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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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62671732 No.62671732 [Reply] [Original]

>P-Please watch our boys! Be nice to them, please!

>> No.62671852

The biggest homobeggar is cover themselves...

>> No.62671884

What the fuck kind of name is First Collaboration Stream. That's gonna confuse the hell out of people.

>> No.62671911

this really is pathetic, holy fuck.

>> No.62671928
File: 42 KB, 1413x126, 1694660523846552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking never.

>> No.62672020

Are they going to pay people to watch their debuts on stream?

>> No.62672078

expect a ton of react streams to their debut from literalwho e-celebs

>> No.62672090

You doing a watchalong?

>> No.62672092

Read the pic and assumed it was a meme edit before seeing the link

>> No.62672205

Am I right and they are overlapping both the Advent movie watch-along collab, and a Fuwamoco Karaokee? Good luck with that boys.

>> No.62672214

Every small corpo is going to do it

>> No.62672262

Not sure who you think I am, but I've got all their channels already blocked wherever possible. I'm not gonna watch a single minute.

>> No.62672323
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>> No.62672330


>> No.62672366

How much more goofy can this garbage get.

>> No.62672388

Have the boys been crying already that they felt the need to put out a statement like this so soon?

>> No.62672401

this is some #SupportUkraine tier campaign, they're desperate

>> No.62672404
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>> No.62672409

>Please stream their debuts but NO AUDIO ALLOWED
That's a deal breaker for 99% of react streamers

>> No.62672414


>> No.62672430

>Corpo telling you to support their products
Well it's kinda obvious isn't it?

>> No.62672488

Then the thing you've quoted has nothing to do with you, and I know who you are - a moron that can't read.

>> No.62672511


>> No.62672526

The WNBA loses 10 million USD a year. It's a male subsidized league from the profits of the NBA. I wonder how much money Homostars sucks from the girls.

>> No.62672583


>> No.62672660 [DELETED] 

I will support the boys because i am a hololive fan.
Unicorns can fuck off and continue to dump money on 30 year old bitches who have boyfriends.

>> No.62672729

In an ideal world, people who don't care for the new StarsEN gen wouldn't give a shit and StarsEN fans/tourists can enjoy the debut period. Oh wait, that literally happened with TempusHQ. Good job fucking up Vanguard's debut period, managing the talents, and not controlling your community. Instead of apathy, you have hostility. GG dumbasses.

>> No.62672746

can you read the entire document you retards?
its "be nice to them [...] you can only monetize if you follow these rules"
but who expects rat spinning fags to read.

>> No.62672777

>30 minute debuts

>> No.62672794

They dont need to write that. It just doesn't help your case.

>> No.62672825

Less than they were. Cover adjusted their terms down on the newer contracts, which is why Magni and Vesper left. They're no longer going to push good merch for them for instance.

>> No.62672896

>Just like Re:GLOSS
It's the new norm now

>> No.62672929

its called "if you try to shitpost a reaction anmd try to make money from it we will take you down" which is a good thing to do.

>> No.62672938

Lmao. They already know this gen is going into the shitter

>> No.62672966

>sister thinks the homos are virgin and pure

>> No.62673001

>hololive fan
kek keep seething homobegging sister

>> No.62673038

>t. clipwatcher

>> No.62673136

Here is the free (You) you wanted, sister

>> No.62673353

shouldn't be an issue cause the majority male audience doesn't watch male vtubers

>> No.62673441

>i am a hololive fan
>proceeds to instantly shit on the girls and call them all whores
Typical homobeggar

>> No.62673516

Cover treats holostar like a mother treats her retarded son

>> No.62673515

>Hololive is actually begging

>> No.62673641

>First they change the overlap rules, meaning that the girls are allowed to overlap their debuts
>Now they're begging the fans to watch them and support them
you think a bunch of the girls (if not all of them) were asked by management to shill the new homos and they instead gave them the middle finger?

>> No.62673642

this is embarrassing...

>> No.62673658

JP, EN, ID didn't get this kind of treatment
Not even homoJP

>> No.62673700

she's my girlfriend...

>> No.62673706

would be a shame if some autist were to shit up these #s

>> No.62673834

This is beyond homobegging, it's literally tears in eye, full dogeza pleading

>> No.62673869

It's because ENtards can't help but harass EN Holostars and need to be reminded like badly behaving children that they should act nice

>> No.62673889
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>miss me fuckers?

>> No.62673925

No, I actually miss that stupid holostars manager who left.

