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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 165 KB, 1080x746, IMG_20231130_122404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
63601789 No.63601789 [Reply] [Original]

sounds like a pick me

>> No.63601858

Is this another one of Luca's sex slaves?

>> No.63601895

i will now watch your vtuber

>> No.63601900

Never thought I would side with a nijiwhore.

>> No.63601917
File: 559 KB, 422x422, 1700867872116169.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does pickme means based? Sorry I don't speak women speak.

>> No.63601927

Is the other girl Niji too? Or just a twitter rando?

>> No.63602460

I don't speak zoomer, can someone explain me what a pickme is?

>> No.63602462

Calling a Nijiwhore a pickme will not make me watch her. Nice try.

>> No.63602597


>> No.63602630

why is this girl in nijisanji, she's too good for them

>> No.63602650

Women that cater to men. Typically with redpill/trad/MRA/anti-feminist opinions.
Some are genuine and some are grifters. Seething femanons would have you believe all are grifters, and use the term prejoratively.

>> No.63602657

A pickme is a girl who pretends to be different from other girls to get male validation.

Which is not happening here, she's just throwing a jab to Biboo and the nerizzler.
At the same, I realized that a lot of people genuinely don't google what they don't know, despite have a sea of knowledge a click away, so maybe she's serious.

>> No.63602767
File: 2.10 MB, 1080x1808, black pekora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.63602803

Are you really going to tribalfag for the honor of the "sticking out your gyatt for the nerizzler" meme?

>> No.63602834
File: 1.22 MB, 1920x1080, 1701056495573424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>twitter screenshot thread
>SEA timezone in the filename

>> No.63602879

Hololive living rent free in the livers' heads...

>> No.63602932


>> No.63602946


>> No.63603035
File: 2.90 MB, 300x400, Nerizzler.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is QUITE the projection there sis.

>> No.63603071

> shitting on autistic zoomer babble is now pickme behavior
Wtf happened to this board and can you go back to whichever groomercord you crawled out off?

>> No.63603128

Don't care what anyone says, this video means she's based.

>> No.63603370
File: 3.03 MB, 1280x720, biboo_06 [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fkn59gr.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63603428

I am just saying Vivi is telling Biboo her nerizzler song is unfunny, which it is, which makes it funny.

>> No.63603487

So what do gyatt and skibidi mean?

>> No.63603802

She should be in Holo

>> No.63603900
File: 3.54 MB, 1999x3508, 1690822807053984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gyatt derived from the Turkish word "gött" which means ass and is a Tiktok meme where whores show their ass.
Skibidi is a reference to the all time classic of Fubuki doing the scat man song and has something to do with poop.

>> No.63603912

No, because Holo is all about retarded memes that make no sense, while Vivi hates stuff like that

>> No.63603969

how the fuck is that a jab to anyone, they're popular zoomer memes at the moment.

>> No.63604108

How old is Victoria?

>> No.63604143


>> No.63604360

It's just zoomer trash

>> No.63604365

Uhm, I wonder what caused people in the vtubers to start talking about the song recently. Surely this is just a coincidence.

>> No.63604416

Ah, maybe she's still in the "I'm an adult, I have to be serious and mature" phase then.

>> No.63604428

>Same age as Nerissa
Kinda embarrassing

>> No.63604459

NTA but it went viral like a day before biboo said it, it's not like she popularized it, she found out about it -because- it was viral.

>> No.63604495

That woman knows things no 27 year old would know

>> No.63604543

Are you stupid? People talk about popular things soon after they become popular.

>> No.63604558

No. That's not how popularity works at all.

>> No.63604561

She read a lot of Know Your Meme

>> No.63604593

Your mom read a lot of Know Your Meme

>> No.63604641

that logic's as retarded as saying "oh [x vtuber] totally did that idol cover because she wanted to one-up [y vtuber]'s idol cover" when it's simply that idol is a really fucking popular song and people wanna cover it.

>> No.63604720 [DELETED] 
File: 193 KB, 1300x975, 1683060093233937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically, a women who tries to be likeable to men.

>> No.63604737

this has already been a thing for weeks you sensitive little fag

>> No.63604985

Penelope is smokin' hot.

>> No.63605061

I’d pick her she pretty cute

>> No.63605117

She’s right the song is zoomer garbage

>> No.63605157

It's a month old, all the videos with big views about it are from mid october.
They talk about it now because Biboo made it popular in the vtubing sphere and they were pickme-ing

>> No.63605207

Has been resisting so far

>> No.63605287

You guys are retards if you seriously think she thinks about Luca at all. They’re coworkers. She’s closer to like sonny/vanta.. she’s not some unicorn male/Luca hater .

