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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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63160336 No.63160336 [Reply] [Original]

Has Mumei depression, /vt/?

>> No.63160457

Speak you english, OP?

>> No.63160797

If you actually watched her, you'd know the answer is a resounding "yes".

>> No.63160853
File: 1.17 MB, 600x800, YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO SPEAK ENGLISH [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fktkedb.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

English literacy really took a fucking nosedive in the past few days.

>> No.63160962

>has Mumei depression,/vt/?
Wtf is this supposed to mean?

>> No.63160996

She unironcially needs a dicking. Women start acting like this when they haven't had a dick in years

>> No.63161024

Just stop posting op

>> No.63161026

Has Anon dumb, /vt/?

>> No.63161039

>board full of thirdy seaniggers
>everybody calls each other ESL


>> No.63161133

It’s easy to deflect from your own deficiencies when you’re pointing out someone who’s obviously worse.

>> No.63161194

Without being an asshole, yes she has depression, like any other person.
her depression comes from her loneliness, though her joining holo saved her for the most part.

Without her saying it directly, its pretty easy to tell from some of her tangents, specially from some early tangent/members streams.

>> No.63161353 [DELETED] 

I know that this doesn't necessarily solve depression but doesn't she have a boyfriend? Why is she lonely?

>> No.63161855 [DELETED] 

Yeah, me.

>> No.63161951 [DELETED] 

Yeah, me. I neglect her.

>> No.63161968 [DELETED] 

>doesn't she have a boyfriend

>> No.63162115 [DELETED] 

I'm pretty sure there was evidence that she did indeed have a boyfriend.

>> No.63162124

Not OP but I appreciate the straight forward answer.

>> No.63162374

>all these ESL itt calling OP ESL
its informal yes
its just like saying
"Has England an answer?"
"Has Germany a solution?"
so obviously you wouldn't classify depression as singular, so it is acceptable to say
"Has Mumei depression?" as it would "Has Gura consumption?"

>> No.63162398 [DELETED] 


>> No.63162449
File: 320 KB, 420x420, 1612036025576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63162454
File: 1.75 MB, 500x284, 1686143990256314.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Parasocial fuck.
And you gobble it all up.
Get real.

>> No.63162501 [DELETED] 

If you're being a doxxfag, then you should know the other information about her which would answer your question

>> No.63162743

With the amounts of money she makes? Unless it's several illness related I don't believe her.

>> No.63162909 [DELETED] 

What are you talking about? She has a boyfriend and at least a few irl friends before she join holo, look at her roommate's old posts. Oh no, so lonely

>> No.63162930

Money doesn't buy happiness, anon. It can only rent it
Hunter Biden, even though he is rich and fucking coked up 5 figures escorts all over the world, is depressed as fuck and turning to coke to feel something

>> No.63162965

>ESL bait
>18 (You)s
I fucking hate this board so much

>> No.63163017

Blame those who revealed themselves as p*noys before their debut

>> No.63163148

>money to point most common problems aren't an issue
>a creator on a platform that allows her to create
Again not seeing the issue. Mumei is not even trying to be competitive so that's another main thing she doesn't have to worry about that other idols do.

>> No.63163166

Informal not so much, its more archaic or at least uncommon. A quick question, if you went to a latrine and stated "it smells like shit in here" and some coprophagic resident swiftly corrects you saying "no it tainted food", would you believe him?

>> No.63163210 [DELETED] 

>uninformed about her latest rm's updates.
>tries to talk like he knows better
>says that a person can't have depression even if they have some friends irl that most likely she doesn't contact with anymore.
yeah am definitely not listening to you til you do an update on your reps.

and don't act like a smartess thinking this shit is the same with you irl, because you sound like a fucking idiot. :)))

>> No.63163245

>her depression comes from her loneliness

Thankfully I stepped in to save her from loneliness by being her husband

>> No.63163259

She's bipolar as fuck, anon. It's really easy to tell. She's probably one of the most menhera girls in hololive.

Should be in a nut house

>> No.63163279

Kronii please

>> No.63163303

>Does (insert vtuber here) have depression?

>> No.63163314

Fucking everyone has depression these days, it's a normal state of being for anyone under 40

>> No.63163319

Man, most vtubers have some mental illness. Just look at Rushia for fucks sake.
Even Nene and Aqua are examples of girls who should be otherwise completely fine, but aren't.

>> No.63163367 [DELETED] 

NTA, but
>she's lonely
>no, she's not, she had boyfriend and friends
Go back

>> No.63163368

Byproduct of living in a dystopian hell created by ZOG

>> No.63163437
File: 108 KB, 720x722, 1659580431470293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retarded thread
every time

>> No.63163456

poor gura, taken by the galloping consumption.

