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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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62664684 No.62664684 [Reply] [Original]

PixelLink Official Links
Official Website: https://www.pixel-link.com/
Official Shop: https://pixellink-shop.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PixelLinkEN
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@pixellinkofficial



PixelLink Summer
Go Just Go! (cover): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lauG1-SKwe8
PixelLink Halloween
Happy Halloween (cover): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hL6LDMhriuw

Nebi Nebu

Raki Kazuki
RAKTOBER (Original Song): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfowugtL1AA
Inkya Impulse (cover): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmyglbLriq8
Kingslayer (cover): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-CD_kNgKpQ
Thank You!! (cover): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-QQhF2KU8c
Honeymoon Un Deux Trois (EN cover): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2V-xOKypT0

Miuna Usako
I Need You (Original Song): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQd8pMuxxtM
Sorry I'm So Cute! (cover): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VngbO1eCrqA

Lottie Shinju

Chiaki Katsumi


Archive: https://m.pixstash.moe
Schedule: https://teamup.com/ksgq3gdh5ci9ttjwi6

Previous thread: >>62553508

>> No.62664771

Sovl Madlibs and then a game of League.

>> No.62664783



>> No.62664934

Zoomer corpo...

>> No.62664956

>Ever hearing her "real voice"

>> No.62664971
File: 395 KB, 720x691, 49A09DD6-89F7-4631-AC6B-9AE3BB669580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Lottie and I love Nebi and I love Chiaki and I love Miuna and I love Raki and I love Staff and I love Tora-p and I love Big Challenges

>> No.62665579
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And just like that, she's gone again...

>> No.62665864

Why did the lotl lotl away?

>> No.62666460
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>Why are you wiping away my pats?
No Nebi, when a dog shakes their head like that it that means the dogs ears are irritated.

>> No.62666884
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Raki is GFE

>> No.62666947
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>> No.62667159

I just realized that the Donothon has been 100% GFE content and Nebi hasn't brought a single person on.

>> No.62667275

Management had a talk with Nebi

>> No.62667512 [SPOILER] 
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inb4 male collab after donothon

>> No.62667822

hot take I think nebi is just unfortunate enough to try male collabs because they were popular vtubers and she wants to try everything to succeed (eg donothon, contests)

>> No.62668170

She fell for the meme

>> No.62670083

nebi is 0/11......

>> No.62670224

Why does my chat look so weird

>> No.62671652

I hope Raki doesn't follow the example of her fellow Korean vtubers...

>> No.62671891 [SPOILER] 

raki knows not to mix personal life with her idol persona

>> No.62673384

Raki is a lesbian

>> No.62673954


>> No.62674330

False. Raki is a raccoon

>> No.62675520

pat raki on the head

>> No.62675674

tuck Raki into bed

>> No.62675681 [SPOILER] 

push raki's head to take your dick whole

>> No.62675865

All Korean vtubers are *fake* lesbians
Juna, Kr*nii,Ina,Mio and all of V&U. If Raki goes down that route...

>> No.62675940

Raki is Chinese

>> No.62676074

I must reiterate that Raki is a raccoon

>> No.62676953

Korea has raccoons

>> No.62677125

literally chinese

>> No.62677344

explain her absolutely sucking in mandarin then

>> No.62677576

She speaks a dialect

>> No.62677591 [SPOILER] 

based second gen immigrant never learned her parents language

>> No.62677615

She isn't good at Korean either

>> No.62677938

Raki is MINE

>> No.62678080

I'll force my child to learn mandarin once I have it with Miuna

>> No.62678508
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>> No.62678669

Parasocial Racoon girlfriend...

>> No.62679321 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.62679400
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ok i will send nebi a maro teaching her the difference between "a part" and "apart. seriously, why are people this idiotic that they dont know these differences?

>> No.62679451

Nebi is not really smart...

>> No.62679603
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Kek wtf no way does she know it's hana

>> No.62679664

What the fuck Raki

>> No.62679733

someone, tell raki to block that account...

>> No.62679740

Okay she must've definitely watched it on mute right??? and she definitely doesn't even know who this faggot is right?? Raki...

>> No.62679786

Raki is a dramafag...

>> No.62679977

I will anti Raki now

>> No.62680144
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>> No.62680157

staff........ staaaaaaaaffffff

>> No.62680202

all small corpo chuubas should have that retard instantly blocked. I hope someone tells her

>> No.62680429

it’s gone she didn’t know

>> No.62680525

Based thread reading staff
Love you Fat cat

>> No.62680857


>> No.62681057

Did they contact her after her good night tweet? or do they just have access to their accounts because else they'd just notice the miunny DMs no?

