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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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63372680 No.63372680 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this boring milquetoast girl considered the best EN has to offer?

>> No.63372799

Because you touch yourself at night.

>> No.63372812


What the fuck is milktoast

>> No.63372904

because holo en is "mid" as the kids say. Anyone who does more than bare minimum stands out
imagine praising people just for showing up to work

>> No.63372961

>considered the best EN

>> No.63372979

>What the fuck is milktoast
Bland, timid, inoffensive.

>> No.63372986

girl next door

>> No.63373027

Don't have any real criticism other than personal preference? Hit 'em with the old reliable "boring" stick.

>> No.63373100

Thank you tensai anonchan. I love my milktoast wife

>> No.63373112

Milhouse? Is that some sort of meme or something?

>> No.63373114
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she is a good entertainer and always has something to say
plus she has a cute voice and model

>> No.63373163

You do know you are misspelling it despite it being in the OP?

>> No.63373267

The best streamer overall was Gura, she's not going to stream regularly again. I'm glad Fauna is doing good. Full support.

"We all love Gura in this house." - Fauna

>> No.63373415

>The best streamer overall was Gura, she's not going to stream regularly again
This unironically.
Gura was the perfect mix of genre-savvy and not filtering herself, shame she turned out to be lazy and a cunt.

>> No.63373600
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as some anon in the other fauna thread pointed out, it really is just that she streamed consistently (when her arguably more talented peers fucked off) and doesn't have any real debuffs
As someone who's watched her since debut, watching her improve as both a streamer and idol has been pretty fun

>> No.63373710

i want to eat her farthole if you know what i mean

>> No.63373797

Fauna regularly getting 10k+ streams really mindbroke a couple of schizos

>> No.63373964
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Anon was actually playing 5D chess and making an elaborate inside joke

>> No.63374107 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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Consistency is one hell of a drug for people

>> No.63374691

>The best streamer overall was Gura
Fuck no.

>> No.63374748

define milquetoast.
you wont.

>> No.63374931

Because she starts first when EN primetime is starting up and people are wanting to watch streams. The only competition at the time is sometimes Ina and she's faded by now and plays debuff games. When Fauna's not streaming Biboo gets her #s instead as we saw the other day. If Mumei started in Fauna's timeslot she'd probably mog them all. Fauna's great though, not trying to hate, just saying a lot of it is the timeslot.

>> No.63375065
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>melting down so hard he made 2 threads

>> No.63375265

>The best streamer overall was Gura

>> No.63375503

Gura ran out of stuff to say after a few months and was filling in the dead air with cutesy noises. She even said at one point that she ran out of stuff to talk about and has to take some days off to get some new topics. Like 6 months after her debut she was almost dead silent while playing minecraft and she said that she is like that because she needs to focus. Focus on fucking minecraft? You gotta be kidding me.

>> No.63375708

>Ran out of stuff to say
That just means she's actually based. Normal women blab about nothing for no reason other than to hear themselves talk. Gura seems like she'd unironically be a perfect partner for most fags /here/ because she "ran out of stuff to say" while the other women have endless streams of bullshit spewing from their mouths.

>> No.63377416

Because she’s the fucking best

>> No.63377949

>default picture
did a new niji yab happened?

>> No.63378129

I dont watch Fauna but why you hate her OP?

>> No.63378336

It's ok when holoslop does this

>> No.63378439

its when you toast a bread get a bowl and the dunk it in milk and slurp away.

>> No.63378484

nijikeks too busy graduating.

>> No.63378504

Faunaschizo usually melts down when Fauna gets good numbers

>> No.63378877

consistency and keeping her menhera out of streams
as true as that may be, she doesn't stream anymore so it's a moot point now

>> No.63380207

low T males like safe and boring women

>> No.63380474

thought you'd be a fan then as you spend 16+ hours a day seething at a green woman, sister

>> No.63380976 [DELETED] 

stop projecting, cuckling

>> No.63381091

this "boring milquetoast girl" mogs both you and your oshi,
so go on, keep crying about it op.

>> No.63381135

You don't watch her if you think that. She has the same internet brainrot as Gura and Mumei

>> No.63381385

>post has no projection

>> No.63385371

Because we lost sana

>> No.63385461

woman detected

>> No.63386464

that was only true before advent

>> No.63386539

>What the fuck is milktoast
its funny because this is a fauna-tier joke

>> No.63388578

the bar is that low.

>> No.63393148


>> No.63393994

Mmm Fauna

>> No.63394011

Hey, you dumb bitch, you missed these threads yesterday. Don’t get fucking lazy

>> No.63394119

>Staying silent half of the time as one of the biggest vtubers ever is based
Holy mother of cope. Also you are a fucking retard.

