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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 149 KB, 1067x1011, C17DC631-25FD-4609-8931-D13C52DDEB06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
62899558 No.62899558 [Reply] [Original]

Just when things were looking up?

>> No.62899682

you are embarrassing

>> No.62899732
File: 655 KB, 606x607, f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk if gura counts as cgdct anymore; being a massive, obvious grifter is pretty far from cute

>> No.62899742

Why isn’t nerissa in the triangle? She is a good girl and flaming lesbian like kiara

>> No.62899794

why are Moomcuck like this????

>> No.62899802

If you're not confident that your favorite girl is gonna stay true at this point, then she was never CGDCT to begin with.

>> No.62900625


>> No.62900739

Hold strong brother... winter is coming

>> No.62900755


>> No.62900798

>no nerissa
>no shiori
>no ina
>fwmc seperate instead of together
>sametori together for some reason
wtf is this low effort shit on my catalog?

>> No.62901136

Flayon twitter reply

>> No.62901734

why is the half of kiara's face dead?

>> No.62901938
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>> No.62902005

What male plays animal crossing? Jay is a unisex name, you know.

>> No.62902009

why did you split gura and kiara when there's a free triangle

>> No.62902019

Shiori deserves to be there

>> No.62902748


>> No.62902767

nice cope.

>> No.62902996
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>Jay is a unisex name
I have never heard this cope EVER, you guys are straight delusional

>> No.62903069

If Kiara can be considered cute then where is Nerissa

>> No.62903202
File: 101 KB, 843x1008, BauBau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you afraid? I assure you the "cgdct girls" are fine, anon. Absolutely nothing to lose sleep over.

>> No.62903454

Add Nerissa and take off & Kiara and you have a complete group of girls who have not interacted with Tempus or StarsEN at all. Completely ignored their existence. The based, and perfect ones

>> No.62903577

Remove Mumei. >>62902996

>> No.62903587

roru, rumao

>> No.62903792
File: 175 KB, 720x558, 1700383670365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Kiara is there?

>> No.62903797

why couldn't you do this properly? the top and bottom aren't even aligned. come back when you have a good shitpost. show pride in your work.

>> No.62904006

op here, I'll be backmlater guys, I gotta pick up my wife's boyfriend from the airport

>> No.62904062
File: 627 KB, 1184x980, 1696221520734725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed it for you op. You don't have to thank me.

>> No.62904110

She have literaly lust for 2 trannys, Zentreya and the homobeggar

>> No.62904115

She can't cuck you if you already know

>> No.62904157

holy fucking esl. eat your pagpag, sister

>> No.62904198

Speak English

>> No.62904284

i fucking love that unicorns cant even decide on who counts as pure or not anymore, its like watching a bunch of schizophrenics yell at each other

>> No.62904305


>> No.62904325

I understand you. I kekd.

>> No.62904349 [DELETED] 

the german bitch nigger is not cute

>> No.62904384

>its like watching a bunch of schizophrenics yell at each other
It's not just like that. It's exactly what's going on.

>> No.62904422

anybody got IRyS' brian screenshot.

>> No.62904448

find it yourself you lazy little shit

>> No.62904450

You mean the guy who rigged her model?

>> No.62904490

was it the pokemon vod? shit is 7 hours.

>> No.62904509

You guys sure do forget things when it's convenient to.

>> No.62904527


>> No.62904565


>> No.62904662

Gura definitely doesn't count. She's barely even worth calling a vtuber anymore.

>> No.62904770

So the girls can collab with StarsJP all they want and it's fine?

>> No.62904807

of course

>> No.62904954

Oof the cringe I felt from this clip is unbearable..

>> No.62905081

List of girls that have said that they're not into collabing with dudes explicitly:
(If I have missed one I'd appreciate a clarification from any Fauna/Mumei/Bijou fans present)
I could never anti Gura but unless her activity levels abruptly(magically) resume, it feels like her situation is a little too incomparable to any other EN girl.

I'm autistic, so hearing the girl actually SAY it is a big, big deal for me. I'd rather not end up fucking myself over because of a misunderstanding.

>> No.62905108

It's actually insane how much better the Stars' reputation was back then
Tempus and I guess whatever the fuck the new guys are called too, have so thoroughly ruined their reputation by association.

