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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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62518350 No.62518350 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.62518411

she ran out of lube

>> No.62518445

I have a few projects that I recommended
to be shjo to put on the main Channel um
but it was just so surprising to me that
you know my manager's like how can I
help you need me to hire somebody artist
you need like a background person like
what do you need how is this going to go
do you need editing do you need
music uh uh uh uh and I I I told her I'm
not used to that so I said you know I
need ideas once I kind of have the
outline of my idea maybe we can call and
I can run this idea by you and you can
tell me what you think but I was just
so like whoa what do you mean what do
you mean what do I and the reason you
know my manager knew about the project
is because I basically want to know from
every Talent if they want to participate
so I asked my manager if they can ask
other managers to ask you know the
talents and yeah basically my matter is
like would we need to bring in someone
for production what does the marketing
look like you want a Market just a silly
little project I'm doing that's awesome
the heck so yeah so I am definitely
feeling very blessed um and it makes
creating projects really easy and really
fun and uh I hope you get to see this
project in 5 weeks or so

>> No.62518506

another not so subtle niji beatdown

>> No.62518578

why do you sick fucks find this model attractive, this is the same site that complains about eating ze bugs but fucking ze bugs is alright?

>> No.62518598

>oh boy i'm so glad to have GOOD management with GOOD people who care for me i've never had a GOOD manager in my life Vshojo™ is so GOOD to me did I tell you guys that I love my Vshojo™ family yet?

Her and Mysta sound like they have guns pointed on their heads every time they talk about this (which at this point has been at least a dozen times).

>> No.62518607

oh i'd eat her
eat her out

>> No.62518634

you vil eat (out) ze bugs and you vil be happy

>> No.62518645

you're like a month late, anon

>> No.62518689

we already had this thread like 2 weeks ago kek

>> No.62518717

welcome tourist. have a complimentary (You)

>> No.62518961

It's unrealistic for nijien management to effectively handle 30+ people. Sucks for the ones still there I guess, unless they are popular.

>> No.62518996

Did the "nijsianji is family" people have a gun pointed at their heads too?

>> No.62519053

If you count Tempus, the EN side of Holo is currently dealing with 21 members, and they don't seem to have any issues yet, at times they even seem to have the opposite problem of being too involved. Is 30+ really that impossible to deal with?

>> No.62519474

Rofl. I still remember that mass "nijisanji is so great" post every nijien did

>> No.62519584

I hate nijisanji but does anyone else thinks this whole "Omg is so much better here in Vshojo" is just encouraged marketing? They tried the same thing with Hololive with the whole "Talent freedom" and that one Kson stream about how vtubing should be more like vshojo instead of hololive but no one took the bait, now they are going full aggressive against nijisanji since their reputation is in the trash

>> No.62519776
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lmao, this guy will never be a manager. 30~ is literally the cut down size me and another engineer used to fuck up everything in FF11 and that is an MMO where waiting 2-3 years to get an item and 100+ people being involved in that accomplishment was entirely normal. we took a group of 55ish and cut it to 30 with 5 alternates, this allowed us to distribute gear to fewer people and keep all of the actual gear present on the battlefield more of the time. We fucked so hard we beat the racist Japanese big bad and installed this Flavius Jewious planetary governor guy who was secretly a ho chi minh dog HK to control our new fucking client kingdom. god I loved HKs.

but seriously I have done 30+5 people with with one other guy and our korean charizard, shut the fuck up lmao

>> No.62519885

Based Koronesuki

>> No.62519916

>that one Kson stream about how vtubing should be more like vshojo instead of hololive
nijizhangsister please stop lying about kson and her content

>> No.62520733

Well, Kson actually wanted freedom to do fleshtubing and sexy camgirl content which Hololive doesn't want to do because it carries professional risks and some of their girls don't want to get doxxed, stalked, aren't brave enough to do such content, and introverts. Hololive also wanted seiso content. But Kson wanted more than that.
And Hololive have a lot of perm problems because Japan is as old school and schizo on permissions. This is not the fault of Hololive but because of Japanese laws about the use of another party's IP on your content. It's strict than any country in the west.
After watching kson's stream I realize that this is the real reason why she left hololive. Look at her content now. It's mixed with camgirl and vtubing.
I dont know who is right though so only time will tell.

>> No.62520835

Do they provide with employer-mandated cunt licking?

>> No.62520837

retarded clipwatcher

>> No.62520920

Prove me wrong please.

>> No.62520987

she already did fleshtubing on her kson accounts while in hololive, way way more than she currently does in fact
she does not do "sexy camgirl content" but you think she does because you saw a 10 second clip completely devoid of context
these things have nothing to do with her leaving hololive

>> No.62522340

You should stop copypasting if you don't want to be called a newfag, nijizhang.

>> No.62525813