>> No.63394126

Oh let me guess, you think Mumei is better

>> No.63394135

no one considers her the best except for a handful of cucklings. Fuwamoco are clearly superior in every way.

>> No.63394331

Add some sugar and you have a quick breakfast

>> No.63394383

I liked how you talked about the timeslot, I agree because there is even proof of it, since before she started to stream in that timeslot after Ina took a long break, she did not have those numbers

What I do not agree with is how great she is, I don't see the appeal of her voice at all

>> No.63394444

Wow new Chumbud cope just dropped just marry a mute girl you fucking retard

>> No.63397167

But she wasn't. Best one currently fwmc

>> No.63397289

Low T men like dommy mommies and mentally ill goth gfs though.

>> No.63399470
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>> No.63399552

She's feminine, cute, knows how to be funny and manages to make most games fun and entertaining. She's not the best gamer, or a good singer, and she's probably never going to be the best streamer, but she's minmaxed the talent points God gave her, and I love her.

>> No.63399583

>>Ran out of stuff to say
>That just means she's actually based
kronii does the same thing
lot of dead air

>> No.63399588 [DELETED] 

>Saplings shitting up the catalog again
Must be a Monday.

>> No.63399619

>fat tranny op cant understand why people like cute girls

>> No.63400063 [DELETED] 

about that...

>> No.63400481

straight from the comedy-inn

>> No.63400629

She streamed. Yes. I know Kiara streamed too. There's a difference between boring and annoying.

>> No.63400846

I think FUWAMOCO is the best in EN, but Fauna is a close second. She has a nice sense of humor, kind of meme-based, but subtle enough where it's not annoying. I like her taste in music. She sometimes plays games that I also like. In general it seems like she respects her viewers and tries to be punctual. Also she seems pretty intelligent as far as vtubers go. Also cute voice. These are stressful times and we could all use some boredom. I know this is a troll post, but I wanted to share my appreciation.

>> No.63401572

She's only milquetoast if you live around girls like her.

>> No.63401602

Cause everyone else sucks so bad that boring milquetoast is genuinely the best it has to offer

>> No.63401709
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>> No.63402108

She was the most professional by a landslide until Fuwamoco appeared. She's still better than all of Myth, and probably the best of her gen.

>> No.63403484

I like Fuwamoco a lot, they're probably number 2 in EN tied with Mumei for me after Fauna. (Since Gura is MIA.) IMO Fauna is more witty and easier to understand, but she's also a veteran at this point. I'm looking forward to how Fuwamoco are going to develop within the span of a year.

>> No.63403535


>> No.63403632

Why do Nijinigs and Homobeggar think you need to be loud, obnoxious, and gossipy/a drama whore?

>> No.63403934

Gura was the best stream in that she had the widest general appeal. Her humor was pretty easy to get if you watched streams or were termanally online, her design was simple to be easily drawable by fans, her model and kind of voice were lolibait, and she had a past that made her blow up even more when people kinda figured it out.
I feel like she's the 'in' for most anime fans who end up watching vtubing, maybe less so with her not streaming much now. When you don't know exactly what there is on offer and you just go with the general recommendations, kinda like getting recommended Cowboy Bebop or Ghibli to non-anime fans. At this point IronMouse might be that more than Gura, but Gura's face is so ingrained as the face of vtubing in the west that it'll take a while to change.

>> No.63403988

alot of anti good girls thread
must be the seething landwhale sisters whores

>> No.63404119

The issue with FuwaMoco is that they aren't general-audience friendly. Your average light anime fan is going to come into their streams, see VN, hear their voice, hear them talk about anime and VN, and nope the fuck out of the stream asap.
I love my dogs, but they will never capture the hearts of the masses. They will do well for people who get past rhe initial stages of interest, but as lead-ins, they're bad.

>> No.63404541

Why do I get rock hard and light headed when I see this

>> No.63404609
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>the best EN has to offer?

>> No.63404690

Literally who?

>> No.63404728

Get out from under that rock anon

>> No.63404843

because EOPs have shit taste

>> No.63404868


>> No.63404887

I hear casual viewera or people outside the bubble talk more about IronMouse than Gura now-a-days.

>> No.63404983

She’s the only one to offer chastity key holding.

>> No.63405041

Anon, how does it feel knowing your oshi is too good for you?
Fauna isn’t my oshi, but I respect her more than anyone else in the branch because she’s one of the most intelligent. Plus, she has basic common sense when it comes to content creation and knowing your audience. I’m an adventfag, but I watch Fauna the most out of Promise.
You…sound like the kind of person to watch her because she was the only one streaming for awhile. And then came up with reasons to defend watching her.

