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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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62823835 No.62823835 [Reply] [Original]

What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

Open company auditions:
Heavenwho (Nov 30): https://twitter.com/heavenrendtv/status/1724519639957590338
Niji (Dec 10): https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1725424120924721249
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK (embed)
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
Twitter growth: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt

Stay grounded, stay hopeful

Previous Thread: >>62790768

>> No.62823873

Hey aspie, you know those intrusive thoughts you’ve been having lately? You should act on them
You will never make it
Delete your channel

>> No.62823902


Ah, it's Denpa.

>> No.62823934

Don’t forget to kill yourself today aspie! If you’re having suicidal thoughts, you should trust that your body knows what’s best for it, and it wants to die
Let it die and relieve everyone of the burden that you are

>> No.62824167

I know I'm taking the bait here but I hope that you find love in your heart and make peace with the demons that plague your existence.

Be better, because right now you're desperate to make people feel as miserable as you do and it's very obvious.
Sorry you're in pain but lashing out for no reason will only be a temporary feeling of relief that is always followed by regret.

>> No.62824198

Don't be a weak pathetic bitch and succumb to the menhera or listen to the previous posts.

Just succeed out of spite. Who cares if the world has turned on you. All you need is you.

If you still end up killing yourself though post that shit online. Gotta try and make it one last time at least

>> No.62824277

Be realistic aspie
Nobody that posts here has ever made it and the only ones that have gotten out of the 15 asp viewer hell are flavor of the month, extremely niche or stream at hours where there’s nobody else to watch
Nobody that’s posted here has ever gotten even close to making it
You will not be the exception
Stop lying to yourself

>> No.62824346

Aspie, you will not make it
You aren’t making it in your own life but you won’t find the escape you want in vtubing either
You will continue to be a perpetual failure
Get real and give up
Lay down and die
Your brain tells you this every day
It’s time to listen

>> No.62824347


Tfw the anti male has gone full anti.

>> No.62824354
File: 53 KB, 465x397, perobless.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god bless renata and god bless fujoshis.

>> No.62824477


We >are< going to make it. And we hope you do too. You know, make it to a therapist, anon. We care about you, please seek help.

>> No.62824548

Man I'm almost 30, if I was gonna do it I would have done it a long time ago.

>> No.62824679

Anyways, I haven't asked this weekend yet so...

...how's that model coming along /asp/?

>> No.62824680


> Based

WAGMI, anon. <3

>> No.62824694

Looks like someone doesn't have anything better to do today.

>> No.62824845


New schizo just dropped in the new /asp/ patch...

>> No.62825076
File: 316 KB, 1490x2048, 20230920_121225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ready.
Remember to fill out the AMA form for the re-debut. https://forms.gle/aq7u3KoQu3ZZQmst6

>> No.62825118

Anyone here have a channel intro or outro?
I'm working on one and keep getting filtered by how much of a pain Canva is to work with.

>> No.62825140

Is there any finesse-ly way to say to your oshi that she needs singing lessons

>> No.62825179

hell yeah redman, though I've never met you before.
I've seen you posted here and there but never directly interacted with you, so hello.

>> No.62825193

Tell her with a teacher helping she can become next Taylor Swift

>> No.62825215

Just ask them what they think of their own singing voice before you start dunking on them. They might be painfully aware.

>> No.62825251

Don’t forget to treat yourself today aspie! If you’re having thoughts of pampering yourself, you should trust that your body knows what’s best for it, and it wants to feel good
Let yourself feel good and relieve yourself of all the stress you've been through this week. You've been working hard, you deserve it!

>> No.62825351

I made some simple ones but I kinda make new ones, but figure I'll wait til I actually finish my redesign first.

>> No.62825466
File: 427 KB, 1280x1280, Untitled822_20231118044354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

konbanwa, renatadesu. should i start a kofi? would that be too greedy? one of my friends suggested i make one for tips and such but i think it might be too much.
should i make yuri once in awhile?

>> No.62825487

This might do

>> No.62825505
File: 661 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rare stream time today
Time for going back to Rome and save Rome in Ryse

>> No.62825514

It can't hurt. Nobody thinks someone with a kofi is greedy unless you expect tips.

Can I ask how you're progressing on comms?

>> No.62825564
File: 78 KB, 909x1013, suibless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>should i start a kofi?
>should i make yuri once in awhile?
bless your little weirdo heart, renata.

>> No.62825600

yes and yes. some people like tipping artists when they're satisfied with their commission. feed the himedanshis from time to time too if you really want to

>> No.62825625

Is it worth it to make media kits if you want to try and shill your channel to companies? Even if you're microscopic? I know that there are some companies willing to sponsor small channels. (They're those sport drink people) But like....to have in your back pocket for better deals, it'd make sense, right?

>> No.62825643
File: 1 KB, 100x100, mnd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62825700


Praise mond.

>> No.62825927


>> No.62825957

because you don't love yourself.

>> No.62826001


Self-love is the hardest achievement in the game of life.

>> No.62826077

I'm sure that a factor but there has to be an easier fix

>> No.62826102

You're a fast drawer but how fast can you pump out a fully rendered one

>> No.62826120

Mond <3

>> No.62826226

People always give bullshit advice like this as if there aren't successful happy relationships involving damaged unwell people who don't go to the gym and didn't become isolationist monks and climbing the 1001 steps before going on their first date>>62826077

>> No.62826268

another schizo stream

>> No.62826311

That's the best part

>> No.62826389

you mean relationships that often end because those damaged people grow into selfish individuals who no longer realize the concept of love is that you care about someone's existence as much as your own?

anyways yeah, nobody wants to pick up some kid with baggage.

>> No.62826475

No I mean successful life long relationships

>> No.62826601

it's offtopic for these threads anyways.

>> No.62826702

There's more nuance to these things than you seem to think. Not sure why you're offended. Humans are capable of being more than just two archetypes.

>> No.62826788
File: 428 KB, 640x499, IMG_6317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it depends! ibis is kinda shit at logging time but it usually takes me like...10 hours give or take on a fully rendered drawing. some ambitious ones (ie, fullbody) can take 22 hrs.
i found out however that i can haul ass and take as little as 6 hours on a rendered drawing. (pic related, special example as i had a deadline impending on me FAST for this and i pumped out over 10+ drawings in the course of a week for it)
i hope to get to work on a rendered comm i have while working bit by bit on the others ive accepted payments for. im still entirely new to the commission sphere so i might waitlist the remaining payments i have to send invoices for and then send them when i think ive made enough progress on all my current stuff. im sorry for the snails pace work! i now have a break from stem stuff so i hope to get to work soon^^
cool!! ill probably announce it later today when i get the payment system set up. thanks!

>> No.62826813

you're not going to project feelings onto me, I said it's offtopic so drop it.

>> No.62826874

Are you ok? You don't seem to understand relationships at all.

>> No.62826923

Jesus christ I will commission you soon

>> No.62826926

demoralizing post.

>> No.62826991

It's not offtopic since the majority of male /asp/ies are vtubing to make friends

>> No.62827143

>to be in a relationship you must a whole, complete person with no extenuating issues

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.62827181

This is a great way to ensure you'll be single forever.

