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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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63408907 No.63408907 [Reply] [Original]

The savior of Holostars.
He is righ

>> No.63408986

kys bvtm

>> No.63409348
File: 434 KB, 2616x2448, 1700797235521741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that all it takes to mentally devastate fragile pedophiles is a vtuber saying "i don't get off to fictional kids".
The sperging has been pathetic yet hilarious.

>> No.63409402

Maybe he doesn't belong then when the pillar of manga/anime is so disgusting to him?

>> No.63409511

>Jerk off to the loli or get out of my community, chud!

>> No.63409662

Normalfag has normalfag opinions, millions shocked. "He's our savior", a normalfag claims. Streams still go unwatched.

>> No.63409756

He's on his way to being a permanent 3view like the rest of holostars. Stars will never be successful.

>> No.63410519

pedo still seething

>> No.63410744

>Pedo’s HATE HIM
Sounds pretty based ngl

>> No.63410908

trannies trying to hype this boring faggot up is funny. Maybe the rumor going around about their gen actually being called NyQuil might be true

>> No.63410962

what are we fighting for? /MANS/ sisters are always posting abuse edits or shota shit and every red blooded male hololive fan wants to come on shion's tummy. Both sides should want to gatekeep the kind of normies who are currently cancelling people for liking MIA. Make no mistake the people calling this guys takes based are those types and they should stay in the western twitch chuuba sphere and be obnoxious moral police there.

>> No.63411067

>moral police
This whole “yab” is literally /vt/ seething about him having the wrong opinion

>> No.63411135
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I know /vt/ gets riled up over literally anything, but it's so fucking funny that the reason why they're mad at that guy in particular was him saying "I don't jack off to lolis" answering a comment in the chat and just moving on to another subject, pretty based

>> No.63411293

my post was directed at the people calling him based simply because he is making people seethe I struggle to believe the homo fans here are normalfag enough to actually think what he said was based. He does have the wrong opinion, I think anyone here should be able to admit it, just like I can admit it's not some kind of huge yab.

>> No.63411463

Maybe you’re more nuanced than some of the other posters, but a lot of the discourse has turned into accusations of him being woke and therefore being some secret pedophile.

>> No.63411607

It's okay to sexualize minors if they're males, anon

>> No.63411636

Yeah I think it's safe to disregard the guy spamming the pol/wojak groomer memes, that would only be relevant if the guy was on an outright crusade which he obviously isn't, it was just one passing comment. Still a retarded take though.

>> No.63411651

>Both sides should want to gatekeep the kind of normies who are currently cancelling people for liking MIA
Last time I checked "male" hololive fans want to gatekeep anything male which obviously goes against /MANS/'s existence. Also
>canceling is okay when we do it

>> No.63412085

You know for all the shitposting and seethe the males get in this place especially after a new gen, you get like 3 or 4 people breaking containment max, nobody from here is cancelling anyone.
>Last time I checked "male" hololive fans want to gatekeep anything male
I think most people are happy now they can be ignored desu tempus2 didn't even get much attention on the catalog (which should never be taken that seriously anyway) because they are just chilling and doing their own thing. If t. rexman didn't make a splash with his I'm dino holotori rabu rabu pekora comments I think it would have been the same for armis.

>> No.63412186

What annoys me is that this nothingburger started making rounds because one fan decided to clip it on xitter to gush about how based he is for saying it aloud. Had that user refrained from virtue signaling about chuuba FINALLY HAVING COMMON SENSE her oshi would have flew under the shitposter radar completely because as we know, catalogfags don't watch streams, especially not holostars streams.
I thought he was kinda cool but my shotacon ass can't support him if he endorses the "proshippers, don't interact!!!!" twittards in his fanbase. I'll stick with Roberu

>> No.63412249

This may just be a cope, but if I were to steelman his statements I would say he was trying to argue that fanservice shouldn’t conflict with the identity of the character, which I don’t necessarily disagree with. I remember being a teen playing soul calibur and thinking it was weird that Ivy had a more sophisticated personality but walked around in a bdsm outfit everywhere, sure it was hot but I don’t think it represented the character very well.

