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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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62543530 No.62543530 [Reply] [Original]

I've been a Vtuber for 4 years now and ever since I was born I was incredibly sick to the point where I've never had a normal life. When I discovered Vtubers I decided to try it out for myself since I'm unable to do anything due to my illness. When I became a Vtuber I told no one about my illness because I didn't want to be pitied and I didn't want people to think I was lying about it so I just never told anyone. Sometimes it was hard to explain some absences but I would cover it up with my Vtuber lore somehow. My illness has progressed to the point where I have at most 6 months left to live but the doctors say its probably closer to 3 months left to live. I disabled any avenue for people to give me money because I no longer need it, the profit I made while a full time Vtuber was used for health related matters but now it won't matter since I'm about to die. I don't know if I should just come out and tell people now or make up a lore reason as to why they will never see me again.

>> No.62543822

I'm sure the 5 people that watch you won't give a fuck

>> No.62543882
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Why wait 3months anon

>> No.62543904

I think committing to kayfabe would be best.
the point of being virtual is not needing to involve these real life details. it's up to you if you feel like opening up about it in your final streams.

>> No.62543926

Don't be a Saint about it. My buddy never told me how far his cancer had progressed and I'm still mad at him.

>> No.62543962

take some med, if this is real, just tell them the truth

>> No.62543966

what a conundrum. it all depends. one way or another, it's rough saying goodbye. however, if you are honest with them, there is finality. yes it will be sad, but they at least know you are no longer there, and will be able to move on. If decide make it a lore, they will probably not be as sad, but they will have the feeling of "she might come back" or they will always wonder what are you up. So again, in the end, you decide their fate. good luck and my condolences.

>> No.62544111

That's a good point. I became a Vtuber to try and have some kind of normalcy in my life and being a Vtuber allowed me to feel as though I could do something and interact with people. I think I may pre-record a video where I talk about everything in depth and have it scheduled to post in the future when I'm long gone.
I'm so incredibly sorry for your loss...I think part of me worries if I tell people now then I will be treated differently. Ever since I was born I have been treated differently so being a Vtuber allowed me to be just another person and I was able to have conversations with people without them pitying me.
Often when Vtubers stop posting on one channel it means they're probably on another channel but that will never be the case for me. I don't want people to speculate that I'm somewhere else, I want them to understand that I will be gone for good. I have achieved so much as a Vtuber on my own to the point where I was able to turn it into a full time job and I want to express my gratitude and say goodbye to them but it's difficult finding the words to say or when to say it.

>> No.62544242

Just say your life as a vtuber is coming to an end. No reason to elaborate further.

>> No.62544421

>post in the future when I'm long gone.
I think it's the best scenario for your current vtuber privacy and future audience closure. wishing you the best in these next months.

>> No.62544486

I suppose that is one way to do it but I feel as though it wouldn't be properly showing everyone my gratitude. I'm in constant pain every waking moment and that pain is not just physical pain but emotional pain because I was never able to go out and be around other people or else I could get incredibly sick and die. Being a Vtuber allowed me to distract myself from these pains and I was able to sit there and talk with people. What's more is that I was able to be a full time Vtuber, I regularly average about 300 viewers and these people have graciously donated money or bought merch to support me that it allowed me to live a more comfortable lifestyle and afford better healthcare. I thought, at the rate I'm going, I would be able to maybe someday find some type of cure or at least use the money I have saved up in order to not worry about my illness. I want to tell everyone that, even though I'm about to die, that these past 4 years have been the best years of my life. Everyone allowed me to smile even on my darkest days and they gave me hope that I would have a future. I remember telling everyone in the beginning that I would graduate if I ever found a husband because I'm a huge fan of idols but now that just isn't possible because I've simply just reached the point of no return with my illness so I have no future. I'm sorry to word vomit, I know no one cares but I don't know who to talk to or what to say.

>> No.62544995

I really do feel for you. If I were your viewer I think I'd want to know, but at the same time it could wildly change the streaming atmosphere afterwards. Maybe you could make a little video explaining things to release later? I really think that's the best way you could go about it. Congrats on finding some fulfillment and success in vtubing.

