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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 702 KB, 800x450, 1700890122400461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
63291558 No.63291558 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to Beginner Vtubers General!

>What is /bvg/?
/bvg/ Is a thread for vtubers and fans of vtubers who are still in the beginner phase of their vtubing journey. Extremely small indie Vtuber's may be posted here as well.

>How is this different than /asp/?
/asp/ is the dedicated thread for advice and feedback on starting or improving with vtubing.
/bvg/ is a home for the community and fan-posts surrounding these new vtubers / Small Indie Vtubers.

>Is self posting okay?
Yes, but always think twice before posting, and never automatically assume someone is who they say they are.

>Friends of /bvg/:
>Aspiring Vtuber and Startups
For advice and constructive criticism.
>Western Vtuber Thread
For established Western indies.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQWGX0J80bE [Embed]

We are currently in our
Generation of /vt/ startups!
>Remember: the Gens are made up and the points don't matter.

Don't take the bait, Don't feed the trolls, and think twice before replying!

>> No.63291640
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We need more VTuber Pantie shots!

>> No.63291643

previous thread

>> No.63291646

We're so back bros

>> No.63291700

No we do not.

>> No.63291710


>> No.63291755

I didn't want to fall in love with a vtuber but it happened

>> No.63291939
File: 232 KB, 1920x1080, andy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are lucky it looks like Andy Graviti might just give you a bit of what you are looking for! This outfit is ho boy.

>> No.63292123
File: 3.09 MB, 832x468, pullherepleasee.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought a bunch of sus assets

>> No.63292126
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>> No.63292171

/asp/bvg?/ livers that are alive and live right now:
https://www.twitch.tv/wiplashvt with Yugioh Master Duel
https://www.twitch.tv/sonowono Fable: The Lost Chapters
https://www.twitch.tv/kennycoda Disgaea 7: Vows of the Virtueless
https://www.twitch.tv/finbar_haughey_vtuber Deep Rock Galactic Collab with @digbycat, @manasongwriting, and @stripedpantsu_ch (also on manasong's channel)
https://www.twitch.tv/manasongwriting in a collab with the former
https://www.twitch.tv/albertmornvt Inazuma Eleven GO: Shadow
https://www.twitch.tv/denpafish art
https://www.twitch.tv/eira_ch We Love Katamari Reroll + Royal Reverie

/asp/ adjacents that are live right now:
https://www.twitch.tv/totoramao Mond's tiger tomboy girlfriend doing karaoke
https://www.twitch.tv/catie_purrow Arknights

>> No.63292179

How does that work with your model?

>> No.63292276

This I pledge:
- I WILL NOT support /asp/ies
- I WILL NOT watch /asp/ies
- I WILL NOT talk to /asp/ies
- I WILL NOT interact with /asp/ies on social media
- I WILL NOT like, comment and subscribe on /asp/ies YouTube channels
- I WILL NOT follow nor subscribe to /asp/ie Twitch channels
- I WILL NOT donate to /asp/ies in any tangible way
- I WILL NOT draw /asp/ies or waste any creative efforts on /asp/ies
- I WILL NOT join any /asp/ or /asp/ adjacent Discord servers
- I WILL let /asp/ies do all these things for me, because /asp/ie is the slave caste of the vtubing world
- I WILL laugh and ridicule /asp/ies when their mental health is suffering
- I WILL contribute to aforementioned mental breaks with relentless crabbing and schizoposting
- I WILL partake in joyous merriment when an /asp/ie graduates or otherwise goes MIA
So it has always been and so mote it shall continue to be.

>> No.63292329

https://www.twitch.tv/albertmornvt Inazuma Eleven GO: Shadow
https://www.twitch.tv/kuromaruoniisan Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal

>> No.63292370

I know a vtuber I could shill here, but she hates to be watched by vtubers, she is pro-viewers

>> No.63292384

I'm thinking about my name. I like Niko — any Nikos in the room?

