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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 31 KB, 426x888, 1672872162652529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
62613246 No.62613246 [Reply] [Original]

Neco-Arc Dante edition

>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube If you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

Open company auditions:
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
Twitter growth: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt

Stay hopeful

Previous Thread: >>62588601

>> No.62613276

If you're streaming on Youtube please reconsider. I will not turn off adblock to watch you.

>> No.62613280

Need sexier Keitaro

>> No.62613411

New auditions open, info in:

Thanks for not paying attention baker!

>> No.62613872

Lava is a really fun streamer. I hope she accomplishes whatever her dreams are l and I hope I can be as funny as she is some day

>> No.62613884

We've had chuuba power levels, but now I need chuuba mascot power levels!

>> No.62613900

Name a chuuba and why you love them!

>> No.62613920

Rura. She makes me so happy.

>> No.62613921

Aw sweet, time for an existential crisis due to a complete lack of brand identity!

>> No.62613982

Coco v Pafu slut-off to determine /asp/'s slut queen when

>> No.62613985
File: 48 KB, 436x379, 0192778E-0D84-499C-86F3-251C6BC7F039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s my own viewer mascot! Individually, he’s called Gregory the Door Mouse, but when he represents the viewers you should call that an Apprentice.

>> No.62614020

Off-Collab, first to cum loses.

>> No.62614054

Keitaro. He's cute and a sweetie and I'll keep saying it until other aspies realize it.

>> No.62614055

Holy FUCK I love this little dude

>> No.62614056

shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.62614119

Kill yourself

stop doing this shit

>> No.62614144
File: 377 KB, 1842x2160, gumbus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for coming to my stream!! and thank you anon for the art!!!

>> No.62614214

Put them both on motorbunnies for 6 hours, the one that cums the most wins/loses (Agreed upon beforehand)

>> No.62614314

tf is a heavenrend

>> No.62614525
File: 48 KB, 990x570, aspwordcloud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last thread

>> No.62614556
File: 369 KB, 1920x1080, merwie azwoth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry i'm a few breads late lol

>> No.62614656

I love this! Thank you so much :)))))

>> No.62614786

>chuuba sex want


>> No.62614953

name thread meat

>> No.62615182

live twitch.tv/sonowono

>> No.62615183

How the fuck do I pick something to be

>> No.62615198

Think about things you like, what anime tropes you enioy, etc.

>> No.62615200

The tried and true formula seems to be creature/object + occupation.

>> No.62615269

>rura doesn't have enough money in a game
>immediately suggests sex work

>> No.62615323

>Mind suddenly plagued by thoughts of an /asp/ie
Why am I like this?

>> No.62615339

If it isn't me, purge them from your mind.

>> No.62615400

draw them!

>> No.62615715

Same except they're not an /asp/ie and I wanna draw porn of them despite not drawing porn before.

>> No.62615816

Same but I think about cumming inside and taking responsibility

>> No.62615849

Thanks for being around, /asp/ies. I almost invariably enjoy hanging out in your streams. I had a lot of fun today watching a few of you. I think you're doing a great thing for everyone by putting yourselves out there and sharing your respective cheery and chill energy with us. If you're ever doubting yourself, I urge you to continue for the others who feel the same but haven't spoken up about it. So long as you're still having fun yourselves, of course. Thanks for everything you do, I really appreciate it.

>> No.62615883

I have zero appeal.

>> No.62615910
File: 23 KB, 432x502, 1646466553925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check out coco
>deep voice

>> No.62615944

Just cause you wouldn't suck your own dick, doesn't mean that someone else wouldn't. Thanks for being around.

>> No.62616008

I'm not gay

>> No.62616031

Irrelevant to the point

>> No.62616061

Remains to be seen, but okay

>> No.62616066

But I'm not fuckin gay bro

>> No.62616130

Doesn’t mean there aren’t people who want to suck your dick, which in that anon’s allegory means, some people out there want to watch you

>> No.62616162
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>> No.62616164

Stop callin me a fuckin queero I'm never no sucked no dick.

>> No.62616360

It's a babi.

>> No.62616388

I might not be creative and interactive enough to make it as a vtuber.

>> No.62616418
File: 524 KB, 484x619, 1621134714951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That explains why Merlie's been walkin' funny...