>> No.62827428

that's not what we were talking about.

harsh truth that has played out throughout many a life.
People seem to think that loving yourself means you're some sort of weirdo that enjoys the smell of your own gas, when all I'm saying is you gotta know yourself and what you actually want unless you intend to waste not only your time but your future partner's time.

Happy accidents are just that, happy accidents, not everyone is lucky.

To ignorantly want something to work out because you desire it is to disrespect the other person involved, and there's no dancing around that truth.

>> No.62827513

I'm asexual, I've no interest in pursuing a relationship.
I'm not crabbing, I'm not trying to dissuade anyone, I'm just telling you the truth.

There's no harm in trying your best, but be aware that there's more than just wishful thinking that goes into a relationship.

>> No.62827610


I thought male /asp/ies were vtubing to explore their gender and find out whether they might actually be a girl in their head?

>> No.62827630

>the asexual who has no interest in relationships is telling other people what they should do about relationships
There's a reason people don't like asexuals and it's because of you.

>> No.62827717

Its unfortunate but there's a type of mind out there that need verifiable proof of something to believe it. They can't love themselves without some kind of foundation. Most people have parental love to fall back on. What if you don't? What if the word love itself has been perverted and used for manipulation and guilt exclusively? Telling someone like that to love themselves holds zero meaning. Its sad and I'm sure people will balk but I hypothesize that kind of person NEEDs a relationship at least the memory of having one to kickstart the idea that live is good and they are lovable. It's the same with the idea of fixing yourself. You can be caught in a loop of constantly trying to fix yourself and not feeling ready to date and pushing away the chance. But what if you NEED a relationship do you can learn who the you you're trying to fix even is? Without thee things even if you make your best effort you'll be 30 you'll be 40 with zero romantic or dating experience and still totally unprepared to enter that world or ANY world.

I feel like it's taboo to talk about because of incels and the fact every man want to believe they can be an island but its just a sad fact that some people really do need external validation because they have never had it before and gave zero foundation to build internal affirmation. The kind of person who is only confused by words like "love" "enjoy" "like" "opinion", etc.

So yeah I think the generic internet advice to work on yourself is harmful and an oversimplification

>> No.62827726

gwan bata eep

>> No.62827775

Honestly relationships are just your autisms lining up and vibing. Thats it, similar love languages and idiosyncrasies and similar communication styles is all you need.

>> No.62827777

ave a good eep

>> No.62827817


>> No.62827827

Stop calling everything autism

>> No.62828041

AVE! is suraya making me an unironic fascist?

>> No.62828067

>woman thinks she's asexual because she's not currently focking someone
Everytime mate, every focking time

>> No.62828265

Fight me then m8, see me in rust 1v1 no rocks.

Seriously though, lighten up.

I'm a man.

Now can we drop this cause philosophical discussions about love have dick to do with being an aspiring vtuber

>> No.62828285


> Every woman being poly when it's her and several men.

> Sexist when it's one dude and multiple chicks.

>> No.62828309

The asexuals I know irl never tried policing anyone's view on relationships because, well, they don't give a fuck. That's kind of the whole point, no? Seems like you have other issues going on.

>> No.62828364

Ah it's probably Dante or Hyde again, that explains it

>> No.62828625

>Guy who gets no action copes by claiming asexuality and gives out relationship advice
It's like I'm back in highschool again

>> No.62828721

anything to deny the truth huh?

nah I'd say you likely don't know me and you're unaware of how I usually construct my posts.

I'm not policing anything, someone took offense to my simple statement and I'm just clarifying because people would rather project than just accept that I might have an idea of what I'm talking about.
I don't care if you believe me or not, but I'm never fond of people stretching the truth to fit their narrative instead of acknowledging that they're being biased.

Anyways I'm gonna dip for now cause you're insistent on dragging this on and I'm always gonna reply cause I'm impulsive.

Take care /asp/ies, have a good day.
I'll be on to support you later tonight!

>> No.62828822

>than just accept that I might have an idea of what I'm talking about.
You don't though. Why would someone with no interest in a topic be in anyway a credible source on said topic?

You're a retard.

>> No.62828901


>> No.62828973

Sure wouldn't shut up for someone who says it's offtopic, sheesh, that's why I hate those pseudo intellectuals in their late twenties who think they're oh so old and wise

>> No.62829099

You think you know more than the average person even though you don't involve yourself in romance? Typical snobby ace cope. It's really high school around here. Only difference is I can't pour pepsi down your hoodie.

>> No.62829211

>What is /asp/?
>/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing.

>> No.62829215

Shut the fuck up you retarded monkey niggers

No one gives a fuck go to your retarded discord

>> No.62829344

hey hey

>> No.62829463
File: 50 KB, 728x711, VIWztfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so who's streaming right now?

>> No.62829485
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Imagine if we actually followed our schedule...and didn't have to fit work/stream together.....

>> No.62829550


>> No.62829668

What would you guys say is the male archetypes of Vtubing?

>> No.62829731

no inbetween

>> No.62829744

ngmi, CBDCT, BFE, Gamer, reader

>> No.62830535


Older Brother, Younger Brother, Femboy "Gay Bestie", Creepy/Wacky Uncle, and Daddy

>> No.62830570

Make a tier list ot of these NOW

>> No.62830636

>the SEA infestation has spread to the dedicated 0view thread

>> No.62830645

You're forgetting just straight boyfriend

>> No.62830652

tierlist of this

>> No.62830898


Not a tier list but examples (I dont know every aspie) :

Older Brother - Sin, Parsek, Lago, Scege, Genome, Hakurai

Younger Brother - Daiya

Femboy- Beryl, Camui,

Creepy/Wacky Uncle - ChaosFoundry, Azu, Kankuro

Daddy- Dante, Harg, HauntLich,

>> No.62830981


None of the current aspie boys gives off strong boyfriend vibes imo.

>> No.62831392

I used to feel contempt towards you. We had nothing in common beyond crossing paths on this site. I was satisfied with that distance. But over time, fueled by my morbid repulsion, I peeked into your heart. As loathe as I am to admit, you had something I yearned for underneath your flaws: you can fit so much unabashed love in your heart. How rare it is, these days, to witness joy so raw it touches your soul.

Now I have a deep admiration for you that I don't know what else to do with other than write this stupid post.

>> No.62831441

Just fucking say who you dumb retard

>> No.62831494


Probably Ace

>> No.62831645

I feel contempt towards you now, vagueposter-chan

>> No.62831756

Holy schizo amiright

>> No.62832560

Good morning /asp/
You fucks had better have the best day you fucking can, understand? THE BEST DAY YOU CAN. You can do it, I trust in you.

>> No.62832633

Fuck you. You can't make me sleep, you brat.

>> No.62833049


>> No.62833124 [SPOILER] 
File: 362 KB, 485x436, how.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what I need to do to write like this?
yes, I'm ESL

>> No.62833276

Your ESL is endearing.

Please all my ESL friends, never fix your accents or the way you speak. You will lose a part of your charm and your soul.