>> No.63605315

SHE sounds unfunny and like a totally vibe kill. I simply won't bother with her.

>> No.63605464

I put on her stream the other day and it took forever to tell if she was conscious.

>> No.63605539

All nijifems are Luca's sex slave, whether they want to be or not.

>> No.63605785

>because Biboo made it popular in the vtubing sphere
Is it though? Because I haven't seen anyone else care about it

>> No.63605859

Lmao it's funny how every time she's mentioned the Luca squad comes out to shit on her, very subtle. I'm rooting for her honestly, may she be the diamond rising up from the pile of shit that is nijisanji

>> No.63606145

Yea, I mean emember when Bae and Kiara said quaso? That shit was peak comedy.

>> No.63606298

>whats this, a tweet asking a question to no one in particular?
>i dont know the answer to the question but i will reply because somehow my opinion is important even though i dont really know anything about it

>> No.63606339

She has been dodging and avoiding him like the plague. We will see how long it lasts. But so far she has even told him she wouldn't talk to him because her manager hadn't approved it and he lost his shit on stream.

>> No.63606421

Don't fucking do this Victoria Brightshield from nijisanji en. Do not make me agree with you. I didn't even know you existed until... just now and I am almost kneeling.

>> No.63606446

You are genuinely retarded. Or decent at making bait. Whichever you choose to go with.

>> No.63606486

God that is so stupid, i love it

>> No.63606532

>We will see how long it lasts.
She'll off-collab with him eventually. Once Luca sets your eyes on you your ass is his.

>> No.63606680

She's like obsessed with Aris even more than Rosemi is lol

>> No.63606907

always has been

>> No.63606954

OMG Sister not the holoAdvent shade??

>> No.63606990

Outside of the anons desperately trying to make it a thing and some parroting holofans xweets, I have not seen much mention of it.
It'll die out eventually though (But the cringe will always remain. Not even the tolerable kind of cringe, its the smell of a animecon type cringe that lingers), just like every fotm source of media.

>> No.63607008

what a stupid fucking take. clearly bait. a pickme would be trying to pander to all the weeb retards screeching NERIZZLER constantly, not telling them to fuck off. Vivi is way too good for the niji shithole

>> No.63607058

i don't understand this picture

>> No.63607070

watch her loading intro screen. do it. like 30 seconds of it and you will love her and want to watch her. it's so fucking cute and catchy

>> No.63607148

Fuck off Victoria Brightshield from nijisanji EN. I'm too tired now, but i will when I wake up tomorrow

>> No.63607170

>implying it was ever not like this

>> No.63607221

>Vivi is telling Biboo

>> No.63607430

it's dangerous to go alone, take this convenient link to her debut! ONE OF US, ONE OF US.


>> No.63607514

nice, another anon just posted a handy link too

>> No.63607660
File: 590 KB, 784x545, lucub.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold on... in her debut... is that Luca's mascot?

>> No.63607772

is it? I don't watch the sexpest, but if so it's even funnier that she was even ignoring him back then like a background npc

>> No.63607986


>> No.63608066

I have so much respect for her rebuking Luca. He's literally the worst EN vtuber to ever exist. Attentionwhoring in senpais' streams, pressuring kohai to stream with him, not taking any responsibility for his mistakes like destroying the entire NijiEN server, and the list goes on. I still love Pomu but I lose so much respect for people who put up with and defend this guy

>> No.63608166

There's your answer.

>> No.63608176

Nerissa acting like a kid is embarrassing

>> No.63608230

that's a star..

>> No.63608559
File: 128 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Luca's mascot, Agustus

>> No.63609741

well shit, why didn't anyone point this out earlier
im out

>> No.63610137

First time I need to agree with an ENwhore from NijiCN.

>> No.63610258

Im thinking based.

>> No.63610354

Can we just transfer her to EN4?

>> No.63610387

Woman-speak for a woman that men actually like because she doesn't act like a turbo bitch all of the time

>> No.63610589

A "pickme" is a woman with hobbies or opinions that differ from the norm.
Most women can't comprehend having these thoughts, so they assume she's only doing it so that men will "pick" her.

>> No.63610662

Expect EN4 to debut in two years.

>> No.63610737

>But the cringe will always remain.
Remember when Bae and Kiara made Quado memes? Hahaha.... those were so funny and are nothing to be embarrassed about now...