>> No.62681509


>> No.62681595

no. It's roommate stuff

>> No.62681693
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>> No.62681767


>> No.62682712

Chiaki is built for sex

>> No.62683280

Fuck the lotl

>> No.62683362

Lottie is built for sax

>> No.62683778
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>> No.62684010

NijiID girl got her lewd private stuff leaked and there was porn. A little concerning Raki rt'd this

>> No.62684273
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>> No.62684280
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>> No.62684502

I'd assume management would have access to their accounts. As for noticing the DMs, I guess they just assumed the talents would know better than to do that sort of thing and had no reason to check on things until recently?
Also, it looks like Miuna removed her tweet responding to the maro about DMing her Elden Ring boss locations as well now.

>> No.62684513

Nebi's gay uncle status?

>> No.62684547

Yeah she tweeted about it

>> No.62684734
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Miuna you are supposed to hate the flips...

>> No.62684784

>NijiID girl got her lewd private stuff leaked and there was porn. A little concerning Raki rt'd this
Proof? I looked her up and I don't see any mention of this literally anywhere. Is that audio literally from some vtuber girl's leaked porno? Can somebody bring a source here?

>> No.62684838

retards can't separate roommate from the chuuba

>> No.62684979

Raki why...

>> No.62684990 [DELETED] 
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>retards can't separate roommate from the chuuba
What the fuck are you niggers talking about? You're like gossiping school girls, just fucking explain. Not every person here is glued to /vt/ and all things vtuber related 24/7 and knows every goddamn retarded little drama that takes place in this scene.

What is the context of this that clip?

What is that obvious sex audio at the end from?

Why is it bad that Raki liked said tweet?

Why should I or anyone else, especially Raki, give a fuck about any of this?

Jesus Christ.

>> No.62685032

You are in the pixellink thread if you want to look this shit up go to literally any of the 15 drama threads in the catalog or in the /t/ ASMR thread

>> No.62685050

nijiID's roommate's stuff, better worded. she has an OF and is doing aadult content (not irl pics yet)

>> No.62685259

The thing that really baffles me is Raki supports doxxing...

>> No.62685303

She has no idea what that account even is...

>> No.62685362

>Can somebody bring a source here?
wrong thread, I already found it after looking in the catalog for 5 mins

>> No.62685500


>> No.62685695

pxlbros... you know what we must do

>> No.62685776

boycott it by not voting nor watching, that's right. these shows are stupid

>> No.62687075

I'm not scanning a million different threads to figure out something I barely have any idea is even about. Just give me a TL'DR or shut the fuck up about it. I have no idea why you guys are vagueposting over meaningless drama. This is the Pixel thread yes but it pertains to a pixel girl now because you gossiping hens have made it relevant to a pixel girl by association. So explain or shut up about it.

>nijiID's roommate's stuff, better worded. she has an OF and is doing aadult content (not irl pics yet)
Wow that's a bunch of words that tells me absolutely nothing. Somethign something corpo, something something roomate, something somethign OF, something something adult content. WoW.

Lemme try to parse this: This Hana girl had a roomate who did OF and got fucked and Hana for whatever demented reason recorded it (maybe she's a cuckqueen and was just watching), somehow the audio was leaked and everyone thinks it was Hana herself? I would just assume it's Hana and she has an OF that got leaked which would be the simplest explaination but you throwing in a roomate makes it sound more complicated, I would need to know the roomates gender.

Of course you could just tell us, but you gossiping schoolgirls (grown ass men btw) would rather just vaguepost about it while bringing this drama here yourselves and then saying "ACTUALLY THIS ISNT RELEVANT TO THIS GENERAL SO WE CANT TELL YOU". Yeah okay.

>wrong thread, I already found it after looking in the catalog for 5 mins
This has "nvm fixed it" energy to it.

>> No.62687385

Holy seeth. Instead of sperging out and spending all this time typing up this autism you could of found a thread with information about it like this one that took me not even a minute to find.

>> No.62687497

Raki will doxx you if you piss her off.