>> No.62905131

Bijou did explicitly say she wanted to collab with Hololive girls on debut

>> No.62905199

i believe the fwmc but which stream did they say it? all of advent have ignored all stars collab begging supas

>> No.62905268

They haven’t outright said it but they did unfollow tempus on twitter shortly after debut(implying a manager followed all their accounts)

>> No.62905560

Okay I will take that as a tentative confirmation then, certainly means less dead hours for me lmao
I vaguely remember it but it may be a false memory. FWMC and Nerissa explicitly unfollowed Holostars though which is an "aggressive confirmation" instead of a "passive" type and therefore what I feel is reliable. I may not trust myself to read the intent behind passive behavior, but it's not like my logical reasoning is impaired. And logically speaking, there is no sensible reason for FWMC to deliberately unfollow homos after their manager followed them.
I admit I do sometimes feel uneasy because homos dont cover all men but everyone and their mother seems to believe FWMC would never do a male collab more than anybody else, moreso than even the ones who were explicit about it, so for once I let my guard down and silently made a wish for it to not get me hurt later.

>> No.62905860

>Nerissa explicitly unfollowed Holostars
NTA but holy shit I missed this. Removes all my doubts with her, honestly.

>> No.62905956
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>> No.62905995

Kek, accurate

>> No.62906002

I still see nerissa following holostars twitter, i can't post images on dorm wifi but she still follows them if you check, she does unlike pics with stars tho

>> No.62906444

Yeah, she's still following the StarsJP account, but that's the only one. None of the EN homos, and not even the EN Stars corporate account.

>> No.62906510

This whole thing is so schizophrenic, you anons pick up the most minimal and dumb interactions possible for "proof" or something, what happened to just watching streams? It feels like you care more about this vt culture war than vtubers

>> No.62906529
File: 400 KB, 578x768, 1695814808482779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you might be surprised to hear this but thats not the first austrian to be mistaken for a german

>> No.62906534

ah wait i thought management combined holostars english into the hololive english twitter so idk if en stars twitter still exists

>> No.62906613

The EN stars account doesn't exist anymore, and none of Advent is following the combined HoloEN production account

>> No.62906615
File: 1.27 MB, 1400x1250, 1698898235443500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we may disagree who belongs to CGDCT, but we can all agree that picrel are a bunch of whores and should graduate

>> No.62906650

I'm a retard and was looking at the wrong account, never mind

>> No.62906840

based kiaradolf

>> No.62906889

3 of Guras best friends. No wonder she’s the way she is

>> No.62906952

I want to make aryan children with her.

>> No.62906961

rent free

>> No.62907065

for you fags it is all about not collabing with males? What about her mixers with Cover's engineers? Them not giving her any respect with camera always pointing at her ass and IRyS enjoying it? Or making her moans in ifuudoudou loudest?
They are dogwhistling about her being typical low self-esteem slut

>> No.62907125


>> No.62907175

Swap Gura for Fauna and this would be okay.

>> No.62907284

FWMC didn't say anything, they just ignore their existence completely

>> No.62907604

Biboo didn't even follow them so she should be on that list as well. She also avoided liking images with holostars, despite liking pretty much everything that goes in her tags, except obviously out of character designs like drawings where she has big tits. She's had some homobeggars in chat asking if she wanted to collab with someone outside of hololive(obviously referring to holostars, people did a check up on the superchatter and he was a regular in niji males chats) and her answers were memes like Gordon Ramsay.

>> No.62908272

>I'm autistic
Only believable part of your shitpost after putting Kiara, gigguk collaber, on the list.
Also the dogs have never talked about the subject so you outed yourself

>> No.62908548

>idk if gura counts as cgdct
she doesn´t
the d stands for doing, wich she isn´t

>> No.62908735

Sound engineer, Manger, and the Rigger

>> No.62908841

>falseflaggers trying to act like cgdct is about them never once talking to a single man in their life
Nice try.
It's about not collabing with males. Every single girl ever has talked to some male, from Yagoo to someone male in management to some sound engineer to some producer to studio staff.

>> No.62908860

>a shitpost thread isn't consistent

>> No.62909386

>delusions of grandeur + sense of 'mission' (sending letters to cover and harassing """"""unsafe"""""" chuubas and homos to """"protect unicorn friendly streamers""""")
>imagining things that aren't there
>feeling threataned by objects or more often ideas manigested by mind
I mean... I'm no psych, but calling disturbed people on this board schizos doesn't come from nothing...