>> No.62833635

I want to impregnate a femchuuba

>> No.62833652

Good afternoon /asp/, sorry I wasnt here for several threads, any new people I should add to the tierlist? Did my reps unfortunatly and saw that the femboy who didnt debute yet could potentially be there but i'll wait an another week.
Talking about reps
o:< why
hehehe there is something called meds if you want me gone hope I didnt do anything wrong to you to have me in your head c:
eh i'll bite: wasnt here for several threads but I don't have a grudge against dante, heck he didnt do anything wrong. It's unfortunate that he doesnt like camui much i'd think they'd make a fun collab with their polarizing personalities.
Also the crabs should change their way of doing shit, since trying to drag other people in it just makes them look more pathetic on an even longuer run.
hhhh Highway to the DANGER ZONE if you're still here, could you perhaps explain why ? just curious with no grudges
Those are cool ! even tho I consider my self more of a mountain bike person (or a 958 Plymouth Fury)

But yeah.. how you're doing fine /asp/! sorry for this post

>> No.62833804

Wheres the babiniku category?

>> No.62833886

This sounds autistic as fuck so I'm just going to assume this is Chrii towards camui

>> No.62833916
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>> No.62833986

Who is your favorite skinwalker and why is he a fat man in a green mocap suit?

>> No.62834025

That would be neat but I don't even know what loathe or yearned means, it's too complexe for my brain

>> No.62834132
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>> No.62834160
File: 20 KB, 193x51, idiot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like this kraut boykisser.

>> No.62834219

Coming from a fellow esl, do lots of reading. Doesn't have to be complicated literature. Some philosophical or story heavy mangas have flowery language too. Just make the process fun and you'll improve steadily.

Some of us genuinely want to get better so we can communicate and express ourselves more clearly. Please understand.

>> No.62834560
File: 11 KB, 198x198, kemori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

happy birthday kemori !

>> No.62834629

Thanks but I'm not actually retarded and I'd like to sound like myself

Reading helps with vocabulary but you need to fit in some speaking practice too
Just don't be afraid to look up the pronunciation when you have a doubt, I had to do "chapel" earlier today

>> No.62834760

Seeing Chris post anything triggers a desire to PLAP her
I may have brain damage.

>> No.62835034

Anyone streaming right now?

>> No.62835088

just ainslie on my list

>> No.62835322
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>> No.62835471
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>> No.62835537

This arouses me like you wouldn't believe

>> No.62835587

>space before exclamation mark
Either Pafu or Chrii is the Denpa schizo, or someone is skinwalking them

>> No.62835672

The denpa schizo is a scorned viewer. They know who they are.

>> No.62835744

A french scorned viewer? I thought Tupo was an argie

>> No.62835909

Tupo is too busy being groomed into being a good streamer to be her schizo.

>> No.62836287
File: 126 KB, 357x292, ainslie sentry fanart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ainslie needs more fanart

>> No.62836425
File: 726 KB, 1140x368, vibes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gut feeling.

>> No.62836453

mond is 100% bad pussy aura

>> No.62836549

which one is gumpai

>> No.62836595

Bad vibes.

>> No.62836657

>not on the list
No vibes...

>> No.62836699

>Layla in good vibes

>> No.62836722


>> No.62836772

>hhhh Highway to the DANGER ZONE
I did that one. You get yourself involved in drama, Chrii. Also, being a camui simp is a big red flag lol.

>> No.62836773

There are multiple Denpa schizos. She has back stabbed, lied to, and fucked over lots of people. Leads to lots of haters

>> No.62837252

Pin your fucking refs. I am not looking through your garbage tweets just to find it

>> No.62837267

Bad list

>> No.62837293

even just putting them in the art tag is an improvement

>> No.62837324

>Zionist and Layla in good vibes

>> No.62837370

If I post camui art as a joke people going to crab me like they do him

>> No.62837403
File: 30 KB, 493x493, 1692498377584024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

noita time :)

>> No.62837442

t. seething femchuuba

>> No.62837467

Why do i never accidentally get a male vtuber friend? With girls i just post something in the chat once and they are already stuck in my dms but with the bros they at best remember that i watched them in the past

>> No.62837501

there's a difference between art as a joke, and art to shit on people
some people don't understand this

>> No.62837525

your head game is too weak bro, need to suck them off harder and don't spit

>> No.62837606

I was told that males would be far easier than the girls yet its the girls that dm me every day

>> No.62837641

Who are you

>> No.62837675

Males priority are females

>> No.62837683

maybe you use your teeth too much? try practicing with a banana first

>> No.62837761

Someone recognized me. Admit or deny?

>> No.62837771

Denpa still jelly of mond

>> No.62837817

Why would the girls hang out with a pathetic loser like me instead of other girls or a man with clout and charisma? It all feels so wrong.

>> No.62837839

What the fuck does that even mean? What a gross way to describe someone.

>> No.62837879

High estrogen levels. They think you're one of them.

>> No.62837896

Who are you

>> No.62837899
File: 561 KB, 1668x3246, gfbnjgfdjnfgdjn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62837926

They want your money. I've been gaslit by /asp/ girls who pretend to like my content too.

>> No.62837977

I have never donated to a streamer and never will

>> No.62838018

Can not trust any female here

>> No.62838098


>> No.62838165

Fair on the first point, I try not to get involved in crabing much but it's really dis-heartening to see shitty cunts throw shit at people who didn't do shit (and i'm not counting my self in it).
How ever for the second part, i'd say being a simp of anyone involved with 4chan or even vtubers in general is a big redflag, but we are all walking mentally-ill chubs. Camui's sadly the most vocal shitposter and hated here, but i'd garanty you that there are some simped-on chubbas /here/ that are far worse then him but keep it all very secretly. (Can't name names because this is all hypothetical and many probably hide behind a nice persona, but its garanteed it exists)

>> No.62838182

Not even a asp only fucks someone that used to be one. Fuck off

>> No.62838215

name and shame

>> No.62838271

Denpa for one thing. Way worse than Camui. She doesn't even hide it

>> No.62838289

I don't feel any pressure to give money to them. If anything they make it feel like they don't want my money.

>> No.62838348

Go on

>> No.62838349

Not wanting money is the red flag they want it. Always beware the person who seems to be helpful for no particular reason.

>> No.62838360

Me? Chrii
If you mean the hypothetical worst chubba: I have no fucking idea I don't know any of them on a personal level, heck you can add even me on that list of hypothetical bad chubbas lolz, but basically never meet your heros

>> No.62838396

Lucky you they don't even want donations

>> No.62838422
File: 1.46 MB, 498x278, 1676947209907617.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need more VTuber pantie shots!

>> No.62838511

Shouldn't you be in bed?

>> No.62838532

No we do not

>> No.62838681
File: 1.02 MB, 1140x927, male tiers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The few that I didn't include is because I didn't watch you yet, so I didn't want to put you in a dumb place

>> No.62838697

beautiful..... amazing.... you have such talent anon

>> No.62838718

You know that is rebel

>> No.62838727

It would be fun to meet one of those vtubers but so far they just seem to want someone they can talk to a lot. Feels like people don't have many friends they can talk with often about anything even when they have high numbers making them look intimidating and popular

>> No.62838838
File: 275 KB, 1121x743, IMG_0058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.62838884
File: 74 KB, 222x188, Screenshot 2023-11-05 135440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I am so fucking hung over right now. Uh, ask me anything Part 2 I passed the fuck out last night I'm sorry.