>> No.62688158

It was more of a "it's so easy to fix I won't even bother spoon feeding you" but the important part was the
>wrong thread

>> No.62688610

>Lemme try to parse this: This Hana girl had a roomate who did OF and got fucked and Hana for whatever demented reason recorded it (maybe she's a cuckqueen and was just watching), somehow the audio was leaked and everyone thinks it was Hana herself? I would just assume it's Hana and she has an OF that got leaked which would be the simplest explaination but you throwing in a roomate makes it sound more complicated, I would need to know the roomates gender.
Oh, you are just a newfag, no wonder you think taking 30 seconds to look something up yourself is somehow harder than arguing about it until someone spoonfeeds you

>> No.62689728

Miuna is my wife, Raki is my girlfriend.

>> No.62690208

Cantonese anon, not all Chinese know Mandarin. The same reason why Selen from NijiEN doesn't know Mandarin

>> No.62691760

I bet Raki cried when she found out the mistake. Shame we'll never hear it. Yes, I am a bad person.

>> No.62693764

Lottie Shinju

>> No.62693941

drama niggers are having a field day today I see

>> No.62694302

The hell happened this time? My wife Nebi did nothing wrong.

>> No.62694325


>> No.62694349

>Nebi did nothing wrong
Let's not go that far.

>> No.62694359

So basically nothing. Anons must be bored

>> No.62694466

interacting with the dramafag is pretty meltdown worthy

>> No.62694489

Nebi put scurvy in his place.
(Which is as Nebi's bitch boy).

>> No.62694530 [DELETED] 

Oh some retard abusing our racoon.
Fuck these attention seeking retards. Get a real job.

>> No.62694539

>unlikes tweet
>drama over
who are the dramafags here, really

>> No.62694597

If I need a handful of magic decoder rings then it's not drama.

>> No.62695510

Raki Kazuki

>> No.62696095

Lottie Shinju

>> No.62696966

>raki is actually the most /here/
>forgets shes liking shit on her vtuber account
>reads thread and erases evidence
Im on to you nopan racoon

>> No.62698508


>> No.62698654

Lottie likes tentacles!

>> No.62698752

Uh lads???

>> No.62699062

Lottie likes this!

>> No.62699329
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Hopefully Nebi learns something from this.
People want her to stream longer and she's channing the untapped potential of Pixel Link's wife experience.

>> No.62699513
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Raki love and headpats!

>> No.62700338

I like this a lotl

>> No.62701543
File: 406 KB, 750x421, IMG_1089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait a fucking second I’m actually getting a Lottie/Airi collab? I’ve wanted this since like day 1.

>> No.62701612

Anon we have confirmed a long time ago that it isn't raki who is here but mane-san instead. That is why both raki's likes and miuna's DM comment were rectified quickly.

>> No.62701759

Chiaki looks super cute here

>> No.62702065

Pixelfriends Erika and Poko!

>> No.62702170

>3 hags VS 3 zoomers
Collab's going to be a good one

>> No.62702317

Isn't Airi the only hag

>> No.62702342
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What does this even mean

>> No.62702532

Drunk goggles simulate what its like to be shitfaced

>> No.62702608

>drunk goggles
just embrace the trash and down a case of natty light before stream

>> No.62703022
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>> No.62703171


>> No.62704398

I want Miuna.
I need Miuna.
I can't live without Miuna.

>> No.62704602
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They are so cute

>> No.62704747

I can't wait for the unfiltered Miuna to curse at everything that goes wrong while ultra polite Erika just laughs in the background

>> No.62706411

Lol, lmao, its okay shiki

>> No.62706416


>> No.62707369


>> No.62707432


>> No.62707666


>> No.62707720


>> No.62708420

Raki is not waking up today?...

>> No.62708585

Raki space in 5

>> No.62708761
File: 3.03 MB, 2560x1369, 1696972249660375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She looks at you like this...What did you do?

>> No.62708828


>> No.62709479

I've updated the archive to include all of Raki's spaces thus far. I also added Miuna's recent space.
If there are any unarchived streams you would like added, let me know.

>> No.62709577

This is what your minds like on scurvy.

>> No.62709618

Thanks archive anon!

>> No.62709867

My girlfriend Raki

>> No.62709989

Will Raki address her implicit support of doxxing a fellow vtuber?

>> No.62710065

Will you kys?

>> No.62710100


>> No.62710128

You cant deflect this Raki

>> No.62710217

Thank you very much for your hard work.

>> No.62710377

I swear if you faggots make Raki sad.

>> No.62710394

will you address your explicit catalogfaggotry?

>> No.62710417

No I want to address Raki's catalogfaggotry

>> No.62710512

>sick VTuber with 105°F fever sees some stupid video on Twitter and has no clue
>Catalogfag on 4chan makes this incident his new personality

Ran out of Ryan Gosling characters?