>> No.63412497

wonder how those fans felt knowing Magni and Vesper made jokes about being sexually attracted to Flayon's model

>> No.63412595

>What annoys me is that this nothingburger started making rounds

Its just an excuse to talk about lolishota and how it should be allowed/not allowed. Ruze is just caught in the crossfire since he brought it up.

>> No.63412629

>my shotacon ass can't support him if he endorses the "proshippers, don't interact!!!!" twittards in his fanbase
Ma'am he literally only said he doesn't get off to lolis/shotas. It truly is not that deep.

>> No.63412912

Yeah if you want to be charitable you could look at it that way, to me it reads like the same kind of sentiment used to shit on Japanese games and media in the past, that if fanservice exists it should be empowering not titillating. The stuff about the identity of the character being the prime decider of whether it's appropriate or not in my experience is just a smokescreen, you get an eye candy character in a coomer game and no matter how she is written these types shit on it nonetheless.

He is free to not like fanservice or coomer shit in general though it takes me out of media sometimes too, I just roll my eyes at the kind of people who have these "safe" sexy characters to ogle at like bayo and talk about them being the right way to do it. Feels very reddit.

>> No.63412917
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>> No.63413119

I've yet to get used to the raspy voice, but the Sonic Superstars stream he did yesterday was pretty fun desu, I don't care about this stupid pedo controversy

>> No.63413281

>fanservice shouldn’t conflict with the identity of the character
That's exactly what he said. He mentioned Bayonetta because she's an example of good fanservice: a character that's highly flirtatious, dresses sexily, and uses her sex appeal to her advantage, therefore suggestive camera angles are fitting. Some shy nerdy girl with the camera on her giant juggling tits doesn't fit the character.

>> No.63413399

>He can't tell the difference between fiction and reality
You ARE smarter than a 5 year old, right /vt/?

>> No.63413416

Why does his voice sound like that

>> No.63413443

I think the point there is that awful people are flocking to him because of it

>> No.63413591
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That is a normal opinion. It was when he mentioned wakfu, then got triggered over naked young girls in the show, then when hit with the "They are just drawings bro" he got triggered and went on a rant about how he doesn't sexualizing characters that "don't have a say in it" with the obvious implication that children can't consent to sexy stuff.

>> No.63413624

>Some shy nerdy girl with the camera on her giant juggling tits doesn't fit the character.
And my point is that's perfectly okay and the way Bayo does it is not necessarily superior and who is he or anyone really to say what "fits" the shy nerdy character or not.
2b having a gigantic glistening android ass and walking around in a leotard doesn't make a whole lot of sense and people took umbrage with that too but she is a beloved character for both men and women.

>> No.63413823

It was obviously a spaghetti drop, but anti-pedo sentiments are correct by default. Subhumans that lust for any form of child aren't to be tolerated to live, he should've just worded it better.

>> No.63413968

Why do you diet pedos always assume that's the case? He said he knows it's fictional and doesn't care, he doesn't jack off to fictional children either

>> No.63414164

If you're calling people pedos over it, you don't know the difference.

>> No.63414280

>who is he or anyone really to say what "fits" the shy nerdy character or not
I think you misunderstood my post as well as my fault for using an ambiguous personality trait like "shy." Using "prudish" instead, sexualizing the character obviously going against her character, which is what he takes issue with. For >>63413591 I assume that's also what he meant by characters that "don't have a say in it" but that's just an assumption.

>> No.63414297

Same desu, issue with it is that any statement for or against is just a spring board for pro-or-anti ship discourse
>my shotacon ass

>> No.63414371
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Why would that make him the savior of Holostars? I don't recall any of the others claiming they're into lolis, seems pretty normal to me.

>> No.63414404

>Stars will never be successful.
>Stars proceed to bring in thousands in superchats alone.
Are you sure?

>> No.63414504

Found the American cultural terrorist who can't figure out that pixels are not the same as flesh and blood.
Go back to twitter. You don't deserve to be part of our space.

>> No.63414603

The problem is he is inviting those racist leftoid pearl clutchers who go around calling everyone nazis, pedos, etc just because they happen to like things in media.
Retards acting like Jack Thompson trying to start a moral outrage when there isn't one to be found.

>> No.63414728

>"I get a boner whenever I see a drawing that looks exactly like a kid, but I ain't even slightly pedo, guys! I swear!"

