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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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63572983 No.63572983 [Reply] [Original]

otis practicing for his giant monster film roll

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow (embed)
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Nise Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead): https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT/status/1727055650222428593

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think

Previous thread: >>63502878

>> No.63573046

I miss my wife

>> No.63573101

stupid fucking cat, you're fat and bald and also has no balls

>> No.63573153

Passionately filling shondo's shizoaffective womb with my superior seed to create my perfect vessel

>> No.63573274
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wifey doko....

>> No.63573423

The fuck's going on in the offline chat?

>> No.63573504

thread was down so they had to talk somewhere else

>> No.63573562

Rexus spittin

>> No.63573686

shondo in my arms while she's visiting me

>> No.63573774


>> No.63573960

is this the fallenshadow thread? why the fuck there is a fat ballless rat in the op?

>> No.63574111


>> No.63574163


>> No.63574252

she fell for the gypsy atm scam

>> No.63574688

I want to lick her shunny

>> No.63574695


>> No.63574698

how was the funeral?

>> No.63574715


>> No.63574741

She lost her virginity...

>> No.63574759

woman moment

>> No.63574765

yeah I took it

>> No.63574853

OP is a faggot, seek therapy.

>> No.63574910

she had an orgasm
in my room
she squirted

>> No.63574919

I made this post

>> No.63574945

can confirm i was the squirt(not pee)

>> No.63574976

T. Me

>> No.63574980
File: 27 KB, 531x216, 1677703552712112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is his problem?

>> No.63575021

He's too based. If only he wasn't a purityfag he would be my favorite shogger

>> No.63575029

she went to a swing club...

>> No.63575049

hes right
>donates to gypsy
>gets taken to homeless gypsy compound
>given hard drugs
>gets gangbanged by homeless crackheads (her dream)

>> No.63575058

I bet she just met some actor or something.

>> No.63575108

yeah, me. I'm Ryan Gosling

>> No.63575109

My bet is that it's food related.

>> No.63575153

What makes you think that?

>> No.63575214

Women love three things: food, doggys and horsies.

>> No.63575264

And me!

>> No.63575312

Shut up, Otis.

>> No.63575338

She probably did something for the first time (not sex)

>> No.63575352 [DELETED] 

Watching vods and it's funny how she always claimed she stayed at a hotel during the Florida trip when there's doxx of her with the ex's bed in the background. Lies upon lies.

>> No.63575373

Maybe they went to some fancy spa.

>> No.63575380 [DELETED] 

She went to the Babymetal concert in Wolverhampton
She was in the front row and the girls directly interacted with her multiple times.
It took everything I had not to talk to her. She’s very pretty.

>> No.63575391

you don't have balls Otis

>> No.63575392

She went to see a peppa pig stage show with the critter, it's a life changing experience

>> No.63575433

You thought she didn't visit his house while she was there? Thats not contradicting her sleeping in a hotel

>> No.63575432

"We weren't ever alone together, a family member was always there." Yeah right.

>> No.63575434

She’s got multiple selfies in her brothers room you retard
If you know her address the wall is the same.

>> No.63575451

She probably sucked him off. Now fuck off.

>> No.63575474

i read that as Beethoven at first and got really confused
hes still alive

>> No.63575516

Post pics right now!

>> No.63575534

If you're already willing to get banned at least ......

>> No.63575613

that would make sense

>> No.63575615

I was considering that being the case.

>> No.63575662

Why would her sister go

>> No.63575663

This. Why post youtube thumbnail size shit?

>> No.63575686

the civic hall looks pretty small so if there's any pictures from it or even a livestream somewhere....

>> No.63575698

Why not?

>> No.63575697

Did you take some stalker photos?

>> No.63575733

probably thinks she went clubbing lol

>> No.63575808

We should get on that.

>> No.63575824

holy shit it's true

>> No.63575937

mid band

>> No.63576035

Ren posted this btw

>> No.63576190
File: 62 KB, 370x358, 1681595701236456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man the closest babymetal came to my area was a huge expensive festival so I passed on it

>> No.63576276

erm https://twitter.com/Bradley0316/status/1729995687897469079

>> No.63576291

Is everyone just staring at concert pics now or something

>> No.63576316

no way

>> No.63576324

fingers not stubby enough and nails not painted black

>> No.63576414

they are painted black

>> No.63576497

i honestly cant tell
the thumb looks painted black but the rest dont
its too low res to tell for sure imo

>> No.63576509
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>> No.63576568

I guess anon was right then. Should've said something to test her if she really would say something.

>> No.63576600

Pale skin, black nails, and gets kisses from cute girls. Yep, that's her.

>> No.63576787

Those fingers are way too long

>> No.63576851

You think she joined the mosh pit?

>> No.63576892 [SPOILER] 
File: 273 KB, 2048x1152, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when you see it...

>> No.63576955

no way...

>> No.63576956


>> No.63576964

I don't see her

>> No.63576965


>> No.63577039


>> No.63577070
File: 80 KB, 713x531, 1694368399789640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63577112

Advent has been pretty silent...

>> No.63577115

>faggot stares at goku when there is a girl in front of him
Typical dragonspic

>> No.63577310

goku is cooler than the girl is cute by a mile

>> No.63577387

Is she going to be at Inis's birthday party tomorrow?