>> No.63405110

Stop watching twitch, outside of that shithole nobody knows about IronLung.

>> No.63405191

Is this "Fauna" in the room with us right now?

>> No.63405198

Who is your oshi? Normally I would bet on Shiori or Biboo, but I've seen a lot of Fuwamoco/Fauna overlap recently.

>> No.63405250

I don't watch twitch and I don't like Vshojo, it's just an observation from someone who goes to anime cons 4-6 times a year.

>> No.63405397

>What I do not agree with is how great she is, I don't see the appeal of her voice at all
Nta, but I find Fauna’s voice to be high-pitched and cute without overdoing it. If the content is good I can generally get over the voice pretty easily for any streamer. Unfortunately, that’s why I can’t watch Shiori or FWMC when they’re playing debuff games.
Personally, I think Fauna’s voice hits the right spot of not being so bad you need her to stream buff content to watch her, if you don’t like her voice. But still appealing enough that lots of people do like it and watch more of her streams (partially) because of it.

>> No.63405406

That makes sense, con-goers have a greater overlap with twitch. If you ask true normalfags though, chances are Gura is higher on the list.

>> No.63405489

Fauna voice is weird, but also really fitting for an anime girl. I literally cannot picture a real person with her voice, it just wouldn't fit.

>> No.63405530

So thats what it is
Why arent these faggots being rangebanned yet? They do this every single time their dogshit nijisanji branch gets mogged which is fucking daily

>> No.63405614

The average person doesn't give a shit about anime, let alone anime streams, so Gura isn't going to randomly sit in their mind if they see her once. I just think you're overvaluing the lasting impact on the general public. I also said specifically that Gura still kinda has the face of EN vtubing, but people on the outside of the vtuber bubble watching or talking about it are not talking about her anymore.

>> No.63405628

Honestly, I don’t have an oshi because I switch around too often based on content. I don’t think any girl deserves me calling them their oshi since I’m not committed enough for that. But my favorite Advent member is probably Nerissa followed by Biboo.
Biboo would be higher on the list, but I don’t game that much. Yeah, I like Biboo for non-gaming reasons. That might explain a lot.

>> No.63405674
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>outside of the most popular streaming site nobody knows about her

>> No.63405702

>most popular

>> No.63405861

>>most popular

>> No.63405898
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>stupid boring whore whore I hate her so much
this is not even a bait thread or shitposting, this thread is literally a seething femcel pissing herself over an anime girl being popular. For fuck sake just ban /NijiEN/, /MANS/ and every dogshit troon thread already.

>> No.63405946

Nta but I would venture to believe that actual normalfags do not know enough about vtubers to even be able to name drop the shark anyway.
Normalfags that I know, and that have at least a modicum of interest in games or streaming, are into fleshtubers only and even the ones that are aware about vtubing existing in the first place don't go out of their way to remember names, they just call them the cartoon/anime people streamers.

>> No.63406102

Non white majority countries matter very little

>> No.63406161

Yeah, we know OP is a faggot. That’s why we decided to have a mostly civil discussion of Fauna and why non-saplings watch her, instead of arguing about the bullshit thread this faggot of an OP created.

>> No.63406369


>> No.63406420

Fwmc just make retarded noises they suck

>> No.63406454

Because people choose to live in blissful ignorance.

>> No.63406578

Don't care about Fauna too much either way, even watch her occasionally but that unfinished world tree or whatever is literally ruining EN minecraft streams.

>> No.63406629

>feminine voices are anathema to the modern burger

>> No.63406750

yet they still manage to upset you, which tells me a lot.

>> No.63406916

I think Fauna is only second to Gura, I think all other Holo EN streamers aren't great.
Her only shortcoming is her putting on a fake voice and that she a little too narcissistic, which really showed in her first Only Up stream.
But other than that she makes every game she plays entertaining and treats her audience like adults.

>> No.63406988

>she a little too narcissistic, which really showed in her first Only Up stream.

>> No.63407699

I'm a Sapling but I'll give you my two cents:
She's genuinely entertaining and has a great fucking rhythm in her streams. If you want an example check her shiny hunt Pokémon stream, just 5 hours of her talking nonstop and touching a bunch of different subjects without ever becoming tiring or boring. She's always cheerful and in a good mood when streaming and that is contagious. And her overly girly and cute voice absolutely adds to the humor of her streams.
She also seems like a genuinely nice gal and manages to keep a professional approach towards her fans and career.

>> No.63407708

has fauna mentioned if she's going to stream any more starfield?

>> No.63407753

The game is ass, so she wisely decided to never return. (Well probably, she never said anything about it other than make fun of it a couple of streams back.)