I dunno who you are or what bit you in the ass but what the fuck man

>> No.62838931

I love Yozakura Quartet!

>> No.62838945
File: 169 KB, 500x500, 1699485675797597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gay Bestie
It's so over...

>> No.62838963

Call it what it is, shit art. Why you lying

>> No.62838978

picked up

>> No.62839013
File: 62 KB, 198x252, LOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62839132
File: 280 KB, 1200x877, kemoritwerk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62839147

I don't remember posting this

>> No.62839178
File: 23 KB, 202x206, RuadhHanabi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Older Bro
Nice, I like that position.

>> No.62839281

Where is your ref

>> No.62839563
File: 28 KB, 640x480, [SquareSubs] Medarot - 06 [882027A4].mkv_snapshot_14.46_[2019.01.03_21.58.59].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone thinks I'm either a girl or gay

>> No.62839574

Should I graduate?

>> No.62839600


>sarcasm (playful)
hope the tone indicator helps, have a good day

>> No.62839625

Fuck a dude in the ass, that'll show them.

>> No.62839675

no! you need to entertain the masses!

>> No.62839715

How come you stopped drawing Denpafish?

>> No.62839759

indie graduations are retarded, if you're feeling burnt out you can just stop streaming and say "I'll come back when I'm feelin it again." there's something so damn absurd about all the times I've seen indies graduate or announce a long hiatus that they don't think they'll come back from only to start streaming again like a week later because whatever happened to make them feel that way blew over. and even if you don't want to stream anymore it's even dumber to have a big farewell party only to slink back into your old viewer account that everybody knows by now and act like nothing happened.

>> No.62839812
File: 59 KB, 1920x1080, 20231116124242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Closest thing I got rn, I need to get an artist to draw up a proper ref sheet one of these days.

Who are you and why are you considering graduation?

>> No.62839852
File: 1.42 MB, 1140x828, No Explanation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Explanation

>> No.62839874

How about missionary position?

>> No.62839885

Nice camel toe

>> No.62839888

>all of my favorite male aspies are in the big bro or dad tier
Is this a sign of unresolved daddy issues?

>> No.62839914

i love being groomed it's so good, i know it's all a lie but the only time i've ever felt like this was when i hired a guy to be my boyfriend for a day

>> No.62839940

who are you. link please

>> No.62839953

mond my wife

>> No.62839976

its that tranny fox

>> No.62839990

mond fangame where is it

>> No.62839994


>> No.62840010

>Renata's voice
Oh my...

>> No.62840071

>i'd garanty you that there are some simped-on chubbas /here/ that are far worse then him but keep it all very secretly
You're 100% right, unfortunately I can't give names because they have dirt on me

>> No.62840074

Can you marry me, Patchey?

>> No.62840087

I don't get what that pasta was about but it made me hard.

>> No.62840134

I'm glad this is made-up

>> No.62840183

Yeah sounds about right.
I have a name, anon.

>> No.62840201

Everyone knows that there are two-faced people in the world, obsessing about it like Camui/Chrii is just crazy, it was exactly this kind of thinking that led them to accuse Iriya without proof

>> No.62840210

why does denpa have so many antis

>> No.62840215

calling you by name would imply I think of you as a person

>> No.62840226

she antis herself for attention

>> No.62840261

I wish it was

>> No.62840284

talk me outta drawing an /asp/ie a padoru this early

>> No.62840304

i don't doubt this but she's currently on vacation or something. you really think an /asp/ie would be pathetic enough to spend their vacation larping as their own anti on 4chan? lol

>> No.62840311

do it

>> No.62840318

you are the most annoying person ever, and i will never collab/be your friend.

>> No.62840368

i hope she suffers

>> No.62840379

you're a bad influence, anon, but ok

>> No.62840386

that one wasnt me but I sure as hell aint innocent either

>> No.62840391

I hope you're not my crush because I don't want anyone else grooming you before I do it

It's November

>> No.62840427

yes she would

>> No.62840485

I avoid /asp/ies who are overly active in the Discord server like the plague. Save your boring life talk for your streams.

>> No.62840493

>It's November
Padorus start even before Maria sings her song

>> No.62840573


>> No.62840589

Literally who are you lmao?

>> No.62840600

Okay it was funny one thread but now stop using this thread as a fucking Q&A blog you tranny freak.

>> No.62840642 [DELETED] 

she may be dead and buried but i still think about her every day. i don't think i'll ever be satisfied knowing i never got to cumpie gumpai's menhera hole.

>> No.62840654

>ignored my proposal

it's over

>> No.62840671

You seem like a decent person I would happily collab/be your friend

>> No.62840948

Nah I aint obsessed about it I simply dont interact with people I dont really know/trust
And look I do like Camui and i'm white knighting him(and other chubbas occasionaly) but "them"... Yeah I don't think puting me on the same bag as Camui when he was paranoid about who his bully was is a good idea besides I think he learned better now/spoiler]

>> No.62841049


>> No.62841067

Post it, renata. Please post it, I wanna fap to your filthy sexy fujo voice.

>> No.62841104

hm? ah, sure hun. Sorry about that. lets pick your tux out later, I'm the one typically rocking the dresses <3

>> No.62841110

but gumpai is back to streaming

>> No.62841127
File: 520 KB, 2302x2040, sadfdgtehgea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62841166

Can you ask Camui to groom me too? :<


>> No.62841330

why is claudette under the femboy category when he has like the most dude weed bro voice and doesn't give off any gay or femboy vibes at all

>> No.62841515
File: 82 KB, 736x762, c5cfbb89d387d3f6def72d51dbf520d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gm aspies dont kill yourself today

>> No.62841570

he's a guy?

thank god, i thought i had wanked off to a woman by accident

>> No.62841625

Thanks for coming guys
Did conversation with chat a lot today, I like that and wish will happen more in future

>> No.62841639

Missionary is sweet & embracing, great for a passionate night of love! Very intimate staring into one another's eyes.
And falling into their arms afterwards for cuddling & kissing is nice...

>> No.62841656

I want to make it to 40 because it feels like a good joke
So not today

>> No.62841687

You're too cute, Ainslie, please marry me!!!

>> No.62841773

ELS bros are the only pure thing in this foul world

>> No.62841826
File: 72 KB, 537x236, Screenshot 2023-11-18 110202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You did not understand the assignment

>> No.62841965


>> No.62842037

With older brother?!