>> No.62909601

>imagining things that aren't there
like the mythical unicorn that mindbreaks you.
grim look sis, will threads like these make "DA BOIZ" better? whats your endgame?

>> No.62910118

I'm a new IP itt or are you this new to 4chan? Also "manigested" is an obvious typo, anyone over the age of 12 should be able to get that.
You just proved my point, tnx. Remember, the harder you push for something, the harder will pushback be as well. Unicorn larping constant harassment and weird expextations from streamers (labeling someone as gfe just because of cute voice and sperging out later over so.e twitter likes) will lead to it just like how woke trash is being abandoned slowly now. Girls can ignore the homos for more income and homos can do some fujo tentacle rape asmr, I get the hustle and respect that, but your sperging and crying wolf is slowly turning cover against you and I'm all for that, your ilk is becoming an eyesore tbqh.

>> No.62910243

>phoneposting doesn't exist
you're trying way too hard sister, you lost btw
as the ESL comment hit hard, explain away "threataned". love to hear your thoughts. keep samefagging about these unicorns that have mindbroken you though, im sure they exist and are really upset.

>> No.62910436

Are you sperging out without being an unicorn? You're pretending as if unicorns and unilarpers don't exist meaning that you're being a tribaltranny without even having a dog in this fight? You're acting just like those they/them libfags on twitter attacking everyone over nothing. Keep at it, see how it'll end up. What trying to fit in with /#/jp/ tards does to a mf..

>> No.62910488

unironic cuck behaviour holy shit. you didn’t have to explain it like that for your sake

>> No.62910538

You ignored the ESL part I noticed
Nice buzzwords btw. Unicorns won't exist no matter how much you shit yourself, kek

>> No.62910543

Are unicorns and dramasisters the same people?

>> No.62910654

you're thinking of beggars and dramasisters. and the answer is yes

>> No.62910840

Are there any cgdct enjoyers that aren't unicorns? Just curious, like I feel like what needs to be done if like cgdct is no longer being satisfied is just to silently leave and no longer watch, I feel complaining on /vt/ is counterproductive and just causes further pointless arguments (how ironic that I seem to be complaining here)

>> No.62910940

correct version

>> No.62911132

Stop using words you don't know the meaning of, you fucking nigger.

>> No.62914351
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Fixed correct version.

>> No.62914415

Remove Ina and it would be correct.

>> No.62914723
File: 85 KB, 588x373, Homo offense level.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina didn't do anything worse than Mumei or Gura.

>> No.62914753

youcan put shiori in ina's place

>> No.62914773
File: 368 KB, 680x403, 1666549293011018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is fucking pathetic
here's some advice for you deranged freaks

>> No.62914782


>> No.62914808

gura didnt even do it you retard, it was just planned

>> No.62914909

Damn, that slut Irys really goes around, huh?

>> No.62914947


You can't get more retarded than that. Might as well be homofaggots larpers if you think streaming very infrequently is as bad as homo collabing.

collabing with males is far far worse. but cocksucking brown SEAs like you can't understand that.

>> No.62914956
File: 1.58 MB, 2496x2799, 1696335190221397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holo Judenstern.

>> No.62914993

convert it to webm

>> No.62915013

sister detected. no actual cgdct fan gives a shit. making something as special as a cover song with the ENhomos that are trying to destroy the culture is FAR worse

>> No.62915071

>putting that line with a girl that tried to kill herself
Don't shitpost with Delta, twice

>> No.62915115 [DELETED] 

Records few lines and sends it to a male to put in in an interview
Records few lines and sends it to a male to put in in a song

>Sending few lines is worse than an actual live collab
None of this counts by the way.

>> No.62915196

Records few lines and sends it to a male to put in in an interview
Records few lines and sends it to a male to put in in a song

>Sending few lines is worse than an actual live collab
None of this counts by the way, unless you want to be a faggot then both count.

>> No.62915212


>> No.62915357

An interview is part of work, done in a professional environment. It's in a way unavoidable unless you don't care about your career progression.
A cover song for pleasure isn't.