>> No.63577443

She's gonna stream tomorrow.

>> No.63577503

these are from the london show yesterday please use your brains

>> No.63577506

she's so stupid, she livetweeted the moment it was over so there's no denying it

>> No.63577537

Typical dragonspic

>> No.63577560

I dont know anything about this band outside their one popular song, I'm gonna be so confused tomorrow

>> No.63577558

if she saw an ugly bastard like me it would ruin her night

>> No.63577618

same, i only know that rob zombie endorsed them when metalheads were shitting on them for being too cute
also road of resistance is a banger song

>> No.63577679


wheres waldo

>> No.63577684

So what if she livetweeted? What is anyone gonna do about it? Unless you're in walking distance of the concert there's a 0% chance of meeting her.

>> No.63577846

she cared enough not to say where she is

>> No.63577854

thats a lot of receding hairlines

>> No.63577936

Probably because she promised Shadowamama she wouldn't until she gets home, not because she fears for her own safety. Shondo was willing to make a game out of the Paris trip.

>> No.63578051

shoggers... say it aint so....

>> No.63578095

Fingers too long, nose too big

>> No.63578124

Sucks she didn't get to see Dethklok

Babymetal is pretty awesome live. Wonder if Shadow got any merch.

>> No.63578138

definitely not her but would be funny as hell

>> No.63578201

Its not her, oh well.

>> No.63578219
File: 64 KB, 226x201, renpc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ReNPC... it's shover

>> No.63578284

wow she went all out, even put the corpsepaint on

>> No.63578289

yo its the dude from spiderman, tobey

>> No.63578340

very hot but not her

>> No.63578500

More likely to be the one next to the pretty boy.

>> No.63578647

damn FT is so hot

>> No.63578658

tread carefully Shondo.

>> No.63578666

There is a girl hiding her face behind that bald guy. Next to her is another pretty girl. Could be her sister.

>> No.63578674

yeah but he's a 5'something manlet

>> No.63578761

More videos will be uploaded in the coming days

>> No.63578841
File: 291 KB, 1536x2048, 1671148369518608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 "we went skiing"

>> No.63578934

she's /here/
holy fuck

>> No.63578940


>> No.63578943


>> No.63578947

called it

>> No.63578949


>> No.63578956


>> No.63578969

well well

>> No.63578993


>> No.63579017

So that's FT?
I'm not gay, I'm not gay, I'm not gay, I'm not gay, I'm not gay, I'm not gay, I'm not gay, I'm not gay, I'm not gay, I'm not gay, I'm not gay, I'm not gay, I'm not gay, I'm not gay, I'm not gay, I'm not gay, I'm not gay, I'm not gay, I'm not gay, I'm not gay, I'm not gay, I'm not gay, I'm not gay, I'm not gay, I'm not gay, I'm not gay, I'm not gay, I'm not gay, I'm not gay.

>> No.63579033

so this is her? https://twitter.com/Bradley0316/status/1729963170196754934

>> No.63579098

That's not her, keep looking

>> No.63579175

looks like it

>> No.63579218


>> No.63579248

look at her, how silly she looks
love her

>> No.63579249

little miss too nervous to stand in line going to a concert and doxing herself

>> No.63579289
File: 11 KB, 592x76, 1686274625618414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, that is YESTERDAY from LONDON

>> No.63579308

>Noooooo, I can't get into cab with a male driver.
I really hate her sometimes.

>> No.63579315

So much for uwu i get anxious uwu on crowds i cant leave my house people are scary i will never go to a convention :(((
another lie

>> No.63579371


>> No.63579375


>> No.63579393

nice trick girl lmao

>> No.63579392


>> No.63579505


>> No.63579514

She's already home.

>> No.63579550


>> No.63579561

this is a dream for her but at the same time lmao you can get crushed by a crowd of people but can't stand in line at disney?
I can stand in line but crowds make me panic

>> No.63579565 [SPOILER] 
File: 116 KB, 207x293, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok i found her, same black and white striped sleeves

>> No.63579578

she's gonna get so fucking sick after this. see you in 3 weeks.

>> No.63579606

Holy, I coomed

>> No.63579607

I knew it, she was a man all along

>> No.63579609

knew it

>> No.63579614

She has less hair than I thought

>> No.63579631

>trusting women
Lmao ngmi

>> No.63579635


>> No.63579639

There's the mental breakdown I was looking for
I was thinking the same shit but I dont like posting bad stuff

>> No.63579648

she did say she was bald. we just assumed she was talking about her pussy.

>> No.63579654

That's not her. She is black and taller than that.

>> No.63579698


>> No.63579739

You should suggest seeing her nails, anons.

>> No.63579745

pointing out her hypocrisy = having a mental breakdown

>> No.63579811

Is it that hard to realize, wanting something for your whole life can overpower any amount of anxiety if it can be made true?

>> No.63579896

Mental breakdown? I am calling her an hypocrite lair, which she just confirmed she is. I wont trust anything she says anymore.

>> No.63579903

it's not debillitating if you can just do whatever you want. that's not how it fucking works.