>> No.62545135


>> No.62545180

Are you a m*le?

>> No.62545271

A scheduled post is pretty smart. Does Youtube allow that?

>> No.62545360

Yeah I think that would be the best course of action. I'm afraid of being treated differently if I tell everyone now you know? Over the years I have talked about several things I wish I could do such as joining Hololive or collabing with certain Vtubers and I'm worried people would pester others to the point where they feel forced or obligated to fulfill some of my dreams as a sort of Make-A-Wish for a Vtuber and that would just be awkward for me. I'm happy with the level of success I achieved, having a bunch of people to celebrate various holidays with was one of my favorite things about being a Vtuber. I've always wanted to celebrate Halloween ever since I was a little girl but for obvious reasons that couldn't happen, but every year I was able to spend Halloween with my viewers and I loved seeing the costumes they wore or hearing about various candies they ate.
It does allow that, yes. When you make a video you can schedule a date and time for it to be published for all to see. I'll have to think about when to post it, maybe what would be my 5 year anniversary would be best.

>> No.62545580

Please give us a link to your channel :)

>> No.62545751

It would definitely complicate things if you say anything too soon, and with a pre-recorded video you can make sure you say exactly what you want to say. That's cute that you could celebrate holidays with your viewers. I'm sure it'd mean a lot to them to hear how much it meant to you that you could share those moments with them.

>> No.62545882

I still haven't decided if I would like to know or not.

>> No.62545999

I would love to actually! However, I don't know when I want to tell my viewers so if I shared my channel with you guys I know I would have some comments talking about what I discussed in this thread. You're probably already watching me without even realizing it but if not that's fine, maybe in the future you will find my pre-recorded video and check out all the things I've done these past 4 years.
There's a lot I would love to tell them which is why I feel so bad about hiding all this from them but I didn't want people to watch or follow me out of pity for me being sick from birth. I don't know if there's anything after death but if there is I would feel guilt and sadness if I kept them in the dark about my death. Sharing various holidays with my viewers is my most treasured memory and I think that is the perfect representation of why I'm glad I became a Vtuber in the first place. I want to make sure I tell them everything and express all the gratitude I have for them.

>> No.62546257

>I want to make sure I tell them everything and express all the gratitude I have for them.
That feeling is mutual
If you do with the pre-recorded video upload after some time has gone by, you have to give them an opportunity to let them vent too
You have to make it absolutely clear that you won't be seeing each other again and that the time to let it all out is now, if there's some hope of meeting again in the future no matter how slime some will hold onto that and maybe hold back on truly expressing themselves, so when they come across the truth in the video upload the regret would be devastating

>> No.62546321

Surprise your viewers by dying live on stream. It'll be fun!

>> No.62546342

man some of the things being said here are freaking me out and making me depressed because i feel as though i know who this chuuba is and ive been watching her for a solid two years. the thought of a chuuba i genuinely enjoy dying in the next few months is a pain i didnt think i would have to deal with.

>> No.62546410

>not a new IP
you must be one of the other freaks in this thread who cant stop being edgy for 5 seconds

>> No.62546449

What an interesting story. Good luck in your next life, op.
There are no illnesseses in Heaven.
You'll have a blast there.
See you in 60 years or so :)

>> No.62546459

>Dear viewers, if you are watching this then I am dead

>> No.62546652

It could help some people learn about grieving in a positive way by focusing on the great times you were able to share. Celebrating the part of life that you all shared instead of death being just devastating and nothing more. On a side note, I'd personally be paranoid about the video not uploading if I set it to go up too late without me being able to confirm

>> No.62546679

I'm not sure how I feel about reincarnation but if it is real then I hope I get to be born in a normal body where I can be around other people without fear of getting worse and dying. I would like to be able to go out and celebrate Halloween dressed up in various costumes, I'd like to have a big Thanksgiving feast with friends and family, I'd like to give various gifts on Christmas but I'd also like to be able to become a nurse in my next life. There's a lot of things I'd love to be able to try and do if I am reincarnated.