>> No.63407913

I don’t know what you think about that guy who posted the 30 minute “clips” of her, but those did a pretty good job of showing her appeal. I’m sorry, but as a non-sapling, I’m just not gonna watch Fauna’s VODs all that often. But they did a pretty good job of showing why you should consider being a sapling if you don’t know about her, or why she’s a solid second option if you still prefer someone else but don’t know what Fauna’s appeal is.

>> No.63408331
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Yeah they are pretty good and you can clearly tell the guy is a fan instead of the usual clickbaiting third worlder trying to make a quick buck.
Fauna in general doesn't have too many over the top clippable moments, most of her appeal comes from her being consistent and building up inside jokes through the whole stream. I'd absolutely reccomend the channel for someone who wants to get into Fauna, the Planet Zoo vids are especially funny imo.

>> No.63409170

She explicitly said that game did not really hook her in and she won't. We might get another Skyrim stream sometime soon though

>> No.63410374

at least they care about their fans, I'll take bau baus over that rude fan-hating cunt Fauna any day

>> No.63410586
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>> No.63411063

link pippa and IM's CCV, that really upsets Faunaschizo

>> No.63412592

Fauna is comfy and generally competent at video games. I know some people don't like her voice, but for me it's perfect. Her personality also matches her persona perfectly.

>> No.63413676

>easier to understand
This is some weird ESL shit, I cant imagine there being any sort of tier of understanding for your own language, you either do or you don’t.

>> No.63414212
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>> No.63414255

sex voice + good entertainer

>> No.63414309

Mommy dork

>> No.63414418
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I'm a newfag sapling and totally not a numberfag. Is Faufau really doing that well? Explain me why so I can feel fuzzy inside for her.

>> No.63414571

She's number one in council. Fauna is also the funniest, smartest, cutest and most skilled member of Hololive EN.

>> No.63414647

bcuz she has rly big hidden powar level!!!!! and know 4 chan reference!!!! that make her sooo ZASED LMAO XDDDD and i luv dat for her hahahhaha XDDD

>> No.63414676

fauna sex

>> No.63414683

Narcissistic is not the right word. She is a bit of a psued though. It's something you notice if you watch her long enough to get a feel for her personality.

>> No.63414719

If you don’t know, it doesn’t matter.

>> No.63414739

She isn't, it's Fuwamoco.

>> No.63415156

Sometimes things are just objectively upsetting to everyone with taste.

>> No.63415789

post it

>> No.63415828

I just need Fauna to release the Outer Wilds let's play

>> No.63415970

you and me both bro

>> No.63416114

>For fuck sake just ban /NijiEN/, /MANS/ and every dogshit troon thread already.
This so much. Howlong can vtubing even survive with subhuman normalfags infiltrating at this rate?
How much time do we have left?

Fauna is sex btw. Lowest bodycount and thus Least mentally ill streamer.

>> No.63417980

her choosing to do it off-stream so it isn't ruined by chat backseating even though it'll get her less views and money really makes me respect her

>> No.63418542

Thanks for showing me a new word, but I havent really caught that kinda vibe when she tosses out a popsci talking prompt. Could you give an example stream or clip? I can recall a string theory thought and a couple biology snippets, but they werent really long-winded, certainly didnt feel forced or something like that

>> No.63419336

She has great clippable comedic moments. The thing is, clipping those isn't the meta anymore, clippers want drama or YOU WON'T BELIEVE VTUBER SAID ******* AND ALMOST DIED, and it's just not Fauna's content.

>> No.63419879

oh shit, connor's sidepiece, its over for fauna

>> No.63420283

Nijisanji new debut?

>> No.63423168

She has a cute voice and she's genuinely very funny.

>> No.63423170

I totally understand the reason, but I'm still a little sad it won't be live. But I guess there was no other way.

>> No.63424000

Anon, she's a woman. Pseud is as close as they can get to intellectual.

>> No.63424872

Anon, I honestly think that anon is a retard who thinks someone being slightly smart is them being a pseud. Every example I’ve heard of Fauna being a so-called pseud is her casually mentioning something she’s read.
An actual pseud would try to make a big deal out of them understanding some basic astrophysics. Casually mentioning a few fun facts you learned about the topic once is just called “trying to make conversation when you read for fun”.

>> No.63429020


>> No.63430566

Fauna's great. Go back to your 2 view or jealous chicken or wherever. There's a reason her solo streams do so consistently decent, even when she does debuff content. People like her personality rather than just show up for event streams. She's one of the few Holos who are good at bantering with chat while playing games.

>> No.63431153

Are you dense? If someone mumbles or intentionally modifies their speech in some way it makes it more difficult to understand no matter what your native language is. Do you think toddlers are all easy to understand too, just because they speak english?