>> No.63579904

>new IP
Shondo you don't have to argue with the morons here. The rest of us actually understand. I'm glad you had fun

>> No.63579943

she dressed up and made herself look all pretty for the strangers that would grind against her in the front row and for the stage performers

>> No.63580004

unironically this, she had sweaty men press up against her all night. very nice thought to fall asleep too. i guess she can turn off her touch aversion at a whim too. >>63579811

>> No.63580023

ok this time for real, girl with the glasses and twintails in the beginning

>> No.63580027
File: 78 KB, 600x856, 1671466401743421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found her

>> No.63580039

You cant do that but sure, keep defending hypocrisy

>> No.63580043

>Not being proud of shondo for doing something outside her comfort zone

>> No.63580157

Every shogger is autistic so don't try to understand them.

>> No.63580225

It's the shitty Western victim mentality, if you have some mental issue you're not supposed to overcome it. Ever.

>> No.63580261

>live 20 minutes from wolves
I'm not gonna make it bros

>> No.63580271

came here when I saw the post, you guys doing alright?

>> No.63580325

I'm fine. I'm glad she had so much fun.

>> No.63580327

if you can "overcome" it then its wasnt real in the fist place lmao. just another lie

>> No.63580329
File: 68 KB, 750x989, 1682752425662781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better than ever

>> No.63580396

im happy that she got to experience this she seemed to have had a lot of fun
and im gonna look for her delicious flat chest in all of the videos people upload on twitter

>> No.63580399

if you live where i think you live we're in the same town

>> No.63580412

soz I was busy sniffing her hair from behind her

>> No.63580417

I'm worried she might get sick. Other than that I'm fine.

>> No.63580430

very happy she had fun

>> No.63580485

I'm happy

>> No.63580487

same chick from the other vid dumbass

>> No.63580498

the "problem" is that she herself has said that she'll never get better. people just go insane because of her absolute statements for some reason. i don't get it but i get it.

>> No.63580507

I'm good

>> No.63580571

>something outside her comfort zone
Going outside her comfort zone would be walking outside or touching somebody. Not this. Every fucking time somebody says they are just anxious, touch averse or socially awkward it seems to be a lie kept up to get sympathy, followers or just not understanding the feeling at all. This is my final straw "trusting" somebody again.


>> No.63580584

people starting to upload stuff on youtube aswell, no good perspective/angle so far tho

>> No.63580627

just realized she has be lying about everything
doing great

>> No.63580628

happy for her, but pretty surprised she can manage if lines at disney would make her break down back when she actually went outside sometimes

>> No.63580635

I'm proud of her

>> No.63580643

1v1 me
behind TCAT

>> No.63580663

>Bunch of shirtless dudes in the middle

>> No.63580689

Shes growing as a person, im proud and happy for herjrvs8s

>> No.63580733

no fucking way we're actually in the same town kek. depending on who you are its on sight if i see you :)

>> No.63580775

So she can go to the doctor no problem now right? :)

>> No.63580788

For one moment I got scared thinking you guys found some ''secret dox'' but she is being open about the experience so that's a relief

>> No.63580798

imagine if a shogger saw her at her most elevated state and screamed out "shondo!". she'd hug him for sure. considering her size now there's a pretty significant chance there were shoggers there.

>> No.63580826

nooo you dont get it is not the samee

>> No.63580843

let's not get ahead of ourselves. baby steps first

>> No.63580869

read this in her voice kek

>> No.63580871

>if you can "overcome" it then its wasnt real in the fist
This is the eternally victim mentality I was talking about. Isn't it funny how it only applies to SOME mental issue? If someone overcomes a speech impediment they've had since childhood, we don't say that they never had a speech impediment to begin with. They faked it for attention.
>for some reason
Autism. They take a woman's doomerisms seriously.

>> No.63580873

Seeing the sleeve of her shirt doesn't do much after the pics.

>> No.63580874 [DELETED] 

Someone literally said he was there and knew before she posted the tweet. If you check the timestamps we knew before she tweeted

>> No.63580949

There was no "overcoming", no training or preparation or anxiety that was shown at all. She deep dived into the most difficult social task from apparently not being able to to do anything before. It was apparently all just a lie and she could just at any moment stop the act.

>> No.63580952

So, Shondo is a filthy midlander huh, i thought she might have been based and lived further north

>> No.63580993

I'm glad my wife is an ugly bearded man.

>> No.63581006

damn, it's actually real.

>> No.63581019

no getting men pressed against you in a crowd is totally different from having a MALE doctor touch your chest and a MALE cabby drive you

>> No.63581049

Remember when she doomposted about being stuck to her desk her entire life?
I hope shes feeling better and more accomplished in that regard

>> No.63581060

SEAmonkeys woke up

>> No.63581075

did you miss the part where she got up early to take a train

>> No.63581088

well, she has no excuses anymore. she'll get this thrown into her face every time she pitybaits from now on.

>> No.63581090

Luckily he only looked at her (and probably took some photos)

>> No.63581117

lets kidnap shondo and take her to cats to witness two husbands fight to the death with the added bonus of making /shon/ seethe over her being at a night club

>> No.63581118
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>or anxiety that was shown at all
die in a fire

>> No.63581127

I'm jealous and proud, same feelings I have every time she goes ''out'' that's just it

>> No.63581145


I meant you >>63581006

>> No.63581180

i'd fucking regret it for the rest of my life if i didn't interact with her. most likely a once in a lifetime opportunity and he threw it away? jesus.