>> No.62616454


>> No.62616513
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>> No.62616905

Here's an idea for a vtuber channel

>gameplay only live stream
>vtuber casino style hostess
>team of score keepers

Vtubers make a stream of first presenting challenges to a gamer. The gamer is challenged to complete these tasks on stream while the vtuber covers the event.
The score keepers display the scores on screen.
Viewers can do channel point predictions on whether the gamer can complete the challenge, or not, and are rewarded accordingly.
Vtuber has things you can spend channel points on such as setting the next series of challenges.

Well /asp/? Feeling up to it?

>> No.62617613

What’s wrong with numberfagging? Just curious what your opinion is

>> No.62618374

>Numbers fluctuate from stream to stream depending on a lot of factors (timing, luck, choice of game)
>Numbers may be inflated because of big raids
>Number of viewers is not a great indicator of stream quality (it's a better indicator of popularity/advertising)
>Twitch and YouTube viewer counts are often inaccurate anyway

>> No.62618654

it's a bit like kissing your own sister: just don't do it in public unless you know the person watching is into it

>> No.62618690

I dislike people who heavily focus on numbers. Some numberfagging is okay but publicly posting analytics outside of milestones (100 followers and the like) gives me a very bad impression of people when they just want to show that number go up. It indicates to me I shouldn't go near you since you probably don't like me as a person, you like me for how I can impact your numbers and as soon as I stop having a positive impact you'll throw me to the side for someone else.

>> No.62618796


>> No.62618897

He hasn't been feeling well, be kind to him today

>> No.62620397
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>> No.62620485

I hate whores

>> No.62620951 [SPOILER] 
File: 291 KB, 1448x2048, IMG_20231115_062908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62621364

I need to go on a date with her! Ainslie! Comm it already!!!

>> No.62621396

Oh her too!

>> No.62621543

(A repost since the first time got lost in the archives)
How long were you guys streaming until you started getting a returning and active audience, even in the single digits? Was there something you did that might've been connected to this, or did it "just happen"?

>> No.62621639

Anon more than half of us are only ever watched by each other.

>> No.62621969

My most active viewer is a low key sexpest

>> No.62622416


>> No.62622482

You're for yaoi commissions Momomo

>> No.62622529

No wonder some anon start claiming she use voice changer, that really feels like it

>> No.62622577

Her voice was just hoarse from the previous streams she did yesterday.

>> No.62622829


...and maybe a trap or two...

>> No.62622966

Giving money to cute girls makes me happy. I like that vtubing lets me find third world cuties that actually need the support so i can give them something directly instead of throwing it at some questionable faceless organization

>> No.62624276

>wishes for femslie
>is built for maleslie

>> No.62624435

Sounds like a FFXIV expansion pack.

>> No.62624502

are you guys normal yet or should I stay away when it comes to beginners advice

>> No.62624539

female? stay. male? we are crazy leave

>> No.62624584

yeah, boycrazy. any more cute boys and i'll go mad.

>> No.62624592

>normal yet
Never was

>> No.62624606
File: 300 KB, 2433x2226, 1700023043935990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i the only one streaming in the morning? we need more early birds here
anyway come to relax with some chess fellas

>> No.62624933

Why is thread so slow?

>> No.62624964

I can help ya out, what do you need to know?

>> No.62625050

The fujos have made this place unsafe for all males.

>> No.62625071

/asp/cord e-orgy

>> No.62625224
File: 2.17 MB, 1080x1920, streamnow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.62625261
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>didn't get invited

>> No.62625411


>> No.62625472
File: 2.23 MB, 1080x1920, winter.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62625578

If a fujo wants to draw me getting raped I’m all for it, I’ll even voice it

>> No.62625630

T-there’s an /asp/cord…?

>> No.62625660

Who's dick I gotta suck to get in on the orgy

>> No.62625664

which category does femboy apply to

generally looking for other /asp/ vtubers to talk to and go over designs with

>> No.62625748

Are you sexy

>> No.62625793

Except me

>> No.62625843

there's the discord but if you're not interested in that just hmu I'm Scege on discord p. easy to find

I'm currently in the process of designing a new model so I wouldn't mind having someone to talk with about designs.
If you are interested in the discord I think you're supposed to dm Elliot?
Not 100% tho so don't be like AY YO SO AND SO SENT ME

>> No.62625893

Who is Ellliot?

