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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 268 KB, 416x569, 457456345345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
62983843 No.62983843 [Reply] [Original]

this one's actually not that bad.
in fact, he's kind of watchable.

>> No.62984423

I actually subbed to his channel, and his debut was the only one I made it through without closing the window after a few minutes.
That's gonna be the first homo I'll have watched apart from the occasional singing stream of Astel.

>> No.62984454

The three non-dino ones are fine honestly
rex fag absorbed all the yabs from them into his body pre-debut

>> No.62984500


>> No.62984678

New homo debut periods are always the worst cause we have you fags shitting up the catalog begging for us to watch your shitters. No one cares, stay in your fag general so i can continue to filter this garbage out

>> No.62984955

How can you stand that fake af wannabe batman voice? It made me wince and turn off in 30 seconds. That shit will mess up your vocal cords too. Dude's gonna lose his voice within 2 weeks and need to take a break, book it.

>> No.62985017

We do. Cant control what randoms on the catalogue decide to start

>> No.62985184

Fair point, but from watching the girls (and from how hard it must be on his throat), I expect him to tone the voice down within a month.

>> No.62986925

Without risking a vacation, I’ll say that’s his actual voice.

>> No.62987023
File: 32 KB, 576x576, 0FD0E028-1C5F-46C8-BDA5-EF4CC7B16D98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Think about how many Niji drama and Gura bait threads are being knocked out of the catalog as a result of homo shilling, it’s a tragedy I tell you.

>> No.62987156
File: 480 KB, 764x914, 1700461092545775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make us.

>> No.62987265

That's the wrong homo. We don't like that one.

>> No.62987294

Based Leader of Finances

>> No.62987478

Dino boy is a true leader, made himself look bad to absorb all the hate so his comrades could shine, sasuga

>> No.62987549

vesper with a raspy voice

>> No.62987572


>> No.62987605

>hosts the first collab on his channel
>shills merch for all of them
>harasses holos on twitter
Based based based

>> No.62987660

Well, the dino boy understands the barrier, he's not gonna push for collabs with the girls but will oblige when asked to, he knows there's nothing good coming from collabing with pekora...

>> No.62988310

They're all fine. The new boys are good. Ive grown to learn VT is but a microcosm in the grand scheme of things. Enjoy what you enjoy.

>> No.62988529

Cannot wait for him to yab and graduate

>> No.62988682

>Guy understands
>Begs for invitation on stream, and for his viewers to spam the chat of the girls
Sure anon, kys

>> No.62988997

no way this is real

>> No.62989060

Sounds based

>> No.62989181

Not watching homos

>> No.62989244

Timestamp or woman.

>> No.62989285

We'll never know since it's impossible to watch more than 30 seconds of that guy without dying of an aneurysm (and because the stream got privated).

>> No.62989787

It wasn't, the oshi stream is still up and in it he says something like
>I don't want to collab, I'm just happy to be in the same company. Well, maybe if she invited me herself I'd do it, but probably not because I'd be too flustered.
He did private the next stream he did though, because he started talking about how he had an insider before getting in or something like that, idk I didn't watch the stream live myself for the same reason as you.

>> No.62990030

This. Fuck off with these faggots, they're just a wasting of money.

>> No.62991038

no fuck you, won't watch them.
after how tempus 1 turned out, especially initially liking vesper, never again.

>> No.62991733

They're really hopeful, probably some sisters who put that "support ARMIS" hashtag in their bio on Twitter. Once they realize that no one wants to watch these faggots, they'll probably go away, they're being harassed everywhere else anyway.

>> No.62991865

your loss

>> No.62992006

>"if she invited me herself"
Holy fucking kek, he's literally less self-aware than most anons on this board. This faggot actually has hopes that Pekora will remark his existence, he's believing it somehow.

>> No.62992166

fucking cry about it faggot
came into this thread that you coulda just passed by. It's like walking into a store you know you don't like and being mad they, in fact, sell shit you don't like

>> No.62992409

More reasons to hate Ollie

>> No.62992734

More refreshing than shitty Holo EN bait I know is just bait because I actually watch them.

>> No.62993036

It's all good. You'll just donate more.

>> No.62993265

Your english sirs.

