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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 508 KB, 1920x1080, 1694600860217684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
63223872 No.63223872 [Reply] [Original]

LMFAO the fuck is this shit? Looks worse than that one Kronii outfit.

>> No.63223918

Looks fine to me, ennaschizo.

>> No.63223956

Why her face looks like cardboard?

>> No.63223985

Why is the gamma setting on her face maxed out?

>> No.63224001

the torso and the head literally drawn in different artstyle lol

>> No.63224076


>> No.63224102

As long as her fans are happy, it's really whatever. But I gotta ask, can coats work like that? Because it looks like one of those coat-cape with how the coat is defying gravity. But, her arms are sticking through the coat sleeves. If she was in motion twirling, sure, but it's a live-2D model and it looks weird.

>> No.63224280

Kronii outfit was literally slenderman, this isn't good but isn't that bad, and I don't even like this whore

>> No.63224473

the outfit looks good but her face looks like it get badly photoshopped there
would still hatefuck

>> No.63224521

Looks a bit too busy, but other than that it's fine. Glasses are always a big plus

>> No.63224687

It's not. It's just the outfit is a darker tone to her model's head, as if you don't know, L2D model outfits usually just take the head and put it onto another body for their new outfits, since it'll get too busy if they make the outfits an entire toggle (which is what Niji 3.0 models tend to be.)

>> No.63224718

Face looks fat

>> No.63224736

Shit outfit for shit eating whore

>> No.63224813

Women fashion sense is terrible and the face loos like it's on a different resolution compared to the body

>> No.63224876

I genuinely think the people saying the outfit looks 'okay' are women because from my perspective it looks like utter shit.

>> No.63224975

Her design has always been mid so even if she got a decent outfit it wouldn’t help. But this is mid on mid

>> No.63225025

There's no way anyone believes wearing a coat that makes you look like a Christmas tree looks okay

>> No.63225076

Even though I dislike Enna now, her designs were still good in general, especially the first.
This one is just a massive downgrade. It looks way too fucking wide.
It's like some knock-off Enna from Bilibili.

>> No.63225080

It ok.

>> No.63225137 [SPOILER] 
File: 323 KB, 385x694, 1698884950955389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.63225294

Is Wada even trying?

>> No.63225542
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>> No.63225597

After he saw how Kronii turned out, probably not

>> No.63226206
File: 823 KB, 1920x1080, cute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's cute

>> No.63226284

Eh it's not bad but definitely a downgrade from her previous two outfits

>> No.63226377
File: 201 KB, 463x453, 1700436215651890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63226401

Why is her face 360p?

>> No.63228196

The earthy colours clash with her bright colour scheme that's meant to compliment a white outfit. It would look great on a character with red hair, kinda giving some Irish vibes.

It doesn't help that they've directly pasted her face on the outfit without rematching the shading, but that's unfortunately standard for the Ethyria girls. Millie's second one was even worse in that regard.

>> No.63229649

lol cope

>> No.63230517
File: 7 KB, 576x324, Cone_with_labeled_Radius,_Height,_Angle_and_Side.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63230869

That leg:body ratio rivals those of Kronii's. Her coat also makes her looks fat even though she isn't

>> No.63231383

The jacket is too wide and all the shapes make it hard to see her actual body shape at a glance.

>> No.63231447

Wait, where the fuck is her pelvis?

>> No.63231689

That is a reasonable point and the dark brown coat was not the best choice for a bright outfit.

>> No.63231768

isn't she kinda blurry compared to how high res that microphone stand is?

>> No.63231947

>more effort was put into the fucking mic than the vtuber herself

>> No.63232776

It's the colors, none of it reads well

>> No.63232838

She looks fat. The uguu face doesn't match the clothing style.

>> No.63232875

Holy shit that’s bad.
