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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 60 KB, 735x488, 1672444826491459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
62969480 No.62969480 [Reply] [Original]

>joins vshojo
>immediately starts swapping new models every month
It's so tiresome.

>> No.62969752

It's his 3D model

>> No.62970410

It's a joke, autist.

>> No.62970912


>> No.62971118

>Seething about a vtuber getting a 3D Model
Slow day?

>> No.62971610

I imagine it's quite a blow to their misplaced pride when someone gets a 3D model like 2 months after debut.

>> No.62971852

>be vshojo
>be male
What were they thinking?

>> No.62972172
File: 183 KB, 512x404, 1696463151275996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean
>gets 3d before NijiEN gets theirs

>> No.62972324

OP didn't say anything about 3d model

>> No.62972392

The new model OP is seething over is a 3D model

>> No.62973430


>> No.62973603

Reminder that Matara is also working on her 3D.

>> No.62974292

is this nijiseethe?

>> No.62975709


>> No.62977582

its ok he is gay

>> No.62977614

It’s the ironmouse special to boost numbers every month

>> No.62978083

why does the model swapping in particular piss you off? it's such an arbitrary thing to get mad at

>> No.62978788

So I dunno if you've thought of this, but commissioning new models isn't profitable compared to the viewership boost. It's an artistic expression thing (and artist patronage), not a profit thing.

>> No.62978834

what's the artistic expression in iron mouse's 35th outfit

>> No.62978844

I know it isn’t profitable but that’s how number brained some people are.

>> No.62978858
File: 183 KB, 1080x2048, IronMouse_20230423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you explain to us why you hate her outfit?

>> No.62978995
File: 196 KB, 1200x900, F9LJ7umXAAAw6OO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A yokai hunter outfit for Halloween, from an artist she likes.

>> No.62979067

If it didnt have the name Ironmouse slapped onto it you would never be able to tell its her

>> No.62979108

you are barking in the wrong tree then

>> No.62979135

maybe you need to check your eyes checked.

>> No.62979157

I don't hate that outfit
I'm just saying african children could've streamed off that for months

>> No.62979159


>> No.62979219

Pink and purple color scheme, cat bells and heart shapes. Like the theme of all her models.

>> No.62979245

Explain to me how you would see >>62978858 and tell me its ironmouse, then do the same with >>62978995
Explain in detail how without resorting to "hurr its purple so its her"

>> No.62979262

The former isn't an ironmouse design, for a start.

>> No.62979283

i hate everything about this scamming grifting lying cunt

>> No.62979350

Different eyes, different hair, different proportions. The only thing kind of similar is the color scheme, and even that's different.

>> No.62979373

more like totally mentally retarded

>> No.62981610


>> No.62981683

Considering the nature of the twitch audience a bi-weekly model change is probably good for audience retention.

>> No.62983533

you're right anon nobody could tell it was her everyone was always complaining about how unrecognizable she is now and it's definitely not just you few people scratching the bottom of the septic tank searching for shit to fling that think this.

>> No.62988293


>> No.62988906

Tons of artists give Mouse a big discount because of the visiblity she gives them, when someone does a mouse model their waiting list explodes. She's paying half of what they scam other people for.

>> No.62989156

lol, lmao
im's entire gimmick is events, she has no other draw to her channel, she doesn't even try
she HAS TO rely on new models to drive viewership because other streamers are guilt tripped to raid into it
>uh who's streaming right now
>oh uhh okay, lets go raid mousey
This happens literally every other month, it's an open secret at this point

>> No.62989243

Right, because people only raid her during model debuts. And only out of feeling guilt tripped into it.

>> No.62989397

>omg sisters I can't believe vshojo does shit for their vtubers without pulling teeth
kek seethe more about it

>> No.62989499

>VShojo doesn't get in the way of vtubers doing their own shit*.
I think this is a better dig at the other corpos.

>> No.62993057

It's funny because the thread immediately devolved into NIJISEETHE type shit but how long did it take for any of the Holos to get 3D models? Kuro debuted 51 days ago as a reference point.

>> No.62993158

...how can this be tiresome in any way? "Oh God, it's just too much effort seeing a new png on the bottom right of my screen!! I can't do it! I'm exhausted!!!" -You, apparently

>> No.62993283

Is that the Rurumi model or someone else?

>> No.62993391

Gotta use the shitty proprietary software, work only with the approved artists and riggers, gotta send in a fax to request a new model, gotta get the new model approved, gotta put a stamp on a paper document for some fucking reason. No, you can't spend your own money on it, you gotta earn company credit.

>> No.62993459

>imagine seething about someone getting new model

>> No.62993558

gross. such a waste of her old model

>> No.62993578

She cant leave her house so her models are her equivalent of IRL outfits, ie they change with her mood. No doubt if she were normal she'd have a gargantuan closet with 5 million dresses and shoes in it.

>> No.62994452

I could see it. Mouse really seems like the kind of woman who would have dozens of shoes.

>> No.62994520

theres 100 members with 3D in nijisanji, retard

>> No.62994603

So he is mocking Ironmouse?

>> No.62994622

>b-but Holo!!!! out of nowhere

>> No.62995001
File: 1.48 MB, 2160x1080, Screenshot_20221101-203033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's been planning this for like a year

>> No.62995046

With your ability to interpret things like that, I think you belong on Twitter.

>> No.62995147

Posts like this are monumentally retarded because literally who would have made this thread? It's shittalking both Niji and VShojo. That leaves one culprit.

