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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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63798319 No.63798319 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.63798454

Oh that guy. I hate him! (I'm assuming we hate the guy and trying to fit in)

>> No.63798497 [DELETED] 

>Meme Culture videos

>> No.63798601

you made this thread already

>> No.63798644

god I'm so tired of seeing this shit everywhere. behead all lolicons

>> No.63798710

Jealous hag lol.

>> No.63798724

>This guy thinks UI is anti loli
LMFAO this is why normies getting into anime subjects was a mistake

>> No.63798916
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You fuckers didn't gatekeep hard enough. Now look where we are: Facebook-tier idiots on /vt/ posting their slop instead of lurking. At least SEA monkies have the decency to not post this shit during their inane ramblings.

>> No.63799314

>liking lolis is controversial
this guy shouldnt be teaching history

>> No.63799536

>lolikami stolen and forced into nig nog rap
Heck yes!

>> No.63799933
File: 14 KB, 217x274, GAYvI-0aIAAosQj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vtubers make their way into mainstream media
>its because of niggers again

>> No.63799944


>> No.63799978

I ain't watching that, post a 30 second clip of it on streamable and I just might bother

>> No.63800147

it's nigger music, you're better off eating a light bulb.

>> No.63800258


>> No.63800307

buy an ad faggot

>> No.63800382


>> No.63800435

>board about vtubers
>he comes here to not post about vtubers
Fuck off retard

>> No.63800553

can't wait for the shit storm that will keep brewing in the background for more money and more corruption.

>> No.63800599

Least obvious shill campaign for that god awful song

>> No.63800665

It's about raping a kid. All other interpretations are cope.

>> No.63800701

It's painfully obvious that a white man made that song

>> No.63801148

black gangster hood music is weird, its always about guns, drugs, booty, money and making it to the top or something.

>> No.63801446
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>> No.63801498

I miss behind the meme...

>> No.63801526

>for legal reasons I don't jerk off to kids

>> No.63801550

What? No way!

>> No.63801654

Oh the 9mm girl

>> No.63801714


>> No.63801734


>> No.63801780

>In Australia, lolicon is extremely illegal
Dumb dingos can't have shit.

>> No.63801801

>its always about guns, drugs, booty, money and making it to the top or something.
Who cares
all nip songs are about romance bs or suicidal nonsense

>> No.63801810
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>> No.63801869

Ui-mama seems genuinely cute and sassy, and I would like to impregnate her repeatedly and help her raise the children.

>> No.63802252

They also banned Goblin Slayer because showing women being violently assaulted by demonic creatures means they totally enjoyed it and was there to make men hard.
You know the demonic creatures(Goblins) that are then violently slaughtered by the protagonist. I think the (((faggot))) in question took issue with his own kind getting killed for the good of the world.

>> No.63802363

This faggot making a video about a meme is a perfect metric for knowing when a meme is no longer funny

>> No.63802561

I hate australians so god damn much it's unreal

>> No.63802610

no way man, what a massive faggot, who gives a fuck about retarded australian politicians

>> No.63803597

He's true tho, if you like loli ironically or unironically, you're a pedophile

>> No.63803677

I'm glad australians have shit internet. may they be with it forever

>> No.63804072

Australlians would be the worst of the common wealth if Canada/Canadians didn't exist

>> No.63804782


>> No.63805119

I wonder if it's coincidence that Australian vtuber tend perform badly

>> No.63805347

Just don't import physical loli shit. Can walk into stores in Australia and find Fate/Loli on a shelf though so that's funny.

>> No.63805475

>everything i like is completely organic
>everything i dont like is a shill
what do you call this mental illness

>> No.63805648


>> No.63806116

This is why New Zealand will always be superior.

>> No.63806316

>trending meme gets paired up with random nigger song and gets shilled relentlessly for no reason
Yeah that just looks totally legit
>what do you call this mental illness
Persecution fetish? idk

>> No.63806398

>Country founded by criminals
>A complete nanny state

>> No.63806434

why can’t zoomers like good hip hop

>> No.63806518
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>He's true tho

>> No.63806563

the classic vtuber bit of commissioning a 3d model for something you hate

>> No.63806767
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>> No.63807316
File: 469 KB, 1075x536, Screenshot 2023-11-26 at 01-13-14 MAGIC EYES Lolinco Genesis Of Purity Namaiki Hard Onahole 1pc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People keep saying that but I can literally buy a loli onahole here.
No joke, the net store that sells this has their warehouse literally two towns away from me.
I think we Australians tend to forget that each State actually has a lot of power over its own laws (we don't notice because we don't care).

>> No.63807394

>Can manufacture meth but can't transport it out of the room without a loicense

>> No.63807627 [DELETED] 
File: 1.92 MB, 1903x7932, GoblinSlayerAUS1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63807783

Rent free?

>> No.63808559


>> No.63809229

HA! That's what you get for living in a shitty country ruled by faggots!

>> No.63810161

Making loli art illegal would get a lot of children raped and murdered. It would mean that the people who are supposed to investigate this stuff have to waste time trying to stop pictures.

>> No.63810350

I regret clicking on this video, kys

>> No.63810394

out of ten

>> No.63810624
File: 702 KB, 2652x3870, 1700401227188404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont mind loli getting popular

>> No.63811659

Bump to make nijisister mad

>> No.63811699

Goes so hard

>> No.63813041

Time to nuke Australia for banning lolicons

>> No.63814877

the most cucked nation right behind the bongs
I guess burgers did something right distancing themselves from them

>> No.63815047

yes and everyone who likes rape doujins would love to be raped.

>> No.63815141

Imagine having your life destroyed over Pokemon porn lol. I have to imagine that law exists so people wouldnt trace actual photos.

>> No.63819015

go back

>> No.63819111

This meme salvaged the top tier aimation from that painful mediocrity of the original.

>> No.63820136
File: 717 KB, 1000x1414, 1671217209403138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white american liberal xitter cracker says something "slaps" or "goes hard"
>its the gayest shit you've ever seen
This video fucking sucks dude. I've noticed this tendency that americans online can NEVER see something cute and not want to add degeneracy. For example they'll draw Hatsune Miku... but she's smoking!!! It's a cute loli dancing... to nigger music!!!
They HAVE to make everything as shitty as they are.

>> No.63820305

Chinkstralia will be always chink

>> No.63820576

Yep, it's very disgusting and also a show of lack of self respect. Can't ever enjoy things as they are, gotta make it sarcastic or downplay it.