>> No.62710570

Why does she follow him then?

>> No.62710651

Management please reprimand Raki.

>> No.62710653

She doesn't you retard. She saw cute animation on her For you and liked it

>> No.62710743

It's time to take your meds, you're hallucinating

>> No.62710769

I like that Raki is getting closer to Trashpans but then I am reminded that some Trashpans are shitters and don't deserve Raki.

>> No.62710934

Do you really think this dramafag is a trashpan?

>> No.62711146

I watch all the girls but I mostly watch Nebi

>> No.62711874

Anon please share whatever hallucinogens you're on, Id like to be to manifest Raki into my bedroom

>> No.62712412
File: 177 KB, 1500x1000, 02165A9A-F5FB-4293-A680-6EA9D3B20FCE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're here

>> No.62713465

Fuck the lotl

>> No.62713872
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They could be any one of us. They could be you, they could be me...

>> No.62713930
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>> No.62714369


>> No.62714616

I don't have beef with Lottie tho

>> No.62716562

hogging the Nintendo switch

>> No.62716780
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>> No.62716859


>> No.62716896

there should be a Nebi punishment where she is not allowed to eat fast food or candy for a whole day only healthy food

>> No.62717113

She would just not eat for a day

>> No.62717213

Honorary Pixel member Erika is cheating on her wife Chiaki

>> No.62717306

I like how Erika actually has knowledge of all these random games and actually explains how they work to others

>> No.62717498

She always prepares well.

>> No.62717921

I wonder if Miuna needs subtitles when Erika starts talking fast

>> No.62718012

actual gamer

>> No.62718349

>Elia raid
V-Dere are pxl friends!

>> No.62718400
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>> No.62719532 [DELETED] 
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Lottie lads are in for a rude awakening.

>> No.62719679

>Didn't even show up to Miuna's stream and just watches Nebi
nice loyalty fag

>> No.62719777

Fatcat we need new mods

>> No.62720024

>took 20mins to ban that retard

>> No.62720199

saruman, not like this...
eh no danger for it from what i acn tell. just your regular twitch streamer, and those who know already knew what type of person she is

>> No.62720555


>> No.62720679 [DELETED] 

>only mentioning it after the stream
At least trashpans have the decency to live post during those things

>> No.62720692
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Lottie is a hottie!

>> No.62720942

Erika is really nice

>> No.62720975 [DELETED] 

If you know you know.
I'm not going to post her PL here

>> No.62721011

Too bad she's associated with that fat fuck Rana

>> No.62721043


>> No.62721122 [DELETED] 

I'm not telling you to post it here. I'm more looking for some vagueposting so I know it's happening when I don't follow her

>> No.62721169

>Lottie outright lied about why she was gone for 4 days

>> No.62721190
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careful with what you say

>> No.62721252

It's not her fault she doesn't believe in axolotls

>> No.62721290

i never trust when vtubers say about why they are suddenly taking a break. i'd prefer if they just said they have something else or simply want days off, not even an emergency
so why was it?

>> No.62721325

How can you fuckers not have a violent reaction at her hand cam stream

>> No.62721329

God I hate PLfags

>> No.62721375

>violent reaction
Yeah, of cum

>> No.62721383

yeah a violent erection

>> No.62721447

I prefer that over a skeleton

>> No.62721501

Disgusting pixellink is a slim girls corp. Go back to /vrev/ obesefags

>> No.62721800

Variety is the spice of life, anon

>> No.62722394

Lottie lads....I'm so sorry....

>> No.62722475 [DELETED] 

>Tranny shit

>> No.62722801

nebi jumped so lottie could take the hit...

>> No.62722861

the fuck are you fags goin off about now

>> No.62722924

Samefag making things up for some reason, the stream has just been chill bloons

>> No.62723050

Ah so the usual then, well these threads were nice while it lasted. Growing pains i guess

>> No.62723556

Cute jumping bunny...

>> No.62723579

Chubby girls are the cutest, and I don't care how Vtuber roommates look

>> No.62723868
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>> No.62723941

Has Lottie unlocked the monkey the myth the legend Pat Fussy?

>> No.62724045

Nebi is acting weirdly needy right now.

>> No.62724070

Miuna and self-promotion...

>> No.62724129

Anticipating the new homostars

>> No.62724371
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Blocking Erika's erikas...

>> No.62724443
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>> No.62725145
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And now the long weekend with no Miuna

>> No.62725203

She's so shy about all these stuff... I don't even need to gatekeep Miuna cause she does it herself...

