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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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63636563 No.63636563 [Reply] [Original]

What did he really mean with this?

>> No.63636866

What did (You) really mean with posting this again?

>> No.63636893
File: 91 KB, 260x260, rikus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come to nijiEN your not belong to holostars

>> No.63636954

>on characters that don't have a say in it
Holy shit they are pixels on a screen

>> No.63636978

He's a big fan of Anita Sarkeesian

>> No.63637072

What he means is that if it walks and talks like a duck he doesn't like it when someone calls it a duck unless it says it is first.

>> No.63637139

It's means he's based.

>> No.63637219

That's just basic human decency.

>> No.63637269

damn i thought /vt/ done care about homo or it's was a lie?

>> No.63637332
File: 3.88 MB, 640x640, 1698075232717604.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63638075

Why did they invite a terminally online twittard sjw into cover corp

>> No.63638407
File: 192 KB, 349x441, Jurard Insider[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F18v5db.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jutard not the only who have Holo spy friend

>> No.63638535

We like thread reading.

>> No.63638578

Why do they give the homos power fantasy models like this

>> No.63638648

Because women like power fantasies

>> No.63638760

He is terminally online, fucking delusional and believes that characters have feelings and non binaries are real or just a fucking retard trying to pander to people that are going to maul him the moment he says something wrong.
Either way he just damaged the homos and holo more by bringing more retards.

>> No.63639229

It's a male feminist ambush predator preparing his camouflage so that he can get close enough to a woman that he can assault her.

>> No.63639269

Is this a holo or niji? I cant tell

>> No.63639324

Don't be a pedo

>> No.63639454

>pedophiles still buttblasted
>7th consecutive thread
Lol get fucked OP. Hope you get testicular torsion.

>> No.63640535

It means if it's out of character for them you retard, drawn sexy for the sake of being sexy and nothing else.

>> No.63641388

Sorry didn't realise I had to get consent from the character before I open pixiv

>> No.63641665

>join company in a culture where women are seen as cute and sexy by the fans and it's heavily dependent on fan art
holotrannies are a mistake

>> No.63646226

Unfathomably based

>> No.63646394

But why did he decide to make himself sound like Rick from Rick and Morty?

>> No.63646477

Based, im gonna watch his WoW vods now

>> No.63646522

Why does he sound like Rick from Rick and Morty?

>> No.63646906

Can't even read, typical retard.

>> No.63647180

>drawn sexy for the sake of being sexy and nothing else
This is still an odd thing to get up arms about

>> No.63647253

All that talking just to out himself as a cringe faggot.

>> No.63647430

i bet he thinks that loli god requiem is meant to epicly pwn the gross lolicons

>> No.63648340

>*watches the homos anyways*
/vt/ everyone.

>> No.63651978

>virtue signals
>is a degenerate
Every time.

>> No.63652423

the irony is that people only watch the controversial boys and completely ignore the ones that just put in good work and stay professional and proper all the time...

>> No.63652737
File: 91 KB, 702x900, Fubuki nonconsenually being benetrated by an autistic crying girl in a mech suit both weighed down by the weight of Earth's gravity why can't ningen achieve understanding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.63652814
File: 449 KB, 680x665, 1696317488371993_113147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He meant that someone should check his hard drive. Because if someone virtue signals so hard that they start claiming you need consent from fictional characters they're 100% for certain diddlers.

>> No.63653052

Almost as if sisters and beggars just want drama and to destroy hololive.

>> No.63653306

UC Gundam and Hololive go together like peanut butter and jelly. There isn't enough art of the crossover unfortunately

>> No.63653349

OP keeps making threads after the Mods keep deleting them. Will this one be pruned too I wonder?

>> No.63654356

>Terminate all of HomostarsEN
I think that's what he means.

>> No.63655464

Coomers think a vtuber having any standards on decency is a personal insult

>> No.63659532

No, because he isn't in 4chan.

>> No.63659647

He's either extremely dumb and tried to be a white knight expecting everyone to call him based for being such a decent person.
Or actually believes that and is just a huge moron.
There is no good ending.

>> No.63659910

>has no say in it
as in in their setting, not on fanarts.
the dude mentions bayonetta as a great of example of a sexualized character that fits their setting and personality.

>> No.63660055

Images of anime characters don't have human rights and I will coom to whomever having whatever freaky shit done to them that I want

>> No.63660291

nah, just dramafags and retards. i don't watch homos but i know exactly what kind of ppl who watch them after this kind of post

>> No.63661122

nigga bayonetta is amongst the least sexy jap viya bitches around
you want THAT to be an example for your cause?

>> No.63661731

It's just a trend started long ago where people will try to signal how good of a person they are because "look how respectfully I treat these pixels and imaginary characters with no relation to real people", despite the reality of it having even less baring on how a person treats other than putting a cart back at the grocery store

>> No.63661877

weird way to say you're a faggot but okay