>> No.62625899 [SPOILER] 
File: 63 KB, 720x425, GuessWhosTheFather.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you just know . . .

>> No.62625957

Look, manslie is cool too, but femslie is just too cute uu...

...both works too, tho

>> No.62625958 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.62626035

Elliot Ambers

>> No.62626041

the key to navigating asp is to ignore drama and post anyways

>> No.62626066

The denpa one is not a joke. She will soon have tupo's child

>> No.62626202

Tier list of how good you think they are at collabs?

>> No.62626280

Yes and you will never get a link to it from here

>> No.62626332

If I'm not in f tier I will be impressed

>> No.62626448

I've not yet watched anyone who didn't forget about chat existing while in a collab

>> No.62626479 [DELETED] 

What's up with shadowbabies and endbryos lying about playing the game when HW came out

>> No.62626833

You can't get pregnant from a dog, Miiu

>> No.62626917

Isn't it just expected that chat will be ignored?

>> No.62626979

You haven’t watched me then

>> No.62626981

It is because nobody is that good

>> No.62626997

I'm good about paying attention to chat, I'm bad about reading chat aloud for the others to react to what people say when they say something interesting tho.

>> No.62627074

Speak and you might get what you want.

>> No.62627251
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>> No.62627288

I love /asp/!

>> No.62627302

I love Rura!

>> No.62627311


>> No.62627346
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>> No.62627488

Unironically if you don’t make a conscious effort to acknowledge chat you need to work on it. It’s hard juggling everything so you don’t have to be perfect, but nobody wants to be completely ignored

>> No.62627520
File: 37 KB, 500x500, artworks-zgjNV8R7uXU62yj6-M76vLQ-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greentext Story if you got a tip, I am open for it
>been friends with a homie since 2010/11
>we created a fren-circle
>we used to make videos on youtube
>kinda stopped doing that for some reason
>always wanted to do that again
>many years pass on and we create nothing
>fren-circle not really interested/got time for content-creation
>one day decide to stream
>build everything up alone
>frens used to join sometimes, but they think streaming is "cringe" so they don't wanna have anything to do with it
>fast forward to now
>basically have a decent following and nice streams, met many new people
>frens are indifferent about it and kinda dislike what I do, always telling me it's cringe and they don't like it if I ever bring it up
>one fren specific made it his thing to become my one hater that loves to shit on me for no reason
>used to think he was joking, but he uses very inflammatory language and it's almost the only conversations we have
This has been going for well over super long timespan now and I came to the conclusion he is actually jealous and not joking.
I wish I could move on but we have been friends for so long and he knows damn well he hurts me with this shit.

>> No.62627553

Anyone looking for feedback? I can dump some time later. Just gimme 24 hours to scour your vods

>> No.62627653

Anon, if this guy really just switched to highschool bullying, ignore him. Do not pay attention to him, do not let him win, do not give him the possibility of bringing you down, nothing.
And you also know you should be getting ready to cut ties, what they were in the past does not remove the active dick they ended up becoming now.

>> No.62627733

no such thing

>> No.62627921

that best fren feeling is gone, but I am unsure if I would call him a bully. he definitely is trying to bring me down and deny me wins (sees me having a big stream somewhere, calls me out in random discords for no reason).
This man helped me through harsh situations in life so i am super confused why he became one.

>> No.62628133

It sucks but if they’re bringing you down now it’s best to cut them out. People are crazy

>> No.62628228

Most interpersonal conflicts are caused by miscommunication. Ask why he's behaving the way he is. Be reasonable and receptive. Explain how his behavior makes you feel. Do your best to create a positive atmosphere, then establish boundaries.

If he isn't receptive, tell him to fuck off.

>> No.62628253

He's our local gay wolf

>> No.62628304

For a second I thought in the preview there was a cock showing. What an obscene model you have mister wolf.

>> No.62628403

Okay I’ll bite, MajikaKoitsu, I have some VODs on YouTube

>> No.62628431

You think a mate's a good friend and then he fucks your girlfriend. It happens. That's life. Only go for virgins.