>> No.62546741

If I was your viewer, I would love to know it's the finality. It's so commonplace now to speculate where people go to next, desu. Personally, knowing it's over, it feels a lot better than wondering where they are next.

What I love about proper graduations is the feeling of closure, you're both saying goodbye and know it's over for real. No wondering or speculation, putting a finality to it. Personally, I think everyone will completely be A-Ok with seeing you break kayfabe and you expressing your gratitude plus what was happening. If you're fearful of your fans bugging others, an easy warning saying to not do that is just enough and instead to focus on the final times would probably help. Set the rules and boundaries basically. It's your final stream, after all. Tell your viewers that this is it.

The other day, I saw a graduation stream that expressed their written feelings live, it looked really hard. It may be difficult for you to do that live, and so make sure to express your feelings in writing too if you can. Of course, a pre-recorded video is good too but I think that live feeling is nice too.

From your comments, I can tell you cherish these viewers a lot. My condolences for the hard situation and I wish you the best in these last few months. It makes me happy to see that you and your viewers brought each other so much joy.

>> No.62546772

If you really want to show them your gratitude, then being honest is the only way to go. They wouldn't be able to appreciate your gratitude otherwise.
If I was you, I'd tell my viewers beforehand that I'm going to quit, then explain everything during the last stream. As the other anon said, you could post a video afterwards, but as a viewer watching a video after the fact would just make me sadder because I'd feel like I couldn't say goodbye properly. As heartbreaking as it would be, I'd rather hear the explanation during the final stream.

>> No.62546902

this anon has a point, many fans will have lots of regrets if they don't know it's fully over. It's important to give them the space to let them express their final thoughts and feelings.

One of my oshis graduated and I didn't have a chance to ever express gratitude or anything. It was all gone with no communication. That feeling sucks exponentially for those who are really invested.

>> No.62546909

Not really what I was getting at lol, but those are good thoughts regardless :)

>> No.62546991
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That's a pretty unique situation. It's difficult to find good answers in life, sometimes you just have to think of a good reason for choosing one particular choice, then choose that choice. Then at least you can say, 'Well, I did it this way because of ____'. Fuwamoco said the other day that making a big list of pros and cons is very helpful, though I've never done it myself.

Hope you find peace in your remaining time and have fun. Personally if I was your fan I'd like to know. But if you want to immortalise your character eternally as a true representation of who YOU are, separated from your illness... That seems pretty cool too.

>> No.62547054

I've scheduled videos on YouTube without any issue before but I guess I could make sure that a family member makes sure that it gets uploaded in the case something goes wrong.
I have at most 6 months left to live but it could be as short as 3 months so I can't really plan for a final live stream sadly. I will do my best to have a final live stream but I'm not sure if I want to tell them then and that the reason I'm quitting is because I'm dying because it would be difficult for me to continue to live out the remaining months I do have with everyone talking about the situation if that makes any sense.
You bring up a good point about some of my viewers probably wanting to be able to properly say goodbye to me. I'll keep that in mind when I think about what to do and in what order to do it.

>> No.62547161

If you've considered Buddhism or perhaps already are Buddhist, please consider (if you havn't yet) Pure Land.

>> No.62547285

I personally believe we live in a seemingly infinite series of cyclical universes, a theory which has some backing in science. If the "me" wakes up again, it'll be in one of them. Time literally ceases to exist at the moment of death. Like the famous quote goes: "I don't remember not existing for the last several billion years, so I won't remember not existing billions of years afterwards.

>> No.62547337

I don't want to sound disrespectful or rude towards religion as a whole but I have never been able to see eye to eye with it, please excuse me. Growing up around religion I always wondered "If there's someone out there with such great power then why am I being punished? Do I not deserve to be saved?" I remember praying every night for 10 years straight hoping that I could be cured and become a normal person but now I'm here about to die and its a pain that is indescribable. I deeply apologize if I somehow caused offense with my comment but I hope you can understand just a tiny bit where I'm coming from.