>> No.62842092

Kuromaru hates trans people

>> No.62842107

post it

>> No.62842127

I don't think I can be a good boywife sorry
Thank you

>> No.62842260

>will be ignore

>> No.62842603

This I pledge:
- I WILL NOT support /asp/ies
- I WILL NOT watch /asp/ies
- I WILL NOT talk to /asp/ies
- I WILL NOT interact with /asp/ies on social media
- I WILL NOT like, comment and subscribe on /asp/ies YouTube channels
- I WILL NOT follow nor subscribe to /asp/ie Twitch channels
- I WILL NOT donate to /asp/ies in any tangible way
- I WILL NOT draw /asp/ies or waste any creative efforts on /asp/ies
- I WILL NOT join any /asp/ or /asp/ adjacent Discord servers
- I WILL let /asp/ies do all these things for me, because /asp/ie is the slave caste of the vtubing world
- I WILL laugh and ridicule /asp/ies when their mental health is suffering
- I WILL contribute to aforementioned mental breaks with relentless crabbing and schizoposting
- I WILL partake in joyous merriment when an /asp/ie graduates or otherwise goes MIA
So it has always been and so mote it shall continue to be.

>> No.62842605

that's a new one i would have figured femboy

>> No.62842700

who is your favorite non aspie small streamer

>> No.62842721

define "small"

>> No.62842767

like 700 followers and under i guess

>> No.62842796


>> No.62842824

Read Habibi, READ

>> No.62842842


>> No.62842874
File: 577 KB, 830x628, 20231118_042752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>or ridiculed

>> No.62842896

Daiya, I bet his pp is smol

>> No.62842912

The second I get any kind of real traction with a non /asp/ audience I am banning every one of you from my chat, blocking on twitter and unfollowing every single channel and page. I can't wait for the day I never have to interact with any of you ever again.

>> No.62842992

ok hanbun

>> No.62843019

Ah! Wait no, bad anon! No incest!

>> No.62843155
File: 3.44 MB, 2948x1152, banner youtube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ART STREAM - Saturday art day! - Merlie Azoth Ch.


>> No.62843192

Need sexier Keitaro

>> No.62843439

Keitaro I hope you keep posting this because you have a sexy model in the works.

>> No.62843474


>> No.62843595

>older bro
>irl I'm actually the younger bro
Funny how that works lol

>> No.62843608

Its not like they want any of that. They only want each other in their chat

>> No.62843650

If it worked for Tiny it'll work for him right?

>> No.62843661
File: 172 KB, 494x827, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can ask him your self you wuss
I know you meant the other type of grooming but I can't unimagine a cat typing this wanting to get his fur brushed |/spoiler]

>> No.62843663

WTF did you even drink to even have a hangover

>> No.62843699

Need sexier Slushy

>> No.62843708
File: 287 KB, 1000x1000, 1659577896821486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello aspies, how is (You)r day going?

>> No.62843746


>> No.62843775


>> No.62843799

when is an aspie gonna stream black souls 2?

>> No.62843814


>> No.62843841

welcum :D

>> No.62843878

/asp/ies are like ants, swarming all over each other and feeding off each others carcasses. I hate you all so very much and it's getting harder to not just tell all of you to gtfo my chat when I see you.

>> No.62843915

You WILL grind for hours in wonderland again
You WILL overlevel again
You WILL defeat Cinderella in a few turns again

>> No.62843931
File: 142 KB, 1200x875, kokou-no-hito-3427973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A flurry of conflicting emotions

>> No.62843941

Based. You will make it

>> No.62843958

me and who

>> No.62843969

>/asp/ies are like ants, swarming all over each other and feeding off each others carcasses

I'm going to masturbate thinking about this, thanks anon

>> No.62843996

This is a safe space anon, tell us your worries

>> No.62844027

Why has every hampter post been accused as a selfpost here lately?

>> No.62844093

Her fans are annoying

>> No.62844095

Because I love him and I can tell its him.
I love him so much.

>> No.62844099

I wish i could let go of my hermit lifestyle and accept that some people might actually like me

>> No.62844171

No I won't. Nobody here will. If we had any potential, we'd be able to find a community elsewhere. We're the lowest of the low. /asp/ is a cope thread for NGMIs to larp like they're GMI because they finally have some viewers, but it's a farce because all those viewers are just other coping NGMIs from here.

>> No.62844187

So Mond gives bad vibes because she has an annoying fanbase?

>> No.62844280

Are you me? But remember why you're a hermit, you hate everyone

>> No.62844314

>some people might actually like me
They don't. Don't gaslight yourself into thinking they do just because they're polite to you. They're just networking.

>> No.62844368

>They're just networking
NTA but had someone actually put me on a list on twitter literally called "network" tho in the end they were pretty cool to talk to

>> No.62844395
File: 108 KB, 319x319, IMG_4082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62844426

I will find you and watch you and then you will be forced to succeed

>> No.62844499

This is not a safe place you fuckers will take the smallest amount of dirt on someone and try to use it to ruin them

>> No.62844513

I thought so but figured there can be few exceptions but it still drives me crazy if people try get closer to me

>> No.62844551

I mean, .1% of people make it, if even that. It's just something you have to be okay with.

>> No.62844564

>in little brother tier but I'm the oldest of 3
>petite, flat chested girls tend to gravitate towards busty, mommy-like models
>loli vtubers tend to be older women with deeper voices
>the existence of trans vtubers in general
Vtubing is just an avenue for people to live out a life different from their reality

>> No.62844579
File: 1.81 MB, 498x441, 1690267659352357.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta simply learn to not care anon.

>> No.62844596

It's fine, it's just the usual lonely malehera shtick

>> No.62844597

But they talk to me like one would to a normal friend. It does not feel fake and forced like the average twitter interaction i see

>> No.62844637

Me too... I hope we get a stream next week.

>> No.62844705

Yeah I feel pretty ruined right now. Those words really hurt.

>> No.62844736

Rura, Rinna and Mond will make it. Lava and Denpa already made it.

>> No.62844774

Well then you can repeat the same mistake everyone does and we can have another "how could this person betray me" timeloop. Stick to yourself, stop giving a fuck about networking. It literally does not matter.

>> No.62844790

the lewd part was how i see your model, or guess avatar in your case, it is pleasant to look at, lets leave it like that
also yeah, before dante said that bit i actually was kinda interested in seeing the two interact, if nothing more than for ECW, a bit of a shame thats not gonna happen any time soon

>> No.62844794

Be real, how many of you actually believe that a "community" just materializes randomly out of thin air? The way you talk about this stuff makes me think you actually believe that suddenly and for no reason an audience of hundreds just appears en masse.

>> No.62844838

Any gen 5 with consistent 15+ CCV during big overlap at this point in time has a chance to make it. Just has to depend on what they do next.

>> No.62844857

Befriend a viewer. They wont betray you like vtubers that are actually your direct competition even if they say otherwise so they have an easier time getting your raids and shoutouts

>> No.62844864

Being a thread darling isn't "making it"

>> No.62844882

can any other ESL person btw tell me if i am just that bad or if Ainslie really is next to impossible to understand with his radio filter and accent

>> No.62844903

Go look at some of their chats, you'll see names you can only find in there like Haru's

>> No.62844915

You mentioning those exact three already shows you've got a slant. Mond can't control her power level because she's obviously autistic. Rura is a wolf in sheep's clothing that surrounds herself with bad people. Rinna has a bad attitude and pulls worse numbers than the males. Being able to pull 100 viewers, most of which are still from the /asp/+/wvt/ hugbox is not making it. Nobody here is GMI. No exceptions.