>> No.62628718

I would love some feedback! I have a recent karaoke stream and also some Bloodborne and Funger :>

>> No.62628723

He can show us his feet instead

>> No.62628749

My most recent stream was finishing up No Straight Roads! Now that I think about it, I should upload the VOD soonish...

>> No.62628768

KukuKaeruVT how did I forget to include my link…

>> No.62628784


>> No.62628854

Disgusting frog I hope you killed yourself after making this blogpost

>> No.62628907


>> No.62628934 [DELETED] 


Jesus christ how can you people willingly let yourselves be brainwashed

Hour very vernacular is rotting to the core and you smile and nod

>> No.62628983

remember if you misspell, you lose the arguement

>> No.62628984


>> No.62629017

yes that word was used correctly. atleast point out the typo

>> No.62629028

Oh right! I forgor


>> No.62629053
File: 1.48 MB, 1140x1012, sexuality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make 'em.

>> No.62629079

Who cares about typos. Stop trying to sound smarter than you are using uncommon words to whine about Internet meme speech that has existed for over a decade.

>> No.62629147

Its my every day verbiage, I appologize that you cannot decipher common english.

I will whine about psyops successfully brainwashing an entire generation

>> No.62629170

nta but vernacular isn't an uncommon word

>> No.62629219


>> No.62629256

>cannot decipher
I understood it perfectly. That's why I'm making fun of you. Talk like a human and not like the autistic kid everyone avoided.

>> No.62629347


Focus on others though, only do mine if you exhaust all the others and can still be bothered.

>> No.62629355
File: 178 KB, 525x654, 1694935723273081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you ready to reeeeeeaaaaddd?!
It's time for BIG read!

>> No.62629362

>complaining about autism

Do you know where you are retard?

>> No.62629379

Be better.

>> No.62629482

He's oshisexual

>> No.62629511

>doesn't know

>> No.62629574

virgins making lists about sex is always funny

>> No.62629576
File: 601 KB, 320x197, dsfghj.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am in a happy relationship with my wife and we have a child together, so I belong in the asexual tier (I don't have sex)

>> No.62629605

Lol, lmao even
I paid an escort

>> No.62629606

Language evolves and expands brother. You don't need to be afraid, The dictionary isn't cutting the word friend for fren.

>> No.62629646
File: 202 KB, 1920x1080, E-h8AlkXsAUpVt0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're just a newfag

>> No.62629679

>not rinna

>> No.62629919

I chose a skeleton because it doesn't have a cock and or balls, I'm unironically asexual.

>> No.62629925

she said recently she isn’t asexual

>> No.62630076

lmao. I think the new dictionary is Double plus good.

>> No.62630230

>happy relationship
Pure cope my dude

Yup, she mingled with Elliott and he has a reputation for turning women gay

>> No.62630314

You really need to add a "Bisexual" with air quotes category. Half of the heterosexuals in this category engage in homoeroticisms all the time. One bad date and they'll date the other sex.

>> No.62630391

add trash tier for the hoes that belong in the dump

>> No.62630472
File: 1.45 MB, 1140x919, my-image (8).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's so many of you. I wish I could watch everyone.

>> No.62630552

Is there a day and time that work best for you anon?

>> No.62630580

Cool. I'll make it happen
If I have enough time, you too.

I'm just a tourist, but I have a lot of experience in the field. I promise I'll be reasonable, rational and critical.

>> No.62630603

Soon ™

>> No.62630701

I'm around the SEA time zone so it's awkward to accommodate me but usually 12am EST to 8am EST.

>> No.62630762

the fuck is that flag supposed to mean? I don't speak gender spaghetti

>> No.62630984

lesbian flag
>made up hurr
im just the messenger dont shoot me

>> No.62630992


>> No.62631100

If you do I’d be happy and if you don’t have time no harm done! I get it’s a big commitment :D Thank you

>> No.62631275

Holy fuck rinna cant stop biting the bait

>> No.62631455


>> No.62631565

Lmao, even.

>> No.62631586

Of course
how could some brownoid brain contain the level of philosophy and sophistication he has?