>> No.63610934


>> No.63611542
File: 987 KB, 1054x652, phasetoilet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

phase niggers yesterday:

Phase niggers today:
pic related

>> No.63611628

She is, she is also in this thread btw

>> No.63611667

The only reason they don't hate men is because they've never been on this site, or any other place where men gather. It's fucked up how God made almost two different species of human and expected them to not only cooperate, but reproduce together and have kids that will eventually hate each other because they're the opposite sex too.

>> No.63611823

it was /here/ day one, retard. she also put maria's mascot there because they were the hosts for the watchalong.
what the catalog trannies are not telling you is that she dodged a luca collab, KEK

>> No.63612243

>But so far she has even told him she wouldn't talk to him because her manager hadn't approved it and he lost his shit on stream.
Source? That sounds amazing if true.

>> No.63612295

>puts hosts' mascots in her presentation as a friendly gesture
>Luca and his mentally unstable fanbase: SHE WANTS TO FUCK YABADABADOOO
kek, there is no asylum that could handle this level of derangement

>> No.63613250

Another canadian asian who has a shrine to Hololive in her house that unfortunately got picked up by walmart brand hololive, I can see why she would be bitter

She probably tried to but didn't get picked so she settled for Niji

>> No.63613337

It was even funnier when it got picked up by Elira, Shu, Uki, and Rosemi and they proceeded to say it in every Valorant stream for months on end.

>> No.63613466

All she had to do was wait and keep trying.
The dogs never gave up.

>> No.63615282

If the pick me is the only good female from nijiEN, I'll gladly watch her

>> No.63615409

She wanted to stream even without hololive while the dogs wanted to stream only in hololive

>> No.63615494

I wish she joined a small corpo like phase or v&u instead. Vivi collabing with other small corpos would have been kino to watch. I hate NijiEN and their collab restrictions

>> No.63615887

Yeah I'm sure things would have worked out for her in two years
For every FuwaMoco there are thousands of other decent applicants who for one reason or another don't get in. She has lots of Niji plushies too and doesn't seem to mind being there so far. Of course it'd be ideal for her to be in holo but most people don't have that crazy amount of luck

>> No.63616018

The dogs had a gimmick they wanted to sell and cover bought it. It's a lot harder for any other indies who don't have any redeeming unique traits

>> No.63616496

why do you all think about biboo's song. gyatt and skibidi are so generalized now. I dont get why this thread is talking about biboo or nerizzler at all.

>> No.63617103

She's based, that Skibidi trend is the most retarded thing to come out of gen z and that's saying a lot

>> No.63617453
File: 2.41 MB, 300x400, biboo [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fkn59gr.ogg].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63618962

Sell me on her

>> No.63619467

is this your savior, nijibros?

>> No.63619476

It means you're getting ass raped by a malicious stranger in the public restrooms.

>> No.63619536

right after her debut, Luca himself said so and she commented on it in a stream as well. it was all over the catalog for a few days, search for 'sexpest' in some archives from a few weeks ago

>> No.63619617

>unironically using "pick me" on 4chan
seething sister + a sea nigger thread

>> No.63619908

I find it hilarious that this board hasn't so much as looked in this girl's direction since they debuted, now she tries to get in on the new form meme by being contrarian and everyone's talking about her again. Her relevancy will die off faster than this meme will kek

>> No.63620095

I pick her.

>> No.63620156

Its a compliment.

>> No.63620390
File: 492 KB, 854x720, 1700968576650934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skibidi has to do with the skibidi toilet meme anon..
Its refered to as a compliment because kids love that shit

>> No.63620493
File: 1.37 MB, 600x293, 1676744286221560.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see a girl with a fat ass? "God damn!"
>"God Damn!"
gets simplified into
>"Got daym!"
then into
>"Gyatt daym!"
and finally just cutting off the daym with

skibidi toilet, a meme video that appeared because gen alpha just discovered gary's mod. the zoomers are also picking up

>> No.63620568

her and Pomu are the only Niji's worth watching

>> No.63620610

The whole narrative is kinda confusing, why the fuck would anyone join Niji in a mixed gen if they wanted to stay away from males?

>> No.63620693

Desperation will do that to a mother fucker. That's why she's in niji and Advent is in holo. They didn't settle for below average like she did.