>> No.63292401

Overlay ontop of your model, and then the assets are toggled by keys. Like setting an expression for your model/

>> No.63292410

Daily reminder to kill yourself /asp/ie! You will never make it, all your viewers will move on, nobody cares about you, you probably get shit talked behind your back by the people you think do, you have already plateaued and there’s nowhere to go from here but down. Give up, graduate and kill yourself. It’s over. Stop lying to yourself and dragging out your suffering. Nobody likes you. Not really. Quit now before it gets embarrassing.

>> No.63292469

please have a thick balkan accent.

>> No.63292523

I like to think I don't have an accent in English but I live near the Balkans, so possible?

>> No.63292552

Just reminded me about that L2D glock I saw on Nizima for 2k yen. Maybe I'll buy it.

>> No.63292615

Vocaroo, buddy.

>> No.63292668

Tell me what to say, BUDDY.

>> No.63292683

No, it can't end like this!!! My friends are my reason for going on!

>> No.63292702

Sometimes I wonder what compels someone to make posts like this.

>> No.63292783

You don't have any friends, not really

>> No.63292841

>he thinks he has friends
>from a thread for adults that larp as anime
>on 4chan

>> No.63292872

One day you'll recover from your irony poisoning. Probably.

>> No.63292969

My bonds are stronger than any venom you can spit at me, demon

>> No.63293017

Sure thing bruv:

John Freeman who was Gordon Freemans brother was one day an office typing on a computer. He got an email from his brother that said that aliens and monsters were attacking his place and axed him for help so he went. John Freeman got his computer shut down and wet on the platform to go up to the roof of the building where he left his motorcycle and normal people close because he was in his office lab coat. John Freeman got on his motorcycl and said "its time for me to live up to my family name and face full life consequences"

>> No.63293049

Say >>63292410 or >>63292276 please, i want an anomaly voice to do these

>> No.63293103

Thank you, I've been asleep.

>> No.63293171

They finally killed /asp/ those bastards...

>> No.63293185

Fuck off already

>> No.63293187

Good. Fuck /asp/ and fuck /asp/ies.

>> No.63293231

>fuck /asp/ies
There's only one /asp/ie I would fuck

>> No.63293249

MOST /ASP/IES HAVE AIDS (Had to discover it the hard way)

>> No.63293285

No. You’re probably a fellow schizo like me that pretends to be everyone’s friend publicly while tearing them down behind closed doors. Listen good /asp/ie. Everyone is lying to you. Everyone is putting on an act. They’re keeping up appearances. You can’t trust anybody. You think you feel good that you finally hit 10 viewers? They’re other /asp/ies grifting you into thinking you’re getting somewhere so you’ll remember them and raid into their channels and do free promotion for them. You can’t trust an /asp/ie. Get off this fucking board and delete your channel. You’ve already failed. But I'm here to remind you. If you were ever going to make anything you wouldn’t be here scraping the bottom of the barrel trying to beg for views from other mentally ill ngmis. It was over the second you posted here and I will remind you every time I check this board. I have no problem with what I'm doing. You deserve it.

>> No.63293346

Spellcrafter, I am going into battle and I want your strongest spells.

>> No.63293347

Hey, I'm clean, the only STDs you're getting from me are love and affection, and maybe a kid if you want.

>> No.63293398
File: 79 KB, 500x501, at least try.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.63293449


Exactly! Chaosfoundry.

Two for one sale. ~

>> No.63293495

Say the n word with a hard R.

>> No.63293526

Boys can't get pregnant...

>> No.63293570

Not my intention. I'll make a new thread for them.

>> No.63293577

Are there any examples of generic token high fantasy worlds being suddenly conquered by sci-fi intergalactic empires? I'm lore building for my character and I'm humoring the idea of her being born right between rapid technological growth via occupation from Earthings. I want to explore what it's like for elves, who are shut off from society and stick to own routines, being forced to integrate into a fast paced lifestyle.

