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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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6322642 No.6322642 [Reply] [Original]

sorry guys.. eheh.. uh let's do something else ehhaha.. this has been uh ehhah *sniffles* sorry guys I know you guys come here for a good time *sniffles* *tail flaps* I KNOW YOU GUYS COME HERE FOR A GOOD TIME AND I WANNA MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A GOOD TIME SO I'm very sorry It's been a rough day that's all

>> No.6322741

another quality thread

>> No.6322904


>> No.6322987


>> No.6323229


>> No.6323334

Any rrats on this? I know it's from a karaoke clip

>> No.6323510

spoonfeed me

>> No.6323516
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>> No.6324121

So basically Gura made a karaoke stream but at the middle of the stream, she made some depressing confession which made the listeners feel that their lives are meaningless. Gura tried to cheer everybody by saying that she still had some some spirit. They all cheered that and then saw the next part

>> No.6324189

when? is that recent karaoke?

>> No.6324269

what did she say?

>> No.6324473

Dunno what that rrat say but judging based on the tone at her stream it looks like she is depressed due to pandemic or other stuff

>> No.6324522
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>> No.6324533

What happened to the DMC vod from yesterday?

>> No.6324560

Typical white woman shit, got depressed because can't go around fucking every nigger they find

>> No.6324581

I heard the stream and can confirm she used those selfsame words

>> No.6324632

Gura is Asian, so replace "black" with "white"

>> No.6324661

Gura is Cuban-American.
source: my ass

>> No.6324694

From my roommate reps she looked just like the average fat kpop fan, too lazy to search for it again tho so I'll believe you

>> No.6324750


>> No.6324888

When she sang Reflection

>> No.6325060

she is not fat
she is healthy thicc

>> No.6325083

Either way, I would eat her ass

>> No.6325186

what's the context on this? i know she hovered the picture over her 2d model on stream with kiara but why

>> No.6325259

kiara snapped and was on a 30 minute rant about llamas(mori) while gura kept quiet

>> No.6325270

i don't feel so good

>> No.6325296

gura is black

>> No.6325314

"Hide the pain" Harold, well known meme stock image guy. She put it up in response to Kiara going on about why she should build a foot statue.

>> No.6325368

Wow, I guess she can give Mori the nigger pass now.

>> No.6325408

imagine being a millionaire and the top vtuber and still being a whiny brat

>> No.6325468
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>> No.6325474

Reps, now

>> No.6325628

FUCK Gura.

>> No.6325691


>> No.6326075

Well, if you insist..

>> No.6326623

She's so depressed...

>> No.6326880
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It's all coming together

>> No.6328325

Gura is Aqua?

>> No.6328347

I can't believe Gura is going to do a live stream of her suicide. This can't be happening chumbuds. We have to save her.

>> No.6328469
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White boy summer bros

>> No.6328564


>> No.6328638


>> No.6329727

Jesus Christ, watch the fucking streams

>> No.6330204

You will never be loved by an Asian woman.

>> No.6330219


>> No.6330345

what is it with actors kids being so fucking weird
cant these mfs just be normal like idk why cant tom hanks son be like a an aspiring electrician or like a photographer
why is he gotta be this doofus that just speaks incoherently on social media all day

>> No.6330463

>Jesus Christ, watch the fucking streams
Some of us here have 50 ours shifts a week it pains me but real life sucks. Watching your favorite vtuber 4 hours a day is a privilege .

>> No.6331065

get in line

>> No.6331145

Sha sung sappy Disney song, and started crying mid true it.

>> No.6331218

No, wtf

>> No.6331243

So she’s like that villain guy from Inuyashiki?

>> No.6331259

which stream

>> No.6331444

You can't even speak coherently with your nigspeak.

>> No.6331513


>> No.6331551

Using ebonics if you're not black is racist.

>> No.6334705

this guy posts it everywhere

>> No.6337564

Fuck Jannies btw, just saying, every janny is a fucking pedofile gura fan (a.k.a. disgusting pedo)

>> No.6337591

>*tail flaps*
Imagine drinking the Kool aid this hard

>> No.6337665

Would be the first original piece of content she ever made

>> No.6337703

I work 5 10s on a construction site and I keep up with around 14 different hololive girls streams, and a handful of indies

>> No.6337799


>> No.6337845

God dammit gura, you sucks

>> No.6337868

Teach me your way.

>> No.6337990
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I cant believe vtubing became illegal after the Gawr Gura suicide pact.

>> No.6338463 [DELETED] 

i catched her, bitch broke my spine with her fat ass leaving me permanently paralysed, but at least she is alive

>> No.6338482

She’s too good for this horrible world, bless her

>> No.6339314

good site wifi or 5g, good phone battery and bluetooth earbuds, a burning desire and a fat cock

>> No.6339938


>> No.6340116

Anon, I thought you're gonna tell me to use my phone but I'm a nurse and I'm not allowed to use my phone.
So basically this hobby is not for me but I still love it.

>> No.6340189

just do your best to catch up after work and on days off

>> No.6342078

Yet you waste time in /vt/

>> No.6342240

Wasting an hour here is not the same as watching a 4-8 hour stream anon.

>> No.6343156

She sang a song that hit really close to home called RELECTION about not knowing yourself while she was writing a song titled REFLECT about not knowing yourself.
Fuckin tourists I swear

>> No.6345252


>> No.6346943

>expect /vt/ to understand it

>> No.6346961

kek accurate

>> No.6347091


>> No.6348178

Where's the clip.

>> No.6348262

Gura went on a nihilistic rant again, cried a little bit on stream while singing some sad songs, then tried to cheer herself and her viewers up a bit

>> No.6353813


>> No.6362059

Why is Gura like this

>> No.6372028

yes, and it's soulful as fuck.

>> No.6372195

what kind of retarded rrat is this
i was there for the listen along stream and didnt catch anything like that

>> No.6372467

>le sad shark
>cancels stream to play valheim

>> No.6372516

Clip or it didn't happen, or at least point me to the VoD.

>> No.6379971

Is this an actual quote?