>> No.63581200

so... did she just doxx herself?

>> No.63581208

*nade nade*

>> No.63581212

I don't believe a shogger was actually there, I think he just correctly guessed where she was

>> No.63581214

KEK honestly anon im actually curious if we already know each other. dm me :)

>> No.63581285

I am also curious but you gotta dm me :)

>> No.63581300

most normie woman post complaining about being a little worried about going to a concert. Nothing at all comparable to what she has said previously and what anybody with actually social problems experience.

>> No.63581304

I'm jealous of these 2 gay brits, any Americans want to be friends?

>> No.63581335

ok i found this, its not her
she has a black shirt with white stripes, and thats a white shirt with black stripes
and we dont even know if she was really wearing it at the concert, it might just be merch she bought after

>> No.63581359 [DELETED] 

From her mom's accent, I think she's from Lancashire.

>> No.63581368

The shogga near me hates me...

>> No.63581399

you know my name, i dont know yours so i insist you dm first :)

>> No.63581416

>bringing up normie women for no reason
die in a fire

>> No.63581455

i want to be happy for her, but i just feel jealous of everyone in that venue

>> No.63581463

Did you guys find her yet or do we need to wait for more videos?

>> No.63581493

I'm jealous too but I'm happy she posted a picture

>> No.63581513

been scrubbing through youtube videos, but haven't seen anything yet...

>> No.63581532

im trying, gotta figure out during what song moa interacted with her, then its easy peasy

>> No.63581546

literally me when shadow does something like this, I don't get mad at her for going out I get mad at the people that got to be close to her

>> No.63581550

shes the one acting like it with her fucking, oh im so nervous but pretty humble brag complete with complement fishing pictures

>> No.63581561

>no reason
this proves she is just another normalfag but lies about problems to garner sympathy. she is not who she says she is

>> No.63581622
File: 215 KB, 640x512, 1691096277321221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would've been jealous if not for the pictures but now I'm happy.

>> No.63581654

I hope they become best friends, I think its cute

>> No.63581666

fuck you everyone knows my name, I'm a shogger that occasionally gets name dropped so u should dm me first :)

>> No.63581757

stop being a massive faggot

>> No.63581799

no fuck you, everyone knows my name more. i'm a shogger that occasionally gets name dropped so u should dm me first :)

>> No.63581891

maybe just a UK shogga that knew the concert was this day, at least, it doesn't look like the girl in the video was waving at someone front row

>> No.63581901
File: 408 KB, 689x689, 1687898718610725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63581902

>and we dont even know if she was really wearing it at the concert, it might just be merch she bought after
We definitely absolutely do know that she didn't buy it after and has had both of those shirts for 4+ years

>> No.63581939

in some of the videos literally everyone is having their phone out. imagine staring at the concert through your phone screen to make sure you're filming it properly for your 10 social media followers than to be there in the moment. the fuck is wrong with people.

>> No.63581987

ok its gonna be super easy then

another video up, still processing tho
this one has the crowd on the big ass display https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkISbpGL8is

>> No.63581994

yeah people don't enjoy the moment anymore

>> No.63582052

this has been the norm at concerts for years

>> No.63582095

hate people who get all riled up about taking videos during concerts. You take the phone out to record and hold it up and look at the act while recording, you dont have to look at the camera for more than 2 seconds. I don't even post vids I take at concerts I just keep them for the memories.

>> No.63582145

>I just keep them for the memories.
do you have alzheimer's?

>> No.63582190

now you're just larping as me. doesnt matter either way like i said its on sight :)

>> No.63582203

no but my memory is pretty bad and taking a video or two doesn't impact my concert experience in the slightest

>> No.63582235

I smell jealousy
give me a Smile in chat and I'll give you my DM so you can dm me first :)

>> No.63582253

>I just keep them for the memories
so you can look at a shaky shitty phone video when you are in a retirement home while your brain is degrading from alzheimers?

>> No.63582317

Dewd STOP baiting DMs

>> No.63582325

>shaky shitty phone video
I have a phone that was made in the last 5 years so no they're pretty stable and good quality
>when you are in a retirement home while your brain is degrading from alzheimers
more so when I feel like shit in a years time I can watch the video and enjoy it again

>> No.63582461

Even at 1080p it looks like shit >:(

>> No.63582536
File: 84 KB, 609x421, whore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.63582596


>> No.63582678


>> No.63582681
File: 860 KB, 336x336, 1697622290920205.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63582709

ogey, videos is done in 4k, timestamp is 5 minutes, go play where's waldo
full view of the crowd including the area here >>63582536

>> No.63582724


>> No.63582781

good job ciachama there must be a better video of that general area. Should be very easy to narrow down from there.

>> No.63582819

she changed her clothes when she got home for the tshirt photos you're not finding her by black and white striped sleeves give up

>> No.63582902

just found her with her black and white striped sleeves and coomed to her

>> No.63582941

wonder if she wore the skirt and leggings that go with that outfit

>> No.63583007

she did that on purpose to confuse us, what a whore

>> No.63583032

just about to point this. i'm not proud to admit i've probably spent the last hours combing through the first few rows and there's just nobody there with striped arms.

>> No.63583144
File: 2.56 MB, 506x587, 1678293170977324.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are you guys tying to find hmm? most of you know her face already.