>> No.62844947

15 viewers is making it? What have they made? Dude, I know folks with 20, 40, 60 viewers on the average. Nobody is living off of that money. Don't get me wrong, it's neat. It's fun. But this is a low bar.

>> No.62844950

Nobody except everyone who has and those who still will.

>> No.62844959

Who is the thread darling?
Rura, Rinna and Mond links are not even posted here.

>> No.62844984

It literally worked that way for Rura.

>> No.62845027

>They wont betray you like vtubers
Do you believe this? Vita has open ego fuelled meltdowns because he's in it for himself and can't handle not being liked by every vtuber.

>> No.62845034

Maybe but they could also be genuinely good people. I have known them pretty long in internet time. In this time multiple vtubers have already graduated

>> No.62845041

I do.

>> No.62845053

Redbull & vodkas, my good old "I am here to get fucked up fast" drink of choice.

>> No.62845059

Sometimes it really does feel like /soc/ in here

>> No.62845090

>Mond can't control her power level because she's obviously autistic.
Autistic girls are cute.
>Rura is a wolf in sheep's clothing that surrounds herself with bad people.
>Rinna has a bad attitude and pulls worse numbers than the males.
Rinna needs to stream more.

>> No.62845095

Enjoy being kicked in the ass when they decide you've outlived your use. Don't come crying here like everyone else does. We do not care.

>> No.62845117

>worse than males
Im gonna groom!

>> No.62845230

>good people
Doesn't exists, and only naive schizos utter the words "good people" in my experience

I understand him but I can understand why someone wouldn't be able to get what he's saying

>> No.62845282

Rinna does the most out there and experimental content with her tarot/spiritual streams of anyone here. I have faith she will eventually become reel big if she persists. Plus bad attitude????? I really can't understand what that is founded on.

>> No.62845303

Watch me prove you wrong. You just need to skip the boring ones that obviously have favorites that run the whole show

>> No.62845307

Stop gossiping and go make something.

>> No.62845333

You think the girl whose close friend circle consists of Iriya, Hyde and Layla isn't a schizo menhera herself? She's just better at hiding it than they are.

>> No.62845408
File: 634 KB, 678x722, FiW_KqEVQAAIfCa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys like each other or not? This is like a fucking HS cafeteria table.

>> No.62845445

>Do you guys like each other or not
lol no

>> No.62845443

Tarot has been done by several /asp/ies, there's nothing original about that

>> No.62845466

Read my post again retard, they have a CHANCE. If you're getting consistent 2view and only going up you have a good shot of snowballing but nothing is guaranteed.

>> No.62845479

How do I know when I'm being groomed?

>> No.62845492

>Rinna does the most out there and experimental content
You are kidding right?

>> No.62845549

We like each other but dislike certain aspects of each other that we will never tell to each others face, so we just do it here.

>> No.62845559

I like anyone nice

>> No.62845586

having your definition of "making it" be entirely focused on numbers and not on achieving your goals as a content creator (which I would really hope aren't entirely focused on said numbers) or even just finding a dedicated community that cares about you is a really sad way to live

>> No.62845604

Dear guys,
Words cannot express how much I hate you guys. As we fight our way northward into the great unknown, only that one thing remains certain: that I hate you guys with every tired muscle in my confederate body. We have taken Topeka, and now I must rally the men onward to Missouri, because I will not stop until we have won it all, and you guys are my slaves, because I hate you guys.
I hate you guys so very, very much.
General Cartman Lee

>> No.62845634

Are you female? Then yes. Are you male? Then no.

>> No.62845657

Listen, you will NEVER achieve your goals if you don't have numbers.
So while numbers is not the goal, its the vehicle and it becomes the secondary objective, which eventually becomes your main objective until you can reach what you need to do what you want.

>> No.62845672

If you feel the need to chat shit on 'certain aspects' of someone on an anonymous forum, you don't really like them.

>> No.62845710

Those that get the numbers didn't get them by focusing on the numbers. People flocked there because he did something that people wanted to see. The neurotic numberfags just feel fake and weird

>> No.62845731

>Are you male? Then no.
What are they doing then? I have no money and they have nothing to gain from networking with me.

>> No.62845733

Vita is autistic and schizophrenic, also wasn't his meltdown directed only at haru? i didn't pay too much attention to what happened

>> No.62845748

I miss have lunch at the cafeteria, I used to sit with 3 other nerds and we would try to tell jokes
It got fairly abstract towards the end of highschool

>> No.62845792

Don't you people have lives?

Who cares about all this drama.

>> No.62845796

We are talking about "liking" not "loving".
A lot of people that you like will talk shit about you behind your back every now and then.

>> No.62845804

What if you want to make specific content? I want to do song covers. I don't need numbers for that.

>> No.62845825

nta but no it didn't, just on this board alone she gets posted in /fig/ and while it was done in bad faith, /pcg/ actually was pretty positive towards her, thats already more reaching out to attract actual viewers than the majority here does

>> No.62845857

>The neurotic numberfags just feel fake and weird
Who are the /asp/ie numberfags?

>> No.62845882

Vita's menhera episodes are a regular occurrence. Just mention him in a negative way and he'll start showing himself, because he's in this for the ego boost he gets from being liked by vtubers.

>> No.62845892

Shitposting I can get but this weird anti-humor of posting the same pity bait and "wow you're never going to make it wooooooow just kill yourself" shit over and over again is ridiculous.

>> No.62845896

Welcome to 4chan.

>> No.62845905

Yes but those will go nowhere if you dont have an audience.

>> No.62845928

So does networking on twitter work? Has anyone actually gotten a boost (even small) in numbers?

>> No.62845943

Precisely why I do not talk to any of you outside of the thread.

>> No.62845981

haven't seen him since camui accused him of being one of his secret enemies plotting for his demise

>> No.62845986


>> No.62846015

Twitter networking has an awful conversion rate to real viewers and followers unless you're doing what Uwu does and posting very good edits of your streams on there and showcasing things people will want to go to your channel to see live. Otherwise you're just another twitter grift account watching number go up and farming dopamine hits from likes and retweets. You could do that without streaming.

>> No.62846035

i mean do they have to go anywhere? one can record song covers for the love of singing

>> No.62846049

Layla got a big chunk of her viewer base because she got a lot of twitter followers before her debut

>> No.62846051

Nigga what do you think the "a "community" just materializes randomly out of thin air" means?
You are even saying she didn't shill herself there, other people did and people watched her.
Her community came out of nowhere for her, she didn't have to do anything besides post here one time showing her model and people became OBSESSED, like Iriya, Hanabi, Cheen and others, who then gave her art and edited clips for her, giving her more attention, and then the anons who shilled her on other threads which also got her viewers.
Her community came out of nowhere, she literally did nothing for it.

>> No.62846120

And then suddenly, /asp/ came out of nowhere.

