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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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62609556 No.62609556 [Reply] [Original]

>Nerissa utterly disgusted out by the average vtuber enjoyer
Fixed the title.
I love how she suddenly realized she was dissing her actual target audience
>N-n-n-no, wearing vtubers clothes is fine of course, I-I-I'm just not used to it h-hahahaha it's not weird or something please keep buying my merch and paid content anon, I'm a weeb like you but jeez you guys disgust me to the highest level I'm gonna puke I literally left that store because of some of your kind.
Did she forget what her work was or…?
How can you be that stupid?

>> No.62609810

if you wore hentai merch in public you deserved to be shamed.

>> No.62609884

Ahegao shirts are fucking cringe, and dunking on Veishit is always based. I see nothing wrong here.

>> No.62609969

what's the time in SEA areas?

>> No.62610116

that's not my oshi, and my oshi doesn't know I exist. one generic name in chat along with thousands of others.

>> No.62610261

Nerissa is a SJW, She got into that leftist preacher mode when Bijou didn't know what "twink" was and she started rambling about it being a homophobic slur and that its been "reclaimed".

She doesn't really like her job.

>> No.62610264
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>> No.62610339

>"Nerissa utterly disgusted out by the average vtuber enjoyer"
>only weirded out because its in public
literally twisting her words

>"How can you be that stupid?"
you're the stupid one here if you actually think wearing that shit out in public will give you anything other than disgust.

try again dramafag, you're trying to anti one of the most normi chuuba in holoEN

>> No.62610529

Le sea boogeyman

>> No.62610577

Noon, primetime

>> No.62610589

>only weirded out because its in public
>literally twisting her words

So you should buy her merch but never ever wear it because that is what creepy weebs do. use your brain for once.

>> No.62610631

i don't think her merch would be ahegao faces, but alright. Oh take a shower btw, just a friendly reminder.

>> No.62610633

Bruh, good luck trying to sell shirts now.

>> No.62610706

Everybody ITT trying to stay at all cost blind to how much this clip shows how much she despises people like us.
I can't even imagine what she thinks about people buying her merch, doing threads about her, paying for her paid content or thinking she's their girlfriend or something lmao.

>> No.62610790

Sjw's don't use twink in the first place because it's "problematic". Nerissa was the one that said it in the first place. This isn't even good bait, kys.

>> No.62610860

Yes since it probably won't be like the ahegao faces/I love hot moms designs.

>use your brain for once.
you use yours, that just means her merch would be different from the ones she said like the ahegao shit, and what're you even fighting for?
just because you wear those shit in public? Or what you want a fucking medal?

jesus christ op, you're way too offended by the clip lmao.

>> No.62610949

Anon, I don't know who is your oshii, but I'm convinced most female vtubers despise us and just think we're a bunch of pathetic incels.
It's quite logical actually, why would some successful women would empathize with neets?
All this is just an act. They probably hate their audience.
Maybe not all. But 3/4 I'd say.

>> No.62610979

Why didn't they clip the part where she said she likes mech but prefers more low key merch that's not over the top ridiculous?

>> No.62611085

Delete the post and try again

>> No.62611184

>like us.
>despise us
Might as well become a tripfag if you're gonna be this fucking obvious.

>> No.62611247


She doesn't appreciate you. You are cringy. If she saw you then she would "need to leave.". Only holobronies mindlessly defend their brand when they are being slandered by their oshis.

>> No.62611313

She literally says she wears vtuber mech but doesn't want it to be so apparent. Are you retarded SEA posters really trying yo make it out to be ome yab because she thinks wearing an ahegao hoodie in public is fucking weird?

>> No.62611349

>>only weirded out because its in public
Yeaaaaaaah, sure, only weirded because it's in public am I right?
Wearing it in your room alone is fine right?
It's totally not because she absolutely despises otaku humor, right?
>literally twisting her words
She literally said she had to leave the store like if she was surrounded by psychos lmao. For a joke on a clothe. And her first thought, when she explains she's grossed out, is "hey it reminds me that chud wearing Veibae's clothes" lmao.
And then understood she yabe'd and "Nonononononono, Waitwaitwaitwaitwaitwait, vtubers clothes are ACKCHYUALLY fine keep buying my merch please" lmao
But yeah, there is a very clear barrier separating you, her beloved vtuber viewer she respects from that subhuman waste wearing some Veibae's clothes, right?
You're totally not from the same culture group.
All's fine then.

>> No.62611467

>most understandable /vt/ poster

>> No.62611515

Half this thread is a samefag :(

>> No.62611522

SEAniggers really scraping the bottom of the barrel these days. By the way she has a ton of anime and vtuber merch, not sure why her saying
she thinks wearing a picture of anime girls cumming on a shirt in public is weird would be controversial.

>> No.62611585

>she wears vtuber mech but doesn't want it to be so apparent
Oh yeah? Then why did she mentioned that Veibae's clothe with the same disgust while it has nothing to do with Ahegao, porn or hentai?
Tell me, anon.

>> No.62611635

I'm starting to hate this sjw whore more than Shiori. Stupid bitch looks like a tranny.

>> No.62611663

Even Wikipedia is less of a fucking normie than you.

>> No.62611688
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Heck, i'm a coomer and i often wear this kind of t-shirt outside. But i still think ahegao shirt and hoodie is cringe and disgusting.

>> No.62611753

>"N-n-no, she just disses porn, anon, you don't understand…"
>carefully avoids the mention of Veibae's clothe which has nothing to do with hentai nor porn

>> No.62611822

Dude why don't you post a picture of some of your merch with a timestamp. You're shitting on a vtuber that owns a bunch of vtuber/anime merch claiming she thinks vtuber fans are gross somehow. She brings a fucking Kiara plushie everywhere when she travels and just took a picture of her Marine mech and sent pictures to Marine herself on discord. Until you prove you have more mech than her please shut the fuck up.

>> No.62611829


This is what vei ACTUALLY thinks of her own fans


Sure Nerissa is a normie and 100% an ironic weeb at this point but at least she has some semblance of class.

>> No.62611868

>at least she has some semblance of class.

>> No.62611931

SEAniggers can't afford merch.

>> No.62612005

This is all Shiori's fault. Nerissa is getting brainrot from too much exposure to her.

>> No.62612054

look, I know you're upset she got in and you didn't, but just apply again next time or develop a personality.