>> No.63583171

Wait for her stories she might talk about where she was sitting

>> No.63583175

Maybe she was wearing something like a jacket over it

>> No.63583182

any new picture of my wife is a good picture

>> No.63583181

things to post unsolicited on her art tag

>> No.63583196

That was the lamest mosh pit I've ever seen. This concert sucked.

>> No.63583214

going to catch her in lies I just don't know which yet

>> No.63583247

New fap material

>> No.63583251

good question, I was just doing it by instinct

>> No.63583271

i see, I cant even be mad then
take your meds

>> No.63583296

we already know where she is sitting, its the far left side of the stage

>> No.63583328
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Don't mind me

>> No.63583337

retarded question but does she wear glasses

>> No.63583343

Next time she goes out she should post another picture of her chest with only 1 layer TuT

>> No.63583350
File: 1.92 MB, 640x640, 1672151598058488.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her POV when she saw me at the concert

>> No.63583382
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im thinking this is her not sure tho

>> No.63583384

every time something like this happens i start thinking about how i'll never meet her and the suicidal thoughts starts permeating my mind. i just want to tell her i love her, hug her and hold her hand for a minute. i'm so fucking pathetic i'd literally do anything for a 5 minute interaction like that. i hope she grows from this and gets enough courage to go do dokomi one day with nina and inis or something.

>> No.63583423

Shondo liked this a while ago and I can't get it out of my head please help

>> No.63583428

haha youre new haha

>> No.63583474

new as fuck I just enjoy finding people in crowds

>> No.63583480

I don't think it is

>> No.63583489

hi shonshon i love you i hope you had fun at the concert

>> No.63583529

This part of the video has a good angle of the area. I can't see anybody with stripes or anybody that looks like her https://youtu.be/AkISbpGL8is?feature=shared&t=298

>> No.63583555

Holy shit everyone in this thread deserves a fucking bullet to the head.

>> No.63583612


>> No.63583649

new waldo dropped

>> No.63583662

please end my suffering haha

>> No.63583664


>> No.63583729

she's not here I'm a husband

>> No.63583744

That’s so cringe. Corpo vtuber memes are so unfunny.

>> No.63583805

pretty sure I found her but I'm not pointing her out sorry

>> No.63583817

It's time for you to leave Baru.

>> No.63583832
File: 1.63 MB, 1920x1080, skibidilum[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fkqmhdz.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63583845

I think she's even more to the side.

>> No.63583866

now I can only see her real self
Tall and bald

>> No.63583885

>pretty sure I found her butt
what did he mean by this?

>> No.63583948

This is not where I expected to find the soundpost of AI Lumi I made earlier today reposted. Neat tho

>> No.63584019

you don't feel anything by the thought of never being able to see your own wife face to face? you have no heart and no soul, my shogger.

>> No.63584035

That's not real? Make her do a JOI please

>> No.63584095

its actually killing me that there is no fucking videos from her side of the stage like what are the chances of that

>> No.63584106
File: 266 KB, 905x881, 1681416090552841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all this reminds me of how i found out that my ex almost cheated on me two years ago. She told me that one guy invited her to the concert and she said she refused. I googled the concert date and then when the day came i invited her over to my house and she said she can't because she's going to meet the girl she knows, when the concert was over i went on insta and searched tags for the place and looked through stories from people and almost immediately saw her hugging some guy in the crowd.

>> No.63584155

is nobody going to point out she probably spent $200+ for tickets to get front row

>> No.63584182

she's an eldritch monster. there was probably a sphere of cursed energy around her that interferred with people's cameras.

>> No.63584189

that's just the money from 1 stream

>> No.63584197


>> No.63584210

That's rough.

>> No.63584215
File: 468 KB, 609x421, proof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you can clearly see two people who match the image original anon posted

>> No.63584225

i dont know ticket prices because im not a wannabe normie but thats not as bad as i was expecting, i was thinking more around the 1k range

>> No.63584242


>> No.63584288

she should've brought a snow leopard with her there

>> No.63584290

depends on where the show is and if it's a multi-day festival type affair, they definitely can run that expensive especially for VIP packages

>> No.63584306
File: 116 KB, 600x856, 1689351161612145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her with the randosel talking to her sister?

>> No.63584326


>> No.63584334
File: 268 KB, 1752x2000, 1684732049730248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm seeing my wife's face every stream. How would I even meet an anime girl that only exists in my PC? Would I need to have my consciousness transferred into the computer?

>> No.63584356

I love my gold digger of a wife

>> No.63584368

also seems to be the same security at roughly the same column she is standing so she would clearly be in view(if she was not blocked by the audience)

>> No.63584380

that fucking bald striped dude sticks out like a sore thumb its funny what a legend

>> No.63584381
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>> No.63584384

oh shit

>> No.63584428

not her scroll up, full view of her face
she's cute tho

>> No.63584457

actual slut

>> No.63584489

that's the other girl already posted

>> No.63584506

Treating her like a whore now

>> No.63584517

She's so clueless

>> No.63584548

its adorable

>> No.63584555

i love my retarded wife

>> No.63584579

She's so fucking retarded

>> No.63584640

does anyone remember her cursed merch video from before she became a vtuber?