>> No.62547472

I understand your feelings and I struggle with similar ones.

>> No.62547484
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He is a Dwarf, who styles himself as the last of his kind. The reason for this is that he has roamed the world for hundreds of years and never found another of his kind. The Dwemer people (Dwarves) disappeared likely due to some magic shenanigans but he didn't for reasons I can't remember. He was eventually infected with Corpus disease and became immortal. His body bloating up, at some point losing the use of his legs (I'm making an assumption that he's not just lazy, but nothing is confirmed) so he created the spider legs you can see in my image for himself. He has lived in a powerful wizard named Divayth Fyr's basement for a lot of years (thousands I think) with many other Corpus victims.

>> No.62547708

I prefer knowing to avoid speculation or even false hope. The worst part of a graduation is not knowing the situation of the vtuber while hoping for the best. Knowing something like this will be devastating but it's also a closure, and eventually one could more or less move on while preserving the memory.

>> No.62547795

I'm actually a fan of Morrowind, or I guess just Elder Scrolls in general, but I appreciate you spreading the knowledge about Yagrum Bagarn.

>> No.62547799

Perhaps you're called back to Paradise sooner than others.
If men could truly see Heaven while still alive, they wouldn't want to come back.

>> No.62547872

I think my own version of Paradise would be being able to be a normal human like so many other people. I don't want any fancy Paradise type thing, I would love to be able to go out with someone to a restaurant and eat normal food or maybe go shopping and try on various clothes. That, to me, is Paradise.

>> No.62547877

I would never come out to share the info with my viewers. You just get shitty overly sentimental comments. Many of them wouldn't really mean anything other than random generated short messages like happy birthday notifications. My ideal is like to die working, although won't die streaming, it's cringy. I'd work until my last moments and only say goodbye to them on the final stream without any announcement. I just want to be loyal to myself.

>> No.62547954

Then that may very well be what you get.
That experience is inexpensive and obtainable even on Earth.
Think of the kind of socialization you can have for the rest of time and beyond.

>> No.62547993


>> No.62548066

If this is OP, I would definitely have a family member make sure your final video is uploaded. See: Technoblade's final video. While he ain't a vtuber, the case is worth looking at.

As for the uncertainty of graduation timing and when to send the notice plus the discussion environment as well as planning issues. Okay, I can completely see your conundrum now due to how complicated this is. In the end, this is your life and how you want to live your final moments.

If I was you, I think if you express in your video about why you couldn't host a final stream and wanted to live your final moments like this, I think so many viewers would be completely understanding. Personally, I'm feeling a bit sad just typing about it now and I don't even know you, man. Tragic scenario.

Make your pre-recorded video and talk to your family so it ensures it goes live, it's not the same vein as a graduation stream but at least you'll feel confident that it's made and verified as uploaded by a family member. Maybe the outpouring of final comments and support in your last video would be cathartic for your family too. I'm very certain that video's comment section will be the chance for them to express gratitude.

It sucks a final stream can't be planned but that's life. Wishing the very best for you, good luck.

>> No.62548075

My respect for you is immense. I only recently finished it myself and have found myself enamoured with the guy. Did you know that he actually had deleted voice lines? Thankfully they're not in the game as they made him sound very fat and nerdy, it wasn't a good representation him. I considered making a Youtube channel and using him as my avatar so that I can stop getting in trouble with the mods for talking about him here.

>> No.62548287

If there was a set day of when I was going to die it would be easier to plan but all the doctors told me was 6 months max but as short as 3 months. Maybe I should just keep streaming and not even do a final stream and instead have the video ready to go which will answer everyone's questions.

>> No.62548626

whichever is the most fun for you I'd think
It's your goodbye so to speak. Not a lot of people even get to say goodbye, if I were you, I wouldn't tell a soul and would just continue on as normal maybe give subtle hints. But that's just me and I'm a psycho on /vt/.