>> No.62915426

It was a collab Mumei was tricked / pressured into by Bae. She was super quiet throughout and has never done it again afterwards

>> No.62915495


>> No.62915589

You can spin rrats about being tricked/pressured about Ina as well. But Ina has never done it again afterwards either.

>> No.62915705

Inanus "welcome to the EN family" Ninomae does not belong in this image.

>> No.62915827

I feel bad for Mumei, Hoomans have zero sense of accountability and blame her own actions onto her genmate
Great chuuba, pathetic fanbase

>> No.62915996

Not SEA or whatever else you want to make up you colossal faglord.
>if you think streaming very infrequently is as bad as homo collabing
Didn't even mention homo collabing. Until she actually does something Gura's worthless as a vtuber however you spin it, and is therefore not worth considering in the context of cute girls DOING cute things. If you think the occasional shill stream qualifies her then you're lost bro.

>> No.62916079

Same with Kronies and their
>Ah no she's innocent! Sh-She was groomed -She was Jedi voodoo Mindcontrolled by Mori! She didn't do anything! She is just Too Nice!
The most pathetic excuse of them all.

>> No.62916609

Gura is proof that if you're a cute normalfaggot and you grift for 10 years, eventually losers will propel you into a high paying job where you no longer have to try.

>> No.62916687

As above so below.

>> No.62916855
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The irony about that collab is that they act like it hurts Mumei's brand but she's probably the closest to Bae in Promise they even ship it, fucking hilarious

>> No.62917550
File: 374 KB, 1400x1250, 1700389675097152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an idolchad, this board's gossiping and politics are beneath me
Beneath me
>CGDCT buzzword faggotry
Beneath me

See there's this cute girl who loves me and works hard for me in order to show for it and that's all I need, all I want to do is watch this cute girl work towards her dreams and shares her growth and experiences with me which in turn inspire me to become a better person and achieve my own dreams.
This girl is uncompromising in her desire to want to provide for her fanbase.
She is also unrelenting in her morals.
I'm not driven by fear boogeymen cuck fantasies or camp politics.
I will never feel lacking in love or betrayed because my oshi doesn't break promises.
I actually trust my oshi because she has given me reason to do so.
I am in a position where I never feel threatened or sad because she is giving me everything I need.

>But the rest of the girls are idols too!
Damn fuckin' right they are, all of them are idols, feel free to add them as you please if you are a fellow idolchad like me. I'm only speaking for myself here. Just remember that we are blessed and living meaningful lives.

>> No.62917629

wait matpat's a homo?

>> No.62917662

This loweffort shit was brought to you by a falseflagging sister

>> No.62917739


>> No.62917783
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>> No.62917912

Chat GPT can cuckpost now? I'm amazed

>> No.62917942

I got rock hard just reading this

>> No.62918052
File: 35 KB, 1000x450, HAI HAI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62918298

>no solo channel stream =/= no content
Fixed for bandwagon catalog readers.

>> No.62918424


>> No.62919289
File: 99 KB, 423x498, 1699909043198078.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't expecting to find a quality post in the catalog. From one Idolchad to another

>> No.62919337

How come Mumei doesn't collab with homos anymore?

>> No.62919426

Okay, I'm just gonna say it... BASED

>> No.62920109


>> No.62920210
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>> No.62920399

holy chaos god based i kneel

>> No.62920443


>> No.62921630

Nah they all know who counts as pure, but some of them have oshis which don't meet their standards so they start coping about it.
That's why you get so many of them saying shit like
>my oshi might have done a homocollab but it doesn't count because xyz

>> No.62921872

are these unicorns in the thread with us right now?

>> No.62924259

these threads exist for antis to shit on other girls, le subtle doxfags to post
>he doesn't know
and sisters to falseflag as unicorns
Anyone who genuinely enjoys CGDCT that posts in them is fucking retarded and yes that includes me for doing it right now.

>> No.62926373

Why are you seething so much, homobeggar falseflagger? Is this uneasy feeling 'cause the last debuts have proven your new faggotgen from your homobranch is on lifesupport, even going so far as having to fucking bot debuts just to not embarrass yourself?

>> No.62926580


>> No.62927031
File: 471 KB, 992x878, f61eaf5200cd53cbbf579adb29203ebd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like all those girls are doing well and happy except Kiara