>> No.63584642

>most pathetic moshpit ever
>some insane stuff was going on like moshpits
she never embellishes btw KEK. god she's so fucking cute. dumb but cute.

>> No.63584671

ok so,
she is - at the far left of the stage, front row ontop of the steps, surrounded by large dudes, probably wearing the striped shirt after all? at the very least its long sleeves also she has twintails

>> No.63584677

Seriously. Doxfags deserve the rope and I dont care if its out to hurt the person or I'd they just want to do it for themselves. Its a shitstain on vtubing that needs to be bleached and ice never seen such a high concentration of fags happy to dox her with no quarrels. This shit is why she tries to play it as safe as possible and likely changed clothes etc. And the shitheads saying they would've spoken to her deserve even worse

>> No.63584705

guess that answers this question! exact same outfit as when she did it to em.

>> No.63584718
File: 7 KB, 380x66, dr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop live posting from the thread

>> No.63584751

she has literally told us to come up to her if we see her outside, retard. you don't even watch her, yet you're here pretending to be offended? fucking kill yourself, tourist.

>> No.63584809

she's the one baiting it, take it up with her

>> No.63584828

Sorry, I gave all my money to her and can't afford a rope now. You'll have to sponsor it.

>> No.63584852

>humblebragging about wearing fishnets

>> No.63584854

Watch more streams retarded nigger. @ her if you have concerns for her safety

>> No.63584914

Because she fully expects for it to never happen, trying to justify it to yourself doesn't give you moral high ground, now paint the wall with your brain doxfag

>> No.63584943

uwu so anxious so relatable to u lol i am was so scraded uwu people are scary uwu

>> No.63584969

You're a serious retard if you think she is that stupid

>> No.63584993

she's never been to a concert, give her this one

>> No.63585032

>so relatable to u
Why would this be relatable to late 20s-early 30s men who work for a living? We go outside daily.

>> No.63585056

The idea you think its fine to openly pinpoint her in a concert is what's retarded, convince yourself all you lile but if you asked her if she'd like her face plastered over the internet every time she goes outside to an event I dont think she would say yes

>> No.63585061

she's literally posting about it on twitter? go whine to her instead if you're gonna have a fucking meltdown about it.

>> No.63585116

she's "evolving"

>> No.63585124

Link me to the tweet she posts her face then faggot

>> No.63585152

100k changed her

>> No.63585157

I've told myself i wouldn't come back to /shon/ threads, but after seeing that tweet i just couldn't stop myself...

>> No.63585169

I remember when shondofags were crying about heckin kiwis and now they are doing this shit. The absolute state of this fanbase.
>schizos running excuses for their behavior

>> No.63585202

100k changed us

>> No.63585220

I still miss her old singing it was so much better

>> No.63585264

Shondo stop reading the fucking thread you stupid moron.

>> No.63585270

She's not changing back, leave or get over it

>> No.63585279

This right here is why shoggers don't deserve anything. She's showing you faceless pictures of her wearing a shirt and you think she's ok with having her face plastered all over the internet? Retard.

>> No.63585278

>posts pictures of herself
>shoggers discusses said pictures
where do you people come from?

>> No.63585281

thank god someone agrees holy shit once she started tryharding with vibrato it became so much worse

>> No.63585299

so con slut guy, is this what you meant?

>> No.63585331

They'll convince themselves its okay and shondo gave them written permission. .I used to be a regular in this thread until I realised being a retard was the rule not the exception

>> No.63585340

yo Ray is back! what's up my shogga? missed u

>> No.63585359

Kill yourself doxxschizo.

>> No.63585365

>2 pixels of my sleeve
shondo kiss me I know you're here

>> No.63585402

>whole thread trying to pinpoint her face
Show me where shondo posted her face then
Or just do more mental gymnastics, you're good at that

>> No.63585440

>brought her sister so she wouldn't break down in the crowd
that's satisfactory to me I think, especially if she broke down the moment she left

>> No.63585465

Your jigg is up >>63583067
Kill yourself doxxschizos.

>> No.63585467
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>> No.63585473

Can confirm, I'm her sister

>> No.63585530

if she cared she wouldn't have said where she went, especially not when it's a venue filled to the brim with cameras. she's a fucking streamer with 100k+ followers on twitch and 178k+ on youtube. she's a public figure. go cry about it somewhere else, you deranged fucking lunatic.

>> No.63585574

B-but you're not the real fan you're just a tourist for not trying to dox shondo and post her face

>> No.63585580


>> No.63585592

she didnt

>> No.63585654

She's parasocial to the bone.

>> No.63585660

I see you picked the mental gymnastics route, if she didnt care she wouldn't hide her face to begin with now go back

>> No.63585689

genuinely I don't think she cares if people see her face, she used to post it herself
I'm pretty sure she only doesn't now out of respect for vtuber culture and out of anxiety about people telling her she looks fat or something

>> No.63585742

What am I supposed to be seeing here?