>> No.63414777
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>> No.63414803

It's not real.

>> No.63414866

I do understand that going against his perception of the character traits to insert fanservice is what he is taking issue with, I just think it was clumsily worded to talk about "the characters say" which combined with his reaction to the girls in wakfu makes it pretty easy to see his take as analogous to the retards on twitter who will reply with
>she's a minor bro...
to Genshin fanart or whatever the fuck else.

Quite apart from the loli stuff I just think the idea that some fanservice is okay and some is not based on character traits is stupid. Lets be honest Bayonetta does not need those smash zooms to her crotch with her spread legs to be an empowered sexy character. It's all just coomer shit and people should own it instead of feeling morally superior over the guys that play coomer gacha #901

>> No.63414889

Do you also talk like that about the female coomers who are into shotas or is it just exclusively lolis?

>> No.63414897

>Jerk off to the drawing you terrorist!

>> No.63415115

To me they can fuck off as well. Like, obviously jerking off to lolis/shotas isn't on the same level as real child molesting since it's just a drawing, but I'd say it's a red flag at the very least. Maybe it's a person who really just likes lolis/shotas and doesn't care for actual children, but it also could be an actual pedo.

>> No.63415366

Yeah but that's retarded because whatever the artist does with their character is their own business. It's not a should or should not thing. No one is being harmed

>> No.63415487

>feeling morally superior over the guys that play coomer gacha #901
I think it more along the lines of "being bored of a cliché." It can also detract from the current mood of the scene, which is a valid criticism.
Bayonetta doesn't "need" it, sure, but the point is that it isn't out of place because personality wise Bayonetta is already highly sexualized.
People are allowed to enjoy metal breastplate jiggle physics and people are allowed to think it's dumb.

>> No.63415505

theres a sister in EN management that hired this Vtweeter retard. he's a saboteur, not a savior

>> No.63415520 [DELETED] 

It's not even a red flag. It's not real. An actual pedo would be jerking it to real children. That is what is wrong. That's what the red flag is

>> No.63415533

>exactly like a kid

>> No.63415539

>Found the American cultural terrorist
Ruze not wanting to sexualize fictional children is not some extreme feminist position. He is giving a reasonable opinion that sexualization of young girls in entertainment is concerning.

>> No.63415553

The true crime was his acknowledgement of trannies. Why can't males keep their goddamn agendas to themselves like the holo girls do?
I guess that's expected from a Homestuck fan

>> No.63415576

It's not real

>> No.63415601
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Except he was speaking as a consumer, not as an arbiter of what should exist. He never said what people should do, just what he likes and doesn't like in media.
And he hasn't let those dislikes stop him from enjoying something if its good enough. He watched Wakfu and really enjoyed the final fight.

>> No.63415667

What's righ?

>> No.63415669
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>> No.63415758

People can jerk off to hentai as well as actual porn, though. A guy jerking off to real children wouldn't even be a red flag, it would be straight up a confirmation that he's a pedo.

>> No.63415845

Oh right, I forgot about that bitch, my bad. She's also quite retarded for doing that, people like her and Ruze attract the worst kind of audience.

>> No.63415914

remember he said "men, women and non-binary pals"
its because of people like him that EN couldnt play hogwarts

>> No.63415919

Who do you think is more likely to be a pedo, someone who gets off to vanilla porn, or a lolicon?

>> No.63416230

>could be
Does a lot of heavy lifting for this retarded witch hunt mindset. Furfags "could be" actual animal abusers too but it's far more likely they will jerk off to their anthro porn and dress up in their stupid suits and fuck other human beings into the same fetish as they are.
Sadly pedos are far more common and spread out throughout society than furfags but instead of looking for them where they actually tend to be (in positions of power or near vulnerable kids) you jump at shadows pointing the finger at the weebs who watched toradora and like to jerk it to Taiga doujins or some shit.

If you retards could purge every single weeb who has done the deed to characters like that you would probably miss 99% of the people going after actual kids.

>> No.63416262

Neither makes you more likely. You either are a pedo or aren't one. Lolis are not real

>> No.63416452

It's not because of people like him that EN cant play hogwarts.
You let them into our space and you let them tell us what to do. You faggots are terrible at gatekeeping.

