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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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63621600 No.63621600 [Reply] [Original]

>tummy hort
>feeling under the weather
(You) don't actually buy your oshi's meme excuses, do you?

>> No.63621690 [DELETED] 

it's literally the dumbest fucking shit I ever heard and I actually feel so embarrassed for the chumcucks that still pay for membership and worship her farts she puffs out once every 3 or 4 months

>> No.63621938

There's a streamer I and a lot of other people watch on Twitch who constantly talks about his health problems, how his chest is in constant pain and he feels like an old man, etc. Just a miserable situation all around, which he uses to justify literally streaming maybe twice a month now. And I realized after a while that he was just lying to his entire audience. He went from being perfectly healthy, even buff, to becoming out of shape and it seemed to line up with going live while he was high as shit and distancing himself from his fanbase.

Obviously, just like with Ironmouse, there is no way to confirm if chronic issues are as bad as the livestreamer makes them out to be, but I can't ever take these people at their word anymore.

As for Hololive? Yeah anyone who thinks those excuses are even remotely based in reality is a complete fucking retard.

And listen, even if your body was in perpetual fucking agony the moment you wake up, what of all the miners and sweatshop workers in other countries who don't have the benefit of being perfectly sedentary for their job? What do they do when their health declines due to unforeseen issues? It's not like they can just go "teehee I have black lung" and fuck off for a few weeks.

>> No.63622274

Twitch streamers don't have to record songs or learn dance routines for concerts.
Yes, it's not enough to explain anomalies like Gura, but for some it can become too much to do both at the same time.
>It's not like they can just go "teehee I have black lung" and fuck off for a few weeks.
Uh, yeah, it's called sick leave, and in my country (a shitty eastern europe one) you get paid 75% of your normal salary during it, up to 45 days/year.

>> No.63622553

There was a time where I actually believed them. I think I started realizing it was all bullshit after Gura came back from her 2 month "health" break just to conveniently get cured near Valentine's to milk chumbuds out of their money. To this day she's never explained what that was all about either.

>> No.63622554

Wash dance hard, getting money thrown at me left and right hard

>> No.63622649

>(You) don't actually buy your oshi's meme excuses, do you?
No, because (my) oshi never said anything like that

>> No.63622698
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why must (you) do this anon? Why haven't there been a collab between (you) and rope-chan?

>> No.63622730

Yes, let's compare a formerly buff dude's health to a bunch of frail weeb girls. Fucking retard.

>> No.63622737
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Yeah, she most likely just doesn't stream at all and leaves you guessing like a concerned little paypiggy

>> No.63622943

she streams 4 - 6 times per week, for 6 - 14 hours per stream, what the actual fuck are you on about? are you high or smth?

>> No.63623058

My oshi has been critically malnourished for so long that her periods probably stopped happening, so any time I hear about periodic tummy hort makes me happy because it means her health is improving.

>> No.63623081

>she streams 4 - 6 times per week, for 6 - 14 hours per stream
Ah, a boring react twitch whore. No need talking with you any longer.

>> No.63623180

least defensive chumbud

>> No.63623287

I do because she has proven it every time.

>> No.63623363

my oshi streamed through her teeth literally falling out of her head and after corrective procedures to treat it. She sometimes bows out early to throw up in the drawer next to her bed though but rarely misses streams and never for more than a week.

>> No.63623396
File: 2 KB, 299x111, Untitled (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can't remember the the last react stream, no
why are you retarded? is it something hereditary or are you just the special one in your family?
or maybe it's jealousy because (you)r oshi said bullshit like in OP?
>m8 KYS

>> No.63623451

Fuwamoco are already streaming half of what they did in the first 3 months
You can only trust Biboo to keep up

>> No.63623734

>You can only trust Biboo to keep up
>he doesn't know

>> No.63624243

Do they have synchronized periods?

>> No.63624307

I remember some scandanvian country tested out navy submarines with all women crews and one of the unexpected outcomes was the entire crew synchronized their periods.

>> No.63625190

health issue lies aside, you know burnout can happen to anyone right?

>> No.63625230

Biboo is still streaming a fuckton anon

>> No.63625443

I don't care, really. Gura is not an essential worker, she's an entertainer, and she gets paid to do things that are objectively easier than most jobs. In fact, she gets paid to NOT do those things. By default, any day she goes without streaming might as well be paid sick leave. Calling it 'burnout' makes her seem like some poor overworked auteur, when she's just a fucking streamer who occasionally does side projects, same as most of her colleagues who don't have the issue.

>> No.63627088

>tummy hort
I mark it in the calendar if next month she has another that's her period
Change oshi, this one is useless now
>feeling under the weather
Strike one

>> No.63627733

>feeling under the weather
>Strike one
Fauna constantly makes this excuse

>> No.63627778

she's on strike 24125

>> No.63627819

In their defense, miners and sweatshop workers don't have to put up a smile and overly cheery demeanor the entire time at work.

>> No.63627910

"It's unfair, there's two of them" -IRyS

>> No.63627948

>wall of text
>be wrong

>> No.63627980

I'm seeing replies like yours a lot more on 4chan these days and while I don't mind them I hope you know that you're not actually contributing to the thread in any meaningful way.

>> No.63631453

mucho texto

>> No.63631675

If anyone should be burnt out it's these two as they sprinted out of the gate and didn't stop until just recently. But they're not because they actually know how good they got it and are hard workers.

>> No.63631894

They talked about a hospital appointment over a week ago.
You'd know that if you actually watched streams.

>> No.63632146
File: 119 KB, 320x320, 1670265028514402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitposting with your oshi is a bad sign anon.

If FWMC burn out, it will be on your hands.

>> No.63634760
File: 773 KB, 1039x1063, 9EF7EAD1-8698-4B18-82F7-D1361B727728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels nice having an oshi that doesn't despise her fanbase

>> No.63634836

>leaking members content

>> No.63635222

>leaking Mococo's pregnancy test

>> No.63635390

The twins might do this once they hit a million subs

>> No.63635630

>Literal schizo making up streamers in their head.