>> No.62548809

What kind of condition do you suffer from?

>> No.62548880

yeah that's what I figured, so I can understand the video route now. A final video sounds more appropriate in this case than a final stream. It allows the memory to be archived forever. Hoping the production goes smooth. I'm really happy to hear that you've had a great time as a vtuber, it sounds extremely wholesome.

>> No.62549376

OP if you're not larping to make fun of Tungsten Lung, I really wish you the best in whatever you decide on. I hope your fans (clearly you had some if you went full time) cherish what time they have left with you.

>> No.62551556

When I played the Iron Lung video game, I could think of nothing but her

>> No.62552800

Seems like you want to hold on to every bit of normalcy there is left. I think its fair for you to choose what you want in the end. I don't want you to feel pressured to do things a certain way. I was going to mention that some fans would want to have final words of their own to tell you, but I have to admit that many aren't that great at expressing their feelings into words.
Personally, I wouldn't want you to have a graduation stream, just for you to suffer alone for 3 extra months than expected. That sounds fucking awful.
If fans wanted to have farewell messages I guess a "kudo board" might be an option.
Ultimately, the scheduled video sounds ideal.

I hope you get to enjoy the rest of what's ahead.

>> No.62553429

I don't have anything to add but if I don't hear about some vtuber dying in a few months I'll be annoyed with you for lying OP

>> No.62553661

Oh come on ironmouse, I didn't think you could live this long

>> No.62554128

Give your viewer the address so they can visit your funeral
Give your viewer the secret phrase to summon your spirit with ouja table
Do writting a last will stream. Don't forget "remember to like and subcribe to me and my friend channel"
Let your viewer vote what music would they like to hear in your funeral
Do a prerecord stream, set the timer so it only went public after you die to say parting words

>> No.62554644

keep doing things as you are now til you can feel it's close to check out time, and preferably schedule a release of some sort just in case you don't make it before you can do your final stream(s). as a person and a viewer, i personally would want to keep things the same as i can without shifting the atmosphere, but i also wouldn't want to straight ghost people either when i had the chance to explain things and give closure.

it might be selfish but i personally don't think i could handle being on either side of this with the knowledge that the people i'm streaming to/the person i'm watching knows that i'm dying. i would want to keep things as they are and enjoying my streaming for as much as i can, as normally as i can.

>> No.62555320

that's honestly what i would do. it'd make it a lot easier for me to go if i were able to keep going on with what i enjoyed doing until i just wasn't here anymore, but also knowing i had something in place to explain what happened, and your feelings on why you couldn't tell people
telling people straight up and either graduating or streaming with that knowledge looming over my viewers...someone's suffering here, no matter how much they think they'd want to know. and i sure as hell wouldn't wanna quit what made me happy before my death

>> No.62555584

If I was your a fan of yours OP, I would like a chance to say goodbye. Maybe I am just a very emotional person but the scar left by something like that would be unbearable, it's always best to have some kind of closure.

>> No.62556285
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If you announce it maybe you could do a charity stream for research and treatment of your type of illness afterwards as a way of letting your viewers give a parting gift for all of the people who helped you survive up to this point and raise awareness for others who struggle with similar issues. I don't know... that's what I'd try to do if I was in your position at least but I'm not. Honestly, it's your choice to make. If you only have a few more months to make it then it is what it is.

Still... I'm sorry to hear that anon. Hopefully these months will treat you kindly and let you move on to the next step with dignity.

