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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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62567137 No.62567137 [Reply] [Original]

>being bisexual is le bad
>only homos and heteros allowed
Why is this board like this?

>> No.62567204

art source pls?

>> No.62567273


>> No.62567402

No woman on the internet is actually bisexual. There are straight but call themselves bi to win points

>> No.62567529
File: 630 KB, 1280x720, sexy-man.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anons on this board have a hard time thinking in nuance.
>"It's either white or black, as gray people don't exist"
>"woman either eat cuck or eat pussy, there is no in-between"
have a webm of a man to stay on topic

>> No.62567629

who's this individual you're quoting?
idc if your oshi sucks m*les cocks that aren't yours
stop trying to normalize cuckoldry, you cuck

>> No.62567838

>Who's this individual
It's called paraphrasing, as I've seen several instances of anons that don't seem to understand some people can like both cock and pussy, Nerissa is a popular target for this (to be fair I don't know of any bisexual Male chuubas to use as examples)

>> No.62568208

this is a board about virtual youtubers sir

>> No.62568360

Gays are bad too.

>> No.62568389

If she was actually bisexual that would be fine
But she's just a milquetoast straight girl that realizes she doesn't have enough of a personality to be entertaining, and so supplements it with business yuri.

>> No.62568666

>falling for the overforced yuribait
tell me you're not that retarded anon pls

>> No.62569195

Bisexual woman are straight and bisexual men are gay. Hope that clears things up for you

>> No.62571046

What is she supposed to do to be a convincing lesbian? She already sexually fawns over several holos
That makes no sense

>> No.62572095

I only like men with girly cocks

>> No.62572252

> That makes no sense
Penis-liking is a dominant trait and vagina-liking is recessive. If you like penises that’s your sexuality. “Bisexuals” are just coping fags and women who want to seem more interesting

>> No.62572370

Nice attention to detail on that dual rectifier

>> No.62572394
File: 16 KB, 272x276, 1691425806371206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys not make homo jokes with your male friends? If I have a guy friend who never made a joke about sucking dick, i'd think they are unironically a repressed homosexual, same goes for women.

>> No.62572700

>being bisexual is le bad
>only homos and heteros allowed
it's almost like gays dont want straights invading their spaces

>> No.62573632

So everyone calling Nerissa a faking hetero is a raging homo?

>> No.62573729

It's fine in short bursts. I do agree that if you've never talked about being gay as fuck with your friends and laughing about it, they're probably not real ones. You also never want to overdo it either because then it becomes exhausting.

>> No.62577149

If they were, most will just go back to being in a straight relationship

>> No.62577411

No. Doing that is really a. white thing. White men have this mentality over gay shit, like if you dont wanna suck dick as prank you are actually gay, its like some lack of self respect.

Dave Chapelle explains it well

>> No.62577645

freudian slip?

>> No.62578445

Awkward rightwing and/or christian incels

>All women are bisexual
>No women are bisexual
There are no "points" won for being bisexual. You're looked at by hets and homos alike as some kind of untrustworthy slut. Stop being stupid.

>> No.62578523

I think the liking cock part is the only thing people care about anon, no one cares when a chuuba acts gay, the problem is when they act straight

>> No.62578666

As someone who has probably interacted with more females than 95% of this board... most of them in our generation and social clique are unironically bisexual. The number of girl/girl/boy threesomes I've either witnessed from roommates or taken part in at anime cons is off the charts. Most girls who watch anime are one shot of vodka away from shoving their tongue down another girls throat and these are the same type of girls that become vtubers.

>inb4 I get a bunch of angry replies from anti-/u/schizos claiming I'm LARPing
Go to any anime convention and pay attention to what happens around you at night con hours and try to tell me I'm wrong.

>> No.62578803

Women are not capable of having a fixed sexuality, it will always be circumstantial. The very idea of bisexuality is just a creative way to give women an extra minority checkmark. Bisexual men on the other hand are always fags.

>> No.62578844

i just hate whores
be gay or bi or whatever you want just keep it to yourself and dont make it your entire identity

>> No.62579674

You're saying than sexuality is fluid? Interesting reasoning...

>> No.62579813
File: 373 KB, 1858x1633, F5OlwV4WkAAnARr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a hololive board. Heteros have never been welcome here.

>> No.62579972

People as a whole are biased against bisexuals for some reason. It's probably because they now have twice the competition

>> No.62580541

You're not lying. I was around con circles for about a decade until a few years ago. There was a point most cosplayers and fujoshi went from being heterosexual to being bisexual. Even chicks who I thought were gay were just heavily women leaning bisexuals who had a specific type for guys. If a girl under the age of 28 or so watches anime, they're probably bisexual or at least down to try pussy.

>> No.62580616

That was a personal cultural shock. Growing up and learning what Gays lesbos and BSI are I assumed that Bis would be the most accepted group because people on either side could relate to them, only tl realize bis are hated the most, specially by gays and lesbos.

>> No.62580979

Nobody likes centrists

>> No.62582629

A bi woman has the extra benefit of being able to have a FFM threesome with her