>> No.62674048

How bannable is gore on Xitter?

>> No.62674059

Also they already have their literal who tag #holoARMIS, why dilute it even further with another pleading cringy tag. EN management is fucking atrocious.

>> No.62674205

>"" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "hololive""" "" "" "" "" "" "

>> No.62674239

To be blunt yes, this is very embarrassing
Like all the HOMOlovers have to do is watch the stream and subscribe...
So much for support le bois LMFAO

>> No.62674249

>make everyone together

>> No.62674279

If tempiss got the same treatment as Myabi and others homoJP in the beginning they would kill themselves already by how sensitive they and their fans are

>> No.62674382

30% of your SC and membership money and 50% of your merch money went towards acquiring and supporting new Homos. You rike??

>> No.62674477

Won't get not even 1% of my attention, cocksuckers

>> No.62674792

dude with the dog frankfurter....
imagine a EN homo with that THE FUCKING HORROR

>> No.62674917

proof next wave?
wait for 2h before debut :)

>> No.62674994


>> No.62675100

the funniest part is the format is in white and black just like graduation announcements. it's an omen dead on arrival lmaooo

>> No.62675385
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>knock knock
>open the door
>Yagoo himself
>he begs me to watch the new homos
>I put my mouth next to his ear
>whisper "no"
>close the door

>> No.62675798

As long as those faggots take up time and space in the new multimillion dollar studio that the girls built, they will be taking away resources from more deserving talents. And Hololive will only continue to grow. They should never be allowed to use the studio unless no girls need it.

>> No.62676091

Resources that the girls never use because they dont want to stream

>> No.62676154

>every holo is Gura
Nice try sister

>> No.62676201

Think any restreamers will have the twitter tags open during debut to read shit out?

>> No.62676240

Damn, boys didn't even debut, COVER is already preparing the failure excuse. If they bomb, it's le trols! As that one anon said, homoEN was always a half-hearted endeavor.

>> No.62676349
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>> No.62676379

hard to tell since is the first time
maybe with some "additional agents" in some chats one can get them to check the tags but if they do it will be most likely not shown on stream
Dramafags watching can be a sure bet since for other corpos they did check the tags on twitter for a while

>> No.62676516

>Can restream the video but not the audio
What is this Japanese autism.
This would actually be a decent idea if not for this one single point. Nobody's going to do that.

>> No.62676534

I usually switch between amused and annoyed at how hard the stars are held up by yagoo. things like this and how they seem to get studio time whenever they want make me dislike them

>> No.62676543

Is this not just streamer watch along guidelines?

>> No.62676746

Man they do not have the fucking slightest bit of self awareness do they. In coming off desperate and overprotective of them that literally only tells people they will be hugely bootybothered and coloncrucified if you shitpost their stupid homo debuts. That is like showing a bunch of naughty kids a "keep off the grass" sign on the lawn, just because you didn't want them to touch it, they'll do it now out of spite when before they would not have really cared more likely than not.

>> No.62676748

He already knows the meta

>> No.62676825

Thank God I stopped following Cover account, I rarely use Twitter but it's been a long time that a homo doesn't show up on my feed

>> No.62676913

Lol what is this shit, another kind of "please don't shit on our guys"?

>> No.62677028


>> No.62677124
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I was indifferent but now I want them to know they are faggots no one asked for and are wasting time and resources

>> No.62677127

Stuff for other streamers if they do watch along streams of the debuts

>> No.62677153

Poor guy is doomed with that name.

>> No.62677156

Mori and Kronii must be salivating at the thought of bringing back their gay SQUAD again if they already sniped two of them pre-debut. That's all this branch has going for them: drama from spam collabing with holoEN and making fans angry. That's the whole reason they exist and Cover is all for it.

>> No.62677203

They must be bottom of the barrel hires if they need to say this

>> No.62677338

this post is literally asking people to fuck with them

>> No.62677354

Maybe, they're probably just testing some weird tactic on the new Gen since EN4 won't be for another five years

>> No.62677466

I'm not joining your pointless crusade, retard holy fuck. I thought you fucking retards gave zero shits, apparently not. Seems like you're the STARS biggest fans.

>> No.62677540

Why debut new holostars if you know there is no demand?

>> No.62677633

imagine being this fragile to shitposting

>> No.62677683

Absolute DOA gen, i have no idea why they released it? Well i could supose it's to cause problem within tempiss and get a good reason to disband them, that could be a plan that make sence NGL.