>> No.63416515

The one most likely to be a pedo is the one who pearl clutches, falsely accuses people of being pedos, and is obsessed with finding pedos.

>> No.63416559

Someone who exclusively gets off to vanilla porn is concerning. People who get off to things that are "wrong" or taboo in some sense is the entire reason there was such a surge in incest porn. People who want to fuck a loli strike me the same as those people that want to fuck a pokemon, or girls that call men "daddy". It's just some "ooh look it's wrong and/or a power fantasy" kind of thing. Dog-earing one variety of fictional porn specifically always strikes me as more of a projection thing when it's stated publicly, like politicians who go on record being openly anti-gay and getting caught being gay down the line. But hey, that's just a theory. A gay theory. Thanks for watching

>> No.63416599

Nice dodge retards

>> No.63416647

I can't tell if this is a larp or autism...

>> No.63416696

Was for these anons

>> No.63417197

NTA but there were cases of furfags turning out to be real animal abusers, but as far as I know there's no lolicon who turned out to be a real pedo.

>> No.63417279

The cope used is always projection which is a poor attempt at changing targets.

The reality is actual porn of that type would be illegal and equal jail time so to me it’s a loophole to go towards the drawings, so yes i feel like they are closeted pedos.

A question to ponder is, do straight men jerk to sexualized male drawings or lust after male vtubers? Probably not unless they are a little bi

>> No.63417383

you're a pedo and so is your mother

>> No.63417428

>politicians who go on record being openly anti-gay and getting caught being gay down the line
Of course theres plenty of people just projecting, but that was never really something I had any arguments with. Even if I don't think being a lolicon makes you immediately a pedophile, if I had to pick between a lolicon and a normie to babysit my kid over the weekend, i'm not picking the lolicon. Maybe that lolicon would be perfectly fine with my kid, but I'd rather place my faith in a regular person.

>> No.63417676

Completely understandable. To be honest, I wouldn't let anyone in the public light who feels the need to state what they're sexually into, or against, babysit my kids. If it's someone with an audience that's going to be doing it, I'd be way more comfortable with someone who at least knows how to hide their powerlevel.

>> No.63417800

Thad you newfag
holy fuck this board's powerlevel won't even register on the scouter

>> No.63417893

Sorry I don’t speak monkey can you put some education in your words next time, instead of throwing shit around.

>> No.63418042

QRD? I don't watch homos.

>> No.63418169

This image >>63413591
"men, women and non-binary people doing it for empowerment is okay"

>> No.63418179

He said he doesnt want to fuck fictional kids and somehow this is a bad thing because you NEED to be a pedo to belong in the industry

>> No.63418212


>> No.63418422 [SPOILER] 
File: 9 KB, 250x188, MadThad_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know

>> No.63422000


>> No.63423768

Anon it's not normal to have a severe lack of separation between fiction and reality, it's at best imature at worst a mental illness. Instead of working for holostars he should be work on in a reabilitation facility for irrecuperable retard, who know maybe cianure with high dosage can repear the brain rot that cause him to have this retarded take.

>> No.63423876

Only thousand? no wonder they are such a failure, that around one stream for the lowest performing girls. I wonder if they can properly pay their manager with this misery. Well no wonder they don't have alternate outfit nor 3D nor anything DESU. well failure do be failure no matter how you try to put it.

>> No.63424049

He has a stupid opinion if it means he hates panty shots because they don't "empower" the character. Or that the character isn't "consenting" to it.

>> No.63424178

There are definitely lolicons who are actual pedos, but you're right about the majority of them being more spread out throughout society, some of them even being celebrities who seemingly had nothing to do with the subject, this is what twitter fags fail to understand.

>> No.63424387

Yagoo's double agent

>> No.63424447

someone has to stop hololive/stars from going down the path of degeneracy

>> No.63424621

This whole thing is retarded because all he said is he's not into it but you know how this board likes to dial it up to 100 and take it as
>Sexualizing ALL cartoons is LITERALLY PEDOPHILIA and you should kill yourself if you even think about an underage character the wrong way

>> No.63428889


>> No.63430712

This design looks like fucking shit, like a guy puked a bunch of shapes and colors and this is what came out. The fuck is wrong with homo designs? good god

>> No.63432533
File: 3.75 MB, 1280x720, Ruze Cruise[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fgvxx97.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I missing something here? All he said was that he doesn't sexualize underage characters, and that he prefers that characters are sexy as an actual part of their character as oppressed to just being shallow fan-service.

