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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 193 KB, 1200x1200, 2932323_dismassd_korone-inugami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
63008850 No.63008850 [Reply] [Original]

I want to hurry up and start streaming but obviously I can't just make my accounts and start the same day. How long do I have to spend "marketing" myself on Twitter? A week? A month? I just want to hurry up and do karaoke, play games, chat, release song covers but I don't know how long I have to spend on Twitter trying to get people interested in watching me first. Would it be okay to release a song cover before I debut? Jealous that people who join companies automatically get people to try out their streams just because they have the company name by their channel name.

>> No.63009014

>How long do I have to spend "marketing" myself before I can start actually streaming?
Zero hours.
Stream now, market later.

>> No.63009079

You've got nothing to market yet, so why would you? Also, fuck off to /asp/, you raging homo: >>63001227

>> No.63009323

Doesn't that chuuba lolcow do this and that's how she's found every single time? She makes a few tweets for a week then streams and then everyone knows that its Mel Nekomata.

>> No.63009397

Liking dick and wanting to get a husband means I'm a homo? Are you okay anon? I don't think you know what homo means, it means same sex relationship and last I heard men and women are not the same sex.

>> No.63010206

I'll be your husband if you have nice tits, of which you ought to post for us to take you seriously.

>> No.63010498

>Liking dick and wanting to get a husband means I'm a homo?
It absolutely does. YWNBAW

>> No.63011370

Nah, asking the question in the OP is strong evidence of double X chromosome.
To answer the question, just stream. You can't sell what you don't have. Yeah, that means the going will be slow, but if you're in a hurry you'd better give up right now.

>> No.63011665

Really you can do whatever you want, and yes you can release a song cover before you debut.

>> No.63011774

Make a bunch of YouTube videos and pray to the algorithm gods that one of the goes viral.

>> No.63012273

Women who show their bodies to men they aren't in a relationship with are gross as won't find a husband to have a children with so no. I actually want to have a husband and children someday, I'm not some floozy you can find on Twitch. Plus, none of this means anything with regards to the question I posed.

I see people who spend months posting on Twitter hyping up for their debut streams and I see some people who spend only a week trying to hype up their debut streams. I don't know which one is correct.

Really? That's awesome then, maybe my song cover will attract a few eyes.

>> No.63012591

i was going to say that, but what if the viewers get repeled by the low ccv.

i think it might be ok to start making videos to present yourself, while doing the marketing just so there is something in your channel for people interested to see,
then start streaming after a small amount of time.

>> No.63014495

stream anon, so long as you dont get banned for saying a slur, there is literally nothing you could possibly do "wrong" if you havent streamed, cant have fans who hate you if you dont have fans. Id recommend you play something singleplayer that you really like

>> No.63015250

You could post about yourself on r/VirtualYoutubers. It may be reddit, but it's not any less cringe then twitter or here.
Also, my number one advice is to not have a fan discord. Discord is the number one thing that kills up and coming vtubers.
Some fans will only be fans of discord and will try to discourage you from making content for the sake of the discord. Also, your fan's number one fear is the fear of missing out and discord creates load of that. There also discord mod groomers, chat mods can be pretty bad as well. Lots of discord mods, translators, and other vtubers are creeps, so watch out for those.

>> No.63015265

just press the start streaming button dumbass

>> No.63015482

Just Stream Baby!
No Content = No Views simple as that

>> No.63015586

is this another fake indie troll thread like that one with a retarded faggot larping as a japanese school teacher?

>> No.63017621

it's a ghost town these days nigga
doing shorts and covers and post them everywhere you can tends to go decently well
you also want to get into the networking game and have some chuuba friends that'll push you

>> No.63020317

zero days

>> No.63023231

This is hard to read
Spend more time streaming and grinding and less /here/

>> No.63028213

It's not really "marketing" that gets people interested, it's "networking" i.e. having friends that will watch you and get you over the 1view hump. If you don't have that it's gonna be rough.

>> No.63029330

Fuck that image of Korone is so good. I love giant sagging tits

>> No.63031249

Just start now. I did absolutely zero marketing and just started streaming into the void, now I'm doing pretty well for myself and slowly approaching 20 average viewers which isn't awful for how long I've been going I think.

>> No.63033340

>How long do I have to spend "marketing" myself before I can start actually streaming?
your avatar should be doing most of the marketing for you

>> No.63035816

if you just want to stream for fun then just stream. but if you seriously want to grow then start networking and marketing yourself right now. you want to pull at least double digits when you start streaming so you can be discovered on twitch. growing from zero viewers on twitch is impossible unless you have friends. dont listen to the retarded /asp/ies telling you to start right away because nobody there actually wants to make it. if you want to stream to get used to streaming then thats fine but you will never grow on twitch alone and you need to accept that.

>> No.63036004

Congrats, you've just made an anti and haven't even debuted yet. Kindly fuck off.

>> No.63037179


>> No.63038906

>Women who show their bodies to men they aren't in a relationship with are gross as won't find a husband to have a children with so no.
Cringe but based.
I hope you taking being jerked off to and cummed to as a compliment

As for how long I guess it depends how much traction u get but I don't wanna be a vtweeter forever stuck in limbo.
Just have a lower and upper limit of time in mind to start streaming
And don't expect meteoric success, sometimes it's a long process. But you have your viewers with you.
Decide how parasocial you WANT to be and how gfe or not gfe before.
Do NOT do gfe if u can't handle it and don't like or get attached to your viewers
We hate betrayers here but not honest whores etc.
Just for fun non gfe non parasocial streamers don't have to worry about stuff nearly as much and a yab isn't such a big deal but obviously the chat won't be nearly as devoted or loving as much as a parasocial gfe one.
You can always fall in love with your chat I suppose but be clear. Chat doesn't know boundaries other than what you've set.

Passion is important don't be lewd if youre pure and pure if you're lewd. Be authentic. Lies get sniffed out often

>> No.63042430

a bit

>> No.63044771


>> No.63047493
File: 43 KB, 702x548, FkvqWAKm9Pi-DpphLzoU3RevTISNTQ0uW-9grJTRw1k (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly start with a png and stream to no one to see if you like it
like 90% of people who streamed hated it
you need to be a special type of person to eniy it, usually it means you are broken to the core either mentally or physically.

>> No.63047546

If you end up focused on "marketing" you will end up as vtweeter

>> No.63048755

Streaming generally is male dominated while niche vtubing is female. Vtubing as a male is self-harm