>> No.62631654

no, latam

>> No.62631721

argentina is WHITE

>> No.62631768

I'm going to marry LAINE

>> No.62631798

ok laine no need for astroturfing

>> No.62631945

Coco is literally made for BBC

>> No.62632025
File: 970 B, 125x109, ss+(2023-11-15+at+10.31.53).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


People were asking about making clips of their own streams a few threads back, figured I'd highlight this feature for anyone who may not have been aware of it. You can use it to make highlights directly on twitch with the highlight feature, or take note of the timestamp so you know where to look in your VOD when editing in your software of choice.

>> No.62632123

I hate Laine, just imagine waking up in bed next to her

>> No.62632171

sexy bird

>> No.62632206

You will be RUDE and you will make me CRY, just look at how successful Asian kids are

>> No.62632252


>> No.62632403

All these lists imply you guys watch my streams/content and I don't believe that one bit. Why would you do that to yourselves

>> No.62632429


>> No.62632578


Fuck you, I'm trying to get straight fanmade made if me right now! Move me up or something

I dunno, having a nice dinner, holding hands, that type of stuff uu us cucking the boyo uu

>> No.62632672
File: 114 KB, 581x618, smoking daiya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Live is Daiya again

>> No.62632705

She'll steal all your socks and underwear to make a nest, goddamn birds

>> No.62632809

Coco is made to serve as a holster for any and all cocks. Multiple cocks at once, even.

>> No.62632816
File: 576 KB, 1847x1291, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I'm working on a thing.

>> No.62632842

All this time I thought Kuromaru was the homophobic /asp/ie, but in fact it was always Momo... sasuga...

>> No.62632878
File: 336 KB, 1280x720, 1115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stream over!

>> No.62632884

i should post when i'm going live in the thread. seems to not be a bad idea. i go live at the same time every day (that i do stream), 6:00 PM CST. that being said..

it's understandable that you haven't watched me yet, anon. it's the thought that counts. do your best to support who you can o7

>> No.62632995

I want to punch Rura's tummy until she vomits on herself.

>> No.62633006

You don't like gay shit? it took me two days to draw you, I'll never waste my time with you faggots again

>> No.62633133

too bad, you're the resident gay boy :^)

>> No.62633488

I want to cut Rura's back so she's forced to sit with perfect posture like a lady less she either cause herself pain by resting against the wounds or slouching forwards making them open up again.

>> No.62633495


>> No.62633545


>> No.62633629

Look, gayshit is fine, but you better drew me as a top at the very least

>> No.62633664

i’m at work right now and only posted a link earlier WHAT DID I BITE??

>> No.62633736

I want to suck Miia's, Coco's, Chrii's and Claudette's tranny/futa cocks.

>> No.62634033

I try my best and while I'm better when I'm solo, trying to keep up with 3-4 chats when I'm in a collab is rather hard and I do miss quite a bit ;_;

>> No.62634049

If you have time (no worries if not) would be good to know where to improve: https://twitch.tv/catsreturn

>> No.62634399
File: 9 KB, 680x664, 20230420_141156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had a little goof at work so my twitter is locked right now so I'll just post an invite link here lmao
up for 6 hours

>> No.62634548

Do I stream Yugioh, a Roguelike RPG, or something else? I can’t decide ;~;

>> No.62634739


I'm writing down everyone's names who were looking for feedback. I've been trying to get around to checking out the community, so this is a good opportunity for me. No promise on urgency except for those first two I responded to though.

>> No.62634803
File: 1.47 MB, 1140x921, ASPwatched.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn, i made a tierlist like: >>62630472 and realized just how many i still have never even seen properly...

>> No.62634920

How do I buy a stupid 4chan pass if it is illegal to purchase crypto in my country

>> No.62634987

Have you tried not being british, doll?

>> No.62635143

At what point does an aspie stop being an aspie and become a full fledged vtuber

>> No.62635217

Yugioh is only good if you’re good at it or a first time,

>> No.62635256

partner on twitch or youtube

>> No.62635270

30ccv or more WITH an active chat which is Not composed of /asp/ies.
Extra points if they also are not /asp/-adjacent.