>> No.62846127

I'd say twitter is to remind your existing viewers that you exist when you're not streaming

>> No.62846150

If that is your objective then its not a real goal.
"I wanna record a song" cool, you can do it in one afternoon. Thats it? Thats your big goal?
It's like saying my objective is going to the store and buying groceries. Like yeah, you can just go an do it and thats it.

>> No.62846189

I shudder to think of what her numbers would look like without those twitterfags
Already she barely gets more views than Rinna who has flopped by female standards

>> No.62846237

no anon, you can't do things for the art of it. everything has to be part of the grindset

>> No.62846248

And she got them by petty crying on twitter that someone said she sings badly. (Which is true, her singing is garbage).

>> No.62846247

And then one day, for no reason at all, people voted Hitler into power

>> No.62846341

ohh, you are "that" anon, gotcha, may you seethe in peace for how someone that didn't deserve got it all handed while you good hardworking soul never got the spotlight you deserve

>> No.62846362

Vita posted after that to tell people Camui was innocent. Think it was the same thread even. He's probably still here either way, the viewer anti just hasn't posting as much so he's not getting baited.

>> No.62846383

Wonder what kind of numbers I'd pull with my numbers on twitter...

>> No.62846429

Who said Rura didnt deserve it tho?
Its just pointing out that she got a community doing basically nothing.
No clipping, no networking, she was lucky. But will stagnate soon if she doesn't start to do more.

>> No.62846438

I could pull numbers out of my ass if I really wanted to

>> No.62846450

My real goal is to make my own music, but covers are good for now. It took a lot of courage just to do karaoke on stream. I'll be doing it for myself to improve and because I love music. It's not going to take an afternoon; that just shows you have no idea about the practice and mixing that goes behind it.

Also, does everything have to be for the sake of attention? Let people create things because creating things is fun

>> No.62846498

Based. Fuck Rura. She only got popular because at the time of her debut her only active thread competition was Layla. Rura is as milquetoast as you can get as a VTuber.

>> No.62846514

We know you have a 4view friend, Keitaro

>> No.62846656

Did somebody roll a die to decide who the thread cries about this time for no good reason? Touch grass.

>> No.62846730

that's like saying an artist having a goal of making art is stupid because you can make a picture in a day
doing covers involves mixing, practicing vocal technique and posture, potentially video editing if you're gonna go that way as well. it's a constant improvement which happens independent of the numbers you get

>> No.62846757

Its funny how you can see how Keitaro's followers PUMP everytime his friend raids him.

>> No.62846786
File: 354 KB, 797x766, dorianbrat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are acting weird today

>> No.62846823

Stop self posting, whore

>> No.62846855

will you play arcade games on fightcade with me, as collab content

>> No.62846857

honestly that's always been pretty normal when people who know each other from /here/ raid one another for the first time, especially when starting out and their follower counts aren't high

>> No.62846863

Disregard I suck cocks

>> No.62846866


>> No.62846874

You haven't picked up yet that's how it goes around these parts? Time is a loop, and everyone has their day.

>> No.62846922

the anti viewer anon got bored of him, you can only bait a single schizo for that long before it gets stale

>> No.62846923

The problem with using Twitter as a vtuber is that the people most likely to see your shilling are other vtubers that want to shill their own channel. It’s like being a fisherman going into a fish market and trying to sell fish to other fisherman, it’s kinda futile. You can use Twitter to meet other vtubers and arrange collabs, you could grow your channel that way. But just posting content on Twitter and hoping a vtuber fan will see it and follow your channel will get you nothing but art scam bots following you.

>> No.62846966

Just holding my breath until the shitposting dies of self-inflicted boredom or cringe.

>> No.62846974

she encourages them to be fucking annoying

>> No.62846982
File: 517 KB, 979x808, dorianfangs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're gonna keep talking to me like that then no way

I haven't streamed yet and you already want to collab with me?

Not too rough there's still sunlight out

>> No.62847068

Rura is entertaining and she supports many people. She WILL ascend.

>> No.62847126

ffffuck the nft/crypto bots that follow and tag me on twitter

>> No.62847143

This is probably the dumbest /asp/ crab, he's nice and involved with plenty of aspies and we are gonna seethe because he has a friend who's big that raids him sometimes.

>> No.62847156

>many people
Name one /asp/ie she regularly supports that isn't one of the unmentionables

>> No.62847200

She stopped posting here and told them to stop derailing and defending her. What more do you want?

>> No.62847224

I've actually recently followed a vtuber only because she kept interacting with me and actually being chuckle worthy. The only other one that did something similar was Pippa. I had to come here to find the rest of you.

>> No.62847227

If you actually watched streams you could answer your own question but we already know you don't

>> No.62847260

It won't
I'm going to hold everyone accountable for the shit they pull

>> No.62847307

Adding "accountable" to my filter. Thanks.

>> No.62847333

>I haven't streamed yet and you already want to collab with me?
i cant find anyone to play shmups and stuff with and since you mentioned retro games i thought you might be interested

>> No.62847350

I see Rura inbevery twitch chat... She was in Mond, Cheen, Momomo, and Rinna's chats frequently. I've seen her in Tiny, Andi, and even smaller places

>> No.62847355

>Her community came out of nowhere, she literally did nothing for it.
She has a cute voice, cute personality, cute model and she’s a girl. She did nothing in the same sense that a cute girl in real life does nothing to get free drinks at bars, guys desperate trying to hit on her and living life on ez mode. Some vtubers will just have an easier time than others, that’s just life.

>> No.62847367

The hero nobody wanted, nobody asked for and nobody needed.

>> No.62847401

You faggots desperately need to get some pussy

>> No.62847407

Her timezone makes it difficult but I've seen her in my chat more than once.

>> No.62847437

I don't know how to explain this to you but having sex doesn't stop you from being an insufferable faggot.

>> No.62847449

similar, came across two aspies because they shilled themselves elsewhere and only after i learned of the fact they are aspies did i get curious and took a look in here

>> No.62847463

I don't play many shmups outside of maybe Aero Fighters and UN Squadron!

>> No.62847468

then give it to me nigga

>> No.62847576

Im only in this to find a girlfriend and/or wife. Seeing as how all the male vtubers eventually find someone in the community, it's just a matter of time.

>> No.62847594

post tummy

>> No.62847790

Yeah that's it. That's the cringe.

>> No.62847799

hi i can be your girlfriend and/or wife (male)

>> No.62847802

I hate every single one of you more than you will ever know.

>> No.62847898

I love every single one of you more than you will ever know

>> No.62847912

Sorry I want to have kids. Lots of them.

>> No.62847923

I'm rather picky, I will only accept the finest

>> No.62847951

>Seeing as how all the male vtubers eventually find someone in the community
what the fuck are you on about

>> No.62848007

Don't be mean, a man can have his delusions

>> No.62848041

I know like 5 different people marrying someone they met in the vtuber community and I want to be one of them.

>> No.62848042

There's been multiple confirmed /asp/ relationships and if you maladjusted retards can get together, then best believe it's happening even more in more normie friendly chuuba circles

>> No.62848101

which /asp/ relationships should happen?