>> No.62557109

it's not an easy situation for sure, and i don't think there's a right answer. OP knows they're donion rings within 6 months (honestly probably more, maybe less, just a range) but there's no way to tell exactly how long they have left. the way my emotions are, i'm the one posting in favor of delaying announcing it as much as possible, cause that kind of announcement immediately scars you anyway. i guess it just hurts to imagine trying to carry on with streams after having dropped that news; it's not really going to get easier if you know in advance, compared to just slapping me across the face with "hey guys, takin a ride down the river styx right now, anyway..." at the end of a fun road. i'd wanna retain normalcy until i just didn't wake up.

idk, the worst part of dying for me is probably having to actually tell people, if i really thought about it. having the knowledge you're dying is definitely pretty cursed, cause yeah, you'd wanna say goodbye, but living with the knowledge that i just told people i had a very short clock, and trying to carry on in day to day life afterwards, is extremely painful for me. i feel really bad for OP just cause they're forced into thinking about this kinda stuff

>> No.62557562

It’s up to you if you believe it’s a good idea to tell them or not, it would hurt but it would give closure. But you should do that only if you’re comfortable sharing that info. If you do decide to tell them, that pre-scheduled video idea sounds like a good one because you can plan it out. Truly sorry that you have to go through this OP, you managed to brighten the days of hundreds of fans

>> No.62558016

I'm sorry Anon. I can't say I understand and I won't pretend too. I know I can't fix you. I would hope you can appreciate the little things before you go. A cup of tea, Reading a book or sitting on a bench. We take too much for granted in life. If you're going die, please get saved. Only one time in the Bible the question is asked what must I do to be saved. That's a direct question and the response is a direct answer. The Bible reads Acts 16:30-31 And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. Here's a video on how to get saved. It's free and Jesus made it so you don't have to do anything to get eternal life. You just accept it. Whether we believe it or not we all die one day and either go to heaven for hell. I wish you happy last moments in what life you have left. The Bible Way to Heaven: https://youtu.be/PffhcV-xBks

>> No.62558169

record a goodbye message and schedule it for release after youre gone

>> No.62558779

The fact that you're still thinking about your viewers and how to break the news to them the best while going through something so hard breaks my heart. I'm sure they all love and want the best for you. Please take care!

>> No.62558884

sorry to break it to you but no one unironically gives a shit about you dying

>> No.62558927

Even if OP is just a 2view, that's untrue

>> No.62559057
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I don't wanna be preachy and know this is an autistic vtuber board but >>62558016 is correct. Jesus loves you and will to be by your side even if you've been kicked in the balls by this life. May you feel God's peace OP. Lots of love.

>> No.62559080

>Charity stream
Those are all scams, ALL OF THEM.
If you want to money to go to researching cures, vote for elected officials who will put government money towards it, because any private company will NEVER, EVER release a cure, because healthy people are not profitable to them.

>> No.62559203

If you're being for real, I'm truly sorry that life has dealt you this hand.

>> No.62559429

Can you give the link to your channel ?

>> No.62559485

>You're probably already watching me without even realizing it

>> No.62559606

Can you just give us a hint, OP?
Maintain plausible deniability, I just want to know in case something goes awry on this and you never get to tell us goodbye

>> No.62559635

Pomu, just go Shinji Aoba on Nijisanji headquarters. Make sure you livestream it.

>> No.62559879

>I think I may pre-record a video where I talk about everything in depth and have it scheduled to post in the future when I'm long gone.
As long as you explain your thought process behind why you chose to keep this hidden from everyone until after you passed away I think everyone will understand. But also I think your audience deserves to be prepared for your absence; if I suddenly woke up to a video saying my oshi fucking died I don't know how I could possibly recover from that. It's a balance, but I'm sure you can figure it out.

>> No.62560062

>if I suddenly woke up to a video saying my oshi fucking died I don't know how I could possibly recover from that
Just reading this thread is already doing a number on me, and scrambling to try and deduce who OP is, so I'd be prepared just in case she's my oshi

>> No.62561876
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US Healthcare

>> No.62561986

Wow, grifting from the dead. Twitchtubers stoop to a new low.

>> No.62562686

I believe you should reveal it, as a viewer the one thing I like to see is someone shining amongst a crowd. As an idol you should burn bright till you burn out. It's ok not to be humble in this situation, the moment of gaining an advantage has passed, you are at the finish line but I believe even when the days are sad everyone deserves to be celebrated. I believe you have done an honourable thing, don't be afraid at the end. Thank you for being a vtuber.