>> No.63293593

Are you the same guy that sexpested Chrii the last thread?

>> No.63293615


>> No.63293631

>t. camui deflecting with memes again
Just because you took your tripcode off doesn't make you any less transparent. You aren't fooling anyone with your fake nice guy act because your astroturfing is obvious.

>> No.63293704

Meant for >>63293398

>> No.63293724

I thought we were going with /sig/…

>> No.63293763

nice voice, would watch.

>> No.63293779

You're a fucking retard. Can you go away already?

>> No.63293837

Not until you understand that Camui is le bad

>> No.63293839

But do I sound like a Niko? Name me just by the sound of my voice.

>> No.63293932

Friendly support and advice

>> No.63293934

i'm leaning more towards a proper "nikola", but sure, there's something to that name.

>> No.63294044

I'm digging that. Nikola sounds pretty unisex which is what I'm aiming for, too. I was told over the phone I'm a lady too many times... but it's good, since my model is a full on femboy.

>> No.63294302

In FF1 there is a sci-fi twist you discover around the 4th Fiend boss battle. FFO:SoP went to town with it but it also takes a while to see. The sci-fi people make their plays behind the scenes rather than be a big evil empire.
Star Ocean 1 and 2 play like a Star Trek fanfiction, where a Star Trek-ish person (or 2) get stuck in a Sword and Sorcery style setting. Again, no intended invasion. I believe there was a big bad sci-fi thing in 1, but I haven't finished it yet so I can't tell you.

I also asked ChatGPT for you and it recommended Shadowrun (dystopian future cyberpunk with elements of high fantasy and magic), and The Chronicles of Riddick (futuristic setting where the protagonist encounters worlds that sometimes mix sci-fi elements with fantasy-like societies).

>> No.63294577

Maybe Arcanum?
Kinda fits the
>between rapid technological growth via occupation from Earthings. I want to explore what it's like for elves, who are shut off from society and stick to own routines, being forced to integrate into a fast paced lifestyle.
part of your explanation.

>> No.63294624

Thanks anon! I'll have to peep at the Star Ocean games... should be easy enough to run. I'd kill a man to play SoP. Never thought about asking ChatGPT, mostly because I feel like it wouldnt be able to figure out what I'm saying so thank you much!

>> No.63294734

heh. This also works thank you!

>> No.63294892

cumming inside pafu's nipples!!!

>> No.63295245

Why dont you coombait with all of this on xitter pafu? Afraid of getting bigger?

>> No.63295319

i don't think they can, or need to, get any bigger...

>> No.63295338

Holy fucking tits

>> No.63295354

Its strange that shitposting has got so boring that even the schizos are reduced to lame rituals.

>> No.63295493

I get disgusted imagining the sheer number of men she's fucked

>> No.63295609

I can't help that she has done some diaper play with an older man with the way she pitches her child sexually assaulted voice

>> No.63295940
File: 164 KB, 467x399, sexpestingsin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sh'vah and Sin are live with Risk Of Rain 2!

>> No.63296490

>I'd kill a man to play SoP
It came out on Steam recently (got out of EGS hell) and it's available on the PS4/5 as well. No console + potato pc?

>> No.63296572

Based, thank you!

By the way, I'm not the one that replied to you in the other thread... I think that going through the effort to make this kind of post justifies posting it in both / either thread.

I noticed you got replied to there and just wanted to clarify.

>> No.63296630

i bought fucking among us because i didn't remember i already had it on fucking epic store.

>> No.63296683

It's okay, they seem like a nice enough developer anyhow

>> No.63296688

Which /asp/ie gives the best massages? My back is terribly sore

>> No.63296754

i do not base my investments on if they are good developers or not, i write this as i am reimbursing because i didnt even touch the game on steam yet.

>> No.63297248

If this is Parseks I hope you have a good day bro.
Also if you arent

>> No.63297830

Chrii when will you add Chaosfoundry to the Tierlist already?