>> No.62677693

Just having a giggle at the absolute state of this statement anon it's not a call to action.

>> No.62677765

Holostar is like the morbius movie. Everyone talking shit about it but no one actually watch the movie.

>> No.62677770

Somebody made a thread a week or so ago asking how you would attract an audience if you became a Holostars.
Could it be one of the new boys is /here/?

>> No.62677786

Their names roru
All of them sounds ridiculous

>> No.62677954

lol this is pathetic, zero self awareness, homobeggars now on suicide watch.

>> No.62678053
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My feed is like this, imagine getting homos recommended to you

>> No.62678219

This can quickly backfire if people starts spamming that on other members' chatroom or comments section.

>> No.62678256

>This whole statement
Oi Jap, I think some hires need to get send to the concentration camp
It's one thing to debut a new gen, but to release a statement like this really shows those fags who "support" homos don't give a flying fuck about the whole thing

>> No.62678301

They overrated the level of corpo bootlicking
Firstly, holofags are deranged shizos and then they're fans of the company

>> No.62678311

>you think a bunch of the girls (if not all of them) were asked by management to shill the new homos and they instead gave them the middle finger?
I don't blame them since the ones that did help on the EN side got burned badly.

>> No.62678380

This is first time they did something on this level.

>fans of the company
Aren't you describing yourself, nijifag?

>> No.62678463

It looks like a fag social moviment kek

>> No.62678722

The notice was made because starsfaggots are oversensitive little bitches like you.

>> No.62678883

Where they recruited before the management change/the shitshow happened in Tempus?
I don't remember seeing HolostarsEN recruitment ad for the last 5 months.

>> No.62678960


>> No.62679075

this is a japanese corporation trying to export the chilling effect of their population not being allowed to be critical on social media to the west.

>> No.62679138

The last time they shilled homo auditions was in early February when they did it for both EN branches.

>> No.62679372

Thankfully we don't have to listen. I'd love for them to see and strike a live Twitch channel.

>> No.62679483

>scouted flip sexpests and the Niji leaker
Uhh, Cover? Your scouting reps?

>> No.62679669
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Nothing to see here.

>> No.62679724

No I don't think I will.

>> No.62679856
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>> No.62679880

KEK one slight misunderstanding and they up against the biggest and most vile kpop fanbase

>> No.62680056

who would say yes on the en side? watson is semi-retired while calli and kronii got burned by vesper and the maggot. even if they speak japanese they'll only get the usuals like fubuki or matsuri

>> No.62680148

There are now almost as many Holostars as there are Hololive EN's in way less amount of time

>> No.62680174


>> No.62680181

#ARMISgura.... where is she

>> No.62680237

I'm already on it

>> No.62680316

HoloID is more than twice as old as homoEN and they got less debuts, not to mention how Cover is sitting on ID4 since February 28th.

>> No.62680336

By this time next year, there will be around eighteen of these fags total without one new EN having been so much as revealed.

>> No.62680368 [DELETED] 

Buncha wannabe tough goys itt


You're all so threatened. Calm it, they might consider not collabing with your precious oshi.

Oh, and btw. Collabing is not sex you losers.

We lost vtgd for this lol

>> No.62680465

Why do you type like an enormous faggot?

>> No.62680480

This can’t be real
>is real
What the actual fuck Cover
This is just pathetic

>> No.62680599

So is it safe to assume that they are the last project of the previous EN management/Omegay and basically just a remnant of that era?

>> No.62680613


>> No.62680671

The good thing is that you can connect better with them, it's easier for a streamer to interact with a few hundred viewers rather than thousands upon thousands

>> No.62680728

go back

>> No.62680738

I fucking hope so, but who knows what's the extent of Cover's retardation. They already debuted 12 fuckers in less than 18 months so I don't expect anything intelligent coming from them regarding this failure of a branch.

>> No.62680748

>le reddit spacing
Go back

>> No.62680759

Fuck, man! don't write it like this! it's fucking embarrassing!

>> No.62680798

No one cares about ID.

>> No.62680825

Even less people care about the homos.

>> No.62680866

Man, Cover. Even the youngest, dumbest kid knows that if their mom walks into the classroom on the first day of school and tells the whole class to be nice to him and not bully him, his school life is fucking over.

>> No.62680886

Let me guess, intergender collabs outside of Ollie won’t happen, even though the catalog will be full of threads saying that it will and that you’re a cuck in denial for the next ~3 months, only for Nerissa to give a one word response to one of them on X, causing the entire website to become unusable, only for male collabs to continue to not happen?