>> No.62848103

>There's been multiple confirmed /asp/ relationships
name them

>> No.62848116

i mean not like only shmups, just as an example. uhmmmmmmm maybe i'll just message you on twitter after you start streaming or something...

>> No.62848209

Me and My Oshi

>> No.62848223

Gumpai x Fuza, Elliot x Xia, Camui x Layla/Chrii just to name a few and those are just the people who are open about it

>> No.62848228

dorian and claudette

>> No.62848237


>> No.62848257

Camui that lucky bastard. Gumpai is also making moves on him.

>> No.62848267
File: 523 KB, 602x643, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finding a girlfriend in this hobby filled with menheras and sad girls
>finding a wife who's bound to be mentally unstable and ruin your life
Just stay single.

>> No.62848325


>> No.62848355
File: 3.58 MB, 3400x2520, Fuwacoconice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merlie and Coco, always remember, he gets to tap this

>> No.62848363

One of the biggest blackpill is that broken women don't want broken men>>62847790

>> No.62848496

I actively avoid some of the women in this community, like I'll just skip their streams entirely or go in, say two things, and leave. As a male chuuba, I know my place. In fact, when they come to my chat, I'll sometimes overlook their posts after saying my usual "welcome to the stream". I don't want to fuck any of you.

>> No.62848512

>had layla
>now has chrii
>groomed another 1view girl who's always in his chat and posting about him on twitter
>now working on gumpai
It's not fair. How do I get my own harem?

>> No.62848541

Reminder that what people here call "schizo" behavior is just stupidity. Nobody with an IQ over room temperature actually believes that repeating the same accusation every thread on cooldown (to the same 50 people max) until everyone's sick of hearing from you will make anyone suddenly believe your accusation.

>> No.62848547

stream more, selfpost later.

>> No.62848554


>> No.62848629

everyone mentioned in this post is a bottom-of-the-barrel scumbag, I'd rather not have a gf if it means becoming like any of them.

>> No.62848676

told on yourself

>> No.62848683

With vtubing you can hide your brokenness by having a nice model and a high number count. I mean if a girl is fairly new to the hobby with sub 100 followers and some guy that pulls 40 ccv regularly comes along and takes interest in her, you really think she wouldn’t go along for the ride for at least awhile?

>> No.62848714

I simply content myself with the idea that people talk to me of their own volition at all, male or female. You guys are cool, and I appreciate you greatly.

>> No.62848721


>> No.62848782

Too many vtubers are just generic gamer 9001. Uwu made it because he finally brought something interesting for people to see instead of just games

>> No.62848852

Okay, yeah, I'm glad that Coco found a Spaniard lover, but I'm STILL gonna get a soccer team's worth of half-demon spawn out of her.

>> No.62848858
File: 860 KB, 1258x1140, 861F868C-6510-4162-B0D9-CA8A3DB84572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we get ChaosFoundry on the tierlist? (Both in the same spot since they basically count as 1 chuuba together)

>> No.62848884

Honestly this, like, telling someone to look up to uwu is the most retarded shit imaginable. Yeah lemme just learn to engineer and code to that level and then after finally getting something going, I'm called an uwu clone.

>> No.62848933

>40ccv on the regular
Can't you like lower that to 20ccv to give the guys some copium?

>> No.62848939

Coco is a babi.

>> No.62848965

I think the point of that post was to bring something unique, not to do exactly what uwo does

>> No.62848972

If your takeaway was "justs make the content Uwu does" then you're so past NGMI there's nothing left to save you. Improve yourself.

>> No.62849007

I already have dibs on Olga sorry.

>> No.62849043

There is nothing else you can really do though.

>> No.62849090

Soccer team of kids dude weeps every time you post this rrat

>> No.62849100

Literally anything else to do that's "new" as a vtuber is to become a flesh streamer that just has an anime character on the screen at the same time

>> No.62849126

Listen to that tranny voice.

>> No.62849146

Skill issue

>> No.62849161

*mommy voice

>> No.62849167


>> No.62849179

>467 posts
what happened?

>> No.62849225


>> No.62849238

I genuinely don’t know. The crabs are just hyper today I guess

>> No.62849250

Only a NGMI looks at 200 views and calls that making it. He pulls those numbers for the same reason LCOLONQ consistently has the numbers he does. He's in the tech niche and the competition is small. If UWU had any real sensibility he'd be focusing on making YouTube videos instead because his content is better suited for prerecorded videos. He'd get actual numbers that way.

>> No.62849264

Many of the vtuber girls could easily be camgirls too if they wanted. They don't look bad like you might think

>> No.62849263


>> No.62849295

No shit, but what flavor? There's number schizoing, crab schizoing, trans schizoing, relationship schizoing, could be anything

>> No.62849305

Piss off with your whiny blackpill bullshit

>> No.62849310

can an aspie karaoke this real quick for me pls

>> No.62849338


>> No.62849369

I have seen it happen at least 3 times by now

>> No.62849379

Looks mostly like just whining and malehera larp

>> No.62849391

all of those.

>> No.62849437

I can save them. They just need some love.

>> No.62849441

You're naive if you don't think that's the reason. They're just successful within a niche. Normalfags don't care about watching hours of that techy programmer crap being done in real time. Comparing anyone's numbers that doesn't do what they do is retarded.

>> No.62849477

Speak of the devil and she shall appear...

>> No.62849504

Breeding efforts will continue until I have those kids
No kids, no end to the PLAPs
I am flexible in this specific way

>> No.62849507

You should go tell them before they get locked in a niche and you can lead them to those numbers that you clearly know better how to reach.

>> No.62849563

You're unsuccessful and have no niche. Why would anyone listen to you?

>> No.62849581

Merlie radiates massive gay vibes

>> No.62849605

Someone bake and I wont kill myself.

>> No.62849667

Nobody bake
I want that guy to kill himself

>> No.62849670

Merlie queerbaits

>> No.62849734

>everyone hates mond because of her loving fans
>everyone hates rura because she is a cute and sweet and supportive girl
>everyone hates rinna because she has a low ccv

you guys don’t make any sense

>> No.62849744

Rura love
Keitaro love
No crabbing them next thread :)

>> No.62849769


>> No.62849775

I'm going to crab both of them just to spite you.

>> No.62849795

one schizo stirring shit for the sake of stirring shit

>> No.62849826


>> No.62849957

Almost everyone here adores Mond, Rura and Rinna.

>> No.62849963


>> No.62849986

I am suspicious of Rura because she is friend with all the schizos. Hate is a strong word.

>> No.62850060

There's definitely something off about Rura. Too cozy with the unmentionables.

>> No.62850064

She is the puppeteer.

>> No.62850103

You would be right that there's more to Rura than meets the eye, but I believe she is a fundamentally good person.

>> No.62850126

>Uncle Tier
>been wanting to learn Dante for fun in DMC5
>IS the Uncle associated with pizza to my nieces/nephews
Shit. Guess I gotta fight my brothers at some point.

>> No.62850154
File: 74 KB, 1280x720, 1696897081166842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is wrong with you all

>> No.62850175

>fundamentally good person
Fuck off, Hyde