>> No.63298671

>Cumming INSIDE
Sir, the holes are not that big
It was like 10am when I made these gifs, who is cranking their hog that early

>> No.63298725

Potatoe Pc. No big mac pc. u_u

>> No.63298743


>> No.63298978

please actually be gelteran PLEASE

>> No.63299017
File: 484 KB, 787x330, 6min40secthumbnail2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

live with synthetik again.

>> No.63300592

I hope you have a fun time!

>> No.63300913
File: 169 KB, 1402x757, ArtFriendDrawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Live Now! Back in the Shady streets of Shadows of Doubts!

>> No.63301635

Ruadh I love you bro

>> No.63302100
File: 55 KB, 244x244, Emil in Zeph's Hat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no funny contribution to this or the other thread so I'll just leave my link and say I'm continuing NeiR:Replicant today. I'm somewhere in a junkyard iirc.

>> No.63303138

Ah, the shota with a full beard...
Hope you have a good stream!

>> No.63303206

that is a halfling or some other dwarf, they're no shotas

>> No.63303236

>It was like 10am when I made these gifs, who is cranking their hog that early
Pafu, the world is round. Someone, somewhere, is jerking off.

>> No.63303438

We are reading a tale of sexual hedonism gone wrong today.

Sit back and enjoy the story !

well I'm only supporting one part of the globe....

>> No.63305509

You're right but I won't kill myself, got too many responsibilities and would make friends and family sad

>> No.63305811
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Also Chrii designed a maid dress for me I DON'T WEAR GIRL'S CLOTHES THIS IS SLANDER but cute design anyway!

>> No.63306713

You are such a gay twink fucking faggot holy shit

>> No.63307545

I would like to date, marry and have children with Zenya. The thought of holding those cute little orca hands makes my heart pound.

>> No.63308249

fish pussy got you feeling sussy?

>> No.63308341

Wait, is this a smaller /asp/?

>> No.63308626


>> No.63308646

It's for the /asp/ fans to talk about their favorite 1views from here

>> No.63308679

Like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.63308896

>/asp/ fans
as if, the only "fan" is vita and even he clearly stopped just watching aspies with no reasoning and is sticking to those he likes nowadays
everyone else is aspies pretending to be anons, if even that

>> No.63309100

/asp/ is supposed to be for advice.
/bvg/ is supposed to be for social / fan posts.

/bvg/ was made because there was a large amount social / fan posts in /asp/.

>> No.63309169

Hapoy for you anon <3

>> No.63309193

correction, /bvg/ was made by an autist-schizo who wants to change a thread that has been like that for two years already

>> No.63309435

thanks for stopping by.
it was pretty fun.

>> No.63309691

I haven't seen him since he got accused of being the camui anti and having a mini meltdown
vita love <3

>> No.63309865

I'll show you correction!

>> No.63309968

I assume he left the thread and /asp/ community as a whole due to all the stuff and only sticks to the chats of those he likes, can't blame him, other viewers left for similar reasons, they just aren't as obvious and in the spotlight like Vita was at some point.

>> No.63310141

Nigga was multi tab watching five or six aspies at the same time while having actual conversations in all chats, probably on drugs or maybe he was insane but I haven't seen any other viewer that dedicated on pleasing everyone to the point that it was kind of creepy

>> No.63310755

Ehhh? You fat ojiisan think you can correct me?
You can barely run without tripping on your own feet, so I'd like to see you try

>> No.63310912


>> No.63311110

Sucking off kuromaru while he goes on about the importance of gun control in america and sweetly talks about the advantages of being on a socioeconomic country like the one he lives in and getting lots of sweet high quality precum to chug from that cock of his hggg

>> No.63311144


>> No.63312556

There's a way to find out, make a jong room, he can't stop jongging

>> No.63312637


>> No.63313035
File: 4 KB, 430x426, silly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got a cartridge with 52 games, this is awesome

>> No.63313484

he's honestly mega based aside from the zionist shilling

>> No.63314434
File: 82 KB, 1024x1024, 20231115_224304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awwww, thank you, anon! This is a nice comment to see before I eep.