>> No.62635314

Here's all my VODs if you want to see more than the last 2 weeks of streams

>> No.62635375

i'm a trap idiot

>> No.62635435

When you have real viewers

>> No.62635487

I think I’m pretty good at it

>> No.62635504

Wolfboi, this is the same place that is unable/refuses to remember the distinction between babis and traps/femboys.
...Also, those dynamite hips of yours don't help matters lol

>> No.62635516

Lava is the only recent girl that made it

>> No.62635688

the reason why claudette looks so girly is his family is cursed by an unknown witch, most likely one of his great grandfathers stole something precious which caused every male from that point on to look extremely feminine, and every woman in the family big buff mommy dommies.

>> No.62635715

I want to meet his mother

>> No.62635752

Then stream yugioh (*´︶`*)trying to win with off meta decks might be fun to see

>> No.62635760

All I'm hearing is that I could, should, and in fact will, aggressively breed every member of Claudette's family

>> No.62635772

i'll probably draw his family at some point (when i get out of bed.)

>> No.62635808

she's the only one worth watching

>> No.62635960

kys https://voca.ro/1d0ssqPTxyiq

>> No.62635976
File: 259 KB, 500x500, Avatar_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is as good as it gets for me, I'm afraid...

Anyways, see ya on the 18th.

>> No.62636111
File: 73 KB, 226x223, Z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't mean to piss on your corn flakes, but this is like the 900th time I've seen this premade...even my model was based on it...

>> No.62636139

>cute guy

>> No.62636222

he has a twitch

>> No.62636248

hey, i've seen you around in the chats. best of luck, brother.
long lost twins?

>> No.62636276

This is a temporary measure, employed only because it already had everything except the hair color.

That's just because twitch has no uploads and I'm not going to use twitter for my /asp/ introduction.

>> No.62636285

you must be that kind of retard that answers everything with a voice message, I hope Camui hides your strap on so you don't get to fuck his angelic bussy

>> No.62636373

I have a voice to put to your posts now
I am suddenly consumed by a strong desire to blast you full of cum

>> No.62636432

/asp/ies you have coomed to?

>> No.62636438

kinda hot voice, do more vocaroo answers pls

>> No.62636470

i see i hide my powerlevels well

>> No.62636487

Even got two sexo skebs of my model fapping.

>> No.62636501

The temptation to make myself a male model as a side model because I'm more of a masculine girl but also knowing people would stop watching because of it

>> No.62636530
File: 278 KB, 453x680, WIP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poihaps, the Ch. family is vast and ever growing.
Ok ok and honestly I'd say you could just do what my artist did and copy the homework but change it up a little like pic rel (not final obviously but you can see the influence). As far as Twitch goes, there's an export feature for VODs that works exceptionally well - in fact, I've noticed my image quality is marginally better than when I stream natively on YouTube. Give you a little more wiggle room with making the thumbnail too since you don't need one ready the second you go live on Twitch. So I'd recommend going that route personally, as someone who spent their first 2 months on YouTube.

>> No.62636595


>> No.62636612
File: 277 KB, 465x542, tomoe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only Fuwacoco
stupid, there is a huge market for tanned tomboys with abs and and such

>> No.62636637

you should have added the istock watermark on it that would be funny (IT LOOKS SO CUTE iiiiii, i'm glad it's going well :D)

>> No.62636674

The model with exposed abs is coming up soon unironically

>> No.62636680

They don't.

>> No.62636686


>> No.62636715

Why do they always forget to add muscle to the arms

>> No.62636714

Hera the self-replying is fucking weird

>> No.62636740

She's a horse.

>> No.62636770

>this cute face belongs to a person who puked on his own monitor while making a joke

>> No.62636780

Yeah and im about to turn her into glue

>> No.62636815

Fuwacoco. Several times.

>> No.62636823


>> No.62636914
File: 45 KB, 187x199, 1674414487983642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

live with DRG :)

>> No.62636919

Tiny and Andy

>> No.62636952


>> No.62636999

wanted to answer >>62636530 sorry

>> No.62637014
File: 1.07 MB, 4096x3493, 1692171866539885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not always

>> No.62637051
File: 328 KB, 600x600, DSavatar_600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you could just do what my artist did and copy the homework
There was no need to. I asked the seller if I can customize and they agreed.
I got a rigged model that's 90% what I want for cheap, and I'll go for 99% if it becomes justified to spend on a custom.