I interoperate "characters that don't have a say in it" as it being thrust upon them as part of their role in the story, not literally asking a fictional character if its ok to sexaulize them. Something like slave Leia for example.

Nonbinary stuff aside, was this really such an offensive take? Even the dramafags are starting to jump in on it
I get that there are a ton of twittertards who actually can't distinguish fiction from reality, but that's not the vibe I got here.

>> No.63433975

>Something like slave Leia
A lot of people are sick to death of people shitting on things like slave Leia too, yes her outfit is fanservice but you know what, it's justified enough in the story and people like looking at scantily clad women, being scolded for enjoying fanservice because it caters to the male gaze or isn't empowering enough or isn't justified by the plot or characters has rubbed a lot of people the wrong way over the last decade and is part of the reason the "fun and dumb" movies are shit now.

His take about not being into loli would have been totally ignored by dramatubers if that is all he said because even if you correctly see it as just a fetish and not indicative of any real life threat, it's still a pretty aberrant one that nobody wants to go out on a limb defending.
His dumb takes about what is and isn't okay for fictional characters and stories more generally are the more irritating part of what he said even if he was only talking from his perspective.

Maybe he is just a lore and worldbuilding autist like I have seen people who are defending him claim but he came off as one of those twitter types and it's unsurprising even "normal" people are shitting on him a little bit.

>> No.63434103

I wanna like this guy but he and Jurard just won't stop screaming. It's worse than Asta from Black Clover

>> No.63434589

Ruze is so fucking innocuous and his "take" was such an inoffensive, common one. I don't know why anyone bothers latching onto this.


>> No.63434977

>sister throwing a fellow star under the bus to prop up another star
nice "brotherhood"

>> No.63435031

>to just being shallow fan-service.
Not even that really, more if it is used as a way to degrade the character. Hell half the time it turns into some weird cuckbait shit.

Also I can't stand his voice.

>> No.63436623
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>Some shy nerdy girl with the camera on her giant juggling tits doesn't fit the character.
It can.

>> No.63436934

holobronies this is your "high caliber" recruitment agency? This is something straight out of nijisanji EN

>> No.63437077

Ruze’s “opinion” on sexy women is the same one I’ve seen thrown around for over a decade now to explain away why Yoko from TTGL is a “good example” of fanservice (because she “chooses” to dress the way she does.) It’s cherry picking and poor reasoning to justify some fanservice but ignore the rest. It’s the quintessential “if I like thing then it’s GOOD but if I don’t like it then it’s BAD.
It’s pure elitism and elitist faggots should be purged.

Yoko is 14 so this faggot would probably bitch about her anyway.

>> No.63438360

Yet another homobeggars L

>> No.63440147

>loli drawing
>calling a drawing the same as a real crime done to a real child
If someone draws an anime character dying, is it murder?

>> No.63440349

>silly boneheaded brute personality
>likes actually good media and games
>on one of his first non-debut streams hes already spewing some fucking random shit about how he hates lolis
so close. SO fucking close.

>> No.63442368
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He's wrong, characters who dress in sexy outfits but don't try to be sexy are much better than whatever Bayonetta has going on. Empowering sexualization sucks forever.

>> No.63447274 [DELETED] 

make me

>> No.63451357

>what are we fighting for?
no like this

>> No.63453810

What if i paid a loli voice actress to say that they consent? What if i use AI voice generator to make Riko from Made in Abyss consent to sex? does that qualify as consent? CAN fictional characters give consent?

>> No.63453923

>So what do you think about the Abyss controversy?
>Meh, I don't get off on lolis

>> No.63454226

man, it’s a good thing he didn’t do those things, then

>> No.63454606

>triggered cunny faggots

He's alright in my books.

>> No.63459019 [DELETED] 

>he thinks that if you consume enough loli porn, you will become a pedophile

This is the same thinking that if you watch enough gay porn, you'll turn gay.