>> No.62680935

>No one
Only you

>> No.62680943

By your logic, all those anti gura threads i see in the catalog are her BIGGEST fans

>> No.62681030

Still waiting for that Shiori male collab and see Shiorifags immolate themselves in this board

>> No.62681208
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Imagine not even being on the financial report and getting treated like charity by how little you contribute
Riding on the back of women's success must be one of the most shameful things as a man

>> No.62681302

this is more pathetic then anything nijisanji has done

>> No.62681341
File: 60 KB, 537x417, 1698756565957901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jurard T Rexford
>Crimzon Ruze

>> No.62681436

She literally ignored an SC asking her about ARMIS today but go off I guess.

>> No.62681489

two more weeks...
two more weeks...

>> No.62681538

No I will not watch your debut, faggot

>> No.62681614

>picture full of male collabers

>> No.62681664

They should debut StarsID

>> No.62681802

Why the fuck not at this point? They're already making StarsPH if the guesses for who joined Armis are correct.

>> No.62681980

They got rid of the debut overlap rule right?

>> No.62682065

On paper, yes. I’m hoping there isn’t a shaming attempt by beggars because of it, but that’ll definitely happen to ENs.

>> No.62682210

There is an Advent watch along(not the debut) and FWMC Karaoke overlapping in some of those debut

>> No.62682221

Cool, means JPs won't have to stop their stream for that ridiculous rule anymore.

>> No.62682270

Beggars may be loud but are ultimately a minuscule subsection of the fanbase. FWMC are overlapping both the debuts (with Advent on the first day) and you're severely mistaken if you think any beggar will be able to shame them about it without being eviscerated by their fanbase.

>> No.62682745

this guy might be it

>> No.62682836

Wtf another group of homo? Just die already

>> No.62683065

>Jurard T Rexford
>***ard T Re*****
>Re T ard
Is it intentional? It's right in the middle of the name, seems like too much coincidence not to be.

>> No.62683102
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>Imagine not even being on the financial report and getting treated like charity by how little you contribute
>Riding on the back of women's success must be one of the most shameful things as a man

>> No.62683143

if only they removed the rule in time for Advent since we know Gura would've streamed over them

>> No.62683222

The rule before the debut of the EN homos was always overlap within the respective branch was prohibited so even if Gura wanted to overlap Advent's debuts (which is something only a retarded sister would believe in) she wouldn't be able to do so, but nice try.

>> No.62683250

KEK listen I don't like these fags either but this is a stretch even for /vt/ but if he confirms is than I kneel.

>> No.62683347

The begging has started already? Jesus

>> No.62683414

Twice. She read a green member chat that was congratulating her on being a Senpai. I dont tgink Biboo got beggars though

>> No.62683544

That "respect my collab choices" shit really came back to haunt her in a completely different way.

>> No.62683605

Now this explains why I was thinking about him being retarded.

>> No.62683736

I have one rule. Leave yourself out of everything I enjoy watching. If they follow that then I won't say anything negative about them. Too bad tempus 1 didn't follow that rule.

>> No.62685072
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It would still be in effect, the overlap ban is only lifted for outside branches.

>> No.62685409

What a retard, they were already senpais after Regloss debuted

>> No.62685460

Who fucking asked for this? Who want this?

>> No.62685508

Ask /vt/'s lord and savior. The Jap Man Thing.

>> No.62685566

So polite lol

>> No.62685631

It's YAGOO's passion project.

>> No.62685636

Nousagi discovered he's a Pinoy. Any self respected vtuber agency shouldn't hire those people

>> No.62685669

Depending on my mood, I might or might not watch them

>> No.62685689

With how they defend them on Twitter and reddit you'd think they were their biggest fans.

>> No.62685789

This explains why Gura hasn't been streaming, she's been boycotting even more Homos joining.

>> No.62685883

Always have been

>> No.62685899

Bae might give them a pity collab if things get too grim, but other than that this sounds pretty accurate

>> No.62685930

lmao even they know holofags doesn't give a shit about the males, but for some godforsaken reason they keep forcing it

>> No.62686010

Is it intentional? It's right in the middle of the name.

>> No.62686054

/vt/ finally found their broshi

>> No.62686106

Why is YAGOO begging this hard

>> No.62686149

>literally begging for engagement for their precious homos
this company makes me sick, no wonder Gura fucked off

>> No.62686262

I'll never support the homos !
And I still don't understand why Cover is pushing them after the Tempiss flop ! Cover seems to have too much money... And after the Regloss flop launching another flop doesn't look good...