>As far as Twitch goes, there's an export feature for VODs that works exceptionally well
I'll give recording while I stream a go first.
Definitely prioritizing twitch as a platform though; that's where all of (you) are and I'm /here/ cause wanna mingle.

>> No.62637076

Thats not enough

>> No.62637096
File: 684 KB, 1060x930, WIP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are weird!

>> No.62637129


>> No.62637218

I miss the yugi bro

>> No.62637231

I'm most certainly planning to give muscle to the arms (and legs a bit) for this extra model, wanted to go more buff-tomboy for my main model but it's just not visible whatsoever under my outfit unfortunately

>> No.62637266


>> No.62637340

Yeah I would love to go more of the buffpup-route in the long route

>> No.62637476

Uploading takes hours. Twitch vod export takes two clicks.
You can also just make a highlight of your whole vod and it's saved forever. Dunno why twitch doesn't automatically do that but I guess they're saving server space because of the low IQ streamers who never learned this.

>> No.62637480

who are you???

>> No.62637566

you look like a nijisanji boy, i like your model!!

>> No.62637608

Anon, that's a premade.

>> No.62637683

Kuku's a premade, Tally was a premade, there's a good handful of others. Who cares, no need to gatekeep

>> No.62637779

Anon, nobody said that it was a bad thing to be premade, chill the fuck down.

>> No.62637802
File: 493 KB, 742x421, Chrono Promo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I decided to go with both. Chrono Ark for probably like 2 hours, then I'll play a bunch of Yugioh! Longer stream , but it worth doing all the stuff I wanna do. Come join and pick my charcters/decks!

>> No.62638058
File: 2.43 MB, 1440x2048, Rosen_Garten_Saga_-_Vol.9_Ch.50_-_Gold_Statue_Deus_ex_Machina_-_27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post them

>> No.62638100

POV Sterling

>> No.62638452

post them bitch

>> No.62638502

Something about the face proportions doesn't fit the rest of the body. Like a baby face on a grown ass man.

>> No.62638701
File: 5 KB, 112x112, points112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to be playing some more Banjo Kazooie!

>> No.62639129

I actually had the same concern at first! Artmama went over it with me and it turns out it's just an illusion caused by the general head shape, as male chuubas often tend to have more angular head shapes with narrow eyes and mine is a little softer with big ol peepers. Proportionately, she based my model on Vox Akuma; she overlayed his model over mine and they line up decently well. Now I'm worried that it's an actual issue but O WELL already this far in what can ya do...maybe we'll tweak it gradually after debut like some kind of model patch notes if it turns out to be a problem.

>> No.62639189

>aspies retreat to aspcord
>crabs and schizos gone
>thread slows down
Time is a loop. Can't wait for them to use this thread a a vent channel next.

>> No.62639197

I am the only aspie who has never coomed to fuwacoco

>> No.62639231

I don't remember writing this...

>> No.62639319

Laine and Rinna

>> No.62639519

i passed round 1 of auditions...... ;_; the interview is next but i'm a neet and haven't ever done one before, even for a job....do you guys have any tips...?

>> No.62639644


>> No.62639681

>Proportionately, she based my model on Vox Akuma
>overlayed his model over mine
That explains it. A bit of a red flag tbdesu, but I'm no expert so I'd say just trust the process for now.

>> No.62639722

If you have still a little bit of time in you hands, start watching professional guidance, more than what I could convey here will be found in media made by people who really know about this, go and watch a video, read some articles, hear some podcasts, but start getting ready for the challenge as soon as possible anon!! And congratulations on your efforts.

>> No.62639786

>woke up to a twitch payout of $50.42
This will really help pay the bills for this month. Thank you, /asp/.

>> No.62639836
File: 316 KB, 521x685, bitemarks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these bite marks on the neck too hard to see or am I being autistic and they look fine

>> No.62639851


>> No.62639867

yeah, my bite

>> No.62639886

Yes, they are hard to see, make them red, or not have them in the shadowed part.

>> No.62639895

is it a Japanese corpo or an English one

If its Japanese kiss as much ass as possible

>> No.62639915

they are too hard to see

>> No.62639921

mommy? it does show fine btw

>> No.62639947

Should it still be red if the intention is for it to be a healed scar?

>> No.62639965

they're subtle but clearly visible. at least up close like that. I'm sure they'd be fine as a distance too, dont worry!

