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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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636740 No.636740 [Reply] [Original]

thoughts on the video my guys? I took some of your advice last stream and I used streamlabs and pngs this time
i also used some of the background music you reccomended me

>> No.636982

holy fuck turn down the other audio!!
if your avatar wasn't moving for for the video (also why does it have the green background), you either need to retake or just make a review without it. With the 0 frames per second your computer can handle, you might as well just not put the avatar in there. 90% of the background is not relevant to the video, it looks like an empty streaming screen. you said you used some background music but I can't hear anything.

Did you even listen to the finished video before you posted it?

>> No.637051

My men are contacting Yagoo right now.
Check your PMs in the coming days.

>> No.637167

I'll give it a light 6

>> No.637225

>Did you even listen to the finished video before you posted it?
Yes I did and believe me it was worse. I stuttered alot so I basically cut half the video

maybe i should have enlarged the image
also I don't know how to filter out the green screen on streamlab obs
there is no filter or editing option

>> No.637594

If you actually brought it into a video editor you should have been able to tell that your intro and the music audio is ear rapingly loud and level it out.
If you couldn't figure out how to edit the green out you shouldn't have just gone "oh well guess I'll just leave it". Poor effort. Google it or switch back to obs like you did for your intro.
What I'm saying if you know the video is shit and has problems, fix it before you just slap it up on youtube and come here asking for feedback. Watch your video and compare it to other videos with good editing, come back and google the shit out of questions and find tutorials. It seems like you aren't trying at all.