>> No.62725552

Nothing about fatcat or the other staff they are definitely trying their best and are all sweet but it feels like chat has to explain and teach Miuna like 99% of her chuuba stuff

>> No.62725649
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>> No.62725725

Some of the girls like her and Nebi are very new to vtubing

>> No.62725996

>Miuna worrying about not reading chat a lot even though it's a collab
She loves us...

>> No.62726131
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>> No.62726366

I can't imagine any other chuuba that'd be better for Miuna's first collab than Erika...

>> No.62726605


>> No.62727183

>New to vtubing
Anon please

>> No.62727307

If you've spent any time watching the donothon you'd know nebi knows exactly what she's doing. She puts in as little effort as possible to get the most attention

>> No.62728170

>If you've spent any time watching the donothon

>> No.62728173


>> No.62728275

I thought Nebi said she was diagnosed with ADHD.

Topless sunbathing
Daughter raising

Each girl has their own appeal.

>> No.62728394

Huh. I never noticed Chiaki has a little bit of an accent on some words before.

>> No.62728438


>> No.62728541
File: 1.14 MB, 1142x646, chiakute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chiakino cutesumi

>> No.62728868

>new to vtubing
oh he doesn't know

>> No.62728917

How many cats does she have goddamn.
She's really is cute

>> No.62729068

wow more thread shitters and catalog faggotry earlier and more often, you can tell our girls are making it big, PixelIncline let's gooo

>> No.62729209


>> No.62729242

It's amazing how much heart to heart and lovebombing Miuna fit into 2.5 streams this week. Now I will miss her that much more...

>> No.62729301

>conversation turns to weird food from your country
Quick, break Chiaki's brain.

>> No.62729474

and I don't think she'll be stopping.. We have very emotional winter ahead...

>> No.62729574

I want to mindbreak her by beating her in a game she really good at after saying that I've never played it before when in reality I've been secretly practicing it behind her back. Loser does whatever the winner says

>> No.62729677

The salamanders are /here/

>> No.62730118

>complains about invaders
>posts like a 12yo on youtube who just discovered "the 4chan" from his broccoli haired older brother's tiktok posts

>> No.62730146

Wait what's going on Nebi sounds sexy

>> No.62730207

Ara Ara voice.

>> No.62730383

Nebi could be the queen of ear slurping if she wanted.

>> No.62730544

I almost hope she doesn't, listening to another chuubas asmr feels like cheating after listening to one of my oshis heartbeat

>> No.62730843
File: 122 KB, 378x313, 1670419229715796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night

>> No.62731008

Miuna better close her mouth before I stick my finger in it

>> No.62731609

chiaki is not only an introvert, but also a shut-in if she could

>> No.62731734

She bites

>> No.62731866

That sound cool. Wish Raki would take the time of her day to doxx me, I'd be honored.

>> No.62732556

Cute and relatable

>> No.62732660

Yeah maybe french, i hear it sometimes. Maybe shes from quebec

>> No.62732690

I don't get that battery thing, I hate people but when the atmosphere is right I'm like this isn't so bad, and stay for a long time to talk with people.

>> No.62732821

Personally I think Raki is based and you could all learn a thing or two from her

>> No.62732858


>> No.62732959

Interacting with people is exhausting

>> No.62733182

I get it but it's situational to me, if I'm at a party just chilling it's fine, if I'm at work and gotta listen to my co-workers or other people it drains my "battery".

>> No.62733185

kek she's mexican

>> No.62733256

story was kind of funny.

>I was standing by myself and these people ganged up on me and started asking weird questions

Oh poor Chiaki, I hope they didn't harass her too bad

>They asked me questions like, "What's your name?" and "Did you go to school around here?"

Chiaki....that's called normal social interaction

>> No.62733273


>> No.62733391

Chiaki the rock

>> No.62733506

>i don't get it
>i get it
This is one of the reasons it's exhausting

>> No.62734245

As in as an introvert myself I don't get how it's exclusively draining for other introverts no matter the situation they are in like a party, a family reunion or at work.

>> No.62734357

Is she?

>> No.62734435

she has been open about that. are you new to pixel?

>> No.62734495


>> No.62734652

Si amigo

>> No.62737571
File: 202 KB, 328x500, chiakita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chiakita mi amor

>> No.62738099
File: 218 KB, 618x489, chiaki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.62738677
File: 200 KB, 1105x2048, IMG_4216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She did it!

>> No.62739038

Now let's hope she passed them, too