>> No.63585747

How the fuck did she manage to get to avoid all cameras while being in the front row? I can't find her

>> No.63585766
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>> No.63585776

>no woman actually wants to have sex unless they take off their clothes in public and starts humping your leg
you're so dumb you don't even qualify to be a human

>> No.63585798

British forest magic

>> No.63585824
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>> No.63585836

NOOOOOOO DON'T LOOK >>63585359>>63585402

>> No.63585842

i wonder if she cares about how the others would react to such a situation, we were just talking about it yesterday

>> No.63585844

>"hi shondo" *she immediately runs away*
I'd kill myself on the spot

>> No.63585847
File: 1 KB, 25x83, 1672815451515887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing, but look at this beauty

>> No.63585863


>> No.63585872


>> No.63585875

Shondo's so fucking hot

>> No.63585887

Shes reading the thread again

hi shondo I love you

>> No.63585905


>> No.63585906

i cant trust anything she says anymore
all those tweets read like LIES LIES LIES
its truly over

>> No.63585920

>I see you picked the mental gymnastics route
>proceeds with mental gymnastics
kek, you guys never fail to keep me entertained

>> No.63585941


>> No.63585947

My heart has been beat so fast for the past hour... I need to leave early in the morning, i shouldn't have opened up twitter, im too excited now

>> No.63585951

eepsage what are you doing you faggot go back to neppie

>> No.63585954


>> No.63585979

the anon that said she was at concert is so going to kill himself.....

>> No.63585990

dirty slag

>> No.63586077

Get the fuck out of the thread you whore
I'll beat the shit out of you, I mean, I WONT beat the shit out of you. heh gottem

>> No.63586111

Kill me

>> No.63586130

>listening to shondo is now considered mental gymnastics
now that's epic, shogger

>> No.63586132

shondo i really really love you BUT i am going to comb through every fucking video until i see your face

>> No.63586152

and she keeps replying to favorites mostly because of fucking course she does

>> No.63586193

You're actually so real for that

>> No.63586200

I know you're reading shondo, give me some attention too

>> No.63586203

she hates everyone that she didn't reply to

>> No.63586273

Get fucked stupid tourists coming here crying about doxx

>> No.63586289

I used to live in Wolverhampton for a brief while, typical dreary Midlands hole. Weird to think that my digital anime wife was there, was not expecting a cross over between her and that part of my life

>> No.63586366

thank you shondo, im glad you understand, its something that i just have to do otherwise im not gonna be able to calm down
i can do a tribute after i find it if you want

>> No.63586387

it's pretty cute that critter wanted to chaperone her so she could go see her favorite band

>> No.63586388

What if I don't want to interact with the community on discord and twitter? Im fine with chatting, but i don't like interacting with degenerates on /vt/, actual worst of the worst when it comes to having an opinion

>> No.63586454

'accidentally' groping her ass for the entire concert

>> No.63586461

did you forget she actually hates the people she replies to because they act up on stream

>> No.63586477

Im not shondo but you're welcome, i relate to loving her but still wanting to look at her face(even though i don't really care)

>> No.63586507

I just assume she likes this type of behavior. I should start doing the same.

>> No.63586517

you're not being sly retro

>> No.63586526

i just really really like looking at her face sorry not sorry

>> No.63586571

Nothing? You're free to not interact with anyone, she prefers it to you shit talking shoggers. She will also not know that you exist but she will never hate you.

>> No.63586620

go back to redoot

>> No.63586707

I don't have reddit
Well she read some of my chats so I'll at least take that

>> No.63586735

I'd interact with the discord but there are too many british meatballs that don't even watch her in there

>> No.63586780

The fuck did I do?

>> No.63586813

one of the moshes

>> No.63586868

wow brits are lame

>> No.63586897
File: 76 KB, 720x328, Screenshot_20231130_035317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did he mean by this

>> No.63586933

why would you moshpit at a babymetal concert?

>> No.63586991

Like a sperging nerd most likely
I doubt he meant the other option

>> No.63587007

>can't sleep at a hotel
So she didn't sleep at all when she was in Florida?

>> No.63587013

he's gonna shoot up the concert

>> No.63587063

this was exactly what I mean. I'll wait for her explanation, but otherwise, I think it might be over.

>> No.63587068

it's metal, why not?

>> No.63587079

>You're probably going to need a few days to rest, don't feel bad if you have to take some time away from streaming.
God I hate these cocksuckers!
Why do they always underestimate my wife?

>> No.63587086

he will ask her to step on him

>> No.63587088
File: 816 KB, 1236x700, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not knowing what a woman is

>> No.63587110

just read about ghost bans on twitter, some of you guys are literally screaming at the wind

>> No.63587116

She did say she didn't before, that's right
She's talked about how she finds all hotel beds uncomfortable before

>> No.63587129

I think she said something like that before, but she was there for weeks so idk how she managed it

>> No.63587159
File: 13 KB, 603x115, are you for real nigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shoggers so desperate for a reply and ask the stupidest fucking thing you can think of

>> No.63587172

defensive reply in 3...

>> No.63587186


>> No.63587210

>shes in a hotel and not home right now
why didnt they just go back home? there's something else planned tomorrow too? now someone is definitely going to find her before she gets home

>> No.63587228

And whose fault is that? She only reads favorites during streams.

>> No.63587240

I'll carry her bed with her the entire time if she needs to sleep somewhere else

>> No.63587257

didnt she tell her mother (and us) that she was going to stop doing this sort of thing?

>> No.63587280

;) (with me)

>> No.63587286

The fact you are mentally incapable of distinguishing the difference between that screenshot and this thread is why you deserve to be out down like the dog you are

>> No.63587305

Fleece you're not slick.