>> No.63620786

Because Google is shit these days. Half of the results are AI-generated articles that have been SEO'd to hell and back. Images never gives me a fucking transparent PNG anymore and will try to force me to open the web page, but most of the time the image isn't even there anymore because it was another fucking AI-generated article. If I don't put "wikipeda," "reddit," "stackoverflow," etc. at the end of my search, I just get plethora of AI-generated shit. Sometimes I even try Bing or Duckduckgo just so I can get something different, but they're usually also equally shit because the world wide web is just teeming to the brim with SEO'd AI-generated SHIT FUCKING EVERYWHERE. All the useful data is hiding in mobile apps and the deeb web now. I don't blame anyone asking on social media for answers because the web is a robot wasteland outside of it.

>> No.63620822

As far as I know she was more of a Nijifag than a Holofag, I don’t think she chose Niji just because she had no better option.

>> No.63620833

Because being in niji is way better than being a small indie.

>> No.63620867

NijiEN doesn't have collab restrictions in that direction, it's that the NijiEN girls are generally too autistic and awkward to reach out to small corpo girls themselves. For example once Pomu actually had time, her collab with Lia happened very quickly. And also see how one of the males is collabing with small corpos almost every week.

>> No.63621010

Is it? She's a 3 view now and niji is taking a cut of her already small profits. Is she even making more money than she would if she was indie?

>> No.63621067

fuck zoomer's slangs

>> No.63621143

> Fuck zoomer slang
> Saying based.
Now that's some fucking poetic hilarity.

>> No.63621238

Most of it is, considering millenials had this shit too, and it's the exact same type of lolsorandom shit.

>> No.63621732

>a lot of people genuinely don't google what they don't know, despite have a sea of knowledge a click away
Because a lot people genuinely do not have your OCD autism combination.

>> No.63623853

>why the fuck would anyone join Niji in a mixed gen if they wanted to stay away from males?
She's not staying away from males. She's staying away from a male, Luca specifically.

>> No.63624205

So you're saying that they just keep using phrases completely out of context like retarded parrots instead of knowing what they actually mean and using them when appropriate?
What a subhuman way to live.
This community is full of drama trannies. A thing that is super popular can come out and if one vtuber sees it and says it's great, and another vtuber (especially if it's from another company) says that it sucks, that means that she is THROWING A JAB!".
This site is full of underage drama trannoids so no wonder.

>> No.63624655

the rizzler song has nothing to do with Biboo, she just made her version

>> No.63624860

it's women seething at other women for pandering to anothers tastes.

>> No.63625375
File: 125 KB, 1024x576, 1701206264633428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually no, because back when she was an indie her main source of income wasn't streams but managing the spider. It's also really funny that people think she's pandering rather than that group being really weird (sometimes in an endearing way) imagine if it was the femcel that got in

>> No.63625456

always has been
fuck off back to lolcow farm you stupid cunt

>> No.63625501

if it's pickme to not be into alpha gen tiktok memes then i love pickme

>> No.63625588

>>63607148 (me)
Wtf, she's cute and funny. I didn't expect that voice either.
Request to trade Nerissa and 1 EN4 for Victoria Brightshield of nijisanji EN.

>> No.63625617

>So you're saying that they just keep using phrases completely out of context
That's literally what they do. They're children.

>> No.63626031

every woman that is not a bitch or agrees with the retarded masses is a pick me

>> No.63626096

doesn't agree*

>> No.63626325

How is "pickme" an insult? Don't girls want to attract guys?

>> No.63626363

Who the fuck is Asahi why is she responding to a literal who?

>> No.63626716

Women use it as an insult because a woman being attractive to men is insulting to them.

>> No.63626874

Yeah Kiara and Bae are cute and funny, they should have been loli

>> No.63626922

I thought it was derived from GYAT DAYUM aka what aspiring engineers and doctors say when they see a big ass

>> No.63626994

Lonely bitter women use it as a shaming tactic because they are fuming that they are not being chosen and fawned over.
THEY want that attention and they are not getting it so they seethe.
Pretending it's letting the TEAM down. Meanwhile there is no team, they want to drag other women down so there is A; less competition and B; more women feeling like they do.

>> No.63627334

Its jealousy.
Its clear men prefer pickmes, so they just attack whatever they can.

>> No.63627692

There’s a thin line between “I think I’m a good fit for you and better than most women for you. You should get in a relationship with me because that’s how this works,” and “I’m a good fit for you because women just suck in general, except me.”
Some insecure women do the latter. A LOT of insecure women think anyone doing the former is the latter. “Pickmes” do exist, because it’s basically just the female version of a white knight. But they’re way rarer than sjws on twitter think, probably more so in vtubing. This hobby just attracts a lot of autistic women who can’t make it as fleshtubers, of course they’re more likely to share interests with 4chan.