>> No.62686597

Dear Cover
If I could get my hands on the pieces of shit you selected, who will now have the means to get closer to my oshi, I would gut them like fish and display their corpses as a warning.
sincerely Schizo

>> No.62686730

>more homos
No one asked for this.

>> No.62686798

why do male vtubers exist?

>> No.62687407

Maybe they are just debuting them because they've already been hired and wasted some resources on them before the Tempus shitshow/change in EN management?

>> No.62687502

Very unlikely. Through they did announced auditions (or you could say put reminder) before tempus 2.

>> No.62687620

>not even 10k subs each
i don't understand the point of debuting a gen out of nowhere like this

>> No.62687913

>muh cull! muh cull!
you'll hear them shout. it couldn't possibly be anyone's lack of interest. no, the boys are in high demand after all.

>> No.62688009

Nearly 200k+ views for every tweet, btw. Homobeggars really pulling through, not.

>> No.62688447

I don't know, if you feel the need to release that kind of statement, aren't you admitting yourself there's no demand for this? And actual animosity to boot?

>> No.62689541

>muh cull! muh cull!
only ones saying this are the numbertrannies of the girls. endless posts about council getting culled. you can even see them cope about it as to why no one in council is at 1m, KEK

>> No.62689752

Easy (You)s today huh? Well enjoy your meal OP.

>> No.62689902
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Like clockwork.

>> No.62690062

If they don't pollute EN with collabs, I won't personally do shit. If they actually start collabing with the girls I watch and prying their noses into shit I enjoy, I will care, and I will shit on them.

>> No.62690180

they actually are at this point
they keep reminding me gura exists

>> No.62690323

For fags and fujos I guess
I gave Tempiss a shot at debut and figured I'd rather watch a male fleshtuber 100% of the time

>> No.62690370

>doesn't disprove the point
you could have posted a fake screenshot of a "sister" complaining about the culls and it would've been over

>> No.62690419


>> No.62690433

There's zero chance this won't bring a new wave of homobegging to the girls' chats, and that's enough to make me care

>> No.62690469

Meh, homobeggars are always there. If any girl actually falls for the meme it's their own fault. But I can see where you are coming from

>> No.62690672

Reminder that Bae is literally jesus. She takes the homodick so that your oshi doesn't have to. She killed her CCV for the sin of the original unicorn.
The unicorn who just wanted a single woman to not act like a retard when asked to pretend to be an anime girl for 10 hours a week at $2350 per hour.

>> No.62690774

>So is it safe to assume that they are the last project of the previous EN management/Omegay and basically just a remnant of that era?
Seems that way. Omega probably got the green light for a 3rd homo gen before getting canned and current management is just following through. Judging by this letter, they have zero faith in them and are just trying to soften the blow as much as possible.

>> No.62690867

Is there any proof that omega was the only one responsible for tempus or is It just vt schizo posting? Jap used to be Axel manager just so you know.

>> No.62691436

Don't drag Bae into your stupid culture war, she spends most of the money she makes back onto her fans anyways

>> No.62691495

This is just fucking pathetic. No one gives a fuck about your homos, Cover. When are you going to fucking get it?

>> No.62691566

The rat is homobegger prime.

>> No.62691604

>actually admitting there is no demand for homos and begging people to watch them
This is just sad and pathetic. And yet they stubbornly keep pouring resources into that failure of a branch. Embarrassing display.

>> No.62691698

Totally duuude, that's why she spends 99% of her time shilling homos instead of doing projects for her fans or arranging amazing collabs like the baking one right? Go fuck yourself you disingenuous piece of shit

>> No.62692066

>The rat is homobegger prime.
Nah, that's Ollie. Rrat is normalfag prime.

>> No.62692396

Not a lot. You're speaking like it takes a lot to run a vtuber branch that itself has very little big events organised by the company. The latest "big" event they have is the SF6 tourney organised by Rikka and there isn't much support from Cover. The previous one was the singing competition which they had the support of a sponsor(which apparently supports HoloPro as a whole).