>> No.62639975

I think it's fine, not every part of a design needs to scream LOOK AT ME. like even without those I can already get the whole vampire thing from the shirt alone

>> No.62640000

Yeah she doesn't typically draw this style so used references. No trace jobs though, and for free can't complain too much. I've been too much of a tyrant as it is. =w=

>> No.62640007

>collar says Good Boy

>> No.62640035
File: 790 KB, 800x600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that a vampire bite, or a random bite?

>> No.62640052

What does your shirt say

>> No.62640078

i was so focused on the lips and haircut

>> No.62640145

I'm a boy

Vampire bite

Male Bitch or more accurately Slut Boy

>> No.62640196
File: 86 KB, 519x522, 119137744_1196752804024740_1207478501857067916_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nasty boy
It's over...

>> No.62640210

You already have it there, there are ways to make it more noticeable, but also some anons said it was fine... IMO if i can't see in from the preview it's same as if it didn't exist, but if it's not a main keyfabe thing then no real worries

>> No.62640272

>mommyfags so desperate and illiterate they mistake a subby femboy for a dommy mommy

>> No.62640394

yeah i’m pretty disappointed, i just want one real woman domny mommy

>> No.62640428

i think i'm in love

>> No.62640600

Laine really fell off

>> No.62640616

Debut, NOW!

>> No.62640685

Sorry I don't even have a name yet
The couple I was set on initially are taken by flesh streamers

>> No.62640754

>femboy coomer
so you'll only stream minecraft and starrail?

>> No.62640965

Wear a nice outfit and do your hair. Interviews are to test your professionalism. idk what kind of questions they’d ask for vtubing, but they probably want to see how well you can interact under pressure so just respond the same way you would to chat, while being serious of course. They’re expecting you to be nervous so don’t overthink that too much. Like anon said there are videos you can watch on how to prepare for an interview so try that too. Good luck, and good job!

>> No.62641082

Yeah fell onto my dick

>> No.62641136

if you can google it and basically nothing comes up, you should be good

>> No.62641172


>> No.62641487

That's rura

>> No.62641508
File: 75 KB, 677x443, Screenshot 2023-11-15 190330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dota 2


>> No.62641679

I think it's lava, it's similar to her writing pattern when she used to schizo out 6 months ago
At the very least it's a female /asp/ie

>> No.62641766
File: 234 KB, 434x410, file (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a guy already for that, sorry to disappoint.

>> No.62641815

yeah thats the problem on settling something unique enough without having to put VT in my name and that sounds good enough

>> No.62642026

Yeah, me.

>> No.62642042

>slutty femboy vampire thats autistic and indecisive

start streaming

>> No.62642199
File: 276 KB, 2581x1582, F9mrYSSXEAA5c4j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.62642219

>can't even dream of being dominated by Miia and her massive dong...
its so over

>> No.62642331

Tranny with a bf, that's a new low, I wonder if it will affect your growth like it would for a female vtuber with a bf

>> No.62642463

i'm gonna draw pixel art on stream, give me a picture of the v-tuber you want me to draw

>> No.62642562

Fuck off.

Honestly if it filters out the parasocial schizo idol shitters I'm good. I hit my goal for the year and am trying to land a couple of sponsorship deals

>> No.62642611
File: 47 KB, 574x425, F74_wUQXwAAv9S3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62642658

Eh I wish, but I made it because I don't think I could expess it correctly while typing
and wanted to people to at least not get surprised by my bad voice & strong ESL, and the strap on was just ONE TIME COME ON

>> No.62642660
File: 244 KB, 2048x2048, F66j9szWEAAsSWl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62642681

Most people are smart enough to not be identifiable when they post things like this.

>> No.62642686

uncropped please i can't see the full head shape

>> No.62642691

>Tranny with a bf, that's a new low
are you new
most tranny chuubas are taken

>> No.62642727
File: 375 KB, 1329x1600, F8CBFTwWIAA9nwv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.62642741

Your voice is hot, and your accent is hot, but that's just how it goes for every female voice.

>> No.62642748

I wish I was a cute girl
I wish I could be a whore vtuber
I wish I could go to a con in cosplay as myself and get gangbanged by my fans

>> No.62642764

I love her