>> No.62995308
File: 713 KB, 2560x1440, 1696279479302681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Comparing low effort VR chat trash to full on 3D models like Holo and Niji does
Is he doing that badly? Maybe the guy should trying putting in actual effort instead of endless react trash.
>I'm graduating Niji cause I've done all I want to do.
The faggot just wanted to be a lazy cunt but Niji wouldn't allow it.

>> No.62995423

Hololive and Nijisanji both suffer from overly controlling JP managers. Everything has to get management approval and HoloEN members have said they would love to pay for new outfits if that was allowed.

>> No.62996080
File: 362 KB, 2048x1097, 1684685319554504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His 3D model looks basically identical to his 2D art anon. The guy who made it has also done work for Holo and Niji too.

>> No.62996416

You see, even if it's the exact same artist, their work for [company I don't like] is shit compared to the perfection that they made for [company I like]

>> No.62997072

Despite making fun of "snowflakes" and SJW's for doing the same, a lot of anons /here/ love getting offended in behalf of others, this time being the artists who had their work "disrespected" through the replacement.

>> No.62997217

>if you hate grifters you are a SJW snowflake lol!

>> No.62997340

I remember when people said that about kson's 3d model
Same designer and same 3d modeller as coco, both are japanese, but apparently its a shitty western vrchat model

>> No.62997368


3D Zentreya or Melody win over any JP corpo mandated model

>> No.62997425

Lazy? Lmao the man streams almost everyday

Holy seethe this post

>> No.62997510

im sure if you ask him nicely your english teacher will tell you what grifter means

>> No.62997525

Their models look and are rigged like shit though

>> No.62997586

The nerve of this guy to post this after their embarrassing 3D concert
You "people" need to get out of your hugbox

>> No.62998213

The concert was quite nice, on account of not having technical difficulties

>> No.62998239

the irony of a numberpag writing the second line in this post

>> No.62998403

It was well received by Vshojo fans so who should be embarrassed about it?

>> No.62998521

The models look and are rigged very well actually. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7Pl_Bcx7wg

>> No.62998775

lmao, people look at this and think "this is how a woman moves"?

>> No.62998938
File: 2.66 MB, 568x320, 1687409516740868.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62999396

Dont pretend you arent eating shit then

>> No.63000939

That is wrong most artist give a huge deal and in some cases give it away because working with a big name doubles to triple their clientele. It’s mutually beneficial not to mention event streams are likely to get donations

>> No.63005184

That doesn't even look like my mental image of her, so that

>> No.63005534

I don't like african children

>> No.63005835

That's not even remotely true, no one's working for "huge deals" or free. The people making models for big vtubers are usually making models for multiple big vtubers (Kuro's main model being a great example), there's no "exposure" to be gained that's financially relevant if you're already making models for the biggest people around.

>> No.63005978

come back and tell us how retarded you feel, its ok to be wrong just own up

>> No.63006045

Who's the modeler? I don't care enough about him to watch but I l like following 3D modelers

>> No.63006188

Why the fuck are her legs like constantly vibrating

>> No.63006222

Ksons model did look like shit in 3d though

>> No.63006274

Sorry, I might have gone too hard on the fingerbanging that time.

>> No.63006367
File: 1.58 MB, 1517x1600, ironmouse.fc7baf1b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imma be real. Both of these look way worse to me than the one everyone knows her by

>> No.63006491

>im's entire gimmick is events

She does react garbage and talk shows with other corpo vtubers as a way to promote them. She has a purpose in the ecosystem but she herself doesn't do anything.

>> No.63006610
File: 199 KB, 603x728, 1685524233523163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yoolies. He did both versions of this model for Bae + the 3D model for Mori's Jigoku 6 release
That that was what Zen used to work with about 4 months ago and with a 2 year old model. The current updates with the new model are very impressive without the use of an expensive suit or multiple camera tracking like a studio. https://youtu.be/UEnM6qN3P-E?si=-OKoXRJn8GUjUWhw

>> No.63006648
File: 845 KB, 727x729, k s o n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the average /vt/ard knows jack shit about 3d graphics or technology in general

>> No.63006810

He is talking about her SUPER 3D

>> No.63006977

That looks like shit

>> No.63007096 [DELETED] 

you mean the model she used for 1 hour total that she probably doesn't even remember she has but browns from /#/ obsess over for some reason?

>> No.63007190
File: 1.36 MB, 244x244, 1673113929686019.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63007303

I sure wonder why she only used it for 1 hour total despite shilling it as the next big thing in vtubing for weeks

>> No.63007388 [DELETED] 

she did not do that, you are just a third worlder who has developed schizophrenia from overexposure to lead and other pollutants

>> No.63007744

Nta but I do remember her shilling it pretty hard and then it ended up looking worse than the pokimane model

>> No.63008129

again with the delusions

>> No.63008388
File: 599 KB, 652x841, Screenshot 2023-10-30 235145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too many models BAD
Olympic gold medal winning mental gymnastics thread

>> No.63008767

She's like the Jennifer Grey or Courtney Cox of vtubers.

>> No.63013834


>> No.63014055
File: 306 KB, 350x544, 1671847202634687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im's entire gimmick is events, she has no other draw to her channel, she doesn't even try
Catalogfag-kun, she's a variety streamer now. She does a bunch of stuff, if anything these days her issue is she tries to do too much all at once and basically says yes to any collab and a lot of things she plans gets lost in the shuffle.
>She does react garbage and talk shows
>she herself doesn't do anything.
She plays games too anon. She's currently playing Lethal Company all week as well as continuing her playthrough of every FNAF game.. And she hasn't had a SOTD episode in half a year because she's waiting for new stage assets and whoever she commissioned is taking forever.

>> No.63014122

good just making retards seethe with simple truths