>> No.62993487

Agreed. Probably the only one I'll watch

>> No.62993770

I agree.

>> No.62995460

>shitting up the catalog
so you'd rather have 10 more gura or niji drama bait threads??

>> No.62995679

Yup, the only moderately watchable right now fr
t. homobot

>> No.62996220
File: 278 KB, 593x471, three_views.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still gonna end up like all the rest of the space wasters

>> No.62996378

That's because I want said fucking store burned down and demolished. Get the fuck out of my neighborhood.

>> No.62996517

no lol

>> No.62996919

cry more faggot

>> No.62997035

>Is already the runt of a pile of shit
B-b-but he's actually the best one!!

>> No.62999868

He's absolute retard for revealing details about getting accepted though. That shits leaves dark spots on Holostars reputation. Business-wise that's a really shitty move.

>> No.63000135

I read the entire thread and nobody brought up the first reason to watch him other than "he's not as insufferable" so no thanks

>> No.63003937

my bro :)

>> No.63004061

He’s super autistic about DnD

>> No.63004773

Wish he had a scar on his face under the mask but hes a brotuber

>> No.63004820

Is he ESL?
The first two were ESL and I just peaced out after that.

>> No.63004880

A lot of people took his statement as a good thing but they don't get that literally every other Holostar's attitude is "I might have to decline even if I'm asked because I have to be careful and professional".

>> No.63005181

He and GB aren't

>> No.63005223

Someone give me the rundown on what each of the new guys is like. Is Rex the only flip?

>> No.63005353

hes good so far but his voice is an industrial grade filter

>> No.63005454

I remember Haachama being shocked that tempus existed, like 6 months after they had debuted, because she was completely unaware. But she seems to be on an olliesque wavelength.

>> No.63005511

Octavio is also a flip, panders to straight women, but not in a repulsive way, also really great cover. Goldbullet is a niggerfaggot, not bad streams but not too engaging. Ruze is THE brotuber, with absolute kino kayfabe.

>> No.63005852

Unironic brotuber that seems incapable of appealing to women with his personality and interests (outside of Homestuck and Sailor Moon) that calls his fans "gamers" and sounds like the gruff guy from Death Battle.

>> No.63005968

Yeah, his voice will definitely deter people away. I don’t mind it since I used to love watching Strong Bad from Homestar Runner as a kid.

>> No.63006116

Why are you black

>> No.63006186

He should give some Strong Bad tips on Lady..ing.

>> No.63006906


>> No.63007488

Numbers = better?
Gura is the best vtuber of all time now

>> No.63007684


>> No.63008321

Can i sue the Dino man for my hearing damage?

>> No.63008553


>> No.63008743


>> No.63008913


>> No.63008920

Ruze is just Vesper if he had a personality trait besides "4channer"

>> No.63009001

>this one's actually not that bad.
>in fact, he's kind of watchable.
Buy an ad.

>> No.63009096

Rex is a walking yabmachine and clipnigger/doxxfag, the best thing I can say about him is that he's not as bad as one of the Trash Taste guys would be.
Gaybullet is very gay.
Babyface panders to submissive women.
Ruze is a bro with great taste in media, and he knows humility.

>> No.63009610

his worldbuilding autism is kino, his use of l2d is better than a lot of older talents, he plays dwarf fortress, he could potentially revive ttrpg streams, his zatsu is solid so far. He's enough of an outsider to the vtuber world that it's refreshing, but he seems understanding and respectful of some of the odder sides of the culture. I can see why the gravelly voice would be a turn off but it isn't for me.

>> No.63009612

>How to tell someone is a shitposting sister
>They hate Gura and thinks everyone else does too.
Way to out yourself, poorfag beggar sis. I hope this homo gets many funny clips for you to watch.

>> No.63009854

I expect good things from him. I want to see how his League collab with Bettel will go.

GB-kun is the only other one I care about, he has a likeable personality.

>> No.63011080

Cool, so you wanna hate watch them then? That's kind of like your schtick around here

>> No.63015178

not watching your 2view

>> No.63016167
File: 494 KB, 759x451, I win.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same here.....