>> No.63314484

once again the potato vtuber streams just chatting and just chats, as promised.

>> No.63314628

every time you skip the image, argentina gets slightly worse

>> No.63314966

Tupo is going to save the economy

>> No.63315476

Give me your best shota/loli voices

>> No.63315598
File: 558 KB, 790x442, puyopromo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>last second throwing this over here bc archived lol
(Also I put together some noise suppression and gate stuff to shut out my roomate!)

>> No.63315886

I wish I could do a shota voice as easily as women can do their loli voices.

>> No.63315945


>> No.63316311

thanku for straming, otsu

>> No.63316392

Who are you!??? This is actually really good sounding! Not that I'm into lolis or anything

>> No.63316459

It's me Pafu

one day I will be able to afford a caterpillar loli model

>> No.63316593

Word of Power: Slur

>> No.63317000

Playing Phasmo with Crime! (Midnight Heist) tonight!~ Jams then gamin', anon.


>> No.63317061

Caterpillar... hmm, perhaps, are you the friendly bug anon that asked about XLR / USB mics yesterday right? In asp?
Hehe, I'm the guy that helped you!

Well, you have a good voice, I wish you well on your journey!

>> No.63317174


>> No.63317269

I am not your anon, sorry. I just use bugs as a theme for my fashion.
Don't hate the player hate the game

>> No.63317340

Finally, someone who gets it. Being Gnome/Dwarf coded doesn't make someone a shota.

>> No.63317366

How do I handle horny chuuba?

>> No.63317427

cum tribute

>> No.63317527

Please let it be an oppai loli model

>> No.63317805

Only an option if she asks for it (I still won't do it)

>> No.63318224

groom her

>> No.63320371

Wait is this just asp 2?

>> No.63320548
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>> No.63320706


>> No.63320954

I don't think that would be right of me.

>> No.63322707

surayaverse got an expansion lets goo!!

>> No.63322749

Who's to say what's right and wrong?

>> No.63322981
File: 44 KB, 672x927, F7EbA17bcAAm4P7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come join Sh'vah with ICEY!!

>> No.63325328

how much cum can this guy hold

>> No.63325725

Supposedly an eldritch being,so those guts are probably a little non-euclidean. As such, I speculate that Sh'vah is capable of storing 7-8 /asp/ies' worth of jism without worry.

>> No.63325798

There's nothing like empirical results so let's test this theory. I want to go last!

>> No.63326292
File: 45 KB, 783x1016, phorawhirled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phora Whirled on youtube is a cozy, softspoken, space themed NB vtuber.
I think theyre pretty cool and deserve more than single digit numbers :D

>> No.63326816

Cute, but

>> No.63327746

ok twitch users

>> No.63328079

kuzu lillianne?!

>> No.63329971

sorry anons I don't have holes !

>> No.63330662

I see at least five holes in that image alone.

>> No.63330899

They're just for decoration don't think too much about it nothing can go in or out of them

>> No.63331473

Pafu do you stream on twitch or YouTube? Can't seem to find you on Twitter either.

>> No.63331520

she streams on youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhEn5f1GBd8

>> No.63331535

Any holes a goal, knockoff Ktulu...

>> No.63331588
File: 3.45 MB, 4080x3072, IMG_20231125_173038_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon, have a dog.

>> No.63331740
File: 30 KB, 493x493, 1688158953775164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute dog :)

>> No.63331844

Thanks, her name is Kansas, named after the band.

>> No.63332230


>> No.63333434
File: 1.38 MB, 943x1000, LILI LOVE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63334815

I hope you alive till tomorrow!
Both this thread, and you, the person reading this <3.

>> No.63337049

I liked how the design of this chuuba matches their name. Like shvah sounds like an eldritch monster, and so it be
