, so since zz/chars chars counter attack

>> No.6395243

I can't stand seed, but almost as offensive is evagelion. I can't comprehend why people like that shit, it's just about as garbage as shows like seed and aquarion. It's half assed 3DEEP5U shit with shitty "mech" designs that all look like lanky faggots in tennis shoes and an extension cord.

>> No.6396162

the best gundam is Turn A Gundam
all will bow to the mustache Gundam and Turn X

>> No.6396263

> IRyS hate,
has any other vtuber received so many hate threads after debut?

>> No.6397415

One day us Xfags will have our day in the sun

>> No.6401478

She also likes Angel Beats, which means she probably enjoy's Maeda's writing in general. It sounds like she just has a low powerlevel.

>> No.6403009

>akshually admitting to liking mecha
>just so you can shill the two most boomer normcore series
>that mecha fans loath with a passion because it skews people's perceptions of what mecha anime actually is
The Dynazenon watchalog was garbage as well. I mean, presumably an official company Youtube channel literally has subbed KAMEN RIDER movies. Earth granner dubs are up as well. I believe some classic gridman episodes are also available. Instead of that, they went with a tasteless flavor of the month soap opera. Imagine using a giant platform just to advertise to the world what a disgustingly tasteless pleb you really are.

>> No.6403076

I vote we just transfer her over to the jp branch where she wants to be

>> No.6403573

>Wing Dingers thinking their Gundam for girls show is better than the other Gundam for girls sow.

>> No.6406359


>> No.6406387

Still better than wing

>> No.6407789
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>Putting wing over all of the actually good gundams
I'll commend you for putting G Gundam that high, but you're a fucking retard if you thing Gundam Wing isn't garbage

>> No.6408893

Like Gundam Seed she's my Destiny

>> No.6415768

IBO gave us Gaelio though so it cannot be the worst

>> No.6415878
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hai guise
is this the hathaway thread?

>> No.6416183

Has he been found yet?

>> No.6416276

unironically end yourself if you think Wing is trash.

>> No.6416292


>> No.6416293

>liking the show where the female cucks the male lead with her ex
Let me guess, you either a deadbeat or a zomcuck

>> No.6416297


>> No.6416303




>> No.6416325

>you will never be japanese

>> No.6416365

you will never learn English

>> No.6416455

chinese cartoons are for children
if a woman likes any at all, she's already beyond repair

>> No.6416620
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>> No.6417546

>Gundam Wing
Anon, gas yourself.

>> No.6417701

just finished gundam the origin recently and it was pretty good. gundam wing has the most fire op at least

>> No.6420232

nice literal whore

>> No.6420367

No, Gundam Wing has less cute girls than SEED, therefore it is objectively worse.

>> No.6420409
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Did someone say Gundam SEED?

>> No.6420441
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>> No.6420488
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>> No.6420525
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>> No.6420575
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>> No.6420741
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>> No.6422565
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I literally started watching Ina when I found out her taste was exquisite and fell in love after that

>> No.6422724

Defend this Takos

>> No.6422917

This is a discovery We found the one person who likes Gundam Seed.

>> No.6424114

Eva is steaming dog shit, what a fucking tragedy

>> No.6425436

just like this site, but what can ya do