>> No.63587311

you want her to ride a train this late? alone with a little girl? in norf ingerland? are you serious?

>> No.63587317

not only streams

>> No.63587335

I love all of you

>> No.63587350

It's late ig
She reads all but only responds to people that aren't faggots

>> No.63587386

>She reads all but only responds to people that aren't faggots

>> No.63587408

prove it give me a kiss in chat

>> No.63587453

no way... it exists.... a video from the left side of the stage

>> No.63587463

i admittedly forgot what the time was where she is

>> No.63587490

Is this shondo
If yes - > i love you so much

>> No.63587527

out down? You got so mad you forgot how to write for a moment there, anon.

>> No.63587542

Nothing wrong with loving your homies you insecure faggot.

>> No.63587544

from the rafters, shes underneath and out of sight

>> No.63587550

and it's from an angle you can't see where she is...

>> No.63587571

Shondo you need scolding, you better make it up to us for the jealousy on top of everything else.

>> No.63587600


>> No.63587619

another one
someone is filming at the railing of the rafters, if they pointed down the camera.... and possibly uploaded it...

>> No.63587620

im on my phghone right noewe

>> No.63587644

this energy exists nowhere else

>> No.63587707

it never points down...

>> No.63587717

I also love all of you but at the same time I would end all of you without hesitation

>> No.63587900

the one time I decide to have a good night's rest, this happens fml

>> No.63587949

Screenshot everything before @goodgirlshadow gets suspended.

>> No.63587973

Right? I just happened to open twitter at the right time before going to bed... Safe to say im gonna be late tomorrow

>> No.63587978

are you not trying to bait her to admit she's reacting to antis /here/

>> No.63588009
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please be less cute

>> No.63588055

I think he was making a joke implying that she knows a woman like that irl

>> No.63588076

No? Wtf I don’t even know where you got that idea

>> No.63588079
File: 513 KB, 652x662, 1696608723290613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gn /shon/ it's been fun
I find it funny how jannies try to clean it up but end up giving up almost immediately
It's like they know the majority of IPs are breaking rules/interacting with rule breaking posts so they just ignore us altogether

>> No.63588109
File: 31 KB, 638x300, 1673353041683143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already proved she's here dumbass.

>> No.63588129

She can't help it

>> No.63588149

I really want to say you're a schizo but this happens way too often

>> No.63588152

Yeah it sounds a little like shadowmama

>> No.63588189

not deleting sensitive info would unironically make it harder to find leaks but jannies not be smarties

>> No.63588202

Full of yourself tonight, aren't you Shondo? Post the bruise without the fishnets now.

>> No.63588215

ah maybe her mom's friend

>> No.63588240

ignored by her and jannies it's shover

>> No.63588251

no way... it cant be....

>> No.63588269

She can't help but wonder what is being said here, i just hope she know most fags are braindead and not to be taken seriously...

>> No.63588276

p-p-painted nails please?

>> No.63588368
File: 40 KB, 175x139, no way.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe she is so handsome..

>> No.63588389

holy fuck thats actually literally her in the way back. thats her brown randoseru in her hands.

>> No.63588405 [SPOILER] 
File: 132 KB, 397x325, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no way... and with northernlion of all people

>> No.63588480

how are there so many bald men in the UK?

>> No.63588563

what kind of person brings their fucking dog to a concert

>> No.63588601

I'm Big Boss
and you are too

>> No.63588604

so how many of you are going to tribute her flat chest today?

>> No.63588640
File: 1 KB, 45x96, 1688943209279052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63588649

LOL, fucker's goig deaf

>> No.63588694

wrong randoseru colour

>> No.63588936

uploads are slowing down but im not givingg up hope yet
there were people filming the queue outside
and there is bound to be a video from the left side of the stage
also someone should bake

>> No.63589050

I'm sick of playing into this girl's fantasy of wanting to be chased and hunted down. you just know she's getting turned on reading the thread and seeing dozens of people trying to figure out where she is and if she gets face doxxed. she's just sitting there in her hotel room rubbing her legs together, enjoying the thrill as we hunt down videos and pictures of the concert just to get a glipse of her. she must be fucking ecstatic now watching all these men trip of each other trying to guess where she was.

>> No.63589114

cringe low test post

>> No.63589147

hi forest fires

>> No.63589167

god i hope i slip into the backrooms so I can be in uk right now

>> No.63589166

thanks for telling us what you're doing now shondo

>> No.63589204
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It's a pink bag

>> No.63589225
File: 875 KB, 1414x2048, 355321586_637166181771587_6497601089399817365_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can't fucking wait for the Great Huswand War arc

>> No.63589269
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>> No.63589271
File: 3 KB, 287x82, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dang yo, the critter has some fat legs

>> No.63589289


>> No.63589296

she can ruin me

>> No.63589314

That looks interesting. Where is it from?

>> No.63589316

her hair isn't that straight nor long too

>> No.63589320

this dumb slut has the gall to say "ooh i miss my family" and and at the same time be like "this is where i am right now"

>> No.63589383

I love my wife shadow, she is the best, i wish her great fortune, health and positive events

i would win

>> No.63589392

is that really her? I found some better pictures but I'm not sure about that, she isn't wearing fishnets