>> No.63017845

Yagoo:"Yes, yes, it's working...little by little"

>> No.63017969

unironically the only bad one is jurtard. goldbullet is fruity but seems nice, octavio is only bad if you have fragile heterosexuality, and of course axe boy is an absolute bro

>> No.63021366

rex bros i have faith he'll redeem himself

>> No.63023556

You don’t have to hate someone for them not to be the best
Nenechi is my favorite holo but she’s nowhere near the top

>> No.63024645

I know right, so many "hahaha g-guys this one is totally not bad, I want him as my bro wouldn't you agree....p-pls"

>> No.63024856

I liked how his chat sperged out with "based based based" with each of the things he's interested in, even league, and then the only mixed reactions happened when he said he actually likes Homestuck.
Seems cool. Mostly based tastes, not ashamed of the cringier things he likes.

>> No.63025021

>shitting up the catalog
that thing has been a rancid turd since the board was created

>> No.63025144

He shows too much skin, he's for the ladies.

>> No.63025459
File: 117 KB, 863x637, kino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bet you feel real dumb now huh

>> No.63025552

My mind just overlapped Ruze with FWMC and it really mind fucked me.

>> No.63027338

I was about to call you on your bullshit, but yeah, he seems ok. Too bad he'll be forced into fujobait because that's where the money are. You can't really have "brotuber" in a branch entirely focused on appealing to women and gays.

>> No.63027501

I feel like you have a very different idea of Tempus and Holostars from what they actually are.

>> No.63029346

While I agree, I don't know why you want to try to appeal him to catalog of all places

>> No.63032435

glad you like him

>> No.63032714

Don't be retarded. Not even their own fans watch them.

>> No.63035128

el goblino

>> No.63035337


>> No.63037085


>> No.63037681

That what she deserve for leaving for fans in limbo

>> No.63037864

>tranny twisting words and truths to fit their narrative
every. fucking. time.

>> No.63041941


>> No.63042761

keep on giving your support

>> No.63045228

I love this guy. I want to be his friend so bad. I want to make him acknowledge my GMing and talk about worldbuilding.

>> No.63045739

>beeps himself when swearing
Adorable. No one told him it's okay to swear?

>> No.63045767

kill yourself troon

>> No.63045792

homospammers > chumchuds

>> No.63045860

Think it’s just him trying to play the idols don’t swear bit.

>> No.63045893
File: 498 KB, 931x997, 1680865308668872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this? More nijimales?

>> No.63047562

i think he's genuinely wanted to be "idol" kek

>> No.63047646


>> No.63048757

The way he paused gameplay to talk about the practical applications of a gun saber was kino.

>> No.63049918

Because he tries to be idol and idols don't swear, and if they swear, they beep the curse words.

>> No.63050112

Agreed 100%, fuck off with your failures already.

>> No.63050215
File: 230 KB, 750x869, troon homobegging pekora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kill yourself troon
no the troon was homobegging pekora

>> No.63050258

He doesn't pander to f*males. That should answer your question.

>> No.63050272

I thought this too but then i found something out... lets just say i wont ever be watching him again.

>> No.63050344

Well... you have my attention. Go on then?

>> No.63050363

Not getting banned again you can find out pretty easily

>> No.63051856

I checked it out and don't see anything obvious. I mean, I don't care that the avatar he's using has tits and that he might be more fruity than expected.

>> No.63052568

Checked and didn't find anything. Must not be that bad.

>> No.63052836

You dont know where to look. Youll find out eventually what I mean.

>> No.63054148

Well I checked the doxx site, xitter, and google and found nothing important. The jannies also only care about Holo rms so the odds of you getting banned are next to nothing, see: all the anons spreading trex's

>> No.63057041

The beep makes it funnier

>> No.63057158

he’s not indian

>> No.63059316

>Male vtubers

>> No.63059732 [DELETED] 
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>> No.63061140

Seems like lying and implying.

>> No.63061543

Yeah, I've seen that and I honestly don't care. I find it kinda funny, if anything.
A bro is still a bro even if he's a bit odd in the head.

>> No.63062184

Kek that's quite the brotuber

>> No.63066504

Maybe I'll give him a chance, but he sounds like he's doing a shitty Rick Sanchez impression