>> No.63163563

I say we nuke Philippines

>> No.63163712

Do it thrice to be safe

>> No.63163933 [DELETED] 


>> No.63164720

i dont know, but i definitely do know that has you not english, seanig.

>> No.63165001

ESLchama, yes she does. Alot of people have depression. Since our doctors don't have to constantly treat malaria from mosquito bites we can diagnose other conditions like depression. Mumei most likely is diagnosed and seeing a therapist or taking medication or both to manage her depression.

>> No.63167266

It's not informal, it's outdated. Just because Tolkien used it in the fucking Silmarillion doesn't mean you can use it on the internet.

>> No.63167300

Watch streams

>> No.63167328

Suck my fucking cuck satania

>> No.63167332

Man, i love to unbanana my peel.

>> No.63167441

Mumei’s problem is that she can’t relate at all to her family. No matter how much money she makes her Mom wants her to finish College (which she is doing). Mumei already talked about her feeling like crying isn’t allowed because of her mom, that’s why she did what’s on OPs image. Her mom sounds like she sucked desu.

>> No.63167507

50% of this board are retarded ESLs who think they're fluent in english but are utterly unintelligible. Weirdly, they will sometimes try to lecture actual humans on how the english language works.

>> No.63167542

>"Has Germany a solution?"
they used to

>> No.63167744 [DELETED] 

We know she had a bf, did she break up?

>> No.63167826

>the girl who has such bad social anxiety/undiagnosed autism that she refused to go to the hospital when she was coughing up blood because she was afraid the doctor would yell at her
>otherwise fine

>> No.63167853

Hunter's problem is that he isn't president yet. 2036, anon, riden with biden- again!

>> No.63167996

Only esls unironically defend unnatural sounding english as 'perfectly acceptable grammar'. I saw someone saying "Be a fireman" was a good translation for "消防士に成って" which literally translates to "become a fireman". For an esl the words sound the same, but to an actual english speaker it sounds like you're a baby because only kids say "I want to be a lawyer". I certainly wouldn't want to be represented by a law student who says 'be' instead of 'become'.

And that's why you're gay and retarded.

>> No.63168032

OH and I forgot to mention this is probably why most JP-EN translators suck donkey assholes. They always claim it's 'localization' and 'for the benefit of the audience' but the cocksuckers don't speak english well enough to localize it properly.

>> No.63169514

Shitposting here is actually a great way to improve your english, after my first year of regularly posting, no one called me out for being ESL anymore

>> No.63169586

my english has gotten considerably worse over time due to the broken english on this board

>> No.63169599

Mumei missed her window for making friends in school. She has to rely on Hololive, Animol, and her own chat to stop loneliness from kicking in.

>> No.63169664

ah you the angry? has post mad you? very much apologize

>> No.63169682

she was spot on about loneliness. which is probably why she's downright parasocial with her chat.

>> No.63169785

Unfortunately they wont try again, it was their last, they said so themselves

>> No.63169903

Do you only use /vt/? Personally I mostly improved after I started being active on /g/, the more technical discussion+adversion to pajeets is probably better for trial by fire learning (For the record, I'm a spic, not a pajeet)

>> No.63170541

>For the record, I'm a spic, not a pajeet)
Its the little things that make life worth it sometimes

>> No.63171201

i can save her.
actually, i can't because i'm even more of a lonely depressed loser

>> No.63171629

Yeah she has a depression for my cock

>> No.63171710

Money doesn't buy happiness is something someone who has never had to rely on food stamps says to shame poor people

>> No.63172559

That breakup with kronii fucked her up really bad. You could kinda tell from that one family feud interaction.

>> No.63173069

It should be, "Does Mumei have depression, /vt/?" This is a common mistake because "have" can be both an auxiliary verb and a main verb. You have to look at the context to see which it is. In the declarative form, the sentence would be "Mumei has depression, /vt/." Since "has" is not followed by another verb, it's the main verb of the sentence. Main verbs besides forms of "to be" that don't have an auxiliary verb have an invisible "do" in front of them, so we can reword the sentence to, "Mumei does have depression, /vt/." Then to make it a question, we simply switch the subject and the auxiliary verb to get, "Does Mumei have depression, /vt/?" I hope this helps, OP. Good luck with your English studies.

>> No.63173959

On the contrary, money truly doesn’t buy happiness, but lack of it can certainly add to your misery.

>> No.63174024

Has OP brain, /vt/?

>> No.63174960

She's a "lonely female", that means she only has unopened 400 DMs, more than 300 friends and only talks with 100 of them. Females don't know true loneliness
