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63143170 No.63143170 [Reply] [Original]

Why do incels hate Nyanners so much?

>> No.63143221
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Pink Gatita <3

>> No.63143269
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Old Cat Cute

>> No.63143324

>betrayed /cgl/
>betrayed 4chan
>betrayed vshojo
What's not to hate?

>> No.63143462
File: 50 KB, 1447x411, gfhd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boyfriend announcement moment

>> No.63143464

2nd Nyanners thread on the board, did we get a new anti or something?

>> No.63143624


>> No.63143652
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>> No.63143780

Because they can't have sex like she can with Aethal.

>> No.63143972

Unironically this, backstabber double face bitch

>> No.63144030

pink cat sex
pink cat rape

>> No.63144099

she's horsing around too much

>> No.63144113


>> No.63144174
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Pink cat funny.

>> No.63144182

>holding a grudge against a person you've never met for ten buttfucking years
You're a literal infant.

>> No.63144384

Keep malding whore cat
Go backstab someone piece of shit

>> No.63144412

If she manages to hold onto Aethel (aka poke holes in the condom) than she's probably set and will get about as good as an ending as she could at this point. Even more likely since he has mommy issues.

>> No.63144476

She was meant to the lolicon queen and lead the fight against prudes. Then Gura came and took that title. Then Gura stopped streaming.

>> No.63144547

>3rd nyanners shill thread in the catalog

>> No.63144613
File: 1.81 MB, 480x334, When you fell for me[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fi4ccxr.mp3]I was too blind to see[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fuuf5e7.mp3]the loli in my anime meme cover[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F8l3r36.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She should come back and stream together with Nyan. In a sex collab.

>> No.63145107

>Picrel pipe dream
>Kiara wanted to collab with Vei
>Nyanners and Kiara instead

>> No.63146727

See >>63144113

>> No.63147069

Don't put Gura and the pink cat whore on the same level faggot

>> No.63147981

they are on the same level.

>> No.63148280

You wish Nyanwhore

>> No.63148286

They've convinced themselves that she's somehow the worst person on earth because she grew out of her edgy phase like 15 years ago. I don't even watch her outside of collabs, but the hate she gets is pathetic. She's pretty funny too.

>> No.63148760
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They are though.

>> No.63148961

So mad.
Plus she's a verified piss fetishist, what's not to love?

>> No.63149232

She grew up and realised all forms of pedophilia are inhuman and stopped pandering to it.
This made the inhumans seethe so hard their seethe continues over a decade later.

>> No.63149281

>Plus she's a verified piss fetishist, what's not to love?
I'm gonna need some visual proof for that, sir.

>> No.63149401


>> No.63149447

AND she has an humilliation kink, which is pretty hot ngl

>> No.63149552

>10 years ago
How fucking old is this woman?

>> No.63149618

She turned 30 in June

>> No.63150322
File: 1.58 MB, 1440x1560, Idol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would've been too perfect for this world and we didn't deserve it.

>> No.63151495
File: 24 KB, 612x296, pepe with microscopic eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nyanners and Gura never ever.

>> No.63152338
File: 1.24 MB, 1577x1378, ae22cd94b44d004ee48487ac57e3bb95.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fr, Gura and Nyanners as a duo would have been kino... I wish this community wasn't so shitty and tribalistic

>> No.63152582

They are just as bad for very different reasons.

>> No.63152734

>I don't even watch her
We know.

>> No.63152853

People with strong feelings tend to lack understanding. Babies have the strongest feelings over the most mundane things. There's actually no reason to hate the pink cat. People who lack understanding of the world will find reasons to dispute this, much like a baby will find reason to cry.

>> No.63155850

Is just shows what kind of crowd the pedophiles really are. No wonder gura fucked off from them too.

>> No.63156367

Wait... she's younger than Nazuna?

>> No.63156752
File: 2 KB, 125x107, NyannersFlatOrb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just watched pink cat and her boyfriend run a WoW dungeon with Mizkif like 10 minutes ago and they plan to do another in an hour. What a strange timeline we live in. Her online career and life has gone through so many weird twists and turns after I first discovered her meme Pomf song ages ago.

>> No.63157424
File: 179 KB, 1536x2048, piss gremlin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>recently buy Nyanners PUP
>post in buyfag thread on /a/
>get crucified for it
>thread derailed into Nyanners hate-thread
Now I know what not to do, at least.

>> No.63157484

I think it's just the history of hate from 4chan that's kinda followed her; for no particular reason other than she used to be a target, so she's still a target

>> No.63157514

I think the catalogfags are getting bored with spamming the same shit, finally. I'm liking the new shitposts

>> No.63157609

A LOT of vtubers are younger than her.

>> No.63157635

It's more like catalogfags taking everything posted by anons as a fact.

>> No.63157700

pretty disgusting how she pretended to be basically sisters with mouse and dropped her the second she got a man / new contract

>> No.63158369

Nice lookin fig, though anon.

>> No.63158500

She's having sex with another man and not with me and that makes me very angry grrrr

>> No.63158550

I really like the detailing on (most) PUP figures.

>> No.63158723

I don't know why I clicked on this bait thread but this post made me miss Gura