The average holomem has a lot more non-streaming activity they have to do that would require Cover's support more(and thus more money spent on them), goods signing(note: a lot more goods that need to be produced and signed), audio recording, content planning, any travel to specific locations would definitely either have a transport provided by Cover or its claimable by the talents, etc etc. There's shit like Hololive Summer which gave pretty much everyone swimsuit models and that would have required models to be done up even if the models were put together with a standardised template of body parts and clothing choices.
The homos for the most part just streams and their merch sell out pretty quickly, I'd imagine they do earn enough between their merch and SCs to at least cover a chunk of their own operating costs.

>> No.62693438

>homobeggars are vtweeters
Not surprised

>> No.62693511

why are their names so bad though? wtf?

>> No.62693597
File: 1.04 MB, 1920x1080, 1612782933263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A part of me wants to help cover, the other part that wants that branch to fail wins though

>> No.62693655

Copying Nijisanji

>> No.62693667

more like i will trash the whole of en. hope fwmc move to japan and get more active there asap.

>> No.62693886

>Crimzon Ruze
>Jurard T. Rexford

Are they competing with Niji for the most ridiculous names now?

>> No.62694482

>Jap used to be Axel manager just so you know
Source for that? Because Jap's linkedn page lists that he started working for Cover in December. What I did hear is that Holo and homo EN now have completely separated staff and the one who took over the homo branch used to be Axel's manager while Jap is the director for HoloEN exclusively.

>> No.62694640

My feels toward the homos is something like a moderate muslim. I'm not gonna attack the infidels myself, but if someone else does, they'd kinda deserve it for being infidels.

>> No.62695474

You replied in this thread so they succeeded in getting 1% of your attention.

>> No.62695534

Then what about the homos managers? Wouldn't Cover pay for them too?

>> No.62695666

I'll never watch them.

>> No.62695771

Oh, they know it's gonna flop harder than a fucking frog.

>> No.62695778

boys is the right word. Mama and dada need to protect their little cunts

>> No.62695781

>Saying anything that could hurt them
Group of men by the way

>> No.62696451

C'mon cover at least do the whole "sponsored watchalongs" like indie corpos do, Jesas this is sad

>> No.62696459

> " " " " " m e n " " " " "

>> No.62696508

>Female talents get giant hate on the internet = lol just ignore it until it goes away
>Male talents get hate = be nice to our Bois :(

>> No.62698050

How are there subs?

>> No.62698431

Around 11k last time I checked w/c is 30mins. ago I think?

>> No.62698772

How nice, now normal streams won't grind to a halt when stars do stuff. Finally realizing that it won't drive enough people to their content when nobody else can steam.

>> No.62699244

>What I did hear is that Holo and homo EN now have completely separated staff and the one who took over the homo branch used to be Axel's manager while Jap is the director for HoloEN exclusively.
That would explain the difference in public dignity between the management of both branches.

>> No.62699783

ID mogged ENs 3D showecases despite having less subs

>> No.62699912

Heck just looking at their game credits it seems like they have at least 6 managers working for them.

>> No.62699947

men are the weaker gender
women work full time and take care of the family while the men are just lazing around after work

>> No.62699949

Fake document.
Troll thread.

but its okay because its not a hololive being slandered.

>> No.62700344

>Fake document
I know you people don't watch stream but this is a new low...

>> No.62700347

Baffling post. The link to the official twitter is in the OP

>> No.62700550

>calli and kronii got burned by vesper and the maggot.
How so?

>> No.62700659

And yet, you care enough to reply to the thread.

>> No.62701213

Lol "look at my cute shark wife" ritual posts arent enough for you and that you need antis? Kek

>> No.62703389

kek wtf is this

>> No.62706221

desperation is palpable

>> No.62707881

I am doing a hatealong
but I wont be watching I dont watch streams i just post in these threads

>> No.62708176

Not gonna lie, this one flipgga that made this retarded joke about grooming mouse through discord made me cringe. I'm going to watch his debut at least

>> No.62711299

>irreplaceable memory

Corpo always ends up getting high on their own supply of PR copium. JESAS

>> No.62711548

Completely unrelated to holostars, but this is some really Orwellian shit. Imagine seeing something like this on 2012 youtube. They're essentially saying that if you shit on their talents that they'll falsely copyright strike you. Even a transformative video is not "open" to monetization. I put it in quotes because do they even really have the power to stop someone? This reminds me of all that dogshit Nintendo is doing. Japanese companies are tin pot dictators.

>> No.62712768

Are you even aware that Dimitri Jap was Axel's manager? In other words, the person in charge of HoloEN was previously in charge of Tempus?
And yet you can move from the Omega cope.

>> No.62712790

Again, source of that? Also here >>62694482
