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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 256 KB, 1066x828, Holostar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
62679791 No.62679791 [Reply] [Original]

>we want the nijisanji audience

>> No.62679884

So im guessing this is gonna be the thing that gets timelooped for the next few years

>> No.62679911

>the eternal holoen fan would rather seethe at nijisanji than vshoujo

>> No.62680027

>nijisanji audience
i don't see any nijis in this tweet tho?

>> No.62680198

Even Cover said so in their financial report lmao

>> No.62680274

Sure is no "do you like bandage?"

>> No.62680341

he lacks critical information...

>> No.62680362

>t. Rexford

>> No.62680412

4/4 sexpests gen
The state of Fartmist...

>> No.62680414

oh no.....

>> No.62680454

>flip is a sexpest

>> No.62680523

He had the best model. He could have just ripped his entire shtick off of a villainess reincarnation manhwa male lead. He could have made money hand over fist if he just attempted to kayfabe.
He instead immediately reveals himself to be a cringe flip sexpest.
Who the fuck is hiring these absolute morons? Have they learned nothing?
Fuwamoco worked! The people love Vtubers who act the part! Do they think girls don’t want that shit? The male kayfabe niche is completely empty cause none of these dudebros are willing to cater to their audience why are they just tossing money away???

>> No.62680645

This is the vox of cover. The sankisei of tempus. They shall take the holostars to the new heights and the promised land.

>> No.62680679
File: 70 KB, 585x555, 1697804424550119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Him being brown puts an extra layer of cringe on it.

>> No.62680928

Its clear he's trying to be cringe on purpose, literally pretending to be retarded, can’t say it’s really landing for me though.

>> No.62681045

Okay, I know that being on /vt/ and all I can’t be the most socially aware person on the planet but this interaction is extremely cringe, right? This is so egregious coming from a guy who hasn’t even debuted yet.

>> No.62681080

This is the guy who became a vtuber because Millie's PL inspired him to be one, to the point of even using her PL's stream intro (albeit a shitpost version of it)

>> No.62681127

Making purposefully cringe jokes are cringe in and of itself.

>> No.62681149

He’s clearly joking but it doesn’t make it any less unfunny and weird

>> No.62681297

FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK well if they succeed, good for Cover I guess. It's nice being a JP fan. Layers of separation from these embarrassing hires. Calli is gonna love these faggots...

>> No.62681762

I wonder if even Nijisisters are into this. I know being cringy on twitter is meant to drum up attention for your debut but this is rough.

>> No.62682279

To be fair, the dudebro angle isn't clearly working since 2 of their best Tempus members quit, so Niji's bishounenbait is more effective

>> No.62682305

Enjoy your "brotuber" sisters kek

>> No.62682835

Jesus fucking christ, they're literally Nijitrash.
Well at least they show their true colors from the start instead of pretending to be sheep like the first gen did

>> No.62682872

this guy has no chance at the tittolies, mousey is probably taller tha him.

>> No.62682973

Ohhhhhhh nijifags are shaking in their boots right now

>> No.62683339

Typical Flip behaviour.

>> No.62683650

Instant drop for anybody who talks to this one specifically

>> No.62684248

you know it!

>> No.62684417

Why did yagoo hire this chucklefuck

>> No.62684512
File: 65 KB, 671x902, look2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's kinda impressive that I went to check other threads like numbers and MANS because vsj reaction was the same, and goddamn your hatred for homos and the cringe inducing tweet might be the only thing we agree as a board

>> No.62684552

>really out there retarded but themed design
>lore themed name, setup is a piece of cake
>dude makes funny [CURRENT YEAR] memes
every single time

>> No.62684677

Leading theory is that the EN scene has been emptied of men who're big enough to pass number requirements, but small enough to actually reliably benefit from joining Holostars, so they're going for the biggest filipinos that apply.

>> No.62684841

I fucking immediately despise this faggot asshole cunt shitstain.

>> No.62684888

So wtf is up with this ironmouse? Why does she stalks male vtubers like this? Does she holds vtuber gangbangs or some shit

>> No.62685058

Even when she was an indie and the male scene was dead she was always tweeting to random 1 digit men. She's either legitimately fishing the vtuber scene of all places for a boyfriend, or she has some kind of savior complex over male vtubers.

>> No.62685069

According to /vsg+/ she initially liked his cringe tweets but then went back and unliked them.
He gave mouse the ick...

>> No.62685141

is this really the best you chimps can come up with?

>> No.62685178

meh. let them sexpest outside of hololive chuubas. as long as they keep them away from JP and advent i could care less what they do, let them be a diluted niji. kinda funny to laugh at yagoo burning money and resources like this

>> No.62685187

I don't understand.
Just is this Jurard? Is he a chat mod for some streamer? Why is Ironmouse even interacting with him?

>> No.62685239

>Faggot thinks anyone cares about his twink insults.

>> No.62685295

Now that's something special. Even I haven't managed that.

>> No.62685335

I'm sticking with Armiggers. The right part of the M looks like an N so it's funny.

>> No.62685357

She's queen vtuber outside of YouTube. She's probably just sociable and therefore well connected.

>> No.62685575

>He gave mouse the ick...
Very based. Roasties deserve to be made uncomfortable at every opportunity. Still won't watch him obviously

>> No.62685755

Moussy you disappointed me

>> No.62685790

Isn't ironmouse also a brownie?

>> No.62685827

Because she likes to convince people to become VTubers, and also hype up new ones. She's networking, or "leeching" if you don't like her I guess.

>> No.62685908

Well, Latinas come in every color, and she says she's really pale right now for medical reasons, so you decide.

>> No.62685951

>Have they learned nothing?
Being a sex pest sells.

>> No.62686063

That's so cringe. Hope girls stay the fuvk away from him.

>> No.62687416
File: 27 KB, 427x381, 1686601333492407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He needs to be terminated immediately for these tweets alone

>> No.62687584

Everyone makes mistakes.

>> No.62687694

Vox tanked his whole carrier cause he thought too hard with his dick ONCE.
Female viewers tend to be more forgiving than male, yes, but the true spenders are just as much unicorns as their male counterparts.

>> No.62687868

vtubing is so fucking dead lmao

>> No.62687890

>Vox tanked his whole carrier cause he thought too hard with his dick ONCE.
It's because he broke his character back then.
